Authors Note: Writing is hard. Trying to put your thoughts into words is difficult but I did it. Thanks for sticking around this long. I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!

Warning: Some smut, if you don't want to read it you of course don't have to.

Chapter 10: Orgasms and A New Ability

I wake slowly to someone running feather light kisses down my neck. I smile to myself feeling so incredibly thankful to have someone like Emmett.

I feel his cool hand running down my bare thigh and shiver involuntarily when the feel of his cold fingers touch my warm skin. I can feel his hard body behind me, every curve of my small body pressed against every curve of his lean frame.

"Mm," I sigh when I feel his hand start to travel toward the inside of my thigh. I can already feel the ache I have for him start to throb, only he has this effect on my body.

"Good morning." I mumble, thinking this is the perfect way to be woken up each morning.

"Morning, beautiful." He murmurs in my ear, the feel of his chest moving against my back setting my nerves alight with awareness.

He starts kissing the back of my neck again while his hand comes all the way around to my stomach. His palm flat on my stomach is doing nothing for my need for him. I can feel the heat pooling between my legs and need him to touch me.

I move my hips against his length that I feel hard and steady against my ass. Emmett groans behind me and fists my shirt where he was rubbing slow circles against my stomach.

Needing to feel his lips against mine I turn onto my back and look into his eyes, the usual gold has turned almost completely black. The sight shocks me until I feel the lust pulsing through him.

Knowing he wants me as much as I want him I bring my hands up to cup his face and smash my lips against his. The usual taste of woods and the outdoors assaults my mouth, Emmett devours my mouth. I open my mouth and allow his tongue to brush against mine and I feel Emmett moan into my mouth. I move my hands up to his hair, he always keeps it short but there is just enough there to pull on and I do. Emmett pushes up to his elbow so he hovers over me and his upper body is pressed up against every inch of mine. He runs one of his hands under my shirt, his cool fingers travel along the hot skin of my stomach and ribcage. He brushed my bare breast and I have to hold back a moan.

I bring one of my legs up to his side and the hand that was traveling up my body automatically begins exploring my bare thigh and panty covered ass, pressing me more into his body. The heat building in my body feels like a fire that only Emmett can extinguish. I break away from kissing Emmett and tilt my head back when I feel him press his lips to the column of my throat. My breathing is coming in short gasps and my heart is beating erratically from the desire coursing throughout my entire body.

"Em," I whimper, wanting him to take away the ache between my thighs.

"Hmm," I hear next to my ear. He trails open mouthed kisses along the underside of my jaw driving me crazy.

"Please," I beg. I'm not above begging at this point, I can feel my panties are already soaked.

"Please what, baby?" Emmett asks, I swear I hear a smirk in his question. I want to smack him for torturing me.

I trail my hand to hem of his shirt and run my warm fingers up his cold back and drag my nails down his spine, I hear him hiss.

"Touch me." I say breathily and almost sigh in relief when I feel his hand slip into my panties.

My hips buck when his middle finger ghosts over my clit and I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out. I throw my head back and my eyes slam closed when he brushes his finger between my folds.

"Like this?" Emmett asks, his finger circling my entrance while one of his legs spreads my legs further apart.

I am barely able to form a coherent thought but I think I manage to hiss out a "Yes" before he pushes into me and I'm robbed of all the breathe in my body. I dig my nails into Emmett's back and hold on, trying not to float away with the feelings I'm experiencing.

"Fuck you're so tight, Bella." Emmett says through gritted teeth. I can't form a response to his words as he continues to pump his finger in and out of me. A burning starting to form in my stomach.

I gasp as he brushes something inside of me and curls his finger more to push against it further. He turns his head to look at me and kisses me, the passion he puts behind the kiss makes that fire in my stomach burn more and I chase the feeling I've been searching for.

"Emmett," I breathe as I feel a tingle in my spine.

"Let go, baby." He growls before his mouth is back on me.

I moan into Emmett's mouth when he speeds up and I lose all the breath in my body as I explode, my inner walls tightening around his finger. I feel like my heart has stopped and light burst behind my eyes. I convulse my body away from Emmett as I try to get through the aftershocks and come back to my body, his hands on my waist steadying me.

My breathing finally returns to normal and my body relaxes, only having minimal shakes now. My heart has slowed as I look at Emmett and see his dazed and awed gaze looking back at me.

"You look fucking gorgeous when you come apart for me." He says softly, like he's amazed I'm real. Suddenly feeling embarrassed that he saw me lose control like that I duck my head to his chest and feel my face heat.

"Hey hey, you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about anything. Especially around me." He soothes, "We are kind of soul mates so I'm sure we will do plenty to embarrass each other and letting me see you like that isn't one of them." He kisses my nose like I'm some petulant child and I can't help but laugh at the action.

A smile lights up his face and I can't help but look at him and admire how gorgeous he is, inside and out. He may have the title as a monster because of what he is but to me he may as well be an angel with how good to me is.

"Babe, I'm sorry I have to disrupt your post-orgasm haze but we have to get ready for school." Emmett chuckles while I roll my eyes at him. He clearly thinks he's funny.

"But I don't wanna," I whine. Just thinking about having to get up and get ready to go to school fills me with dread. No teenager likes school but I've become stifled with sitting in a classroom all day, I turned eighteen back in September and it's already November and I feel like I haven't been doing anything. This feeling of needing a purpose came out of nowhere but it is almost crippling me now, maybe after school today I can look for a job and do something meaningful. I could probably ask Angela if she knows anywhere like that, she is always telling about these little odd jobs she does around town.

Thinking about my being eighteen makes me remember my birthday, it was so fun and cute. Emmett and I hadn't been dating that long, just a couple of weeks but he wanted to do something for me and brought over ever chick-flick known to man and said we were staying in and watching them all, we got about half-way through before I passed out but it was very thoughtful and sweet of Emmett to sit through all those movies just for me. He also got me a stunning pair of diamond earrings that I only bring out when we go anywhere fancy, they definitely aren't for everyday wear but mean a lot to me.

"Well that's too bad, sweetheart." Emmett getting up from the bed pulls me from my thoughts. "We'll swing by your place so you can change clothes." He adds as he pulls some jeans up his muscular legs and I just sit back and admire the view of him getting ready. He doesn't seem to mind my ogling of him since I can see the smirk forming on his perfect lips so I continue for a few minutes until I get my fill of him for now. I would look at his sexiness all day if I could.

I begin putting on my clothes from the day before and see Emmett has mirrored what I was doing to him, sitting on the bed watching me undress and redress. I pull my sweater over my head and try to tame my hair before giving him a smile, he just looks so cute sitting there watching me.

"Come here." He says while holding his hands out for me. That look he has in his eyes is the look girls live for, they dream of it being directed at them one day. A look of pure adoration and love.

I walk over until I'm standing in-between his legs right in front of him, like this I'm about a head taller than him. I run my fingers through his short hair and look down at him while his hands rest on my waist. I lean down to give him a quick peck on the lips but he turns it into something more, he pulls me down onto his lap until I'm straddling him on the end of his bed. My knees hugging his hips, his tongue dancing against mine. I feel so much closer to him now after what we shared just minutes ago, I feel like I can't stop touching him.

I pull away from him and rest my forehead against his to try and catch my breath. His eyes are still closed and our lips are still barely touching when he murmurs, "I love you." so softly I almost didn't hear him.

"I love you too, Em." I whisper back, not daring to speak any louder for fear that I'd break the moment we found ourselves in. Unfortunately I knew we had to leave if we were going to stop by my house before school.

"We have to go." I say softly, moving back to get off of his lap. I see him nod and feel his hands slip off my waist.

When we make it downstairs I smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. Esme is always sure to feed me whenever I am here and even though I appreciate it I always insist that it isn't necessary but she never listens to me. I was never much of a breakfast person but Esme's cooking changed that after one meal. I know that nobody in the house can stand the smell but I'm grateful they cope with it for me and those that can't go hunt for their own food source.

"Something smells delicious, Esme." I say as I enter the kitchen and see Esme arranging a full breakfast feast just for me, knowing I won't be able to eat even half of it. Like always her thoughtfulness warms my heart, my own mother would never have prepared anything like this for me.

"Thank you, dear." She smiles. She is such a sweet woman, she acts just like a mother figure to all of us even though we aren't hers biologically, I know she thinks of all of us as her children. She has told me on multiple occasions that she thinks of me as a daughter right alongside Alice and Rosalie, knowing that she saw me as a daughter to her almost made me tear up. I know I have a mom but she never treated me like Esme does, she never worried over my well-being or told me she missed me if I was gone more than a day, we just didn't have that kind of relationship and until I met Esme I never knew it was a relationship I craved.

I load up a plate full of eggs, pancakes, french toast and an assortment of fruit and dig in. I can hear Emmett in the living room, right next to the kitchen playing his video games with Jasper, I entertain myself by listening to their banter.

"What the hell was that, Jas? That guy was ten feet away and you have a scope!" Emmett taunts, "Let me show you how it's done. Boom, baby!"

"Fuck off!"Jasper spits angrily.

I wasn't that close with Jasper but I knew he was an Empath who could tell whatever you were feeling no matter the smallest of emotions and could manipulate you to feel any emotion, he was the last in the family to become a vegetarian as they call themselves. We haven't had that many conversations because he still has problems with his bloodlust but I know from Alice he was a part of the Southern vampire wars and he turned an army of newborns but after decades of feeling the emotions of those he killed he got tired and left. Eight years later he found Alice and their love story began.

I was wary of him sometimes because even though he gave up that lifestyle a long time ago I knew it was still hard on him and if he wanted to he could kill me before I even had time to blink but I still thought he was cool and he was polite whenever he saw me.

When I'm full I help Esme clean up as much as I can before she runs me off saying we are going to be late if we don't leave right then so with a hug and a kiss on the head from her, which I savored I went to pull Emmett away from his game.

"Five more minutes, babe." Emmett pleaded without even taking his eyes off the screen.

"Emmett. Now." I demanded, we still had to stop at my house so I could change and get my school stuff.

"Fine." He huffs, setting the controller down, "I'll just have to beat your ass another time." Emmett laughs at Jasper. Jasper just glares at him but turns his head to me and gives me a little smile.

"Bye, Bella." He does that chin lift thing all guys do, he must have picked it up from all the guys that do it around school.

"Bye, Jasper. See you and Alice at school." I wave before following Emmett out the door, he's pouting because he didn't get to finish his game but he'll get over it.

We stop at my house and I go through the quickest morning routine of my life because we only have ten minutes before we are late so I just throw a plain grey hoodie sweatshirt I see in the corner of my room on and the first pair of jeans I find. I don't even bother with my hair, putting it up in a messy bun on the top of my head I head to the bathroom. Trying to brush my teeth while putting on deodorant and coating my eyelashes with mascara all at once was a feat but I managed. Spotting my white converse next to my backpack I shove them on, figuring they will match fine with my light jeans I pick up my backpack and am out the door.

Emmett is waiting in the car for me and even as I try to catch my breath from rushing around I don't miss the appreciative look he gives me.

"Even in under five minutes you still manage to look beautiful." Emmett compliments. I still get butterflies in my stomach no matter how many times he compliments me. Knowing the gorgeous specimen he is thinks someone as plain as me is beautiful makes me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

"Thank you," I say as I lean towards him and peck him on the lips, we don't have time to get carried away so I keep it short.

We make it to school with under a minute to spare, Emmett could get to class in two seconds but my human legs only carry me so fast. Somehow we manage to sit our butts down right as the late bell rings. Classes are boring as usual but I remember that I wanted to talk to Angela about any jobs she might know about, I won't see her until lunch though so I'll have to wait until then to ask her.

I wish I had more classes with Emmett, atleast then I would have a distraction. My favorite subject would probably have to be math, which is right before lunch so the class goes by pretty quickly. I'm on my last problem when the bell rings, I finish it before grabbing my stuff and walking to the cafeteria. I know where Angela sits but I've hardly ever sat with her and her other friends because Emmett and I usually sit with his family or we leave campus for lunch.

I bypass getting any food, still full from Esme's breakfast buffet this morning and look to see if Angela is sitting down yet. Emmett isn't here yet when I see her so I immediately head over to her table. Her boyfriend, Eric is sitting with her along with Jessica Stanley, the school gossip queen and current on-again, off-again girlfriend of Mike. Mike still weirds me out from time to time but he seems pretty normal now, as oppsosed to last month when he was acting like a creepy zombie, I still don't know what his deal is but he has left me alone for the most part so I'm happy.

I sit down beside Angela and get four sets of eyes looking at me like I'm lost, I understand them since I'm always with Emmett and never sit with them but I ignore them and turn to Angela, who was getting ready to start eating but stopped mid-way to her mouth when I sat down.

"Hi, Angela. I was wondering if I could ask you something." I say awkwardly, they are still staring at me like a crazy person. Angela recovers first and blinks a few times while shaking her head a little to clear her head.

"Um, sure. Whats up?" She smiles, she is a really sweet and nice girl. With her roound glasses that take up half her face, long black hair and shy demeanor she gets labeled as a geek a lot but she is just a sweetheart with a brain. We aren't close friends but we are partners in biology and are always joking around. She felt sorry for me when she noticed Edward's rude behavior and saved me by asking after class if I wanted to partner up with her instead. She suggested to the teacher that since she was the smartest in the class and didn't have a partner she could catch me up faster.

The other people at the table finally returned to their own conversations and I quickly looked over my shoulder to see if Emmett was sitting at our usual table yet and see that he is, he gives me a quizzical look but I just hold up my finger indicating that I'll only be a minute. He nods and goes back to talking to Jasper.

"I was wondering if you might know anywhere that is currently hiring." I ask softly, conscious that all the people at the table are pretending like they aren't listening to every word I'm saying.

"Oh." She says, taking a minute to gather her thoughts. "Well, I know Mike's parents have an opening to work at their hardware store, as a stocker I think ." The thought of being around Mike more than necessary doesn't appeal to me so I make a mental note to skip that one. "They also need a cashier at the grocery store, Lauren Mallory just quit recently. Hmm where else." She ponders for a minute before she suddenly gasp and stares at me with wide eyes, excited for whatever it is she thought of.

"Bella, I have the perfect job for you! We just fired somebody at the children's center I work at, we take in kids whose parents need somebody to watch them until they get off of work and can't afford babysitters, it's only a few hours everyday. We do all sorts of activities with them and little arts and crafts that they get to take home after." She hesitates in her excited rant, "The pay isn't that great because we mainly only run by donations, but being able to help out struggling parents and interacting with the kids is worth it, to me atleast."

Working with kids, it didn't sound that bad. I had nothing against kids and I want kids eventually if it's still possible with Emmett. We have never talked about kids and it's still too early on in our relationship before a conversation like that should come up. Helping out struggling parents is something I would love to do and I could see myself interacting with the little kids already.

I smile. Angela's suggestion was just what I was looking for, I'd been looking for a purpose and she gave me the opportunity for one.

"I think that sounds great and I'll already know somebody there." Refering to her, it will be fun to get to work with her. I always wanted to be closer friends with her but my time has mostly been occupied by Emmett, if I apply and get accepted I'll vow to be a better friend to Angela.

She claps her hands together with a wide smile on her face, she isn't as bubbly as Alice would be right now; Angela is more timid and reserved.

"I'll put in a request for you with the owner and she'll probably call you to come in sometime this week." Angela says, going back to eating her lunch that I interrupted.

"Sounds good. Thank you so much for this by the way, Angela." I express. She has no idea what this means to me.

"No problem," She smiles.

I tell her bye and walk toward Emmett knowing he probably has questions. I know he already heard our whole conversation with his vampire hearing so I'm surprised when I sit down he asks,

"You want a job?" He doesn't sound angry, more curious.

"Yeah, I do. I feel like I can be doing something meaninful or fulfilling with my time and the job Angela suggested sounds perfect." I tell him excitedly but it's quickly swept away by the feeling of hurt and anger I feel from Emmett.

"Oh, sorry I'm taking up all of your time to do smething meaningful. Excuse me for not fulfilling your time enough." He spits at me angrily. He is taking what I said completely the wrong way!

"Emmett, you know that wasn't what I meant!" I yell, trying to contain my anger but it's hard when you have another persons emotions and your own to deal with. We are getting looks from the surrounding tables and his family is staring at us with a mixture of shock, pity, and glee from Rosalie.

"It sure sounded like that was what you meant." He glares, "I didn't know being my soulmate was such a waste of your time."

"You're not a-" I stop and take a breath to get control of my anger and frustration at him. I feel tears prickling in my eyes but I hold them back long enough to tell him, "You're not a waste of my time. I only feel like I could be doing something bigger than just sitting around doing homework and enjoying our time together. I want to make a difference to somebody that needs it and you're not going to stop me. If you want to be a dick about it then be a dick but don't even think about talking to me." I get up to leave and nobody stops me.

I head to the bathroom and let a few tears of frustration fall but quickly pull myself together when I hear the door open.

"I'm sorry about him." I hear from behind me, turning around I see Alice with a compassionate expression on her face.

"I'll live." I wave her off. Now that I'm away from Emmett I feel miserable, we weren't meant to fight, we are the other half of each others soul. We disagree but we've never really fought about anything and my body was rebelling about being away from him right now. It felt like it was trying to physically push me back towards Emmett but I wasn't going to.

My stubborn ass wasn't running back to him when I didn't do anything wrong, I don't care how much pain it causes me.

"I know but I just wanted to apologize for his behavior and make sure you were okay." Alice says softly, as far as best friends go she would have to be mine. I feel closer to her than I do anybody else, we are almost together as much as me and Emmett. She calls me her sister because clealry Emmett and I were supposed to get married someday and she would officially be my sister. I've always been an only child but my relationship with Alice is how I would describe siblings.

"You don't have to apologize for anything and I'll be fine, I promise. Thanks for checking on me." I smile. I'm grateful to have a friend like her in my life, who cares about my well-being and will make sure I'm happy.

"If you're sure, I could always have Jasper kick his ass." She winks at me and it makes me laugh, feeling better I gather up my stuff and walk out of the bathroom with her.

The bell rings so I hug her good-bye and head to class, feeling lonely because Emmett always walks me to class after lunch. I push all of the emotions away and just focus on my classes. I completely ignore him in gym, not that he tried to talk to me but I avoided any eye contact and stayed as far away from him as I could. People were giving us weird glances because we are usually attached at the hip and today we aren't, I get annoyed when the girls in the class look at him more clearly thinking we broke up or are not on speaking terms and that means they suddenly have a chance.

I do chuckle when a particularly annoying girl kept pushing herself on him and he growled at her, scaring her away. Seeing him only made me want to go to him more and make-up but I didn't do anything wrong. My body doesn't care though and is in physical pain, memories of when we first found out about our bond and how awful it was when we weren't touching or around each other surface to my mind. I need him and his ass is causing me pain. My muscles are so tense I can barely move and my head is pounding.

Thankfully the bell rings and school is over, I came with Emmett but I want to be on my own and decline when Alice offers me a ride. I pack up my homework and exit a side door that is close to a wooded area, wanting to clear my head I walk toward it. A walk is perfect, I can sit under the canopy and enjoy the birds and little animals scurrying along.

I'm not familiar with this part of the woods but there is a clear path and if I don't go off of it then I'll be able to find my way back. I pass a big rock that looks perfect for animals to stalk they're prey from, it reminds of the rock in The Lion King but not nearly as big. I see a dry grassy spot under a tall pine tree that looks comfortable, I sit my backpack down first and then I sit down on surprisingly soft forest floor. I lean my head back against the tree and look around and take in all the green trees, green grass, the smell of nature.

I start on my homework and try to remain calm, if I focus on being calm I can ignore my body and the fact that I miss Emmett. I just wanted him to apologize for being stupid enough to think he was a waste of my time. He meant everything to me, I had never been so loved in my life and the love I felt for him was nothing I have ever experienced. I missed him so much my heart was aching for him. I needed him and I no longer cared about our stupid fight. My mind couldn't even comprehend what it was we were even fighting about, I had to get to Emmett.

Packing up my backpack quickly I stand up, determined to find Emmett as soon as possible. I check my watch and see I've been out here for almost two hours. Emmett is probably freaking out by now, not knowing where I went after I left school.

Opening up the bond to search out Emmett, following the link in my mind like searching for the end of a rope, I'm immediately hit with the panic I expected. The force of it almost knocks me off my feet and my breath is forced out of my lungs painfully. Feeling what Emmett is going through makes me feel guilty for essentially running away, a voice in the back of my head tells me that he shouldn't have been such an ass but I push it away.

I forgive him for taking the way I worded my announcement the way he did I just hope he can forgive me for putting him through the panic of not knowing where I have been.

I find the path that will lead me back to the school and had only taken a few steps when I hear the the loudest growl I've ever heard come from above me. I freeze, not knowing what made the sound but knowing it came from above me, probably from the rock I passed when I was walking earlier. I know I said it would be a good place for animals to stalk their prey but I didn't know that the prey would be me.

I turn slightly around to see what it is that wants to eat me and look up to see a big mountain lion with all of it's teeth bared at me, blood all over it's face. There is blood also running down the side of the rock and I can just make out the outline of an animal laying on top of the rock. It must have just hunted and was enjoying it's meal until I walked by, disturbing it.

Fear like I have never felt before courses through my body and I start shaking, my legs tremble but I don't dare move a muscle in the face of such a predator. I don't know the best way to deal with wild cats; slowly back away, stay where you are, look it in the eye, don't look it in the eye. I just don't know so I avoid eye contact and stay completely still trying to think of the best way to get out of here.

My thoughts drift to Emmett, he could take this mountain lion down with little effort if he was here right now. I'm probably going to be eaten by this big cat and the last memory Emmett will have of me is my calling him a dick and walking away from him. I would give anything for him to be here right now.

"Bella!" I hear suddenly and I wince from the volume of it, it sounded like it came from inside my head. It sounded like Emmett and I look all around me but don't see anything but still trees. Thinking my fear has made me delusional I peek a look at the mountain lion to see it's not pleased I made a slight movement and was lowly growly in the back of it's throat.

"Bella, answer me! Use the bond and answer me. Tell me where you are!" I hear again, it's much clearer than it was previously. The sensation is so strange, kind of like something a tickling on your brain but I know the voice is Emmett's and try to answer him.

"Emmett, can you hear me?" He doesn't answer me so I assume it didn't work, I don't know the best way to answer him and I'm distracted by it when I see the mountain lion take a step closer to the edge.

"Bella, god dammit listen to me! Focus on my voice, focus on the feeling you are getting when I'm talking to. I need you to tell me where you are right now. Please baby, focus on my voice." I'm a little annoyed at his attitude but understand he must be feeling my fear and wants to get here so I try to put the large mountain lion staring me in the face out of my mind and focus on the bond.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I focus on the tickling feeling I got when Emmett talked to me.

"Emmett?" I try, recognizing how to do it now.

"Bella! Yes, you did it. What's wrong, baby? Where are you?" he asks and even though I can't hear his voice I can tell he's panicking.

"Mountain lion. Woods beside the school. Please hurry." I answer, full sentences were hard to form when your life was in danger but I'm sure he got the point.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Try to stay calm for me." He answers before I feel a wall go up in his mind, it isn't that strong and if I needed him I could get through it easily. I assume he wants to focus on getting here fast.

A few minutes pass and I've made sure not to move but the animal looks to have become impatient with the stand off we were having because it lets out a loud growl before it suddenly leaps towards me. I'm frozen and powerless to do anything against this strong beast, I throw my arms out in front of me to try to soften the blow of the big animal landing on me and tearing me to shreds.

I hear an impact of some kind but feel no pain and look up to see why there isn't a mountain lion on top of me eating me for dinner. All I saw was a blur of movement and a familiar roar from Emmett before they go crashing to the ground. It all moved so fast and my brain was trying to keep up with all the activity that I didn't even know he had killed the animal and was standing in front of me until he lifted me into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asks with his arms around my waist and his face buried in my neck.

Regaining control of my body I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. I let all of my emotions out finally, I wasn't in any danger anymore, Emmett is here, I'm okay. I'm sobbing and shaking onto his shoulder while he just holds me. Slowly, I start to feel the calmness that comes with touching Emmett seep into my body and my aching body relaxes.

"I'm sorry," I manage to sob out while still buried in his neck.

"Look at me," He coaxes me.

I lean back and look at him with tears streaming down my face. I missed him so much even though we were only away from each other for a few hours and looking at his handsome face and the love in his eyes I can't help but appreciate that this man is mine and I love him.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole and taking what you said the wrong way. I just wasn't thinking, I know I'm not a waste of your time just like your not a waste of mine. I was just being stubborn and was going to apologize after school but nobody could find you anywhere and I started to panic. When I felt your fear through the bond and I had no idea where you were I was terrified of what was wrong." He releases an arm from around me and cups the side of my face with it, "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."

I lean my forehead against his, calmed down now. I wipe my tears away and rest my hand on his that's holding my face. Our first fight behind us and my first life-threatening experience over I take a breath.

"I love you." I say softly to him, glad to be able to hold him again and go back to normal.

His smile is radiant and contagious, I will never get tired of making him smile. It's my mission in life to be sure he has a smile on his face at all times for the rest of our lives.

"I love you too, sweetheart. What do you say we get out of these woods?" He suggests.

"Please," I agree enthusiastically, more than ready to leave these woods behind.

Emmett shifts me onto his back and starts running, everything around me is a blur and to keep from getting sick I rest my head in the crease between his neck and shoulder. Eyes closed, a thought comes to my mind that we didn't even discuss.

"Emmett, we can talk to each other through our minds!" Even as I say it it sounds unbelievable but I remember our conversation with Carlisle that mentioned we would develop that ability.

"I know, crazy huh?" He doesn't seem as shocked as I am about it, probably because he is the vampire in this relationship and he is used to being around people with different abilities.

My mind is still reeling by the time we get back to his house. I had just jumped off his back when I was suddenly being plowed over by a small but powerful body.

"Oh my god are you okay!?" I hear a frantic Alice ask.

"I'm fine, Alice." I chuckle, she is such a big sister and I love her for it.

"I can't believe I didn't see anything! Emmett wouldn't tell us anything besides something about a mountain lion. I was so worried." She says while still holding onto me.

I feel guilty for worrying her and hug her back.

"I'm sorry I worried you but really I'm fine. Emmett got there just in time." I smile over at him. Alice looks back and forth between the both of us noticing the exchange.

"Your talking again?" She asks curiously.

"Yeah after he saved my life he apologized and I decided to forgive him." I tease.

"Well I'm happy you guys aren't fighting anymore." She kisses the side of my head and skips inside, I can't help but chuckle at her behavior.

I look over at Emmett and take in his appearance, he has blood smeared all over his shirt and arms. I look down at my clothes and notice he got it all over my shirt when he picked me up.

"We need a shower," I tell him as I lead him into his house. We manage to bypass all of his families questions for now and I'm relieved, I love them but I don't have the energy to reassure them right now. I'm focused on taking care of Emmett, he has been unusally quiet since we left the woods and I need to know that he's okay.

I lead him into his bathroom and start taking off his blood soaked clothes. He stares at me as I attempt to lift his shirt off of him, it's difficult with my height but I manage. I strip him of his pants and boxers before I do the same with all of my clothes. We are both naked in front of each other for the first time but theirs nothing sexual about it, it's about taking care of Emmett. I tap into his emotions to see if he is okay because he still isn't talking to me and I start to think he might be in shock, his emotions are all over the place; fear, relief, anticipation, helplessness.

I take his hand and step into the shower with him, I turn it to the hottest temperature and start washing the blood off of him while he continues to stare at me like he's lost. My heart hurts for him, he must have been so scared. I clean him up and try to get him to come back to me.

"Em?" I ask cautiously, going up on my tiptoes so I can get as close to his face I can. I cup his face in my hands and look directly into his eyes,

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" My questions prompts him to finally break. His face crumbles before my eyes and his grabs my waist and crushes me to him.

I lift my legs to wrap around his waist while his head buries in my neck as he finally processes all his emotions, I know he can't actually cry but if he could that's what he would be doing right now. His dry sobs into my neck are breaking my heart and I start to break down with him, silent tears running down my face being washed away down the drain by the shower.

"Shh, Em it's okay. I'm right here. I'm okay. I'm safe." I sooth, running my hand down the back of his head while holding onto him as tight as I can, "I'm right here, baby. Shh." I plant kisses all over his head and the parts of his face that aren't entirely buried in my neck.

"I can't lose you," He croaks out, "The thought of losing you makes me so fucking sick, I can't-" He tries to calm himself down and holds me tighter to his body, "You're everything to me, I can't live this life without you. I love you so much."

"I'm not going anywhere, Em." I desperately cling to him but I have to see him, I lift his head off of my neck and look at him. Water flowing down his beautiful face, hanging onto his eyelashes giving the illusion of him crying. I look him in the eyes and say,

"I love you, I'm not leaving you to live this life alone." before I crash my mouth to his.

He puts his whole being into the kiss, I feel all his emotions of the day and return all mine. My body starts to heat up and I become aware of our naked bodies pressed together. I want to make him feel good, after the day he has had I need him to know he still has me, I need him to know I love him more than anything.

I break our kiss before I trail my lips along his jaw and he tilts his head, allowing me to do whatever I want to him. I kiss and suck at his neck, his arms coming unraveled around my waist so his hands can grab onto my ass instead.

"Bella," He moans into my ear.

I trail my lips down to his collarbone and chest but that's all I can reach while he is holding me up like this. I wriggle in his arms until he finally relents and lets me down. I run my hands along his chiseled chest and abs, appreciating his body. My mouth waters at the sight of this sexy man before me and pride swells in my chest that he is all mine. My fingertips dance over his abs and they clench under my touch while I continue kissing along his chest. My fingers continue down his body until they reach his hard cock resting against his stomach pleading for attention.

I push him to lean against the shower wall before I wrap my hand around his impressive length and hear his sharp intake of breath, he leans down to devour my mouth while I stroke him. He moans into my mouth when I rub my thumb around his slit where precum has gathered and spread it around the head before I continue to stroke him. I pull away from him and catch my breath before I drop to my knees in front of him, he stares at me with wide lust filled eyes. I keep eye contact with him while I tentatively lick the tip.

"Fuck, Bella." He groans while his head falls back to the wall, his hands come to either side of my head and twist his fingers in the wet tendrails for leverage.

I take him into my mouth and try to use every technique I've ever heard girls talk about. I relax my throat muscles and take him as far as I can without choking and swallow around him, I'm rewarded with a curse and a moan from Emmett. I continue wrapping the length of him in my lips, going from tip to base and alternating with stroking him with my hand. I wrap my tongue around him while my hand moves to his balls, I cup them in my hands and apply a generous amount of pressure to them.

"Mm, baby I'm gonna cum." He manages to gasp out before a salty liquid fills my mouth, I swallow all of it before I look up at him. He has his eyes closed with his head leaning against the wall and a very relaxed look on his face. I stand up and turn the shower off because it has turned lukewarm before wrapping my arms around Emmett's neck.

"Feel better?" I arch my brow at him with a smirk on my face. He opens his eyes and looks at me with a look of rapture on his face.

"Much better," He says before he leans into give me a sweet kiss, "Thank you, sweetheart." The look he gives me makes me think he is thanking me for more than a blow job.

"Your welcome." I say, whatever he's thanking me for it was no problem for me, I would do anything for him.

We finally manage to get out of the shower and get dried off. I find one of Emmett's shirts and my discarded pants that stayed clean by some miracle. Once we are both dressed we head downstairs to answer all the questions the family have for us.

We spend the rest of the afternoon answering questions and I told Alice about the job Angela told me about and how excited I was about it. Once when we were in the middle of talking she got a far off look on her face and stopped talking until she came out of it, I'd learned when that happened it meant she was seeing something and to just wait patiently until her vision was over. When she came back to the present she had a smile on her face but she wouldn't tell me anything about it. I wondered what she could have seen that would make her smile like that but knew she wasn't going to tell me and dropped it.

Before Emmett and I went to bed Alice stopped me and said cryptically,

"You're going to love your job."

"I haven't got the job yet, Alice." I say, confused. She just smiles at me before heading back to Jasper and I'm left confused but I trust her, she is the psychic after all. I just hope that she's right.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love all your comments and opinions and really genuinely appreciate them so leave them if you would like. Until next chapter!