"Are you having fun, Master?"

The tickling whisper sent a pleasant shiver down the strawberry's spine fueling his lust to greater heights; trailing her firm fingers up down Ichigo's chiseled front. Growing bolder Tier began to nibble upon her masters' neck tasting his flesh and grinded her soft luscious skin against in high hopes that when he finished with the lime-haired bombshell he would turn his lustful attention to her ever ready for a few rounds before the others caught up.

Letting a lustful growl pass through hid clenched teeth and put more effort to break the jiggling pink flesh he was currently buried in, adjusting his grip on the fuck drunk Quincy that was moaning his name in a broken chant; pulling his meat out until only the head remained in the crushing heat and slammed is exposed meat back into poor woman's abused orifice with a resounding smack echoing in the quiet clearing. "That's the way my Liege, show her that the only thing she deserves to be is naught but a lowly cum-dumpster." Harribel purred into her master's ear. Ichigo had heard his blonde pet's words but they had yet to register as he had far more important things to attend to, things like destroying a certain Quincy.

Resuming his brutal pounding with renewed vigor; repositioning himself Ichigo leaned over Candice until his front was fully pressed into her back and truly began to tear up her ass in true doggy style. Candice screamed and thrashed with ecstasy as he rammed her tight ass, her ass continued its appealing jiggling like a jelly near jackhammer. Her large breasts rocking to and fro as he fucked her.

Harribel blushed at the obscene pair, growing wet herself as their screams of pleasure resounded throughout the quiet environment. The blonde quiet hoped that her Master would give her the same treatment when he was done with the Quincy whore; but the thought was put aside as another entered her pheromone induced mind one that brought a small devious smile to her lovely features. 'Her mouth could be put to better use than screaming." This was the thought drove her next action to place her salivating honey pot directly in front of the screaming woman's mouth, grabbing a fist full of the fucked stupid limettes hair and shoves her faced into her drenched cunt.

Candice was startled at first moaning in surprise as the sweetness of Harribels juices flowed into her mouth and the scent of arousal filled her nostrils but quickly got into the swing of things using her tongue to lap up as much of her sweet wetness as she could moaning as Ichigo powerfully fucked her ass. Harribel herself was enjoying the ministrations of Candice's tongue swirling around her gushing sex and suddenly yelped as the little minx wrapped her lips around her cilt and started to gently suck on it causing Harribel to go weak and resist the powerful urge to cum right then and there. Ichigo having rightfully being preoccupied with the writhing limette as he bottomed out in her again and again, noticed Harribels moment of vulnerability and immediately took advantage as he used one of the hands that had been holding the down Candice as he pounded her to reach up, grip the back of the shark woman's head and smash her velvet lips onto his for a brief moment before pulling her back.

"I want you to ride that slut's face until you drown her in your cum, slave. Now."Ichigo commanded before crashing his lips back onto Harribels, swallowing her moans as he plundered the sweet orifice for all is was worth, his tongue dominating her mouth. He grinned inwardly as he felt Harribel obey his order and thrust back hard and quick against Candice's face as he tongue-fucked her mouth. Ichigo reckoned she wouldn't last long this rate and was proven right as a short time later she tensed up to the point he thought she would break and screamed into Ichigo's mouth as her sweet honey gushed over the Quincys face while she lapped it up greedily. After a moment the tension left Harribel's body and she let herself fall to side onto the warm grass still buoyed by the pleasure throughout her body. Ichigo however was not done as he had someone to finish off completely as he looked down at the broken Quincy. Her eyes were dull and unable to focus form the sensations coursing through her body, her mouth still had remnants of Harribels cum around it, her hair was wild and tangled around her body, her breasts swinging back and forth in time with his thrusts, and cum ran down her legs, thighs, and ass from the unknowable amount of seed that had been pumped into said orifices.

Pulling back from the fucked stupid Quincy, Ichigo could feel pride swelling in chest as he looked upon the glorious sight that displayed before his eyes; his beloved servant layed on her back panting in exhaustion as a look of pleasure plastered upon here beautiful cocoa features and beside her was his new anal slut was in the ever classical face –down –ass-up position with his seed flowing from her back side.

As if time was repeating itself he felt a large set of breast press into his back and another set of arms wrap around his neck as second time, turning and seeing Matsumoto's sky-blue eyes staring into his own set. "Ichi-boo. Surely you spared some playtime for the rest of us?" Matsumoto questioned with an adorable pout. Ichigo would have replied too if he had suddenly been lifted from his feet thrown over Rangikus' shoulder and shunpoed away.

Authors note; Sorry for the long wait and I'm also sorry for the shorter than normal chapter this time around but I promise the next will be even longer and I will try to update the story sooner.