Hello everyone and welcome back!
I hope you like this chapter, I tried to put equal amounts of fluff and drama, I hope I did it right. The next few ones will be kind of stressing but In order to give closure this is necessary. Lol. I'm sensing that the end is coming, But I think at least twenty-something chapter or thirty, but there's a few things to figure before finishing. I hope you like what's next.
I hope you know that I'm really grateful with everyone for supporting me! thank you for taking a bit of your time and write to me, I love it!
Again, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me what do you think about the chapter and the story itself. If there's anything on your mind please let me know. Every suggestion, comment, review or question is very welcome!
If there's any grammar mistake, please let me know!
B. M. Adams
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from R&I, just the plot and Ocs
The brunette awoke disoriented and confused, all was blurry and gray, the pain in her abdominal area was almost unbearable and she was all alone in a stretcher. Then it hit her, she remembered she was pregnant and the pain was the contractions announcing that the baby she was carrying was about to be born. "Help. Help!" She yelled in between the screams of pain she felt.
Out of nowhere a nurse came with an oxygen mask "Don't worry, it'll end soon" she said maliciously.
The young brunette started to shake and take the mask off while the nurse pushed it towards her face
"Don't move. You are making it hard on yourself" she said angry, pressing harder the mask on Jane's face.
"I'll end this" a doctor said and pumped something on Jane with a syringe.
"No, stop!" she yelled and moved and fought until she started to feel numb and sleepy. She was dizzy and could just hear muffled sounds and the clinky noise from the metal medical instruments.
"Ma, ma…" she just uttered for a while but the person she called so desperately never came.
After a while she heard muffled cry and tried to find where noise was coming from with her unfocused and blurry vision. She spotted a little baby coming out from her stomach and tried to move towards the little bundle but someone grabbed the baby and took it somewhere, she was trying to fight against it but was impossible, she was being grasped and pulled down. She screamed and fought but couldn't do anything. She cried and screamed until everything went black.
She appeared on a room, completely dark and not knowing where she was. She was at verge of a panic attack. Then she so her father staring at her with an angry expression "You are such a disappointment"
She was breathing loudly and with difficulty and trying to find her father who disappeared into thin air the second we shut. "Why did you do it, Janie? We raised you better than this" said Angela from behind, with sad expression and her eyes red from crying.
After hearing her mother's words Jane's lower lip quivered and from her eyes tears started to fall.
And then a familiar voice came from behind "It was me? The only thing I did was being conceived and that was not my decision… I loved you, but you didn't" the girl said with a neutral expression and not emotions on her voice, whatsoever.
Jane recognized the girl, was younger version of Claire, but even younger she looked just like her when she was 12 years old or so "No, I did loved you, I still do, deeply" she said desperately "I did what was best for you" young Jane said crying and practically begging.
The girl just shook her head and as Angela and Frank senior did, she disappeared leaving Jane alone and crying.
Maura saw her girlfriend tossing, panting and mumbling desperately in her sleep "Jane, come on, wake up, honey"the blonde shook her and tried to wake her up with no success. She thought of a different approach and tried to calm her down "It's just a dream baby, calm down" she said rubbing her sweaty back and whispering loving words on the brunette's ear. After a while being wrapped in her lover's embrace she calmed down and continued to sleep for the rest of the night, unlike the blonde by her side who just could worry about what could have distress her girlfriend's sleep so much. She knew it had something to do with the talk with Angela and her recently discovered daughter.
She waited on bed until it was time to wake up. The alarm went off at 6:30 am and she turned it off, standing up from the bed. The brunette started to stir and stretch herself. "Good morning, babe" she said when she opened her eye and spotted Maura in front of the bed. The blonde smiled and went closer to the brunette kissing her chastely.
"How did you sleep, love?" she asked, obviously wanting to know is Jane could remember her nightmare.
"I sleep well, but I did have a weird dream. I can't remember, though" the brunette said, rubbing her unruly, black curls.
Maura smiled; hiding her concern "I'm glad you slept well" she exclaimed and went to the bathroom to finish her morning routine before waking her daughter up.
Jane followed her to the bath and both, accompanied by each other completed their respective routine. Moments before heading out of the room, Maura's phone rang, she looked at it quizzically but she answered it anyways.
"I'll wake Kathy up" I said and left the room, giving her some calm to speak in peace. She mouthed a 'thank you' and kept on talking through the hope.
I reached the room and open the door softly, and got closer to the bed, sitting on the edge of it "Kathy-bug, wake up" she said and shook the little girl's body slightly.
The girl started to stir and rubbed her eyes, in an attempt to wipe the sleep away. "come on, cutie, it time to go to school" Jane said smiling
"Mama?" the girl said opening her eyes slightly.
Jane's mouth opened fully and the brunette felt her heart melting at the sound of the little girl's voice saying that word. The girl never called Maura Mama, she was Mommy. She then thought the girl was just too sleepy and confused "It's auntie Janie, bug" she smiled.
"I know" the girl said and snuggled into the brunette's lap. Jane felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes. The joy she was feeling was more than any other she had felt since she could tell Maura she was in love with her.
She managed to keep them at verge and dress the girl up to take her downstairs and prepare some breakfast for the three of them. While she prepared the food Maura came. The blonde M.E. looked concerned and nervous but tried to hide it for the girl's sake. Jane noticed it but left it there, not wanting to discuss serious topics in from of the little girl.
We finished breakfast relatively quickly and got up heading towards Kathy's Daycare. When they got there Maura took the girl to her class room and came back to the car. None of them said a word while driving to the headquarters. Jane pulled out of the road and into the parking lot of the station.
"I received a call from Ally" Maura said suddenly.
Jane looked confused at her "Ally, as in jack's daughter?" She asked.
Maura nodded and looked at the window, sighing deeply
"So, what did she call for?" Jane asked beginning to feel really concern.
"She told me jack left her a note" Maura said looking at Jane with tears in her eyes.
Jane's eyes went wide "What?!" she exclaimed horrified. "Did she tell you what the note said?"
Maura didn't say a word but took her phone and unlocked, she searched through her photo gallery and showed Jane a picture. Jane took the phone and wrote 'I will probably die doing this, but she deserves it. I'm sorry' she furrowed her brows. The detective turned it off and looked at Maura, whose eyes were full of unshed tears. Jane let go of the phone and grabbed Maura's hand in hers and looked at the blonde "This means nothing!" Jean said firmly "I promised you then I'll do every day if I have to. He will never, ever come close to you, I won't let him" Jane swore.
The both looked intently at each other and Jane kissed Maura passionate and chastely. The M.E. finally could share some of the tear she was trying to not let fall.
"I promise" the detective repeated hugging her tightly against her chest.
I had been and awfully slow day, no cases and just paperwork to do. Even though the brunette detective was full of paperwork behindhand she could not concentrate in it with the note Maura showed her.
She spent the whole day trying to find any lead to jack's whereabouts, but nothing came out of her searches.
She was frustratingly rubbing her forehead "Did you find anything?" Korsak asked her while he placed a cup of coffee on her desk.
The brunette looked up and shook her head "nothing so far, is like he disappeared" she said, slamming her hand on her desk in frustration.
"Calm down, Jane" he said, trying to keep this from the rest of the team. So far just both women, Frost and Korsak new about the letter and they needed as much discretion as possible. "I talk to James and Alvarez to vigil outside your house the next few days, just in case" he said and Jane's eyes went wide and before she could speak Korsak chimed in "I didn't tell them anything, they are just on surveillance" he assured her
"Thanks, Vince" she said she said heartfeltly.
She shook his head "Just be careful He said. The brunette smiled a small smile and left the bullpen going towards the morgue. She reached the basement and walk to Maura's office, knocking on the door before coming in "Hey! Love" she said to the blonde on the desk with her nose stuck in a pile of files.
The M.E. lifted her head from what she was doing "Hi, Honey" she said her voice soft but concerned and went back to her paperwork.
Jane went to the desk "I talk to Korsak and Frost and they both are looking for him" she said carefully. Maura looked up again her face showing gratefulness.
"And for a few days we'll have a patrol outside the door, just in case" she assured, rubbing her palms
The blonde managed a small smile "Thanks, Jane" she said and went back again to the files in front of her. Jane rounded the desk and hugged Maura from behind "Everything will be just fine, Baby. I'll make sure of it" she exclaimed and just hugged the blonde for a while.
A while after Jane left Maura noticed the time. She gathered her things and talked to Susie and her team to let them know what needed to be done and left to pick Kathy from daycare.
"I'm going to pick Kathy" she texted Jane.
Jane texted her back the following instant "Ok. Please be careful, let me know when you have Kathy with you and when you get home, Give her a kiss from me" she wrote.
"I will sure do. Love you, baby" she wrote getting inside the car.
"Love you, too" she texted back and the brunette when back to her duties.
Maura drove to the daycare and pick the girl up, she immediately texted Jane as promised. When both mother and daughter were about to go out of the school they bump into Richard.
"Hey, you two!" The man said
"Hello, Richard. How are you?" she greeted the man and asked politely.
"Everything is fine! And you, how's Jane doing?" He asked smiling.
"She's fine, working like crazy. And Claire?" she answered and asked
"Working like crazy" he laughed and his phone rang "I hate work calls" he huffed "Well, I have to go, Bye Maura, was really nice to see you both. Send my love to Jane." he said, Maura said her goodbyes and when she left he picked his phone and entered into the building.
Both blondes went home. When they arrived, she saw a cruiser on the curb and breathed deeply knowing those were Korsak's friends patrolling the zone. While the little girl was drawing in the kitchen counter Maura was trying to prepare dinner before Jane got home, but her mind was too busy thinking and worrying about her ex-husband. She tried to hide her nerves and worry but she knew that it was difficult because of the amount of fear she was feeling. She knew she had people by her side, taking care of her and her family but also knew the man and how crazy he was, he was capable of anything in order to make her suffer and that was what made her the most fearful.
Jane spent the rest of her afternoon trying to find something that lead her to Jack Armstrong but found nothing; it was like he vanished three month ago. When she looked at her watch she noticed it was passed her time to leave and go home.
"You should be getting home, Jane" Frost said before she could stood up from her
"I was about to do that" she said and stood from the chair.
"Don't worry too much, we have your back" he said heartfeltly placing his hand on her shoulder.
Jane smiled gratefully "I know. Thanks" she said and hugged the guy. "Bye" she said leaving the bullpen. The brunette drove home, wanting desperately to hug her lover and the kid she considered hers.
She pulled out of the street and parked the car on the garage. She got down of the car and walked to the door and noticed a patrol car outside, on the curb. She sighed and kept on walking to the house. When she entered into it she heard the little girl run towards her. Immediately the brunette's face lighted up and picked her up
"Hi, Mama" the little girl said with no hesitation. Maura heard the words her daughter said and tuned looking surprised at Jane, whose eyes were teary.
"Hello, baby girl" the brunette said fighting the lump in her throat and hugging the little blonde tightly against her chest.
Jane carried the girl to the stool and placed her there, leaving her finish her picture. She rounded the island and hugged Maura tightly. "Did she call you Mama?" Maura asked smiling when the separated.
Jane nodded, and cleaned a little tear that felt from her eye "She-She called my Mama this morning too. I wanted to tell you but the whole J-Jack thing got in the way" the world left her mouth leaving a bad taste "I hope you don't mind that she called me Mama, I loved it and…" she was saying but was interrupted.
"Hey" Maura said "You are as much her mother as I am. Since she was born you have been there. You have been her guardian angel. You, above anyone else deserved to be called 'Mama'" The blonde said firm but lovingly. The brunette's eyes started to tear again and Maura couldn't resisted clean them with her thumbs and kiss her. "I love you, Jane. So, so much" she said when they broke the kiss.
"I love you too" she assured "I promise I will always love you, both of you" she said with tears falling down her eye.
They had dinner and the happiness both were feeling was unexplainable. They enjoy the evening to the fullest. After dinner they changed their clothes and put their pajamas on, finishing their night routines. All three watch a movie but Kathy didn't need much time to fall asleep on her Mama's lap.
"I think someone needs to be tucked in" Maura said smiling at the little girl.
"I think so too" she was prepared for untangled her arms from the little girl belly and for Maura to take her to her room.
"Why don't you tuck her in tonight, mama" Maura smiled and Jane did the same. The brunette kissed her and carried the little blonde in her arms and brought her to her room, while she was going upstairs she heard Maura's phone ring and the blonde picked it up as soon as she could preventing waking Kathy up. Jane got to the room and placed Kathy on her bed and pulled the cover up to the girl chin.
"Good night, baby. Mama loves you very, very much" she with a huge smile on her face. The detective kissed the girls forehead a couple of times.
When the brunette went down the stairs again found Maura leaning against the kitchen counter with a distressed face. "Maura, what's going on? Why do you have face?" she asked. Worry beginning to creep into her.
"Richard called… Nobody can find Claire, nor Melissa" she said scared. Jane felt like a punch in the stomach and fear was invading her.
Btw, Sorry for the cliffhanger.