Hello everybody! I am so very sorry that I haven't been uploading any of my stories. A major part of that is pure laziness from me. A small portion is a lot of events happening since December such as graduating college, looking for jobs, attending an extra class, things like that but mainly laziness. Again sorry. I am going to try my best to upload more chapters of the stories since I don't attend school at the moment so keep a lookout for updates. Thank you for being patient with me and enjoy!

P.S I don't own Undertale characters or the AU versions. I only own Kimberly.

Ink was in the void with Kim, trying to help her manifest her magic. There was some progress but not enough to show actual results.

"Alright Kim, one more time," Ink coached on. "Gather your magic within you and project it outwards."

Kim took in a deep breath, shut her eyes, and imagined a flow of energy swirling inside of her at the center of her body. She then lifted her hand with a pen in her grasp and directed the energy to the pen. Earlier, Kim thought that she could focus more on the writing aspect of her magic since Ink already possessed drawing magic. She also thought it would be better for her to write out her magic just like Ink with his paintbrush.

Ink saw the tip of Kim's pen glowing a soft yellow. "Okay, now imagine writing a word in the air," he said softly to not break her concentration. "Take it slow and start small."

Kim nodded silently at his advice. Her hand shook a bit as she tried to maintain the magic flowing from her body to the utensil. Her forehead had beads of sweat but she kept her focus. With her eyes still closed, she slowly wrote out apple. The letters disappeared in a puff of smoke and in its place was a red apple.

Kim opened her eyes and gasped upon seeing the fruit. A smile grew on her lips as she picked it up.

She held it out proudly to Ink. "Look Ink! I finally did it!"

His smile lifted at the corners of his face. "Very good Kim! I knew you could do it. You want to do it again or take a break?"

"I want to try again!" Kim immediately responded. She gained a huge confidence boost so she wanted to continue while she was still hyped.

Although she was excited, she was only able to create an orange before she almost collapsed from magic exhaustion. Kim grew disappointed but Ink reassured her that it was perfectly fine.

"It's amazing that you can create something with your magic now. The next step is to build up your magic energy so you can create more objects for a longer amount of time."

Kim nodded at his kind words and took a long rest to recharge her magic.

Kimberly was able to materialize objects with little to no effort in a matter of days. Ink was very impressed by his human friend's speedy progress. She thought that the artistic skeleton would finally allow her to tag along with him to the AU's but he still refused.

"Why not?" Kim pouted.

"Because you haven't completely mastered your magic," he explained. "Don't get me wrong Kim. I'm very proud of what you can do but you've only been practicing for a couple of weeks now. I'd like for you to sharpen your magic more in case something happens in one of the AU'S so you can protect yourself."

Kim sighed but understood his reasoning. After their conversation, Kim practiced more in the void on her own. In nearly a month, Kim mastered her writing magic.

After displaying her skills, Ink clapped his hands. "Awesome job, Kim! Now that you mastered your magic, you are ready to visit the alternate worlds."

Kimberly jumped up in joy. "Yes! Finally!"

Ink laughed at her excitement. "We'll visit the AU that is the root of all the multiple universes: Undertale. We'll leave tomorrow morning since it's night in the Undertale universe."

Kim eagerly nodded, barely able to contain her giddiness. "Okay!"

The next morning, Kim woke up with a yawn. Her brain was still sleep-addled so she didn't notice anything different about her skin. Once her blurry vision cleared, she looked down at herself. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion then her eyes widened in shock.

She screamed as she threw the comforter off her and saw black ink writing scrawled on her creamy white skin. Most of the words were in English and others were in different languages that she understood. Kim rubbed furiously at her skin but the ink wasn't coming off. It was as if the words were tattooed onto her skin.

Ink rushed to her side after hearing her scream. "Kim, what happened?!"

"My skin!" she thrusted her arms in front of his face. "I woke up and these words were suddenly written on me. The worst thing is that the ink isn't coming off."

"Okay, okay," Ink placated his panicking friend. "Let me see."

He gingerly held one of her arms and examined it. He too tried to rub off the ink but it wasn't coming off. He observed the rest of her body. The ink was scrawled all over her skin except above her neck and below her ankles.

"Why did this happen?" Kim asked.

Ink was hit with sudden epiphany. "Oh, I get it now."

At Kim's puzzled expression, he explained. "Sometimes, when someone uses their magic a lot, the magic physically becomes a part of them and it shows in different ways. In your case, because you have writing magic, I suppose words appeared on your skin as a way to express your power."

"Oh." Kim took her arm back and held it. "I guess I'll have to get used to it."

"Are you still up for going to Undertale?" asked Ink. "We can go another time if you're still shaky."

Kim shook her head. "No, I still want to go."

Ink smiled and grabbed the Undertale paper that floated by. He made it stretch into a doorway.

"Let's go then."

Kim grinned. "All right."

And that's it for now. If some of you are thinking that Kim's power seems familiar, it's basically script magic from Fairy Tail. Once again, thank you for being patient with me and staying for so long.

Review please!