A new fanfic? Hell yeah. Keep in mind that I haven't watched Naruto in a long time. This plot bunny has been assaulting me lately and I just need to write it out. Itachi is my favorite character and probably I see him through fangirl glasses so he will be OOC. All AvengersXNaruto crossovers seem to center around either Sakura or Naruto, so I tried writing it with Itachi.

Also this fanfic is an example of in medias res, but I will be putting flashback scenes. Also, this wasn't beta-read and I possess a horrible grammar. I still do hope that this will be readable to you.

Cover image is not mine

Title is from Ted Hughes

Disclaimer: I don't own the MCU nor I own Naruto. I'm just a poor girl.

Hello-emphasis/ flashbacks

'Hello'- thought

"Hello"- normal speech

Take the hating eyes of martyrs,

presidents, bus collectors,

bank managers, soldiers.

Bury them.

Take my eyes, half blind

and falling into the air.

Bury them.

-Anne Sexton, The Furies (The Fury of Hating Eyes)

Clint lifted the cup of coffee and sipped its contents. He tried not to wince in pain because damn, the coffee was too hot and did the barista put the whole thing on a giant fucking fireball because no coffee should be this hot.

His gaze shifted to his target. He eyed the man surreptitiously. "Handsome" was certainly a word that could describe the target's features although it did not fit quite well. "Beautiful" could also be used; the target was certainly prettier than some women Clint encountered. However, in Clint's opinion, the word "androgynous" fit the target perfectly. Sleek hair, black as crow's wings, pulled back in a low ponytail, onyx black eyes bordered by commercial-worthy eyelashes, ivory white skin and aristocratic features, the pronounced tear troughs under his eyes served to make him look older and wise beyond his years. No wonder Clint could hear high-pitched giggling and suppressed squeals from a group of girls behind his back.

"Agent Barton, how are things at your end?", a voice in his comm-link asked.

"Perfectly fine", Clint replied, pretending to look outside. He spotted a plain, black car he immediately knew was S.H.I.E.L.D's. Standing outside the car was a middle-aged, balding man in a business suit and aviator glasses. Phil Coulson was good at his job at being perfectly ordinary and extremely boring, of course this was a façade Phil had practiced through the years. None of the passers-by even glanced twice at him.

"The target's shift is about to end. I suggest you finish that coffee and muffin", Phil said not-so-helpfully.

Clint looked at the relatively thin folder embossed with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo that was slid across the table from his boss. He raised an eyebrow at Fury.

"What's this about?", the archer asked.

"We have progress on the Crow case. This is what we gathered and the possible identities of the vigilante", Fury answered.

The Crow was someone who popped into S.H.I.E.L.D's radar since two years ago. A vigilante who dropped criminals and other miscreants in front of the NYPD. The odd thing was the Crow did not kill, although he showed capabilities to easily take away life. He was named as such because of the porcelain mask he wore that resembled that of the bird's. So far, from the handful of information S.H.I.E.L.D possessed, the Crow seemed to be a highly-skilled individual that could be honed to the agency's ideals. God knows S.H.I.E.L.D. needs more people like Clint who are willing to safeguard the world through the shadows. The Crow displayed abilities such as proficient hand-to-hand combat, accuracy with throwing weapons like shuriken (a running joke among agents was that the Crow was actually a ninja, a bad ninja at that), proficient swordsmanship (the few CCTV footage that S.H.I.E.L.D gathered showed the man with a sword strapped beneath the strange cloak he wore), and inhumane speed, there were rumors going on that the Crow is capable of dodging bullets. If, the fearful statements of the criminals the vigilante stopped were true.

Clint opened the folder and the first thing he saw was a profile of a young man.

"The first person's profile claims to be Itachi Uchiha. There are no official records of him existing, the ones that we found are made by talented hackers and the paperwork he submitted are obviously forged, skillful forgery, I might add. He claims to hail from a faraway town in Japan and a high school graduate. He started to "exist" two years ago when he began working in a café in Manhattan.", Fury explained, boring his single eye at Clint. "The others are not that interesting and I already sent Phil in advance to interview the other individuals we are speculating to be Crow."

Clint looked at Fury, "Then why did you call me?"

"I want you to track down Uchiha and observe him if there's any evidence that might confirm his identity as Crow", the Director replied.

Clint glanced bravely at Itachi Uchiha. His shift was supposed to end at 2:00 and there are five minutes left before Uchiha would leave the place. He observed as the young man disappeared in the door behind the counter labelled 'for authorized personnel only'. He would probably change his clothes and go to the cage matches he attends downtown.

Clint stood up, his coffee half-finished but the pastry already gone, and went to the counter and dropped a few coins on the tipping jar. He pushed the door of the café open, hearing a "Thank you and come again" from another person in the wait staff. The archer jogged up the road and met with Phil.

"I'll take it from here", Clint said.

"Okay, I get it, but we'll follow you in case of emergency. So far, the others I've interviewed showed no evidence of being able to do what Crow does.", Phil stated calmly. The middle-aged agent probably meant "not all that Crow does". Some of the interviewees from the brief scan of the folder included martial artists and professionals with other hobbies.

"We'll not be far away", Phil added, entering the car and shutting the door.

'Two and a half minutes left', Clint thought. He hid in the alley nearest to him. Finally, after two and a half minutes, the target exited the café wearing a fitting black turtleneck with a thin red long-sleeved jacket on the top. He also wore denim jeans and sneakers.

"What should I do again?", he asked over the comm-link.

He could hear Phil's weary sigh from afar, "Follow and observe him. If you manage to get him alone, talk to him and bring him in."

Two years ago

There was something wet on his face.

'Wait', Itachi thought. Regaining his senses and his consciousness, he opened his eyes and saw the opaque grey sky blurring the world as heavy raindrops fell from above. He rose up and wrinkled his nose as the stench of what could be rotten food and utter garbage invaded his olfactory senses. Dumpsters overflowing with garbage lined the sides of the alley.

'I'm supposed to be dead', he thought bitterly. Is this some kind of genjutsu? He pushed some chakra into his eyes to activate his Sharingan (which strangely, was clear as day) and tried to see the chakra flow of genjutsu. Nope, there was none. He formed a ram seal and intoned, "Kai", but it yielded no results either.

So either this was a very powerful genjutsu or it was real. Unfortunately, the latter seems to be a more acceptable explanation of his situation.

Itachi stood up. He noticed that he was wearing the clothes he died in. The long read cloak over his mesh shirt and pants with shinobi sandals. Itachi quickly made his way out of the alley and his black eyes widened considerably.

The Uchiha couldn't believe in what he was seeing. Not even Amegakure matched how advanced and modern the place is. For a moment, he forgot how to breathe, completely taken aback and astonished by the sight that lay in front of him.

Buildings, like little fingers that attempt to grasp the heavens, decorated the skyline. They seem to be made of metal and concrete, and some of them were made of glass. Colorful lights that were blurred by the rain constantly blinked on and off. Strange metal wagons passed by, they were faster than shinobi could think of running (except maybe the Yondaime and Shisui no Shunshin), occasionally passing by puddles of water and splashing water all over. People in various clothing hurried to take shelter in the many shops that lined the streets while the ones with umbrellas walked on the concrete streets, seemingly apathetic of other people's business. He wondered how many people lived in this large expanse of land.

This was a sight the Uchiha was not expecting to see in his life. It was clear, this was no genjutsu and the world he knew of was gone.

Itachi knew since two days ago that he was being followed. He inwardly cursed himself for being clumsy and not being more careful with his identity. But he could do nothing about it, he had to see for himself what will be the consequences to his actions. He had been doing vigilante work as the Crow. It was nothing major really, just thieves and usual street thugs that assaulted the helpless. It was a personal choice not to confront the bigger crime groups in New York such as the one based in Hell's Kitchen, because he was a single individual and ninja or not, he would still die because of a gunshot wound. His jutsus would be categorized by people as superpowers and unlike in the Elemental Nations where civilians knew of the dark underbelly that rules the world, here, people slept at night knowing the oddest thing was a billionaire in a flying metal suit.

Now people are looking for him and they mean business. He somehow caught the attention of this world's equivalent of ANBU. He knew when to spot a spy. Two days ago, a youthful (no, he does not mean it that way. Maito Gai forever ruined the color green to Itachi and there's a valid reason why he suggested to Kisame to go find the Kyuubi rather than confront Maito Gai) couple turned up in the cafe and started asking the weirdest questions to the manager in the guise of a casual conversation.

He could sense a man following him and Itachi's instincts screamed "DANGEROUS", the first time it happened in the past two years. He glanced at the display glass on the opposite side of the road, and sure enough, there was the man who was pretending to look around his surroundings and occasionally taking out a camera, acting as a first time tourist. He also spotted a black car that he was quite sure was parked outside the cafe earlier. He narrowed his eyes. The man was intent on following him, worse, he has companions. They were complete unknowns. There was only one option left: to confront his pursuers.

Itachi looked around, trying to find a suitable place for confrontation. He spotted a darkened alley and casually waltzed unto it. He hid beneath the stairs and waited for his would-be captor.

The footseps were edging closer and closer, Itachi sharpened his senses and prayed to the gods that hopefully, this will not end in a fight. He couldn't use his ninjutsu, so using his crows were out. Genjutsu? Maybe he could trick these people into his illusions? But the moment he will use genjutsu will also be the moment he would be considered abnormal. He heard human experimentation was done in this world and Itachi did not want to be put under the scalpel, but these people were not trained to counter illusions. In any situation, he has to use taijutsu. He checked the pouch he always wore where he stored his throwing tools (throwing knives that resembled kunai and shuriken), he could use them but shooting a gun was much faster...

He heard footsteps stepping into the alley, near the entrance probably deciding whether to enter or not.

"I know you're in there", the voice said in an almost diplomatic tone. "So, please come out".

'At least they're polite', Itachi thought. Breathing deeply, Itachi stepped out of his hiding place, confronting his pursuer. His pursuer was a man around his middle ages with cropped blonde hair and blue eyes. The man's strong forearm muscles suggested that he used a weapon that stressed these parts, perhaps a sword or more likely, a bow and arrow, definitely not a gun. His would-be captor wore a red shirt with grey hoodie, cargo pants and combat boots. There was something in the man's eyes that made Itachi wary, those eyes definitely had seen death and caused some of the deaths himself at the same time there was a certain kind of softness that suggested that the man wasn't a full cold-blooded killer.

"Are you here to kill me?", Itachi asked calmly.

"You're too calm for a man who's asking whether he's gonna die or not", the man remarked. He paused, "No I'm not going to kill you. I'm here to bring you in."

"Capture, then? To whom do I owe the honor?", the shinobi asked.

"Clint Barton of the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Enforcement Division"

Itachi tilted his head, "That's a mouthful"

"Will you come with us peacefully?", Clint asked.

It took a second for the sentence to sink in. "Where are we going and why are you capturing me?". He narrowed his eyes at Clint, almost tempted to use the Sharingan to escape, but there's also the curiosity on what this Strategic Homeland Intervention and Enforcement Division was capable of. Were they like ANBU? What is their purpose? Why are they keeping an eye on me? Do they maintain peace? These questions kept echoing in Itachi's mind.

"Classified", his captor deadpanned. "As for your other question, we speculate that you are the vigilante known as Crow"."

"That's ridiculous", Itachi scoffed. The agency seems to be the kind that hides top secret stuff and classified information. A spy organization, perhaps?

"Whether or not you're Crow, you're coming with us", Clint said threateningly.

"What makes you so confident?", Itachi challenged.

Clint sighed, "It's because"...the man trailed as he picked out his gun from its holster..."I have this gun and you are surrounded by our snipers. Some of our agency's best agents are in here armed to the bone. You can either come in peacefully or we take you in forcefully."

Itachi gritted his teeth, he did not expect for it to end up like this. He didn't want to fight at the same time. Should he come in? Or not? He has nothing left to lose, only his insignificant life. A plan was forming in his head. "Fine, I'll come with you. It's not like I have a choice, do I?"

You've reached the end of the chapter! I know Itachi is OOC and probably would've fought, but I feel like not fighting is the right thing to do. I also know this chapter is hurried and a bit chunky, I'm sorry for that. Thank you for reading! Please leave a review, follow, or favorite. If you have suggestions you can PM me.

Question: Do you think Itachi could really turn into a murder of crows? Not just a genjutsu or a clone technique, but can actually transfigure his body parts into birds? I mean Konan can turn into paper...

Anyways, leave your opinion on the review box regarding this issue.

Review. Review. Review. Review. Review. Review. Reviews are like cookies to me. They make me fatter than I already am but they're oh so delicious!

Until next time! Oh, leave a review. Constructive criticism is especially welcome! Flames will be used to make s'mores!