Gohan's eyes nearly bulged out of his skull,in front of him was a human Zangya she looked different her hair was black and her skin was tanner, overall more human looking than before,

"Zangya?" Zangya's eyes widened

"Gohan?" she asked, before hugging him

"I take it you two know each other?" Erasa asked,

"Yeah, Gohan here actually saved my life, nearly seven years ago," Gohan scratched the back of his head, giving off a son grin

"So, Gohan still training or did Chi make you stop?" Zangya asked, with a teasing grin

"My dad convinced her to let me train more often," Gohan said

"Wait, Gohan you can fight?" Videl asked,

"Yeah, he can, Rice ball here can overpower me in an instant," Zangya said teasing Gohan,

Gohan's eye twitched, and his eyes flashed cyan, which did not go unnoticed by his friends,

'Did his eyes change color?' Videl thought

"No, it was a trick of the light," Gohan answered,

"I didn't say anything," Videl said suspiciously, Gohan froze

'Just like before...'

"What do mean by 'Just like before'?" Videl inquired, Gohan began to stutter,

"Uh... Well... I..." Zangya realized, what was happening,

"Oh! I get you guys are bonding!" Gohan froze while Videl looked confused

"Bonding?" Videl asked

"It means you destined mates!" Zangya had stars in her eyes


"What the hell doe that mean?!" Videl shouted while Gohan was frozen in place

"It means that Gohan has to tell you about his past, now," Zangya said the last part pointing at Gohan

"Uh... well it started with...


"Whoa!" Videl and Erasa said in unison, after hearing Gohan's life story,

"So, that you're half alien? and you defeated Cell?" Gohan nodded blushing while scratching the back of his head

'Lucky girl getting Gohan...' Gohan's head shot up before looking at Zangya

"W-What did you say?" Gohan strumbled,

"I did... Oh..." Zangya said wide eyed, before gaining a smirk,

"Well well Gohan... you just got yourself two girls at the same time, never knew you had it in you," Gohan spluttered a response, well he tried to before the bell rang

"Time for Gym lets go," Zangya said walking away, with an extra sway in her hips, followed closely behind Erasa, who was giggling non-stop,

"Carful he might end up getting me as well," Erasa said winking at the Demi-Saiyan




"Alright, we have a new martial arts teacher, meet Tien Shinhan!" Erasa and Gohan's eyes widened

"Hey, guys I'm here to tea- Gohan?" Tien said before seeing a familiar face

"Hehehe..." Gohan scratched the back of his head,

"Hi, Tien..." Erasa stared at Gohan

"Gohan you know my dad?" Tien smirked, seeing an opportunity to tease, the warrior,

"Know me? the kid saved my life on more than one occasion," Tien said, smirking as he saw the Saiyan's face turn red

"You did?" Erasa asked looking at Gohan,

"Hehehe... uh? yeah,"