This story takes place five years before the show, and seven years before Field Trip. It will later include moments from the show and moments mentioned in previous stories.
"I think Patty has a crush on me. Do you think Patty has a crush on me? I really think that Patty has a crush on me. Do you know why I think Patty has a crush on me?"
A two-year-old Pinky the Chihuahua was smacking his head against the wall. "No-I-don't-but-I'm-sure-you're-going-to-tell-me-regardless-of-how-I-respond," he said, punctuating almost every word with a hit against the wall.
The young orange turtle was lying on his back, dreamily staring at the sky. "She actually wanted to partner up with me in sparring yesterday. Nobody wants to partner up with me in sparring."
"Yeeaah…" Pinky gave his best friend a look. "Terry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm pretty sure she only partnered up with you because Peter wasn't there."
"Peter? What's Mr OWCA's-Next-Top-Agent got to do with anything?"
"He's Patty's boyfriend. So I hope you don't have too much affection for Patty because they've said they're going to be mates when they're older."
"Peter has a girlfriend already?" Terry rolled onto his stomach. "He's two years old."
"Okay, well, maybe it's a bit of a childish fancy, but true love can strike at any age," said Pinky fairly.
All of a sudden, a skinny little meerkat came skittering into the otherwise-empty training room. "Guys, guys!"
"Hey Ridelle," said Pinky. "What's up?"
"There's a new arrival! A platypus!"
Pinky and Terry exchanged a surprised look, before they got up and hurried after Ridelle as the two-year-old meerkat skittered out of the room. They hurried out onto the grass of the OWCA lawn and saw Major Monogram standing there, a small teal platypus hiding behind his legs, his eyes squinting against the early morning sun.
"Agents T and P," said Major Monogram as Terry and Pinky approached. "This is Perry. I want you to help train him."
Terry and Pinky stared. "Where did he come from?" said Terry.
Monogram paused. "Do you know agents Pearl and Patrick?"
"The two platypuses? Yeah," replied Pinky.
"Unfortunately, we lost them in the recent attack on OWCA HQ."
Both Terry and Pinky gasped. "But I thought there were no fatalities!" Terry said in shock.
Monogram shook his head. "Regardless, this is their son. He hasn't had any training but he's going to start his basic training and be assigned a nemesis like everyone else when he's four."
"So you want us to help him out until he's settled in?" asked Terry.
Monogram nodded. "That's right." He looked down at the shy platypus. "Go on, Perry."
Perry shuffled out from behind Monogram and slowly drew nearer to Pinky and Terry. "Hi," he said quietly.
Pinky smiled as he approached the small platypus. "Hi, Perry. I'm Pinky, and this is Terry."
Pinky placed his hand behind Perry's back and gently pushed him forward. "How about we show you around OWCA?"
"Okay," Perry said shyly.
Terry and Pinky led Perry towards the OWCA building.
Cassie the Cat, Ravi the Rabbit, Peter the Panda, Patty the Panda, Victoria the Dalmatian, and Jodie the Jaguar were the stereotypical "cool kids". Even at age two, they always hung out together and chatted.
"Did I tell you I broke the climbing record?" asked Cassie mock-modestly.
"Not at all," said Peter sarcastically, though he was grinning. "I'm sure you certainly haven't told us ten times in the last day."
"Well, I'm the best at running," boasted Jodie. "It's because I'm part cheetah."
"No, it's because you're a jaguar." Patty good-humorously threw an empty coke can at Jodie. "Pandas aren't great at running. We're great at climbing too but apparently not as good as cats."
"You want to have a race right now?" asked Peter. "Right now? You, me, and Cassie?"
"Bring it on," Cassie grinned. "The rigging or the climbing wall?"
"I'm terrible at the rigging," said Patty. "So the climbing wall."
The three animals took to their feet and hurtled out the door. Jodie, Ravi, and Victoria, shaking their heads and grinning, followed.
They found Peter, Patty, and Cassie by the climbing wall. It was a hundred feet tall, but it wasn't like an ordinary climbing wall. There were no regular handholds, and it looked almost like a regular wall of a building.
The three animals took hold of the small handholds that were on the wall. Jodie prepared to start off the race, but then Pinky, Terry, and a small teal platypus came up to them.
"Hey, guys," said Pinky. "Whatcha doin'?"
"We're about to have a race," replied Cassie. "And I'm about to win said race."
"Ooh, a climbing wall!" said the platypus, staring up the wall. "Can I join in?"
"Who are you?" Cassie asked, feeling her two-year-old heart leap slightly.
"I'm Perry the Platypus. I'm just starting my training."
"Maybe you shouldn't, then," said Patty doubtfully.
"He wouldn't be able to keep up anyway," said Peter rather rudely.
A kind of fire lit up in Perry's eyes, and he slowly walked to the bottom of the wall and put his hand on the nearest bracket.
Peter shrugged condescendingly. "All right then. But don't blame me when he falls."
To start the race, Jodie yelled, "Three…two…one…GO!"
Cassie began clawing her way upwards. All she focused on was the adrenaline rush as she climbed higher and higher. She could hear Pinky and Terry cheering Perry on from down below her.
When she reached the top, she swung herself up and sat on top of the wall. She saw Perry as he flipped up to join her. Peter came next, then Patty.
Peter was panting. "How did you manage to beat me?" he snapped at Perry. "You're a beginner!"
"Evidently not," grinned Patty, who was also panting.
"I'm still the best," Cassie asserted.
"For now," Patty said, still grinning widely. "I think we've got the makings of OWCA's next top agent here."
Who loves cutesie baby Perry?