*See Chapter 1 for Author Notes

"So nice to know you're not just a pain in the ass fellow passenger, but a soulless traitor too, Beckwith." The sarcasm was practically dripping from Lee's voice.

"We can't all be the hero, Lee." He nudged the nose of his gun into Lee's back to keep him moving down the empty corridor.

"On a tight schedule, are we? I'm so sorry I've put a kink in your plans." Lee chuckled sadistically.

"Oh, not just you. Your entire team."

Before Lee could ask what Miles meant, a cabin door opened and he was shoved through. "Amanda!" He called out in surprise, cringing at the sight of her and Emiliano sitting tied up on the bed with Jillian holding a gun on both of them. Lee gave Amanda a once over, trying to ascertain if she was hurt in any way. Except for looking scared to death, she seemed to be holding her own.

"Oh, we have an even bigger surprise for you, Mr. Stetson . . ." Miles slid his gun in the waistband of his pants before continuing, "Your friend Orlando."

Lee was both relieved and surprised to see his clearly beaten informant, Orlando. He was certain he had been killed after he'd uncovered the operation.

Miles stuffed his hands in his pockets and proceeded to explain the informant's condition to the room. "He's alive but not quite well. I'm afraid Gretz got carried away when we questioned him. Now, I don't have to remind you all that there's no sense in making things more difficult for yourselves. Okay?"

Lee ignored the shorter man and looked to his old friend. "You alright?"

"Sorry, my friend. It is my fault you are involved in this." Orlando's voice was strained.

Lee wasn't sure if it was out of guilt for pulling him into this or if he was more injured than he appeared. 'Most likely a bit of both', Lee thought. "Hey, don't worry about it. These guys aren't getting away with anything. Come on, Miles, it's not going to work. There's too many people onto you." Lee hoped he sounded more confident than he felt at that moment.

"Oh, I don't think so or this island would be swarming with agents by now. No, we'll do just fine." Miles' overconfidence was oozing out of him causing Lee to grit his teeth in frustration. "Tie him up." The older man waved toward Lee and Gretz did his bidding. He spoke more quietly to Jillian. "You made contact with the buyers yet?"

"Yeah, they'll have the boat at Playa Key Beach in an hour." Jillian spoke in hushed tones. "We'll get paid when the gold is safely on board."

"Well, let's get going because I don't want to keep my friends waiting." Miles smiled sickeningly and they were all propelled out of the cabin door and into the eerily quiet hallway.

The other cruise passengers were probably still celebrating the massive exchange of vows that was still taking place on the island. Lee took a moment to glance over to Amanda as they were being rushed down the long corridor. He longed to reach out to her and take her hand in an attempt to calm her nerves and reassure her they would once again get out of this mess. Unfortunately, when he called out to her, he was rewarded with a jab to his ribs by one of Miles' goons.

"Nobody talks!" The goon growled.

Amanda's eyebrows furrowed and she kept her gaze straight ahead. He wasn't certain if she was trying to stay in line for fear of further punishment or if she was upset with him. Either way, he and the other captives remained quiet as they made their way off the boat.

Once they reached the island, Rackam drove Lee and Amanda in a red sedan, while Gretz followed behind in a Jeep. Lee had strained to hear the four as they discussed their plans to kill him and Amanda and use Emiliano and Orlando to load the gold before killing them as well.

Now, as Lee sat in the back seat of the sedan, watching Rackam eyeing Amanda, his Amanda, he worked faster at untying the ropes around his wrists.

"You know, when this is all over I'll have a tidy sum of cash." Rackam leered across the seat at Amanda.

"How nice for you," she replied politely and glanced out the passenger window nervously.

Lee couldn't help the snort that bubbled up.

"I mean, I could probably talk Miles into letting you come with me." He gave her a toothy grin.

Amanda's eyes widened and then she looked back at Lee in horror. He raised his brow and replied, "How could you pass that offer up, Amanda?" He continued to work the knots loose around his wrists.

"Of course he's not invited." Rackam nodded back at Lee.

"World's shortest marriage," Lee grumbled.

"I . . . uh, appreciate the . . . offer, Mr. Rackam. But I think I'll take my chances with . . . my . . . um, husband."

Lee smiled broadly. "Oh, thank you, Darling!" Just then, the ropes gave and Lee didn't hesitate a second to wrap the ropes around their captors' neck. His hands were no longer on the wheel, but rather struggling at the ropes around his neck. Amanda grabbed hold of the steering wheel when the car started weaving in and out of the lane.

"Be ready to slide into the driver's seat, Amanda!"

"What? Why?" She screamed.

"Because you're going to drive!" He yelled back as the two continued to struggle.


"Now!" Lee pulled the struggling man from the front seat and into the back in a flash.

Amanda stared in shock as Lee pummeled the now red-faced man.



"Can you drive, please?" Lee nodded toward the road in front of them as the car jutted them across the gravel road.

"Oh, right!" She did her best with her hands tied, thankful that her feet were free of ropes.

Just as Amanda had righted the vehicle, the Jeep that was once following them, was slamming up against them on her left. "Oh, no!"

Lee was busy fighting, so she tightened her grip on the wheel and kept her focus on the road ahead. The Jeep came at them even harder the second time and she nearly spun out of control.

"A-man-da! Can you keep us on the road?"

"I'm trying, Lee!" She howled as they were hit again. "I could use some help up here!"

Lee finished tying up Rackam and jumped into the passenger seat. He made quick work of the ropes around her wrists. "Okay, Amanda. I want you to let Gretz get close and then hit the brakes. When he goes ahead of us, I'll shoot out his tires."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Here he comes. You ready?" Lee cocked the gun he'd extricated from their once captor.

"Yes!" She held her breath and gritted her teeth as Gretz made his next attempt at running them off the road. Just as Lee had explained, she slammed the brakes causing the Jeep to miss them completely. Lee took the opportunity to shoot out both his front and back passenger tires, causing Gretz to lose control of the vehicle and flip over into the embankment. Amanda gawked out the window at the now smoking vehicle before catching a beaming smile from Lee.

"Way to go, Partner!" He patted her shoulder before pointing down the hill toward the parked van near the water. "We need to stop Miles and Jillian before they finish loading that gold! Can you get us down there, Amanda?"

"After all that? Piece of cake." She smiled proudly.


"Let's stop here and climb down the hill. But stay behind me, Amanda."

"Right." She nodded as she pushed the crumpled car door open and climbed out of the vehicle. She patted the roof of the car and sent a silent 'thank you' to the heavens above for getting them through that very harrowing ride.

They held hands as they slid down the sandy hill. When they reached the bottom Lee held his hand up and stopped at the front of the van. He pointed to the driver's side of the van and indicated that he would go around the back and she should stay where she was. She nodded in agreement and waited.

Not wanting Emiliano and Orlando to get caught in the crossfire, Lee waited for them to move back inside the van to grab another pipe before making his presence known.

Amanda made her way around the side of the van and pulled out a small piece of pipe. Lee called out as she got to the corner of the van.

"I told Amanda that this beach would be a great place to sunbathe, but she said it would be crowded. Once again, the little woman is right!" Lee's gun was pointed at the back of Miles' head. The older man reached into his pocket for his gun, but Lee pressed his gun against Miles' head. "Uh, uh, uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you, Pal."

"Oh, but I would, Mr. Stetson." Jillian jumped out of the back of the van and held her small Beretta at him.

Before Miles could pull his gun, Amanda jumped out from the side of the van and pressed the pipe against Jillian's back, simulating the barrel of a gun. "Hands up!"

"Thank you, Darling!" Lee smirked and winked at Amanda before divesting Miles of his gun.

Amanda smiled in return and took Jillian's gun before throwing the pipe into the sand. She pushed the other woman toward the back of the van to sit down. Lee kept the gun on Miles and Jillian while Amanda untied the rest of their team.

"Come on, Stetson. Let us go and we'll make it worth your while. We can set you and your little lady up with quite a nest egg."

"Miles –"

"No, hear me out, Buddy. I mean, I'm sure she's a great girl and all but let's face it she's a woman. Women are expensive. Sure, she's a tigress in bed, but –"

Before he could finish his thought, Amanda came up and sucker-punched him in the mouth.

"Oof!" He grabbed his jaw and spit out blood before glaring back at her.

"Ooooh!" Amanda groaned and shook out her fist. "Oh my gosh that hurts!" No one had ever told her how much that would hurt. Lee always made it look so easy.

Lee handed Emiliano his gun and rushed over to Amanda's side. He held her hand carefully, inspecting it for any broken bones. "Gently wiggle your fingers." He held his breath as she moved each finger ever so slowly. When she had gingerly moved each finger, he looked up at her and smiled. "We need to teach you how to hit!" He tapped her nose before turning his attention back to Miles who remained in a crumpled mess in the sand. Lee pulled the man up by his lapels and snorted. "That little tigress just kicked your ass."


"You two did a really fine job!" Billy smiled proudly at his team surrounding his desk.

"Thank you, Sir!" Amanda nodded appreciatively.

"No money, no revolution." He closed the file and handed it to Francine for filing.

"And thanks to the information Orlando gave us the leaders of the insurgents have been rounded up." Francine tapped the desk for emphasis.

"I'm really glad for Orlando." Amanda nodded.

"Well, that about wraps it up." Billy stood from his desk in an obvious attempt to shoo them out of his office.

"Oh, but we still have the matter of our two little love birds, Billy!" Francine cast a snide smile toward Lee and Amanda.

"Fran-cine!" Billy chided.

"What are you talking about, Francine?" Lee rolled his eyes at the blond in obvious boredom.

"Oh, just that legal called and said that because you both used fake names and personal information, your marriage isn't legal." She patted Amanda's shoulder. "So, no need for a second divorce yet, Dear."

"You used a fake name too?" They both simultaneously called out to the other and then laughed.

"You two are starting to scare me," Francine called out as she left the office.

"Uh, why don't we head up to the Q-Bureau, huh?" Lee held Amanda's elbow and pulled it gently up and guided her toward the door.

"Sure." She nodded to her partner before addressing their supervisor, "Thank you again, Sir. See you later."

"Of course." Billy smiled knowingly.

Amanda followed Lee out of the bullpen and into the hallway. She stood patiently waiting for the elevator, but could feel Lee's eyes staring. Neither had uttered a word since they had left Billy's office.

"So, why did you use a fake name at the ceremony?" Lee stood in front of her eyeing her suspiciously.

"Oh, well . . . I mean, if we were to ever, um . . . you know get married, I'd want it to be because you wanted to not because you were forced to for a case." She finished awkwardly, keeping her head down and focused on her shoes.

He lifted her chin, waiting for her to look him in the eye before stating, "And I used fake information because I know how seriously you take marriage and if we were to." He looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Well, if we were to get married for real, I'd want to do it right."

"You would?" Her voice squeaked and her eyes were glistening with tears.

He nodded and reached down to bring her battered hand to his lips before kissing it. "And another thing, when the time comes . . . it will be my mother's ring, not some store bought one." He pulled her toward him just as the closet elevator doors opened. When the doors shut, he took a hat from the closet shelf and put it over the lens of the security camera.

She giggled in anticipation. "Oh my gosh!"

The End