AN: This is my first GOT/Jaime & Brienne fiction so please be kind.
Empty Promises and Broken Dreams
Chapter 1
Two fortnights had passed and Brienne still couldn't believe that the Starks had reclaimed Winterfell. She had always hoped it might be true but never in her wildest of dreams did she think she would live to see the day.
They all knew that although the North had been won for now it would not be a restful victory because other houses were already planning to overturn the Starks once again. Bird messengers had arrived from the south with news that there was a new Queen of Westeros, Cersei Baratheon. When Brienne heard this news she had decided to take a long ride around Winterfell to gather her thoughts. On one hand she was happy that Jaimie might become the hand again as he had always wished to be but on the other hand she didn't trust Cersei, not only because she knew of Jaime's true feelings for his sister—everyone did, but because Brienne was certain his sister would hurt and destroy Jaime if necessary because she had destroyed her own son to climb to the top. Brienne never understood how Jaime could love Cersei in the special way he did. But he had told her once people couldn't chose who they love and she realized this was true when it came to Jaime and his sister too. He would never stop loving her. As heartbreaking as that was to realize Brienne knew the sooner she accepted it the sooner she could move on. Jaime had claimed her heart but so had Renly, and if she was able to get over his death she imagined it was possible to get past her feelings for Jaime as well. She rode back to Winterfell and wrapped her Oath breaker in a swath of velvet sliding it under her bed. She could not part with the sword, even when she tried to return it to Jaime, Brienne knew in her heart that she did not want to give it back, but she had to put it away for now so she could put him behind her. So she went down to the swordsmith and requested a new weapon with the Stark emblem emblazed on the hilt. She was an ally of the Starks now and she wanted to honor them because in her heart she knew they were the true rulers of the North.
Despite the impending chaos coming their way, Sansa Stark had decided to host a banquet to join the houses of the North with the Wildlings because there was still much work to do in uniting both groups for the greater good. Sansa asked Brienne to attend this banquet as a guest as well. Once rumor had spread across the castle about the banquet, the fire haired git Tormund asked Brienne if he could plunder her after the festivities were done. Since he was a Wildling, and most likely didn't know the proper etiquette for civilized people Brienne chose not to slice him with her new sword after that remark but she did tell him to find another beast to consummate with because despite appearances she was still a maiden and had no interest in being plundered by him or ever. Tormund laughed at her words and told her he had requested they sit together at the table and Brienne rolled her eyes in reply although secretly she found herself curious as to what an evening with a Wildling would be like. Brienne told him she would see him at dinner to be amiable but in her heart of hearts she knew she was destined to be a woman of servitude and that was how she liked it. If Brienne had her way she would have tossed on her armor and stood guard at the castle wall with the rest of the men instead of attending this banquet. That was where she belonged, not in some stuffy dress that itched and made her the laughing stock of Winterfell.
Much to Brienne's protest Sansa also had insisted Brienne take a maid to help prepare her for the evening. Brienne felt more comfortable in her armor but Sansa had told her she wanted to take this opportunity to thank Brienne for everything she had done and so in attempt to be graceful, Brienne accepted her offer.
Returning to her chambers she saw the dress her maid had laid out for her to wear and Brienne nearly gasped. It was a beautiful silver dress with low cut bust line and full skirt and the material was much finer than she imagined. It was nowhere near the poor quality of the fur lined pink smock she was forced to wear before being tossed into the bear pit. Brienne admired the stitching but still underneath it all she knew it was far too feminine for her.
"My Lady, I have your bath drawn. I will procure your accessories and then return to wash you and prepare your dress," proclaimed the young maid from her bath chamber.
"There is no need to wash or dress me. You may however find my squire Podrick and let him know that I need him to be alert tonight."
"Yes My Lady," the girl said with a short bow and then she had left the bath chamber.
Brienne glanced at the small tub thinking it a waste to use all this water on just her but she had had a long day so she disrobed and got in. The water felt amazing and she inhaled the sweet aroma of lavender and other floral scents. Reaching for the soap Brienne washed herself and then reached for her back. She struggled to get beyond her shoulder blades and lost her grip on the soap. It dropped a few inches and then slid down her back with a light pressure and she realized her maiden had returned to assist.
"Allow me my Lady," a deep voice spoke from behind.
"It's alright you don't need to…" Brienne's words trailed when she heard the familiar voice and turned around to find none other than Sir Jaime Lannister kneeling behind her, his good hand holding the bar of soap that had just sent a trail of soapy lather down her back.
"Sir Jaime, what are you doing here?" Brienne gasped and jerked away from his hand and over to the opposite side of the tub.
"I thought that quite obvious," replied Jaime with a smile and then he added, "To see you of course."
"And they let you in here? I wasn't aware you had mended bridges with the Starks."
Jaime chuckled and shook his head. "I know my way around this place. I most likely have more familiarity with Winterfell than you do Lady Brienne."
Jaime's eyes dipped down to the milky white water and Brienne followed his gaze noting that her breasts were peeking out and she rushed to cover them with her arms.
"It makes no difference to me," Jaime continued "But since it appears you are finished with your bath perhaps you wish to have this conversation once you are dry."
There was a twinkle in his eyes and Brienne looked into his crystal blue gaze to determine if Jaime was truly here for her as he claimed as he grabbed her bath robe and offered it to her.
"This is quite ungentlemanly," gasped Brienne and Jaime chuckled again.
"Yes of course how rude of me. I just thought since we'd both seen it all before it was no longer an issue. I will turn around if it pleases my Lady," offered Jaime and he set the robe down across the chair next to the basin and then he turned his back to her.
Brienne suddenly very aware of her body and especially her feminine parts stood up the water sliding down her silky skin and then she turned her back to him stepping out of the tub and reached for the robe. Once it was on and tightly secure Brienne turned around at the same time Jaime did. Curious as to how he knew the exact moment that she became decent again Brienne glanced behind Jaime and noted her sword was propped against the wall. She could see her reflection in it and Brienne glanced back to Jaime critically who simply smirked knowingly.
"I never claimed to be a gentleman. Besides you cannot blame me for wanting another look at Brienne the Beauty."
"Don't mock me," Brienne snapped back and stepped closer to Jaime in challenge with chin held high. "I don't need my sword to hurt you."
Jaime smiled broadly his even teeth white and eyes sparkling which had a strange effect on Brienne, giving her heart an extra rush of blood and he replied, "That is a tempting offer, especially if you get to be on top but since we are on the subject, why is this pathetic sword in your midst when you have been given a far superior piece of weaponry?"
Brienne's gaze became hooded as she glanced over at her new Stark sword and she replied truthfully, the Oath keeper is safe but I serve the Stark's now."
"You mean fulfilling your oath to Katelyn Stark, saving Sansa from that sadistic freak Ramsay, and returning her birthright to her and her bastard brother was not enough?" Jaime stepped closer and Brienne glared at him.
"They have taken me in as one of their own and I have pledged my allegiance to Lady Sansa."
Jaime pursed his lips and shook his head.
"Never mind me. Why are you here and not in Kings landing right now? I thought for certain you would be renamed hand of the Queen," said Brienne.
For the first time that evening Jaime's smile faltered, the crinkles around his eyes fell, and his gaze dropped to his feet.
A voice from the other room interrupted them both.
"Lady Brienne, I have procured some finery from the house collection. Also I found Squire Podrick and gave him your message," the maid called from Brienne's bed chamber and Brienne's gaze darted to meet Jaime's as she worried about both of them being discovered her in her bath chamber.
"I will be out momentarily," Brienne proclaimed calm but sternly.
Rushing over to Jaime she grabbed him by both his shoulders and pushed him back to hide behind an armoire in the bath chamber. Brienne knew if Jaime was discovered the Starks would imprison him or worse for breaking in unannounced and for some of the bad blood he had with their family in the past. He was an enemy here and she owed it to him to protect him. Especially after what he did for her at Riverrun.
Once Brienne was safely in the other room Jaime snuck from his hiding place to spy on her. The young maid was now dressing Brienne. If he looked closely enough he could see from the side, the tips of her rosy breast peaks before she slid the dress sleeves over her toned and smooth arms. Jaime felt himself harden as he gaped on. In truth he had dreamed of Brienne ever since his encounter with her in the bath house. It was somewhat ironic at this juncture that he would find her yet again in a bath chamber. Her body wasn't traditionally attractive, not like his sister Cersei but there was something to be said for her long limbs, silky smooth and milky skin, and apple shaped breasts. They were just the right size to fit in the palm of one's hand. He only wished he had the luxury of stripping down as well to join her so he could fondle said breasts and kiss her full lips before penetrating that blonde mass of coiled hair that guarded her womanhood but Jaime knew full well that Brienne was still a maiden, and more importantly a noble woman, and their union was impossible. Unless they were married it could never happen. Jaime had never been with another woman besides Cersei, he had never loved another woman either, but for the first time since being with his sister he found himself questioning where his heart truly lay and fantasizing about being the one responsible for taking Brienne's maidenhead. He just wasn't sure he was worthy of her, in fact he was quite positive he wasn't and as soon as Brienne found out what he had done she would wholeheartedly agree with him.