This chapter is at least a week late, I know. Sorry about that. I have high hopes to finish the rest of the story until the end of next week. Hopefully. Maybe.

Anyways, here is the 5th chapter. I hope you enjoy. Now, on with the story.

Pansy's head whipped around, immediately scowling at the boy as she saw where his gaze was directed. "You're a married man, Draco, go ogle your own wife! What are you doing here anyways?

He shrugged. "Can't a guy want to congratulate his best friend to having her first child and getting engaged?"

Pansy stared at him, mouth wide open. "How do you know?"

"Your mother" Draco and Ginny replied simultaneously.

"Wonderful" Pansy groaned, barely registering that Ginny had spelled their clothes back on. Her headache was back – again.

"In fact" Draco continued cheerfully "she should be on her way to your soon-to-be-in-laws right now, which means the whole lot should arrive any moment."

He had barely finished speaking as loud coughing from the chimney alerted them to the arrival of the rest of the family. Arthur stumbled away from the chimney, cleaning his glasses, with all of his sons but Charlie following after him.

"So you knocked your girl up? You're lucky. You never had the pleasure of being given 'the talk'. I'm sure Mom will be more than happy to do that now" George grinned.

"Merlin no" Ginny sighed. She was well aware of the contents of 'the talk' having heard her brothers talk about it. He was not referring to the 'sex talk' but to the 'baby talk' where she would describe everything in great detail that was less than nice about having a baby, like nappy changing or drooling. For some reason, she had never gotten 'the talk', probably because her mother though that she as the girl would have more interest in preventing pregnancy than the boys. "Where is she, anyways?"

"Sitting at the living room table together with your future mother-in-law and discussing wedding arrangements. Your father" George turned towards Pansy "was all too happy to go and alert Harry and Hermione."

Ginny and Pansy exchanged horrified looks. "How do you feel about eloping?" Pansy whispered.

"Can't. Mom would kill me for not allowing her to be present at the wedding of her only daughter. No doubt she will also want to spend days looking for a dress and such."

"True. Mine too, come to think of it. At least I always have the out of being the poor, pregnant girl who can't possibly spend another moment inside a sticky shop without keeling over." Absentmindedly, Pansy wondered how she had moved from panicking at the prospect of having a child to accepting her pregnancy as a matter of fact within a quarter of an hour. She assumed it was a self-preservation effort her body made to keep her going for the day. She was certain she would freak out again sometime in the not so distant future, but at least by then they would be alone. Probably.

"Well, anyways" Ron spoke up "congrats on the engagement, and the child."

Bill smiled at Ginny. "I'm just glad that that Mom might be spending less time at our house now that she's got another grandchild to spoil." Perhaps his reasons to be happy about them having a child where a tad on the selfish side. It was not like his sister could blame him, knowing that Molly, all good intentions aside, could be a bit intense.

Pansy sighed, looking at her girlfriend, her eyes conveying what Ginny already knew. Not only would Molly be spending at least two days a week at their home, but Rose would, too. "The fireplace moves to the foyer. I don't care if our guests will have to crawl out under the shoe cabinet. It is not staying in here." This send Draco into a fit of laughter, with the Weasleys looking at him uncomprehendingly.

"What is so funny? Can somebody explain the joke to me so I can have a laugh, too?" Harry's voice sounded from the chimney he and Hermione had just appeared in.

"You'll have to ask Draco, mate" Ron answered him. "I don't get it, either."

"Well…" Draco started, only to be cut off by Pansy.

"Don't you dare!"

"I'm sure they are already aware that you fuck like bunnies." Draco replied shrugging.

"I was living in blissful ignorance of that fact, you git!" Ron snapped at him.

"He walked in on you?" George asked, horrified. Thank Merlin we didn't get here first!"

"Pansy's parents did, too, earlier on." Draco happily informed them, only to be smacked on the back of his head by his best friend.

"How about we sit down now?" Ginny proposed, desperately trying to steer the topic towards a less private matter.

"I'd like to sit someplace my sister hasn't been done unspeakable things too, thank you very much" Ron exclaimed.

Pansy exchanged a look with her fiancée. "I'm sure you will find that the top of our fridge is very comfortable, Ronald."