Authors Note: I've re-uploaded this chapter after finding a few spelling / grammar errors. I haven't published any fan-fics since cleaning out my account years ago, so I'm still pretty rusty, but it's nice to know people are enjoying the pseudo-story so far!

Chapter One

She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman I had ever seen
She had the sightless eyes
, telling me no lies
Knockin' me out with those American thighs

Junkrat twitched and muttered as he made his way across the compound, his metal leg clicking with every other step.

"N-Stupid bloody monkey!" he growled, kicking the door that lead to his private quarters open and stepping out of the searing desert sun into the shade.

He used the term "Private Quarters" loosely of course. In reality it was part of an old hangar at the back of the Gibraltar base that he and Roadhog had commandeered when they had agreed to join Overwatch.

The young Junker hadn't been too enthused at first when they were made an offer from the scientist Winston, but Roadhog said that since the Overwatch team didn't officially exist, it wasn't "Going Legit", and Junkrat trusted his bodyguard.

There was no shortage of scrap metal and other wonderful, shiny things at the old base to keep the Junkers occupied, and he soon found himself spending lots of time rifling through the hundreds of disused vehicles and weapons, gathering anything interesting and carrying it back to their hangar excitedly.

Still muttering, Junkrat walked into the main area of the hangar and threw himself onto an old, threadbare couch that sat in front of an ancient television.

Beyond the makeshift lounge-room, The two Aussies had rigged up some curtains and old car doors in each corner of the hangar, essentially creating their own forts to use as bedrooms, leaving a cluttered walkway between them that lead to their larger work area, where Junkrat was currently working on either a bomb propelled car or a car propelled bomb, depending on his mood.

Heavy shuffling behind him announced the presence of his bodyguard, who was shifting his considerable frame sideways down the car door-hallway, grunting softly from behind his thick, leather mask.

"Oi!" Junkrat cried indignantly, looking over the top of the sofa at the enormous man, "You ain't gonna believe this, mate!"

Roadhog turned his head to the side and grunted in question.

"The monkey says we gotta start pullin' our weight!" he said, raising his long arms up in the air as he yelled, "as if we ain't already workin' round the clock!"

Roadhog snorted loudly, shaking his head as he lowered himself into an armchair, half flattening it under his bulk.

"N-Do you know what he's makin' us do?" Junkrat snarled, twitching wildly as he climbed up onto the arm of the chair, unable to sit still as he ranted at the giant man across from him.

Roadhog started to say something, but Junkrat cut him off, shouting, "We gotta help train the new recruits! Gotta teach 'em all the stuff we know! Show 'em how n-what n-why n-nah... N-NAH!"

Junkrat twitched violently, breaking off into a scream and he tugged on his constantly smouldering hair in frustration.

"I know," Roadhog grunted, his deep voice muffled slightly by his mask.

Junkrats head shot up and he narrowed his eyes at Roadhog, "How'd you know before me?"

"There's one here," he said shortly, pointing a meaty finger over Junkrats shoulder at

the back work room.

Junkrat froze, one eye twitching wildly as he registered his friends words.

"One HERE!? In my bloody- my...N-NAH!" Sparks flew from his hair as he screeched, clambering over the back of the sofa and running off down the hall as fast as he could.

How dare they! How dare some kid with no skill, no knowledge, no passion for bombs or explosions be allowed in his private work room! That was where he kept all his best stuff! If they put their grubby mitts on any of his projects... Even one wire put out of place could ruin everything!

He slammed into the rusted fridge door they used to section off the work area, barrelling into the room and baring his sharp teeth as he looked around for the intruder.

To his horror he spotted a pair of bare feet sticking out from under the half-built car in the left hand corner.

"OI!" he shouted, picking up a stray hand-bomb from the workbench and raising it threateningly over his head, "Get the bloody hell away from my-"

He froze, watching as the small figure scrambled quickly out from under the car at the sound of his voice.

The feet slid backwards, followed by smooth, pale legs... Then the thighs...

The girl stood up, flipping a veritable mane of curly black hair out of her face as she turned her shining eyes on the Junker.

Junkrat couldn't help his eyes from wandering constantly over her fit frame. She was a short thing, but her body curved sharply in all the right places beneath the tattered and dirty overalls she was wearing, the straps hanging off her shoulders to reveal a grubby white tank top underneath.

There was oil and soot smeared all over her small, pointed nose, and her ears seemed to jut out sharply at odd angles beneath her wild hair...and her teeth...

"You're a... A Junker?" he breathed, feeling very confused.

The girl nodded slightly, her eyes locked on his hand which was still raised threateningly, grasping the bomb.

He dropped it carelessly, barely registering the small explosion that sounded from behind as it his the floor and went off.

There was no mistaking the signs of mutation from the poisonous environment of The Outback he still called home, and Junkrat felt his heart speed to dangerous heights as he took in the tiny Junker.

"Hooley Dooley..." he managed, creeping towards her.

"Are you him?" the junker girl asked in the same distinct accent as his own, "Are you The Junkrat?"

"Wha- Oh...yeh, Yeh! That's me!" he said, snapping out of his confusion as his face split into a wide grin.

"Oh, wow!" the girl squealed, her amber eyes widening, "I know all about you! You're famous back home!"

"Yeh?" Junkrat asked, raising his singed eyebrows. He still couldn't take his eyes off her as she clapped her hands together excitedly, half-bouncing on her bare feet.

"It's so great to meet you," she continued, holding out a hand, "You can call me Ash, you know, like with fire, cos I work with pyrotechnics and..."

She continued to ramble on as Junkrat stared as her proffered hand, his mind racing as fast as her tongue as an almost painful fluttering filled his chest.

He started to twitch as his mind overloaded, unused to the strange new stimuli the girl was providing, and he let out a strangled , "A-Argh! I got-... I gotta go!"

Before she could say anything else he bolted from the room, running up the hallway as he made indistinct noises and jittered about on his metal leg.

He didn't know what, but something big was happening inside him, strangling his heart and making him dizzy. He clambered over the top of the sofa once more, flopping down onto the cushions with his long limbs sprawled out on either side.

A questioning grunt came from somewhere above him and he felt a shadow fall over his face as Roadhog leaned over him, poking him painfully in the shoulder to check if he was still alive.

For the first time, Jamison fawkes had nothing to say.