"I really wanted to go to computer camp this summer." Gwen told her dad.
He smiled at her. She knew that smile, it meant the decision was made. "Honey, I just thought that you might enjoy seeing the country. And you did have some problems in history class this year. Max is going to be visiting some very interesting historical sites."
She did kind of like that idea. It was one thing to read about places but those are just stories. It becomes so much more..real, when you actually see them.
Then of course there was the other part of the trip. "So I suppose the dweeb is going."
"Gwendolyn Sanderson," he mother chided. "I thought you and Ben were friends."
Gwen sighed, "We are. Just, sometimes he can be such a...a.."
" I know, doofus." her mother finished. Then her father added, "You know sometimes boys his age act like that around a girl they like."
"DAD." Gwen protested.
"Frank," her mom interjected, "Stop teasing her."
"Okay," he relented. "Come on pumpkin, finish getting ready.
Gwen got her bags packed and waited in the living room for Mr. Tennyson.
She had known him all her life, he was like family; certainly her parents treated him like he was. Gwen's father had served with Mr. Tennyson in the Air Force. They had made a point to keep contact after discharge.
That was how she knew the dweeb to. Mr. Tennyson's grandson. Ben seamed to be closer to his grandpa than he was to his parents. There was just a connection between them. Gwen hoped, as Ben grew up, that he'd learn to be more like his grandpa.
As she was lost in her thoughts a familiar sight pulled up. The RV affectionately called the Rustbucket.
In a moment Max was walking in the door and Gwen ran to greet him.
"Hi, Mr. Tennyson." she said giving him a hug.
He returned the hug, "Now how many times do I have to tell you to call me Max."
"I'm sorry Mr...Max."
He smiled down at her. "Come on. Let's go pick up the other part of our trio."
She smiled back at him. Ben may annoy her but, for reasons she'd never understand, they had become good friends. Sometimes it could be fun to spend time with him.
"Okay Mist...Max."
With that they were out the door and on there way.