Alright guys.. this is the last one! I'm sorry I have to end it like this, but I think it's time
And I'm sorry for being so lazy with the uploads, been really busy and tired and just argh! Even did a School Captain speech
Thank you so much to everyone for continuing to read this work.. Means a lot! I'm glad I could have done this for you guys.. you're the reason why I commit myself to this. :) I also have an announcement at the end of the work
So thank you, and enjoy!
P.S. Expect a BIG amount of crazy in this chapter

March is long past the normal level of bored. He's used to being up to the worst of the worst at the Hotel Cortez, but in the Asylum, there seems to be nothing to do but wander around looking for another person to kill. But then again, murder is the last thing on his mind right now, the first thing is getting out of the Asylum, once and for all. But after seeing what the group is dealing with right now, the man with the Bloody Face, it makes March wonder how it's going to end. A ghost, a human, a monster and a freak, the four ways March describes his Co-Existents, and unknowingly, to the others, he's known as the psychopath; the murderer, the merciless, the killer. Worse and more ferocous than Tate and Kyle put together.

March walks into the kitchen, seeing the damage that's recently occurred; a scavenge like swipe of the entire room.
"Hmm, Tate I presume?" March says to himself, spotting the broken kitchen safe and the remaining blades left in it. "Yes, most definitely Tate."
March walks to the safe, tearing two large knives from it, before sliding them into the pockets of his torn strait-jacket. March's ears are shocked by another sound of a gunshot, but this time, not of the revolver he had heard before, this time his favourite handgun; 1911 Colt. March smiles at the sound of the barrel clocking back, his ghostly senses allow him to hear it, hear anything, comes in handy for a serial killer.
"I wonder where that cam from?" March smirks, preparing himself for a ghostly teleport once again.

March suddenly appears to where he wants to be; the tunnels, the way to freedom, the way back to his kingdom. March's eyes feel different, like his energy has been drained by everything in the surrounding environment. March's knees hit the floor in agony, he feels his nose begin to bleed suddenly, this doesn't seem right to him.
"What blasphemy- is this?" March weeps, feeling blood tear from his ears and eyes. "What is happening to me?"
March stares over to the end of the tunnel, seeing them; seeing the remainder of the group, the Co-Existents, Grace, all of them. They look prepared, prepared for something crazy, something dangerous, that's when March spots the silhouettes of weird shaped humans, scurrying towards them. Every member is armed, every member is ready. March manages to find himself to his feet, wiping the blood from his wounds, then smiles as he pulls the blades from his pockets.

The woods has become silent, too silent for comfort. The sounds of scurrying and crawling had suddenly stopped, which could only mean one uncomfortable thing; shit was about to become violent, and lives were about to be lost. Even Tate was having a hard time hearing anything, and he's a ghost, he hears whatever he wants to. The group was prepared for everything but the silence, the fear that came with it, and the irritation. But the group was staying in formation, in their own little wall, a wall nothing could conquer, as long as they worked together.
"Tate? Are you okay?" Kit asks, frost foaming away with his hot breath. "Your nose."
Tate caresses the edge of his nose, feeling the warmness of blood, then the confusion that follows it. That's when he begins to feel the sudden pain in his head, like a gun just went off and the bullet bounced around violently.
"Dude, Tate. Are you oka-"

One of the former silhouettes lunges from a scrub, revealing its mutated and ghoulish state. Its claws scrummage through the dirt as it lays on all fours, ragged teeth snarling at its nearest victim; Kyle. The creature launches itself at Kyle, ready to tear out his throat, but not ready for the next trick Kyle has up his sudden sleeve.
"NO!" Kyle screams, like he used to when he was in his Frankenstein form, like he did when Madison attacked his Zoe.
Kyle swings his weapon with a monstrous force, tearing at the creature's neck so hard, its head falls straight on its shoulders. The head drops like a rock, creating a satisfying noise to Kyle's murder-cravings, making him unwillingly smile at both the sight and the sound. Blood curdles away from the severed head, creating a puddle, a puddle easily smelt but whatever else is lying in the woods. After the first kill, it wouldn't be long until more Raspers began scurrying out for a fight, and that's exactly what they did. One by one, two by two, three by three, they all begin to rush out of the woods, beginning their cannibalistic attack, even ramming each other out of the way to get to the group. Their numbers are both surprising and terrifying, Kit and Grace didn't expect a number this massive, but then again, nobody did.
"You ready?!" Grace screams, hatchet at the ready.
"As always," Tate smiles.

The group departs into a bloody brawl, surprised by the sheer amount of Raspers that lurk in the deep darkness of the woods. Tate makes himself appear amongst the lines of freaks, allowing his cleaver to do the dirty work, creating a bloody mess as he slices through them with ease. Jimmy uses his rifle, surprising himself with his accuracy as he pops through Raspers with one hand, using his rusted pipe as a melee weapon with the other. Grace stands beside Kit as they slowly move forward together, taken out any freak that gets close to him as uses his handgun to deal some serious damage. The numbers don't seem to be depleting, Kit and Grace didn't expect this many of them, which gave them a deadly disadvantage. Nobody from the group is prepared to be food, so they're going to do the only thing they know; fight for their lives.

Kit reloads his weapon, realising it was his one and only spare round, which makes him begin to panic. He watches Kyle as he forcefully slams his axe down on a Rasper, cutting it vertically in two, revealing his true ferocity. Kit turns to face Jimmy, who appears to be surrounded by the creatures as he fires his last bullet, then using the barrel of the rifle as a spear, sticking one in the eye. Grace slams the blade of the hatchet into the stomach of a freak to defend Kit, but gets it stuck as the intestines split out into a mess.
"Grace!" Kit screams as he watches Grace get dragged to the ground by a couple of the monsters.
Kit fires his handgun at the Raspers, hearing the weapon cock as the last bullet is fired to save Grace's life, covering her in mass amounts of blood. He turns and is tackled to the ground, clawed in the chest in the process, causing a gush of blood run down his body. The creature tries to tear at Kit's throat, but is stopped by Kit's hands gripping its arms.
"KIT!" Jimmy screams, pulling the pipes from his pockets and bludgeoning the head of one of the creatures in defence, spraying himself with thick black blood.
Tate throws his cleaver into a Rapser scurrying to Kit's whereabouts, using his bare hands to restrain another two before breaking their necks with ease. Kit struggles to hold the beast up, feeling the energy drain his body, and the creature's teeth come closer and closer.

Two blades pierce the creature's head, its eyes rolling back as its head is suddenly torn from its shoulders and onto the ground. A bloody faced March shows himself, smiling as he curls his moustache with the tip of the blade.
"I thought you wanted to kill us?" Kit says, breathing out the panic from his lungs.
March chuckles and then scoffs. "Not yet, Mr Walker. Not yet."
March walks over to a nearby Rasper, tearing the cleaver from its head and throwing it towards Kit. "This treasure is yours. ."
March walks in the middle of the battle, his arms stretched out as his smile catches the attention of the hungry creatures, and that's when he makes his move. March slits the throat of one creature, moving to the next and rapidly cutting into its chest, tearing its bloody lungs from its chest. He throws his blade, hitting one of the creatures, then appearing to it and tearing the blade down to its groan, causing an unsustainable amount of damage.

Tate suffers a bite to the leg, stomping on the the head and crushing the skull of the beast inflicting that damage. Tate turns, seeing March enjoying himself as he slays a wild number of the mutated creatures. Tate snarls as he makes himself appear besides his nemesis, surprising March with his sudden presence.
"Well, Mr Langdon," March scoffs. "I have to say, killing whatever this scoundrels are, is a lot more fun and torturing you."
"Ha, I'm touched."
Tate moves March aside, gripping one of the beasts on the head, then gripping its jaw, and tearing it off in a blink of an eye. Kyle appears to be holding his own, moving closer and closer to Jimmy to support him in his struggle to hold his own, using his axe to clobber and take the lives of any creature willing to take on the resurrected-human. Kit uses the cleaver to his advantage, dispatching any of the monsters that get close to Grace's presence. The Rapsers don't stop, even with their numbers quickly depleting, they don't stop. March gets sick of using his blades, instead, jamming them into the eyes of one of the Rapsers, then charging towards a small group of them with his bare hands as his weapons.

Then, there it is, the final wave of them; the scariest, most ghoulish and fowl looking of the creatures, staring at the exhausted group in the moonlight. The group band back together, even March takes a few steps back, sure, Ghosts can't die, but they can still feel pain if they're torn to shreds. The snarling begins as the rest of the creatures scurry towards the group, claws and ragged teeth ready to inflict damage, and even death.
"I'm so tired," Kit says, sweat rolling down his face as he leans onto Grace, who is equally as tired.
"This is it," Jimmy clams his pipes together in rage. "Let's kill the rest of these fuckers."
"Come on, come on, COME ON!" Tate snarls, cracking his knuckles with bloodthirsty eyes.
"I'm coming back to you, Zoe," Kyle sighs, driving the blood away from his blade. "I'm coming home."
March chuckles like a madman at the sight, like it's the most childish sight he's ever seen. "This'll be unconvincingly easy."

Tate crawls on the ground, blood covered all over his sweaty and exhausted body. He struggles to keep his eyes open, feeling human weakness for the first time in years. Kyle sticks his axe into the spine of the last Rasper, then collapses to the ground in exhaustion. Jimmy sits leaning against a tree, looking at the claw marks on his arms and hand, gasping at the pain the battle had just insured on his body. The moonlight still pierces in the sky, which indicates that it's nowhere near morning, which makes the group want to sleep more and more. The piles of Rasper corpses make it hard to move around, dozens and dozens lay mutilated in the grass, dirt and bloody puddles. Kit manages to get to his blood covered feet, leaving Grace in her state of fatigue. March remains murderous, but still exhausted, using the rest of his energy to cut a Rasper into smaller pieces with Kit's cleaver.

"He seems like he's having fun," Jimmy puffs, clawing himself to his feet.
"Jesus. Fucking. Christ," Kit says, his hand in his pocket. "I've still got smokes."
Kit pulls four cigarettes from his pocket along with a lighter, giving one to Grace straight away and lighting it, then asking who else wants one. Tate appears in front of him, snatching one from his hand, same with the lighter to light it. He lights his cigarette, feeling the smoke gush down his throat as he stares around to see that March has disappeared again.
"Well, fuck," Tate sighs, throwing the lighter to Kit. "March is gone again."
"Yeah, what a shame," Grace adds sarcastically, finding herself to her feet finally.
"We're going to have to go soon, guys," Kyle states. "Lana's waiting for us, if we don't act now, Thredson will take her."
"You're right," Kit agrees, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. "C'mon guys! Grace. Tate. Jimbo. Let's go!"

The group wanders back into the woods, noticing the silence has taken over once again. After the fight all of them had to take part in, nobody was complaining about the quiet, everyone was far too exhausted and aching to do that anyway. But there were still a lot of questions to be answered. Where's March now? Where's Thredson? And if they fail, where will he take Lana? It's all that's on Kit's mind, he was supposed to protect her, and he failed to do that, he trusted the villain the entire time.
"We have to hurry," Kit says, beginning to panic as the sweat rolls down his face. "She may already be gone."
"We're almost there," Tate adds, trying to resolve the panic. "I can smell fuel, not fresh, but I can smell it."
"Just calm down, Kit," Jimmy sighs, trying to put his shoulder, but is stopped when Kit pulls back.
"Don't try to fucking sweet talk m-"

A gunshot echoes in the near distance, probably two-hundred metres away, which makes every member of the group stare at one another.
"Quickly!" Kyle yells, beginning the rush to where the gunshot came from.
Kyle takes point, and being what he is, a resurrected human, he's only slighter faster than Tate, but a lot faster than the humans of the group. Tate manages to stay behind Kyle, watching the rest of the groups as they begin to disappear.
"Kyle!" Tate yells, using all of his energy to catch up to his Co-Existent. "We have to wait for the rest of the group!"
"They will catch up! But we have to hurry and find her, make sure they can't leave!"
"It's not far, the smell is stronger now!" Tate states, hearing another gunshot close by.
Kyle and Tate become faster as they become more and more dedicated to find their friend, save her from becoming another victim to the Bloody Face murderer.

Kyle and Tate enter an open field, seeing a car and Lana looking tightly tied to it, Thredson standing near her, holding a gun. Thredson fires his weapon, hitting a nearby Rasper in the knee and sending the creature to its knee, then firing it a last time, this time, in the creature's head. Tate sneaks behind the last alive Rasper, placing it in a headlock and crushing its neck. Around the area, three of creature's lie dead, with the exception of the one Thredson just gunned down and the one Tate had just broke, that's when Kyle notices that the murderer is reloading his revolver once again.
"God dammit! Fucking bullets!" Thredson snarls, looking up and spotting the two similar looking beings. "You? How did you?! There were dozens and dozens of them!"
"Not anymore," Tate smirks, slowly stepping towards the murderer, only to take a bullet from Thredson's weapon in the chest. "I don't think that's going to work this time!"
"You're finished, Doc!" Kyle growls, holding his battle-axe firmly in his hands.
"Guys! Help!" Lana screams in panic.
"SHUT IT WHORE!" Thredson growls, hitting Lana in the cheek with his weapon.
The rest of the group finally catches up, even more exhausted than before, everyone except Kit, who's eyes focus on the man that killed his wife. Grace takes a step back from Kit, feeling the heat his anger is dragging from his body, knowing that the situation was about to become a lot worse.

"You motherfucker!" Kit roars, dragging himself slowly towards his nemesis, even his line of fire.
"Not another step!" Thredson commands, pointing the gun at Lana's head. "Or she dies."
"Don't! Please!' Grace pleads.
"I won't, as long as your pathetic excuse of a lover doesn't make me," Thredson says to Grace.
Tate uses his finger nail to slowly drag the bullet from his chest, squealing at the feeling as he continues to move towards Thredson once again.
"Are you deaf, 'ghost'?" Thredson snarls, the bloody, fleshy mask staring at what seems like the angriest teenager in the world. But Tate doesn't flinch, he's seen worse, a lot worse than a serial killer with a skin fetish. Everyone is at the edge of their seats, especially Kit, who is moments away from taking a bullet, just to be able to place his hands around his neck. Tate's eyes merely mocks Thredson's comment in a thick fog of laughter.
"I must be, and so are you apparently! Because if you think another bullet is going to stop me, you're fucking wrong!" Tate roars.
Thredson fires his weapon again, hitting Tate in the shoulder. He then places the barrel of the revolver at the tip of Lana's temple, his eyes crazed and serious. "I will kill her, I swear."

In a blink of an eye, Thredson's hand slices off his arm, dropping to the dirty ground of the woods as blood sprays all over Lana's face. Thredson screams at the sudden mutilation of his arm, staring at the fresh bloody wound that seem to have magically appeared. But that's when a figure suddenly appears from behind the infamous Bloody Face, someone worse, someone a lot more frightening than even Bloody Face himself; James Patrick March, holding Kit's cleaver.
"That was exhilarating!" March screams, watching Thredson as he falls to his knees. "Did you see that?! M-A-G-I-C!"
Thredson continues to scream at the pain he's feeling, but March covers his mouth, shushing him.
"Hush, hush. It's okay, it's okay! I'm sorry! It was in my view, so I had 'clear' it out," March chuckles, lining his cleaver along Thredson's chin, then tearing the mask from his face. "Uh, how disappointing. My wife loves jaw-lines, but yours, is quite disappointing."
"March," Tate says, catching his attention. "What are you doing?!"
"Having fun!" March replies. "Isn't it obvious!"

March stares at the severed arm, still holding his favourite type of handgun; the Colt Detective Special. He picks up the weapon, staring at the amount of bullets left in the locking notch.
"Two bullets left," March smiles, staring at Kit. "You know, I could kill at least two of you, well, with the pistol anyway. BUT! I'm going to gift one of you the honours of finally ending the life of this disgusting and better yet disappointing excuse of a 'serial killer'. But, first, let me do this."
"What does that mean?!" Kyle questions, his axe ready to go the defensive or the offensive.
March places the barrel of the gun in the lobe of Thredson's ear, chuckling as he winks at the serial killer.
"Don't!" Grace yells, running towards Lana and covering her ears. "Now do it."
March pulls the trigger, blowing Thredson's whole ear into a thousand pieces, only causing more horrific screaming and inevitable crying.
"Woah! The anticipation was worth every second. Deaf in the right ear! Well, what's left of it anyway!" March chuckles. "You know, I was going t- Actually, you know what? Fuck it!"
March stands directly in front of Thredson, staring right through his tearing eyes as he smiles viciously. The group watches helplessly as March tears Thredson's mouth open, slowly placing the barrel of the revolver inside of it, which causes the serial killer to be choke at the feeling. Kyle prepares to stop March with his axe, but is surprisingly stopped when Tate grips the blade, his hand bleeding at the position his palm lays in as he pleads Kyle to let whatever is about to happen, happen. March then drops the cleaver he used to kill the Raspers onto the dirt, like he doesn't need it anymore, like all he needs is the last bullet in the revolver. "Goodbye 'Bloody Face'."
"March!" Jimmy screams. "Stop!"
"WAIT!" Kit roars.

March fires the last bullet from the revolver, the roar from it echoing through what seems like could be the entire world. The weapon cocks back in his hand, but March's grip stops the weapon from flailing out of his hand. The bullet slings through the Doctor's head, causing a sudden mess of thick blood and mutilated chunks of bone that squirmed from the fresh bullet hole at the back of the lower skull. Bloody spits everywhere; on the ground, on the trees, all over March, Lana and Grace, but that wasn't the end of the mess March had just made. March drags the barrel from the now dead Thredson's mouth, tearing a few teeth on the way out as he watches blood rapidly flow from his nose.
"Well then, I guess that escalated. I mean, I was diagnosed with what was known as a, and I do quote, a "lustful nature of bloody murder". Sounds about right," March explains, smiling as he drops Thredson's body onto the dirt.
"Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Kit snarls, his teeth grinding together in anger.
"I made sure a pathetic mangy creature has been eliminated, that's what I did," March replies.

"Kit needed him to prove his innocence," Kyle gnarls, tearing his axe away from Tate's hand in anger.
"Prove that he didn't murder all of those women," Grace adds, shielding Lana from the chaos.
"And you just killed that evidence!" Jimmy finishes.
"You should have let me stop him, Tate!" Kyle sighs, sticking his axe into a nearby tree.
"Yeah, well. You didn't get shot in the neck now did you?!" Tate growls back.
"Well, that's just an interpretation," March adds, catching everyone's attention.
"Wait?" Grace asks, attempted to process what the known psychopath had just said.
"What does that mean, James?" Kit asks, wiping sweat from the gash on his face.
"Look behind the tree behind you."

Most of the group turn to face to tree, everyone but Kyle and Tate, who observe the killer just to make sure it's not a trick. Kit slowly makes his way behind the tree, and that's when March begins to speak again.
"At first, I didn't know what it was, or better yet, how to use it. But I found out incredibly and thankfully, quick, and after a few terribly lucky moments I captured a few good shots."
"What is it?" Jimmy asks. "A camera?"
"Better, my friend. Extraordinarily better."
Kit finally finds himself on the other side of the tree, staring at an item familiar to him; a recorder. It looks frail and near broken, but still intact. Kit plays with a few of the buttons, as he can't remember which button is which, he's lost in the moments that happened not that long before. That's when he finds the right button, and clicks it to begin a recording.
You son of a bitch," Kit hears himself say in the recording.
"What the fuck is this?" Kit asks himself.
"Oh c'mon, your not completely surprised, are you Kit? I mean, you didn't think I was going to help you get out, did you? I was going to keep you here, so the truth couldn't come out, the truth of who bloody face really is. I killed your precious, negro Alma, I killed Lana's precious Wendy, I've murdered so many girls, and I let you take the blame. And now, you're going to watch as I drag this little one away, take her away from all this, and she'll be gone, forever."
Kit quickly realised that the voice belonged to Thredson. How could he forget? Even through death, his voice still manages to haunt Kit, but the good thing about his voice, is how recognisable it is. Thredson is well known, so the police will realise it's his voice straight away.
"This is evidence," Kit whispers to himself. "Evidence that I'm innocent."
"If you fucking hurt her!" He hears his voice again, making himself wonder exactly how much March recorded.
"Shut it! Or I'll shoot your new precious Grace."

The recording suddenly stops, and now, Kit stands stiff, unsure what to do. The woods has become colder, it's clear from the frost coming from Kit's now extremely hot breath. Kit's breathing becomes quicker and quicker, he's shocked, and he now knows what he has to do.
"Holy fuck, holy fuck."
Kit snatches the the recorder, quickly moving back to the rest of the group in what he wants to be excitement. Grace sees the look on Kit's face, but is confused about why the expression is branded on his face. Kyle keeps his eyes close to March while Tate stares at Kit.
"What was it?" Tate asks, glaring at March. "Anything tricky?"
"No, but I have to say this; thank you, James."
"Thank me?" March asks confusingly. "I don't know what you're talking ab-"
"You recorded Thredson admitting that he's the bloody face murder. You've brought me the evidence that proves my evidence."
"It would have taken less effort to just kill most of you, but, I suppose, playing with that pathetic piece of metal was interesting in that boring building," March explains.

Grace manages to to get Lana to her feet, and in a sudden rage, Lana kicks Thredson's corpse in the face, then picks up a rock and breaks his car window.
"Motherfucking son of bitch cunt!" Lana cusses, surprising everything with her now suddenly creative mouth.
"Shush, it's okay, beautiful. And Kit," Grace says to catch his attention. "Thredson left the keys in the ignition."
Kit stares at the rest of the Co-Existents, knowing that this may be the time that they all part ways, and that it won't be long before more police arrived at the Asylum. Everyone looks exhausted, but not ready to leave each other's presence. It's funny how fond everyone has become to one another in such a short period of time, but they've completed their goal; they managed to fight their way through the hordes of Arden's pets, and they've finally escaped the psychotic form of hell the Asylum is.
"Guys," Kit sighs. "Police are going to be here soon, and Grace, Lana and I are going to have to be gone long before that."
"What are you going to do?" Tate asks.

"First of all, I'm going to drop off the evidence to the police, prove my innocence. After that, I'm going to take Lana and Grace to my home, we're going to rest there for a few days, maybe even live together. I'm sure Lana's going to need support before she can get on her feet," Kit explains, staring at the tear stained face that belongs to Lana. "If she wants to, she can live with me and Grace. Otherwise, there's no real plans, besides, forgetting everyone that happened here."
"Agreed," Jimmy nods his head.
"Are you coming with us, Jimmy?" Kit asks the lobster boy. "Florida isn't that far away, you know?"
"Yeah, I think that's best. I better have a clean slate, I wanna' find my family again, I wanna' change my life, even if that means living the rest of my life in secrecy. Anything to see my Maggie, mother, the twins, and the rest of the family again."
Tate walks over to Jimmy, bringing him into a deep hug, Kyle does the same with Kit, and then they swap. Grace slowly places Lana into the backseat of the car, closing it but ensuring Lana is comfortable. Grace then walks towards all three boys and brings them all into one big hug.
"I'm going to miss you guys," Grace states, a tear rolling down her eye as she looks over to March. "Even you, in a weird way."
March lets out a sadistic smile, but begins to pace around the area in boredom.
"We won't forget you, any of you," Kit smiles. "One day, I'm going to tell my children about you all, if I have any anyway."
"You will," Grace giggles to Kit for what seems like the first time in months.
"Stay safe," Kyle says, sucking tears down. "All of you."
"Definitely brother," Jimmy says, watching Kit as he walks into the car, then doing so himself.

"Goodbye brother," Tate sighs, watching his friends drive away, leaving the sight of the chaos finally.
The sound of car's engine disappears, and now there's three Co-Existents left; the killer, the ghost, and the resurrected. The silence is consuming, but not a bad way this time. Tate doesn't know what to do anymore, let alone how to get back to his timeline, but for now, he's waiting for Kyle to find his way home.
"Hey Kyle. What did you say the title of the tree you were looking for was again?" Tate questions.
"The 'Coal-Oak Tree'. Why do you ask?" Kyle asks back.
Tate points over to a certain tree, one they could have easily have missed. The oak of the tree is as dark as night itself, with leaves looking greyer than the coldest of corpses. The tree looks like something from a horror movie, but at the same time, beautiful in its own sick way. Kyle stares at the tree, smirking at it with wide eyes.
"This is you?" Tate asks. "You're the next one to leave?"
"Sadly, yeah. Thank you, Tate. Thank you for showing me that there's more than meets the eye in this world, more than just witches and magic, more than everlasting hatred. Thank you for showing me that I can have a strong bond with someone that isn't the love of my life."
Tate just drags Kyle into a hug, and they last that way for an excellent twenty seconds. Even with their differences, Tate and Kyle managed to prove to each other that they aren't just Co-Existents, but somewhat, brothers.
"I'll miss you, brother," Tate states.
"I'll miss you too, Langdon," Kyle smiles, beginning his walk to the tree. "And by the way, good luck with Violet, I know you'll get her back."

Tate watches as Kyle walks closer and closer to the 'Coal-Oak Tree'. As each step drags Kyle closer, you can see that his body is beginning to turn into wood, like he's becoming one with the tree itself. Kyle's skin becomes to become Oakley and patterned, and as his hand finally touches the peak of the tree's wood, he disappears into dust, like he was never there in the first place.
"Looks like it's just me and you, Tate," March says from behind him.
Tate turns to see that March stands happily, holding a knife he didn't have before. But for what purpose?
"What are you doing with that? Where the fuck did you get that?" Tate asks the sadistic killer.
"This, my friend, is my way out of here! My beacon! My way back to my timeline and into the sadistic little amazing fun playground I call 'the Hotel Cortez'! This knife, believe it or not, took my life. I slit my own throat with this blade, and when I made eye contact with it, I knew that this is the way I get back to my own world."
"How do you expect to get back with that? You've already made contact with it," Tate states, his dark eyes staring at March in confusion.
"It's easy," March smiles. "Goodbye Tate."

March suddenly slings the blade across his throat, causing a river of blood to seep from the fresh slice. March begins to choke on his own blood, for the second time of his life. But when March's knees hit the ground of the woods, he disappears completely into a pile of ash. Tate now feels alone, for the first time since he's been at the Asylum.
"Asshole," Tate snarls to himself, picking up a stone and throwing it into the abyss. "Stupid motherfuck."
Tate stares at the ground as he kicks the edge of a tree, feeling nothing from what would normally fuck up an alive humans foot. But that's when his eyes meet something, extraordinary. A beautiful flower stares up at Tate's face with innocence; gorgeous little purple and black colour, like it's a mix between a Violet and a Black Rose; a 'Black Violet'. Tate stares at the innocent looking flower, so hard, he feels like he's begin to shift into his own little world, possibly, quite literally. That's when he begins to hear a familiar voice.
"Tate! TATE! Where are you?! It's me, it's Violet. I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you in forever, but Nora said she hasn't seen you in weeks. Please come back to me, I love you so much."
Tate recognises the sweet voice of Violet, and without hesitation, he grips the flower without thinking, smelling the sweet scent of Violet's hair and perfume in the air. He begins to feel the coldness of the basement, something he never thought he'll ever miss.
"I guess it's time I come back to you, Violet," Tate says to himself, feeling his body corrode away from the Asylum's timeline. "It's clear now, our love Co-Exists, and I'm not going to make any mistakes. No more mistakes. Only our love. We Co-Exist.

Big announcement! The next work of mine coming out is the sequels of my Murder House and Coven work!
Stay tuned for the work; Our Love Is Tainted (Murder House) and From Lovers, To Enemies (Coven)!
Feel free to check it out! And I'm sorry for taking so long with the update, but I hope it's worth the wait
Thank you for reading this! I had fun writing it for you guys! Love yous!