
Jean knew where the Navy Sailors were heading. While Dreamshade could be found anywhere on the island really, the one place they were guaranteed to find stock was at the top of Deadman's Peak. Knowing this would only end in tragedy, seeing as how arrogant the Captain had been and how uncertain the brother appeared of his own King's intentions, Jean followed. She kept her distance, and only moved when they did.

She didn't listen to their conversation, knowing it either featured their squabble about the Dreamshade being a miraculous cure or deadly poison. As she followed, Jean noticed that despite their argument, the Captain appeared to have a great amount of loyalty towards his King.

As they ascended to the precipice of the peak, Jean waited. She listened to the younger brother observe the plant and state that it didn't appear to be a cure, while his brother insisted they should follow King's order and retrieve what they had set out to obtain. After a few biting comments from each man, the younger brother insisted he would fight his enemies, but he would only fight fair.

Jean smirked; that kind of ruling she favored. Jean glimpsed over the edge to see the older brother whack off a branch of the Dreamshade, and as though to prove a point, he placed the thorns of the deadly plant just above his forearm. Leftenant Jones immediately begged him not to do it, but just as he did, the older brother sliced his arm with the thorns of the plant. Jean gasped, cringing at the thought of purposely condemning a person to that fate.

At first, nothing happened. But it was a matter of waiting. Jean stood to her feet when the Captain fell forward; catching him, the younger brother was immediately stricken with fear. Jean moved in.

"Come on, Liam. Let's get you back to the ship."

He saw Jean, and began, "He..."

"I know," said Jean, shaking her head.

She frowned, watching Captain Jones look up at her as though he might want to punch her….or maybe thank her? It was an odd expression, and frankly, Jean was having trouble reading it, but the horror on Killian's face was unmistakable.

The older brother was starting to lose consciousness as the Dreamshade was making its way from his arm to other parts of his body.

"I tried to warn you."

Jean and Killian looked up from the dying brother over to Peter Pan, who was leaning against a rock looking amiably at them. Seeing Jean, Pan gave her a look as though scolding her for going anywhere near the newcomers, while Killian glanced between the two of them, realization appearing on his face soon after. He seemed to recognize a relationship when he saw one as Jean and Pan exchanged glances.

"Please," said the younger brother, looking terribly frightened.

Jean straightened, getting to her feet as Pan walked over to where the dying brother lain. It was obvious what would happen to him; thanks to Captain Jones, he'd practically sentenced himself to fate with the depth he'd cut himself. Pan had gestured for Jean to stand away from the brothers—not that they posed a threat, but he was feeling a little protective of her at this moment.

"He'll die just as soon as the poison reaches his heart," Pan said in a matter-of-fact tone, striding towards him.

"Please," begged Killian. "He's my brother—He's all I have left."

Pan retorted, "Well, then, maybe you shouldn't have goaded him into it!"

Killian responded fretfully, "He's so stubborn, I didn't mean to..." He glanced up at Jean, who looked at him sympathetically, then turned to Pan. "...Can you help me?"

Pan rolled his eyes, sighing apathetically. Jean bit her lip, and she moved closer to Pan. She whispered something quietly in his ear, and Killian Jones bore witness to the fact that Jean could persuade Pan to do just about anything. At first, Pan had dismissed whatever Jean told him, but with a few more minutes of lowered voices, Pan looked convinced. He looked at Killian as Jean continued to speak to him in a voice only he could hear, and then he sighed.

"I may not feel like it," Pan told Killian, "but fortunately, for you, it's your lucky day."

Killian stood to his feet, glancing at Jean, who was smiling sweetly at him, then to Pan, who looked more or less appeased.

"There is a way to stop him from dying," said Pan.

"Tell me."

Pan walked over to a wall where the thorns were masking a door. As he waved his hand, the thorns shriveled away, bearing entrance to a large spring behind their shrubbery. As though noticing the boy possessed magical talent, Killian glanced at the separating foliage, then at Pan.

"This spring," said Pan. "These waters are rich with the powers of Neverland. It's what keeps this island and all on it so...young. If one was to drink directly from it, its powers could cure any ill."

"Thank you," Killian whispered, stepping past him to retrieve the cure for his brother.

"But I must warn you," Pan said quickly, grabbing Killian's shoulder.

Killian glanced at Pan's hand then at him.

"All magic comes with a price, and that spring is no exception," said Pan, pointing at the waters. "Don't leave the island unless you're willing to pay it."

"Of course," said Killian quickly. "Whatever you want, it's yours!"

Pan watched the Sailor move into the Spring, holding out his canteen to retrieve the Never-water. As he did, Pan turned to Jean seriously.

"You're taking on a great deal of risk," Pan noted. "I thought I told you to stay hidden."

"I ran into them once already," Jean returned calmly.

"That's a very large coincidence," Pan said coolly.

Jean shrugged, saying, "I'm full of them."

She smiled at Pan, and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for helping them," said Jean.

"Oh, don't thank me yet," Pan uttered. "I held up my end of the bargain. I'll meet you back home so you can hold up your end."

He held her chin with his thumb and index finger and kissed her gently, but behind all that softness was a growing desire that he couldn't wait to be satiated. Jean was left breathless as he stepped back, and then he poofed away. Jean watched Killian come back, kneeling beside his brother. As Captain Jones drank the Never-water from the canteen and he gradually found his bearing, Killian stood, looking at Jean with the utmost gratitude.

"Thank you for your persuasion," said Killian gratefully. "I owe you a debt."

Jean said lightly, "Don't thank me yet."

"But I must," Killian insisted. "Without your help, my brother would have died. And then I would have been alone."

Jean shrugged saying, "You learn to live with loneliness. I did so for years."

Killian looked at Jean curiously, saying, "Are you and that boy…together?"

Jean giggled, saying, "Is that what they call it these days?"

Captain Jones coughed up the water and he was sitting up. When Killian turned to ask what she and the boy would want in payment for helping cure his brother, neither of them were to be found.


Jean watched from the shore as Killian and his brother, Liam, walked back to their canoe and started rowing back to their ship. It would only be hours before they landed in their world and Liam Jones would die. Pan's warning had been true, but the price of magic was always a little faulty, even when described by the dealer.

The ship started to move faster and faster, and when the Pegasus sail was lifted and blowing in the wind, the magnificent vessel picked itself up and started flying up to the skies. Jean admired the vessel for the proud ship that it was, and then it winked out of sight as it reached its destiny.

Jean walked back to the tree house, forgetting that Tinkerbell was sitting in her own, waiting for Jean to return. She sent one of the Lost Boys to give a polite, and kind message to the fairy, telling her that they would have to reschedule their toast for another time for Jean had to settle a deal back at home.

When she climbed up her and Pan's tree house, she noticed that the bedroom had changed a little bit. There were lit candles in all four corners of the room, and the bed had changed from his white pretty comforter to a combination of dark green and black patterns. Jean touched the bed sheets, perplexed, then jumped when she felt a pair of arms slink their away around her waist; they moved her closer to their owner, and Jean felt her back rub against Pan's chest.

"I thought you'd have come to me a lot sooner," Pan uttered quietly, his voice laced with lust.

"Had to see them off," Jean returned.

She turned in his arms, wrapping her own around his neck. That was when she noticed he was naked. A smile tugged at her lips, but Jean attempted to mask her own desire.

"I don't know why you wanted to save him," Pan told her. "I can't imagine what you got out of it."

Jean shrugged saying, "I guess Tinkerbell is rubbing off on me."

"Hm." Pan chuckled.

Wordlessly, Pan took the hem of her skirt and pulled it down; it, along with her panties, dropped at her ankles. Jean looked into his eyes to see that he had an idea as to how Jean could repay him. He had been a lot nicer to the sailors that he normally might have been, and that was all due to Jean. She had promised to do anything he wanted tonight, nothing was off limits. And now, Pan was going to cash in the promise.

They kept eye contact as Jean pulled her shirt above her head, and now she matched his nudity. Pan gazed at her body, admiring how beautiful his queen appeared whether clothed or naked. As though standing naked before him was foreplay all by itself, Jean seemed breathless. But her body didn't react until he kissed her neck, and his hands lightly grazed her rib cage. He liked hearing her soft sighs, the light hitch of her breath when he bit her collar.

"What I'm about to do is something I've thought about for a very long time," Pan whispered against her skin.

"And what's that?" Jean asked quietly.

"You'll find out." Pan promised.

Jean looked at him reproachfully.

"Get on your knees." Pan commanded.

Jean bit her lip, loving that tone of voice. She slowly did as he requested, and knelt down. Pan looked down at her, a cunning smile drawn on his face as he placed his hand behind her head, his fingers interlacing in her fine ebony locks.

"You know what to do." Pan told her.

Jean met his eyes as she made little kitten licks around the tip of his erected cock. Pan watched her take the tip of it in her mouth, her tongue rolling around him like she was a little girl with a lollipop. Every ounce of him felt hot as Jean made soft moaning sounds, the vibration of her voice along his shaft made Pan shudder as she took more of him inside her mouth.

Her mouth was wet, and warm. While her tongue spun circles around his cock, Pan watched Jean's hands move to his thighs. He smirked, watching her enthusiasm. He felt himself getting closer to the edge, getting closer to that release; and Jean could get him there, oh yes, she could. She had done it many times before with just her mouth.

"That's it, babe," Pan breathed. "Keep going."

Jean bobbed her head, his cock moving deeper inside her throat. Pan moaned; his grip on her hair tightened as he was slowly reaching his climax. Sensing his teeter-totter orgasm, Jean began sucking and with one hand, she rubbed his shaft. Pan was losing his bearing; Jean remedied it easily; She quickly stood to her feet, and pushed Pan on the bed, his legs still hung over the bed, but that was Jean's intention.

As though she hadn't even been interrupted, Jean lied on her stomach on top of the comforter, bent at an angle so she could hoist herself on her elbows and she continued sucking him off. One of Pan's hands was in her hair, grabbing at the roots while the other clenched the comforter until his knuckles shown white. His head was tilted back, his lips parted in an 'o' as he felt the most intense orgasm beginning to ascend.

"Oh, please don't stop, baby," Pan begged. "Oh my god."

Jean inwardly smiled when his hips began thrusting as she bobbed up and down. The moans resounding from him made her wet, and the feel of his hand making fists in her hair had her going. She sucked on him, feeling him twitch inside her mouth. When she didn't let up, Pan was in the palm of her hand. In a matter of seconds, he experienced one hell of a release and doing so, Jean swallowed all of him.

Jean licked her lips, looking at Pan, who appeared quite spent. He was panting, and breathless. But she would have been a fool to think he could be satiated by a blow job. That would have been unlike him. Just as she expected, Pan got to his knees, and he kissed her, hard.

"Get on your back." Pan ordered hoarsely.

Jean did as she was told. When she did, Pan grabbed her wrists in one of his hands and when he pinned them above her head against the headboard of the bed, he waved the free one over them so a chain appeared and connected itself from the headboard and around her wrists. Jean gave the chain a curious look, then looked at Pan.


"You said I could do anything to you," Pan panted."'No restrictions, No equivocations.'". He grinned, adding, "Those are your words, by the way."

Jean said smoothly, "Why chains? Why not a rope?"

Pan chuckled, saying, "I taught you everything there is to know on this island. I would expect you to get out of a rope knot, even the ones I tie."

Jean nodded her head, saying smoothly, "Fair point."

"Speaking of which..." Pan muttered.

He snapped his fingers and the same chains that bound her wrists, snaked up to her ankles and pulled her legs apart.

She hadn't quite imagined this part, but Jean was feeling a little giddy. Dominant Pan was coming out to play, apparently. Not that she minded.

"Look at you now," Pan said, sitting in between her legs. "All pretty and on display. And just for me."

He ran his hands from her shoulders, down her breasts, over her stomach, then down her thighs, stopping at her knees and gave them a quick squeeze that made Jean jump.

There was a spark of lust that lit Jean's eyes. Hearing him talk like that always made her a little rambunctious. Being unable to do anything about it though, that was a new feeling Jean was starting to experience. Chained together at the wrists and separately by her ankles, Jean was at her lover's mercy….and that made Jean feel dreadfully excited.

"I was a little irritated when we were interrupted earlier," Pan stated casually, although his fingers were stroking Jean's thighs, getting closer to the source of all her desire. "I can promise you nothing will be coming in between us for a long, long time."

Jean bit her lip when he gently touched her clit with his fingers, and her body jolted from the mere contact. Pan licked his lips, entertained, as he watched Jean's hips move towards his hand when he felt just how wet she was. His fingers soaked with her excitement, and he smiled at her knowingly.

"Looks like I'm not the only one whose come already," Pan noted, smirking at Jean.

Jean said quietly, "Are you going to do this all night?"

"What, tease you?" Pan asked. He slid his fingers between the lips of her pussy, skimming the entrance but never entering them inside. "I could do this all night, babe. I like watching you squirm."

Jean clenched her jaw when he did it again, and she pinched her eyes shut so as to assuage the guilty pleasure she had in his teasing. The torture of it all was sometimes unbearable but so delicious.

Her chains rattled when Pan crawled onto her as she made an interesting effort to get free. Pan watched her admirably, then looked down at her. Her face was flushed red, and those eyes of hers...phew...they were dilated. She wanted him so badly. And that stroked Pan's ego more than anything.

"You were the one that gave me permission to do this," Pan reminded.

He kissed her cheek, and she turned to him so his kiss fell on her lips instead. He lied down between her legs, his cock lying against her pussy, his shaft rubbing between the folds but (like his fingers), he never entered. The kiss between she and Pan was fiery, aggressive. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, never breaking their kiss, and Jean whimpered when she felt the tip of his cock enter just a little bit inside her pussy. It might have felt like a godsend after all the sliding and rubbing, but now Jean ached for more of him.

"Peter," Jean begged.

"Tonight, I'm going to be something else to you," Pan whispered. "You remember what I said you'd have to call me if we ever became rulers of the Underworld?"

Jean nodded.

"You might want to start calling me that early." Pan breathed.

One hand on her neck, the other gripped the chains along her wrists, Pan kissed Jean harder than ever as he teased her pussy with his cock, eluding to the fact he may thrust inside but never doing so. Jean was a puddle of desire. So wet. So needy.

"You want me inside you, don't you," Pan said.


"Then say it."

Jean mumbled the word.

"You know me, Jean," Pan told her. "I want you to be louder. Say it."

"Master." Jean whispered.

Pan smirked at her.

The word spoken on her lips, the word breathed in need and wanton. The image of his little Jean sitting on a throne beside him in the Underworld, dressed in what he could only imagine was a skimpy outfit and only for his viewing pleasure, made him harder than brimstone. While Jean could forever be his equal and his love, the idea of her being his subordinate and naughty sex slave made the fantasy that much hotter.

And right now, he was her Master. The only person that could give her what she wanted.

"Please..." Jean begged. "Please—I can't take it. I need you."

She was fighting against her chains with impressive strength. Pan watched her, impressed, and all the more turned on.

We've got a fighter. Pan's thought reigned true.

When Pan made the chains of her desire (so to speak) disappear, he braced himself for the animal unleashed. Jean attacked him, but he caught her and pushed Jean on her back. She grunted, and he moved between her legs, loving the fight and fire coming out of her. The moment he was between her legs, he positioned himself and thrust deep, deep, deeply inside of her. Jean screamed briefly as she welcomed him inside completely.

What followed was the rough sex that Pan had expected and wanted most. She was a wild one, and her fingernails raked his shoulders and back; her teeth bit his lip and, once, even his tongue. Just to match her aggression, he pounded inside of her, rough and hard, not holding back. Her back arched with her pending orgasm, and her moans became screams. Sweat rolled down their bodies, and a fierce climax was just around the corner as Jean begged for him to make her come.

When she reached it, Pan reached his. Her body seemed to convulse with the intense orgasm, and when it slowly began to slacken its hold on her muscles, Jean panted and her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Pan lied on top of her, his head in the valley of her breasts as he listened to her strong, rapid heart beat. They were sweaty, but comfortable.

"I...love you," Pan managed, despite his breathless demeanor.

"I love you too," Jean muttered.

After a time had passed, Jean and Pan were sitting up with their back against the headboard. Jean admired the chains, looking at them curiously then tossing them off the bed. Pan watched Jean move in front of him. He was made sensitive after their passionate love-making, but he was inclined to see what Jean was about to do. She placed herself between his legs, and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"What are you doing?" Pan asked.

"You'll see." Jean whispered.

She lowered herself down and with her hands on his innermost thighs, she ever so lightly placed the tip of his sensitive cock in her mouth. Pan inhaled sharply, but there was smallest surge of pleasure that derived from her tongue massaging him. Jean moaned happily, tasting herself on him. Pan groaned when he felt himself becoming harder, and how he wanted her all over again.

Jean kissed the tip then she raised herself up; Pan smirked when she straddled his waist and she lowered her pussy around his cock, and the feeling of it made both of them moan deeply. Her motions were slow, knowing the two of them were highly sensitive post-coitus. Still, the smallest movements ignited pleasure, and the slow rhythm almost seemed to bond them. The pace gave Jean and Pan the time to kiss just as slowly.

"I love feeling you inside of me," Jean mumbled.

Pan moved her on her back and Jean wrapped her legs around his waist. His thrusts were deep and slow, wanting to feel every part of her, to re-memorize what he remembered all those years ago. He wrapped his arms around his queen, and they kissed long and sweet.

Their bodies fit as though they'd been made for each other. His chest rubbing against her breasts, their bodies moving with the other; hearing Jean moan deeply, and Jean feeling protected and safe inside the hold of his arms. Love-making at its finest.

The orgasm that came to them this time was small, but strong, and releasing himself inside of her, Pan moaned; her pussy walls tightened around him, and it was the best thing he'd ever felt. Pan pulled out of her, and Jean protested quietly; they both lied on their backs, looking up at the ceiling of the tree house, the candles still burning and casting shadows of the objects in the bedroom.

"I wonder if the Shadows are having as good of a time as we are," Jean wondered aloud.

Pan had a fleeting image of his shadow fucking Jean's shadow and he didn't know whether to be disgusted or to laugh. Jean kissed Pan's cheek, bringing him out of the frighteningly real image; he looked at her.

"Do you think that brother lived?" asked Jean quietly.

"You know as well as I that he didn't." Pan told her.

Jean shrugged saying, "It was nice of you to help him though."

Pan said pointedly, "I only did because you convinced me to do it."

"Thank you," said Jean sweetly.

"Anything for you, Kitten." Pan responded as he yawned.

Jean cuddled closely to him and underneath the covers, they lied together. Pan wrapped his arms around her protectively, while Jean happily cuddled as the smaller spoon.

Had Killian Jones and his brother been the only newcomers ever to enter Neverland, Jean and Pan would have gone on like that until the end of time.

But when it came down to it, Jean knew what still needed to be done.

They still needed to find the heart of the Truest Believer. Only with it would she and Pan be able to live their lives like this forever as King and Queen of Neverland.

-End of King and Queen of Neverland-

A/N: Stay tuned for the sequel—it's coming up shortly!