Out of everything, all the breakout schemes he'd imagined in that cell, he hadn't seen this coming. He knew the kid was ambitious, but tracking his location down, breaking into an imperial cell, rescuing him, battling an inquisitor and then still making it out alive. The kid has guts Kanan had to give it to him. He also owed Ezra his life.
Speaking of which Kanan noticed Ezra hadn't stopped moving around since they'd returned- he was sure the kid must be exhausted, but there he went again dashing across the room rummaging around for something Hera had requested. Kanan was currently sat in the med bay, propped up in bed and enjoying the feeling of comfort and home wash through him. He'd had a warm welcome from all his crew, hugs and smiles beamed out of the Ghost, as well as the surprise revelation of Fulcrum, but soon after that Hera took charge and demanded he be sent straight for an examination. Sabine had already painted over the bandages on Kanan's wrist, where the cuffs had cut too tight and Zeb had seen fit to help Kanan make his way down here, acting as a warm shoulder to lean on as Kanan ran out of energy. That left Ezra, his padawan who had done virtually anything else he possibly could. Kanan hadn't actually seen Ezra ever leave the room he was in once since they'd returned. The Jedi was jolted out of his thoughts by a sudden clanging sound, sharply turning his head Kanan saw Ezra slowly bend down to pick up the tray he'd dropped, smiling slightly at the clumsiness of him as Ezra turned and gave a sheepish smile. Immediately Kanan latched onto something, that eye contact, a seconds worth of eye contact with Ezra and the force was beckoning him to watch to listen. Ezra turned away and Kanan shut his eyes, focusing his efforts on his padawan. There was definitely something amiss, everything he could feel was Ezra and yet something was off balance. Hitting too many walls and running out of energy Kanan snapped his eyes open and swiftly shifted his legs over so he was sitting up, legs dangling over the edge of the bunk.
"Woa, woa, woah. What're you doing?" Ezra cried swiftly marching over and swinging Kanan's legs back to where they were.
"Um standing up, what does it look like?" Kanan replied, smiling as Ezra glared at him.
"Oh no no no, you are staying right here Kanan, you need rest to get better." Ezra clarified.
"And I am feeling much better, I'm just going to-"
"Nope." Ezra shook his head again and sighed "I didn't wanna have to do this but… You will stay in bed." Ezra giggled moving his hand over his masters face.
Kanan laughed "Trying to use a master's tricks against him? Ezra you should know better!"
"Yeah well, It's what you made me resort to!" Ezra chimed. Kanan laughed again, every time he did a little bit more weight was lifted from his chest. He leant over to ruffle the kid's hair before stopping, and turning his chin instead so he could get a better look at Ezra's cheek.
"How're they feeling?" He asked, eyes roaming over the two jagged sore looking scars.
"Fine, pretty numb to be honest I think Hera put waaay too much of that gel on!" Kanan smiled "Oh you're out of water let me get you some more" Ezra declared making his way over to the jug to pour out some more. Kanan watched, noticing the slight tremble in the kid's hand and the fact he didn't seem able to focus on the glass. Bringing it back over Kanan became more suspicious. Ezra placed the cup beside his master.
"Come here a sec." Kanan said patting the space on the bed. Ezra gave him a confused glance but did as he was told, only being thoroughly surprised when Kanan's arm came up to grab his face and a torch was shone in both of his eyes.
"OW! Kanan!" Ezra cried trying to wriggle free.
"Your pupils are dilated, you're dizzy and pale. Ezra you have a concussion" At Ezra's unsurprised look Kanan sighed concern moulding his tone "You knew? And you didn't say anything?!"
"It wasn't important" Ezra excused "Plus it hardly hurts at all really, nothing to worry about in fact i-"
"Kid" Kanan interrupted "It's always important ok? Now before we treat that are there any other injuries you'd like to tell me about."
Ezra looked thoughtful for a moment "No."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not, well ok a few bruises here and there but nothing else, I promise" Ezra argued, making eye contact and letting Kanan see the truth.
Satisfied Kanan nodded "Right you're going to need an ice pack and some of those pills with the blue band along the middle." Kanan instructed "Should be in that draw to your left."
Ezra walked over to the small cabinet attempting to find the items Kanan had listed. He hadn't expected the Jedi to pick up on his symptoms so quickly, then again time had been passing ever so slowly once that stupid pulsing pain had started in his head. The foggy and dizzy sensations didn't really help either. But he was fine, it wasn't as though this was his first concussion, after all he'd survived worse.
Ezra had crouched down looking to the lower left for those specific pills- once his hand had fallen upon them he had quickly straightened up not preparing for the sudden overpowering vertigo that over took him. His head pounded and it felt as though somebody had been spinning him round for hours, his vision swam, colours mingled together and clear shapes became blurry outlines. His whole body felt light and fuzzy and before he knew it he was falling. Only instead of the solid, cold floor he was meant to land upon he instead found himself in warm firm arms, ones that encircled him and took away the pain for a small second. Darkness started to crowd his vision.
"Kid?" Kanan had called out, seeing Ezra was taking his time finding the pills. That was when he sensed it, something was about to go very wrong. He took no time in standing and walking over to the spot where Ezra was, he was just about to haul the kid up himself when Ezra sprang up in front of him.
"Ezra?" He had tried again, a pair of eyes glanced up to meet his but they were unseeing and before he could say anything else Ezra dropped. Lucky for him Kanan's reflexes were feeling good and he caught the boy before any more damage could be caused. He hauled Ezra up to a standing position and with his arms still holding him, he lightly tapped Ezra's cheek.
"Come on, focus on me kid- that's it!" He encouraged as small eyes blinked slowly several times. Weight came off his arms as Ezra found his footing and stood properly, albeit a bit shakily.
"Ouhww, that felt just great." Ezra sarcastically spoke, his hands coming to rub over his face.
"And this Is why we tell someone when we are injured." Kanan nagged, smiling in relief to hearing Ezra speaking.
"Yeah, yeah lesson learnt master." Ezra excused, letting himself be dragged by Kanan down to the bed next to his.
"Now I don't think it's just me who has to get some rest hm?" Kanan queried, leaving no room for arguments as he sat Ezra on the bed. Ezra for his part let it happen, too dizzy and out of it to really argue his way out of something he actually wanted to do.
"I'm not resting till I see you are." He countered instead, lying himself down on the bunk.
"Fine, fine." Kanan agreed with a smile, getting some rest was fine by him it seems his little trip out of bed had him already exhausted.
"Good, now remember if you need anything just ask." Ezra mumbled sleep already claiming him.
"Whatever you say kiddo, whatever you say." And Kanan chuckled, pulling the blanket further across Ezra before settling himself back down, closing his eyes safe in the knowledge that padawan and master always had each other's backs.