Author's Notes: Yes it's a Christmas fic in July. I've had the idea for a while and tried to make it not christmas themed but it didn't work. Anyways enjoy.

Love knows no Distance

Click click click. The sound of high heels tapping on hardwood floor echoed throughout the Xiao-Long/Rose household. Their white-haired owner pacing back and forth muttering to herself. She is brought out of her thoughts by a loud laugh.

"Ice Queen if you keep pacing like that you're going to burn a hole in the floor, or at least melt." The blonde in front of her said with a grin. "Everything ok Weiss?" the grin slowly shifted into a look of concern.

Weiss shot a glare at Yang before letting out a sigh "Yes everything's fine." She looks around the room "It just doesn't feel the same without her here"

"Miss your girlfriend that much huh? Don't worry Rubes might not be here but she said she'd call us tonight. She'll be really happy you decided to spend Christmas here."

It was Christmas time once again in the world of Remnant. It wasn't Weiss' first since dating the energetic redhead, but it was their first apart. Ruby had gotten an opportunity to teach classes at an academy in Mistral and due to circumstances beyond her control (and something Weiss could not throw money at, not that she would of), she was stuck in Mistral for Christmas. Weiss was not happy about this to say the least. She planned on spending Christmas back home in Atlas, but Ruby somehow managed to convince her to instead "Spend Christmas with Yang, Dad, and uncle Qrow. I know they'll enjoy your company, and you'll enjoy not being alone on Christmas" with a big toothy grin on her face. To be fair she wasn't wrong.

"How about instead of pacing you go help Dad & Blake with dinner?" Yang asked bringing Weiss out of her thoughts "Get your minds off Ruby… at least till she calls."

"Perhaps I shall. Thank you, Yang." And with that Weiss walked down the stairs to assist.

"How does this look Blake?" Weiss asked holding up the bowl of cranberry sauce.

Blake glances up from the pie she's decorating "Looks great Weiss. Put it on the table next to the stuffing. Turkey should be ready in a couple minutes. Mr. Xiao-Long, how are the potatoes looking?" Tai holds up the pan he was hovering over "Looks good. Bit more mashing and they'll be ready. I'll be right back. I can trust you two not to burn down the house." And with that she walked towards the living room where Yang and Qrow were chatting. She turned to TaiYang who continued mashing.

"Isn't she supposed to be helping you?"

"Seems she was sick of having pizza for Christmas dinner," Tai said with a laugh, laughing harder at Weiss' raised eyebrow "I'm surprised Ruby or Yang haven't told you. I'm a terrible cook. I've tried several times to cook Christmas dinner and let's just say there's a reason several frozen pizzas are in the freezer." He says with a chuckle "Anyway enough about me. When are you going to ask her?" he says motioning to the small bulge in the pocket of the dress she's wearing.

"I was planning to when I visited her next month," she said pulling out the small white velvet box. "It's her Christmas present but it wouldn't feel right asking her over the phone." She says with a sigh.

"She wouldn't care if you asked her covered in mud and sweat from a hunt with an Ursa on your tail," TaiYang says. "She loves ya that much. It'd be best for the both of you if…" he's interrupted by the large ringing of his scroll signifying a video call. Looking over at the scroll they see it's Ruby. "Hey Sweetie was wondering when you'd call"

"Hey dad, Hi honey" They hear Ruby say although there's a lot of background noise "sorry my scroll's acting up. Must be a bad signal. I'm going to try to fix it real fast." Suddenly they hear a knock at the door both at the house and through the scroll, although it barely comes out through the background noise. "Wonder who that is? Hold on" They hear Ruby say. "I'll be right back." as they hear Yang shout "I got it." Both Ruby's end of the scroll and the living room down the hall is eerily quiet for several minutes.

"Ruby you there? Everything ok sweetie?" Weiss & Tai lock eyes with a worried expression before Tai's expression changes to one of happiness. Weiss then notices two things. First, a quiet whooshing sound coming from behind her, not unlike her speedy girlfriend's semblance. And two everything went black as 2 gloved hands cover her eyes.

"Guess who" the voice comes from behind her before the hands are removed from her eyes. Turning on her heel she sees the bundled up form of her girlfriend, a large grin visible behind the scarf wrapped around her face.

"RUBY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Weiss shouts in shock "what about your meetings you dolt?"

Ruby chuckles "Why would we have teacher's meetings over Christmas Weiss? They finished up the day before yesterday. The reason I couldn't talk yesterday is cause I was on an airship back here. You think I'd miss Christmas with my family? Looks like I'm just in time for dinner. Although I'm surprised this actually looks good. Finally, learn how to cook dad?" Ruby sticks her tongue out and Tai sticks his out in response.

"Ha ha, very funny Rubes. In fact, I did. It took months of labor and several attempts at…"

"Blake did most of the cooking." Yang interrupted from behind "Only labor dads been doing involving the kitchen involves the potatoes."

Tai grabs at his heart "Betrayed by my own flesh and blood. Et Tu, Yang?"

"Don't be so dramatic Mr. Xiao-Long, and let's eat before the food gets cold," Blake says from the dining room.

Several hours later, their stomach's filled to the brim with home cooking, everyone sat in the living room with a pile of gifts before them. Weiss notices that Ruby not only brought her gifts for everybody (Weiss included) but the ones everyone had sent her.

"Ruby did you really bring all those gifts here?" Weiss asks with raised eyebrows "that must not have been cheap."

"Yup," Ruby says popping the p at the end. "It was worth it though just for the reactions on all your faces. Especially yours Weiss" Ruby raises her hand and pokes her girlfriend on the nose.


"You love me."

"Never said I didn't," Weiss says with a blush, looking at the ground.

"Everything ok honey? You've been like this since I got here"

"Everything's fine Ruby. I just" she paused for a second "I didn't know you were coming so your gift isn't ready"

"Do you have it on you?" Ruby tilts her head to the side "I mean you could show it to me now and give me the completed one when you come to Mistral."

"I do have some of it on me but…"

"Well then give it to me!" Ruby shouts with childlike enthusiasm "I'll understand that it isn't complete"

Weiss looks around the room for several seconds. Tai has a grin on his face & nods, Yang looks about as excited as Ruby, Blake is currently trying to contain her girlfriend, and Qrow is drinking from his flask. She sighs before standing and pulling Ruby to her feet.

"Ruby while our initial meeting wasn't the greatest" Weiss grimaces as she remembers yelling at the poor girl for accidentally blowing up a hole in the courtyard when they first met. "But I'm extremely glad I met you. You've changed my life for the better. I don't know, and more importantly don't want to know, what I'd be like today if you weren't by my side, and I want you by my side forever." As she says this she drops down to one knee.

"Weiss…" Ruby says starting to tear up.

"Ruby Rose, will you marry me?" She lifts open the box revealing a ring with a ruby rose surrounded by gold

There's no response for what felt like an eternity (but was in reality only 20 seconds) before Weiss felt herself being picked up and being spun around at supersonic speeds by Ruby, the younger girl planting several kisses on the former heiress' face.


"Ruby I know you're excited but I'm getting a little dizzy" Weiss says. Ruby puts her down with a "whoops, sorry Weiss." Before extending her hand excitedly for Weiss to put the ring on. After she put the ring on yang walks up and crushes Weiss in a bear hug

"Oh I can't wait to call you my sister-in-law Weiss," Yang said.

"Yang… Breathing…is…a…function…I…need" Weiss stammers out

"Yang please don't murder my fiancé," Ruby says trying to pull the blonde off. Eventually, Yang let's go and the two topple over into a pile of limbs and giggles.

"You're both dolts you know that?" Weiss says as she goes to help the two up "Blake a little help here." The two eventually get the sister's untangled. "What family am I marrying into?"

"You'll get used to it eventually. Trust me" Blake says with a laugh. "Now I do believe there're other presents to open. Although I don't think anything will top that" And so they did.

Hope you enjoyed.

Update (8/13): fixed it up a bit now that moncons' over.