Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the character

Chapter 1: The Meeting

I decided to move in with my dad, Charlie for the last year of school. My mom and her husband, the professional baseball player are always gone so it's not like I'm needed there anyway. I always felt a little guilty when she would be forced to stay with me instead of traveling with him even though I always told her she could leave me by myself, I was used to being a loner. You see I'm pretty plain: dull brown hair that is never really straight so I tend to leave it down natural, brown eyes that aren't bright; eyes are the windows to the soul right?, and did I mention perhaps the palest person that resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Well did reside, right this little town that nobody has ever heard of in Washington is going to be my new home for the next 10 months. Yes, only the school year and then I'm shipping out to..well I don't know yet but I sure as hell won't be staying here.

"You're pretty quiet over there." I hear Charlie say. He startled me out of my thoughts of leaving this place only to be brought back to the present of where I was trying to escape, even if it was to mind.

"I'm a quiet person, but then again how would you know that? We only talk by the occassional phone call or Birthday card you remarkably remember to send." I spat angrily. Okay so maybe I'm a little bitter about having to be here. It was my choice of course but really I had nowhere else to go, my mom wouldn't allow me to stay by myself and I can't buy my own apartment so with no other option in site it was back to good old Dad of the Year.

It's not that Charlie is a horrible Dad, I just wish he had the balls to fight for his family. He just let my mom walk right out the door without a second thought, he didn't try to come after her or me. He wasn't even there for my birth, I obviously can't remember him not being there but the thought that my own dad couldn't bother to show up to the moment his daughter was brought into this world is a little disappointing. I had only seen him a handful of times over the past 17 years, he calls every now and then but we don't have a relationship and it kinda pisses me off that he thinks he can make of up for 17 years of absence in the span of a school year. Well I'll tell you one thing, I'm not going to make it easy on him.

I hear him sigh but he doesn't respond. We have arrived at his house anyway so it's not like we could continue the conversation anyway. He pulls into the brick driveway and turns off the car. He turns to me as to say something, I can tell he is struggling with himself so I find a semblance of patience and wait for him to get whatever he needs to say off his chest.

"I know I was never there for you when you were growing up," He starts. "but I would like to use this time that you are here to get to know you and actually know what it's like to have a daughter. I know you have no reason to believe me but I do love you, Bella." He finishes his little speech and before I can close my mouth that has fallen open from the shock he has ensued and create a response he exits the car and walks around to the trunk to collect my luggage.

I finally am able to compose myself enough to open my door and get out of the cruiser. Oh, yeah Charlie is the Chief of Police here in little Forks, Washington. I suppose he can do something right to become the Chief of Police, along with shocking me so severely my mouth fell open. What was with that speech? He loves me? Is he serious? I suppose he is capable of loving me but if he loved me why wouldn't he ever come visit? Why not make an effort to be an actual father? All these thoughts are going through my head as I enter Charlie's small two-bedroom house.

It's...quaint. I guess I'm just used to the big mansion Phil's career could afford, I'm not a snob it's just a lot to get used to. There is a small living room to the right with all the pieces of furniture facing towards the TV, there a small kitchen adjoining the living room with a square table and two chairs facing each other. The outstanding feature in here is the God awful yellow painted cabinets, must be a touch Renee implemented with her obsession with the color yellow. Upstairs is where my room is located, at least this room was spared the yellow paint. The walls are light blue with hardwood floors, there is desk directly to the right of the door with what looks to be an old rickety white chair, the bed is on the left facing a window that looks over the backyard. I could stare out this window all day, it's surprisingly beautiful out there. I love the outdoors and nature, the calmness you feel when you are outside in the middle of nowhere with no distractions and no sounds but those of birds chirping or the occasional scamper of a woodland animal. I'll have to go exploring out there sometime.

I unpack all my clothes in the old dresser that was against the far wall, it didn't take long because I don't have many clothes. I'm not what you would call 'fashionable'. I stick to blacks and greys with some white thrown in there sometimes for shirts and my favorite black hoodie that doesn't have any holes or stains even after all these years which I am very proud of. I only own about 3 pairs of jeans and only one pair has a hole at the knee, all that with my favorite pair of black and white converse and that's my wardrobe. I lay out my black hoodie and my nicest pair of jeans for tomorrow and throw myself on the bed. Tomorrow, I sigh. A new school, new people to make friends with that have probably known each other since elementary school and me the newbie that will be the gossip of the school for who knows how long. Guess I better get some sleep for the big day tomorrow, ugh.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Be- I shut off the stupid alarm that woke me up from what I think was an amazing dream but now that I'm trying to think of it I can't remember what I was dreaming. Oh well. It's Monday ugh why we're Mondays invented again? And why must they always start so early. I squint at the red numbers mocking me, 7:00. Yup, I have to start getting ready or I'll be late.

"Guess I'm getting up." I say to nothing because I know I'm alone, Charlie warned me he most likely would never be here when I woke up in the morning. I don't mind, the quiet is calming to my anxious nerves. I convince myself that my first day jitters are warranted and begin getting ready, it's convenient Charlie is already gone so we don't have to fight for the one bathroom. After I've showered, dried hair, brushed teeth, applied a little mascara and put my clothes that were already laid out from the night before I'm ready to go. I pick up the red backpack by the door that has the few essentials for first days and head out the door.

My dad was nice enough to get me my own vehicle to drive to school and around town, it's pretty beat up and really loud when I start it but it runs so I won't complain. I think he said he bought it off one of his friends, somebody named Billy Black I've never met him but I appreciate his truck.

I make my way into the parking lot and park in a parking space toward the back and step out, I already feel the stares that are looking my way. I keep my head down and walk toward the front office to get my schedule and a map of the school. I'm looking down at the map trying to find out where my English class is when I run straight into a wall or what feels like a wall because I go flying right onto my butt in the middle of the crowded hallway. I look up to try to find out what the hell I just ran into when I come face to face with the most stunning pair of gold eyes I've ever seen that are looking down at with concern.

"You okay there?" Gold Eyes asks while leaning down to the gather my schedule and map that went flying somewhere when I fell.

I can't seem to get my mouth to work because I'm stuck by what I'm looking at, possibly the most gorgeous guy in existence is talking to me. Gold Eyes has dark down hair with with broad shoulders and looks to be very burly but I'm still looking at his eyes because I have never seen anything like them before. My mind comes back to reality when I remember he asked me if I was okay. Do I seem okay? No, I'm kinda freaking out.

"Yeah, I'm good. The bruise on my ass was just what I was missing on my first day in this place." I reply. I'm being snarky because I'm kind of embarrassed I fell on my ass in front of this gorgeous guy and half the school.

To my utter surprise Gold Eyes actually laughs and wow was that sexy. I think I just swooned.

"You're funny. I like a girl with a sense of humor." He says. Wait. Did he just say he likes me? No, he says he likes girls like that. Not me. He offers me his hand to help me up off the floor and I take it eagerly, ready to get off the cold hard floor and maybe a little desperate to touch him.

Once he helps me up and I take my stuff back from him I decide to give him my name because I'd really like to know what to call Gorgeous instead of Gold Eyes.

"I'm Bell Swan, thanks for helping me up, even though you were kind of the reason I fell in the first place." I say hoping to hear his laugh again.

To my delight I get another laugh out of him and I feel the need to make him laugh for the rest of my life. Woah thoughts, slow down. Figure out his name first before you start planning the future.

"I'm really sorry about that but you did run in to me, sweetheart. I'm Emmett by the way." He chuckles with a smile on his face that shows his dimples.

Emmett. Gold Eyes. Gorgeous. Whatever I decide to call him all I know is this still school year is going to be interesting.