One last time round the bend?
Nick's POV
I look at myself in the mirror, my tail wagging uncontrollably along the soft carpet. I look down at the dress blues I am wearing, the few awards I have received while at the ZPD emblazon along my left breast. I then grab the hat to my right and put it on my head, my ears sticking up on either side of it.
I look around the small room, and I sigh. Their is a large, oak door directly behind me, with a couple chairs to my left, a window to my right, and a floor to ceiling mirror in front of me. The room has a dull green wallpaper, and a dark brown carpet, with a darker ceiling paint, making the room feel like it is collapsing in on me.
I start to breath heavily, my eyes darting all around, trying to look for a way out, feeling like an elephant is sitting on my chest. I grab at my snow white tie and loosen it, unbuttoning the top of my shirt and pulling on the collar to let myself breathe, until I hear a knock on the door. I jump and scream, falling back over one of the chairs.
Finnick then enters the room and looks over at my feet, dangling over the now upturned chair and sighs. He walks over to the chair and yanks it up, showing off his incredible strength considering his size. I end up sitting in the chair I had just fallen over, my eyes wide and my breathing still heavy, rapid and shallow. I then see him and take a deep breath, putting on my signature smirk and look at him.
"Hey Finn. How are ya?" I ask him, and he just glares up at me.
"You are here on such a big day, crashing around your dressing room like a bull when he sees red, and you ask how I'm doin?!" He says. He then hops up on the chair directly in front of me, yanking my tie down and pulling my muzzle right in front of his. I open mine to say something snarky, but he uses his other paw and clenches my muzzle closed.
"Don't even think about it, Nick. Just listen." He says, looking me deeply in the eyes, and I nod. He then continues. "Look, I know you are nervous. This is the biggest thing that you have ever done, and ten times as dangerous. You have to face off against that beast, and you have to take on this responsibility. I can hardly believe you took this mission on, but look. I know you, Nick. Better than I ever wanted to know ya, and you know what? I know you are going to be…well…you'll be fine." He says. He then hops off the chair, releasing me from his iron grip. I rub my muzzle as he leaves the room but before the door closes I call out.
"Finn!" I say. He pauses, one foot out the door as he turns to me.
"…Thanks." I say. I then see him turn back, a hint of a smile on his face before…
"Whatever." he says, walking out the door and heading down the hall.
I turn back to the mirror and I smile to myself. 'Today is going to be a great day.'
Judy's POV
I look down at the brown paper back in my paws, that I was not thirty seconds ago hyperventilating into. I stare at the dark paper, feeling it crunch in my paws as my mother brushes my ears down my back with her paws, slowly caressing the sensitive flesh and fur as I finally slow my already overactive heart. I look back to her, a small smile on my muzzle, and she smiles back.
"Feel better, bun?" she asks. and I nod. I slowly stand up, making my way to the mirror to see the dress again, hoping I don't freak out like I just had.
I stare at my slim form in the mirror, watching the dress flow down me like water. I start at my shoulders, with the sweetheart neckline, with short sleeves. It flows down, a fitted corset design in the breast and stomach designed out of snow white fabric. When it reaches my waist, it hugs me tightly in a very flattering way, before opening up flowing off to either side of me and to the back, creating a flattering train behind me. It has a modest poof from the waist down, but not so much that I feel like a princess. I love the dress.
I twirl slowly, seeing the inlaid diamonds along the neckline and the waistline sparkle, while the dress itself gleams from being so pure white. I smile and feel tears gather in my eyes, and my mother gets up and comes to my side.
"Oh, you look beautiful." she says, and I beam at her. I then look back to the mirror.
"I know, Mom. I feel just…perfect." I say, not able to take the smile off my face.
I then look behind me as I hear a gasp, seeing Selina with her paws covering her muzzle. She then slowly walks up to me, not able to take her eyes off me.
"You look…amazing!" She says. I chuckle and reach out my paw, which she takes and I kneel down to her level.
"Why thank you. You look good as well." I say, gesturing to her violet flower girl gown that goes to her knees, with an emerald belt at her waist. She has on amethyst flats and a green bow. I brush her behind the ears and smile at her.
"So where are the other three?" I ask, causing her to turn around, and I see three of my sisters enter, each one wearing I dark green, ankle length dress with bright purple belts. They all have on emerald heels and amethyst bows at the base of each of their left ears. The thing that I am focused on, however, are the three bundles that each one hold.
I walk over to them smiling. "Karen, you look so beautiful." I say.
"Thank you. This dress is truly stunning, but not as much as yours."
"Well thanks, and how is my little Michael doing?" I say, my voice turning childish and high pitched. I look into the green bundle in her arms and I see him. He is a bunny, only with shorter than usual ears, and claws. He has both bunny teeth and fox fangs, as do all of my children. I look at his fur, a dull silver with a white streak starting at the center of his forehead and going in a single line down his back. He opens his eyes at my voice and I see his wonderful smile as he sees me. All of our kits have Heterochromia Iridium, where one of their eyes is a deep violet, while the other is a bright emerald. I kiss him on the forehead, and brush his cheek. He giggles and I smile brighter. I then turn to my right, to my second sister.
"Hey Nancy, you look great!" I say to her, brushing her golden glowing fur on her arms. She laughs and looks at me.
"You are sweet but this is your day." She says. She then holds out the purple bundle in her arms. I open it up and see my baby Violet. She sighs in her sleep, and I grin. I look at her bright orange fur, matching her father perfectly. She has a fox body, only with the same teeth as Michael, and longer ears than a fox. She has the bushiest tail ever, mixing my tails fluff and Nick's tail size. She has a shorter muzzle than most foxes, but it is still very fox like. She yawns and I see her fangs and teeth, big and bold and totally beautiful. I brush her behind the ears, and they twitch, making her smile in her sleep. I let Nancy bundle her back up and I turn to my twin sister.
"Jessica, you are so great for being here." I say. She smiles and kisses me on the cheek.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." She says. She then holds out the last green bundle. I take my baby boy and smile down at him. She is squirming from moving, but when he sees me he smiles and grabs my nose.
"Hey, Booker." I say. He is a cute little Fox with a very short tail, very long ears, and he has a black spot over his right eye, and the rest of him is a dull grey. He has a long fox muzzle and fox claws. I kiss his nose and he blows a raspberry at me, causing me to laugh.
"So, Booker?" Jessica asks. I look at her and laugh.
"Yeah, it was Nick's choice. All he said when I asked was Biological Shock finite thing?" I say. She laughs, rubbing his head.
"Well you are cute, Mr. Dewitt." she says. I gasp and she looks up at me concerned.
"That's Nick's nickname for him too! How did you know?" I ask. She just laughs and takes him back. They all leave me be and I stand their, confused as to what just happened.
Nick's POV
I stand, my knees shaking at the end of the isle, with Finnick and a couple of Judy's brothers, Dylan and Cole. I lean in to Finnick and whisper to him.
"So, I am terrified." I say. He then grabs my ear and yanks it to his muzzle.
"Listen, you damn Fox." He hisses at me. "I have seen you stand up to mob bosses, dangerous con artists, and even a vampire bat. I have seen you go through hell these last few months just for this bunny girl of yours. So if their is anything you should be afraid of, its me beating you up if you don't calm down and realize that everyone is here for you."
He then lets me go, and I recoil, but I think on what he said and I smile, realizing he is right. I turn and see all the mammals here, thinking on how they are all here for me. Their are all of Judy's siblings, bouncing around the left side of the auditorium, while on the right side, their are many of my old friends, sitting right next to some of my good associates in the ZPD. I even see my beautiful mother, and I wave to her. She waves back and smiles at me, causing me to calm down. I take a breath, right as the music starts.
I line up, putting my paws in front of me, standing to the left of the minister. I then look down the isle, with everyone else as the doors at the back open, and Selina walks down it, throwing flower pedals off along the way. She makes her way up to the front, and smiles at me. I hug her, and she goes off to the right, standing behind where Judy will stand.
Just as I see this, I see a shadow in the isle, and I turn back to it and my breath stops. I see the most beautiful bunny in the world at the end of the isle. Her dress flowing off her like water, and the sunlight enhancing her natural glow ten fold. I literally feel my jaw fall open, and I cannot close it. She slowly begins walking down the rows, her father escorting her and I watch as the angel descends onto earth, slowly and carefully coming to my side.
I look at her father as they reach the end of the isle, and I nod to him. He looks at me, and leans in close to me. I lean into him, and he whispers just loud enough so not even Judy can hear him, but I can.
"Judy made the right choice." he says, bringing a small smile to my shocked expression. We then lean away from each other and I take her paw from him, nodding and mouthing 'thank you.'
I stare, dumbfounded at the bunny girl who wants to be my wife, confused as to why she would want that. She is the definition of grace an beauty, so why would she settle for some common con fox. She looks at me and giggles which drives me even more crazy.
She reaches up and shuts my jaw, that I was unaware had fallen open, her soft paw pressing against my fur and I feel as if I am in heaven. I gulp, and she giggles again.
"I love you, dumb fox." she whispers, bringing a permanent smile back to my face, as we both turn to the minister, an elderly lion in his dress blues, a greying mane billowing out around his aged muzzle, as he opens his book and begins the wedding.
He reads from his book, telling all those in attendance of our happy day. However, I am too focused on the girl standing at my side to even hear it, until he turns to me and addresses me.
"…and now the happy couple has written their own vows. Ladies first." He says. I look at him and nod, as we turn to look at each other. I stare at her and fall even deeper in love with her. She smiles up at me, and takes my paws in hers and takes a breath.
"You are one dumb fox." She starts, causing the entire chapel to laugh. I chuckle and nod, never taking my eyes off of her. "But, you are my dumb fox. I met you on the worst of circumstances and I judged you way to quickly. I am sorry for that, but to be fair you had it coming." Another laugh.
"Nick, you are so amazing to have figured out a way to love me, even when I had no idea you did, and even when you didn't know you did. We have gone through so much more than most couples ever have, and we still have so much to do. It is you, me, and our kits. It is us against the world and I cannot think of anyone better to have by my side." She finishes, tears in her eyes, and I feel some in mine as well.
The minister then takes a breath, and turns to me. "So now, the groom." He says.
I nod to him and turn back to Judy, taking a deep breath and looking deep into her eyes. "Carrots, you are mean." I say, causing confusion and a few awkward chuckles in the crowd. I don't acknowledge it and I continue. "You are tough, and difficult. You are very stubborn and sadistic and beautiful. You are incorrigible, lovely, helpful, harmful, caring, closed off, and so many other things but after today, the most important thing you will ever be to me is my wife. You will be the one I will always stand up for, the one I will never want to leave. I am going to make mistakes with our kits and in our marriage. I am going to get you raging mad and I apologize in advance for it. I just want you to know that after today I am smitten with you, and their is no way that I will ever be able to do anything more than love you unconditionally. I will love our kits absolutely, and even when the entire world is against me, I will look to you for strength and that is the only way that I will go on. So, please just don't leave me, because I will never be able to let you go for the rest of my life."
I watch as my words bring a smile, and eventually more tears to her eyes. She covers her muzzle with her paws, and smiles up at me wider than I have ever seen. I then look at the audience and see that my words have brought everyone to tears. I chuckle to myself at my victory, as the minister continues.
"Now, the rings." He says, turning to the left, where Selina's new boyfriend is holding them both on a pillow. He walks forward and gives Judy's ring to Finnick, who turns to me and presents it to me. He then makes his way over to Jessica, Judy's sister. She takes my ring and paws it to Judy, who turns to face me, ring in paw.
We step closer to one another, not realizing we had separated slightly. I take her left paw in mine and I hold up the ring, lining it up with her middle digit.
"With this ring, I vow to be bound to you forever." I say as I fit it to her paw, as it gleams beautifully. She then flips her paw in mine, taking it in hers, and lining up my ring with my digit.
"With this ring, I vow to love you for always." She says, pushing the ring onto my digit and I smile down at it, loving not only the ring itself, a gold band inlaid within a carbon fiber black ring, but also what it represents. It keeps me with my beloved bunny for however long my life is, and if I am lucky, even after that.
"I now pronounce you, Fox and wife." the priest says, bringing me out of my own thoughts. "You may now kiss the bride." He says, and I smile. I take Judy's right paw, and I spin her to the left. I then dip her in front of everyone and I kiss her deeply, with her resting in my arms and her paws wrapped around my neck. I then spin her back up and pick her up, bringing her to my level for another, deep kiss.
I feel pure love transferring between me and her, our kiss stronger than anything I have ever felt in my life. All to quickly, we end it to a cheering crowd as we head down the isle and out the door, to the limo waiting to bring us to our reception. We run up, paw in paw and smiles on our faces. The driver opens the door for us and I let Judy go in first, before I enter and the door is closed behind me. I start to kiss her more and more, loving the privacy of the moment, until she pushes me back. I am panting, and I see she is too, but she has a very different smile on her face as he holds me at arms length.
"Easy, foxy. There will be time for that later." She says. I smile at her and take her paw, kissing it and bringing her into my lips. She accepts happily and I kiss her for another moment before I pull back, my breath still heavy.
"I know, like the rest of our lives, but I can't wait that long." I say, dragging her to the floor the limo as it heads to the precinct for our reception.
Judy's POV
We finally make it to the reception, and I moan at the thought of letting my fox go. He tried a pawful of times to try and get my dress of, and I stopped him each time, despite my desperate wish to not have to. When we arrive, both of our fur is a complete mess, and we have rolled around so much on the floor, our outfits are both disasters. I then straighten my self as best as I can and I go to the door, which is opened by the driver. I am soon joined by my husband. We take a deep breath in unison, and then I take his paw and we head inside.
The reception has just started and the guests are just showing up from the wedding. We look at each other and then head to the kitchen, where we have arranged to have a table for two set up, with all of our meal courses set up to be served before the crowd arrives for their food.
We sit and start out, our appetizers a nice combination of bread, lettuce and cheese. We then move on, with me having the carrot stir fry, a mixture of a lot of protein based nuts, as well as many vegetables, mostly carrots. Nick gets his favorite, a smoked salmon from the Zootopian rivers. I look at it, with its side dish of carrots and other vegetables, as well as casino oysters, which are oysters in their shells, with tomatoes and truffle shavings. I look at the food as he brings the first bite to his muzzle, and then sees me staring, and he smiles.
"Would you like to try something other than carrots, Carrots?" He asks. I smile at him and he continues. "After all, if you ever cook for me, you should know how it tastes." He says. I think on that, and realize he is right, so a smile at him, and fill my fork with my stir fry. I offer it to him, and I take his paw, angling the fork to me as I take the bite, licking the fork clean.
"That is amazing, Nick. Now, your turn." I say, my mouth still full of salmon. He smiles at me, then without breaking my gaze, takes my fork in his muzzle, sucking it clean in the most erotic way I think a fork can be cleaned. I blush and he just smiles wider, his signature smirk showing through. He then grabs and oyster and holds it up.
"No need to stare, Carrots. I am already all yours." he says. I blink and look down at his paw, holding out the shell for me. "Oyster?" He asks. I smile and nod.
The rest of our meal goes on similarly, with a lot of smiling and giggling. We finish up and then clean ourselves off. Nick then takes my paw, and head off to the door. However, before we open it, Nick stops me, turning to me.
"Judy, I love you." He says, looking at me deeply. I smile wider than I have all day.
"I love you too, Dumb Fox."
"My bunny." He says. We then turn, taking our First Steps, as husband and wife.
Sometimes it ends in fire, sometimes it ends in ice.
Sometimes it ends in falling, sometimes it ends in sleeping.
Sometimes it just ends suddenly, sometimes it ends on time.
Sometimes, it just ends.