"Seeya, sis!" Yang said, waving away Ruby as she began parting ways down the Beacon airstrip.

Ruby responded by flashing towards her sister, embracing her in an impossibly tight hug, not letting go. "Why can't you come with meeeee?" she whined, looking behind her at three people neither girl recognized as they climbed into a helicopter.

"Because this is a team building exercise," Yang replied, looking at her own assortment.

"You're my team. You, Weiss, and Blake are! I can't spend this long without you guys! What if they think I'm weird? What if they don't like me? I don't know any of them! Talk to Oz—" Yang silenced Ruby with a hand over her mouth as she kept complaining. She wriggled a bit, but could do nothing against her sister's strength.

"This is for when we aren't around. We might have a time where we need to work with other people. Now, go out there and— Ow! Don't bite me!" Yang released her hand and glared at her mischievous sister, rubbing the marks forming on her palm. "Just for that, I'm not hugging you." She turned away from Ruby and blocked her attempts at affection.


Yang picked up her sister without a smudge of effort and carried her, kicking and whining, to her temporary team. "Have fun!" She said as she tossed Ruby onto her copter. Ruby's new companions for the duration of her trip looked with confused faces at the downtrodden girl, her face on the floor and her butt in the air. Yang pulled her sister's skirt further up her body, better showing off the pink panties that lay under her combat skirt, and gave her a hearty spank. Ruby shot up, bright red in the face and fumbling her words as she readjusted her clothes. "Nice to meet all of you. This is Ruby. Toodles!" the blonde said, winking at the dumbstruck group before her as she slammed the door. She giggled at Ruby's embarrassed face as it met the window, pouty and caught between already missing her sister and hating her for spanking her in front of her new team of strangers.

Yang quickly rushed to her copter, hoisting her pack onto the deck before climbing in with the rest of her temporary team. She sat down and giggled childishly at the three boys in front of her, their faces matching the ones in Ruby's copter after witnessing the woman in front of them flash her sister's panties before spanking her. She breathed a long sigh as the copter took off, flying its way to a remote village in the middle of nobody knows where she'd be spending copious amounts of time fighting alongside the people next to her and their teacher.

Yang thought about other ways she planned on spending her time once she landed.

The copter ride was completely silent save the low roar of the engine and the hum of the propulsion. Not one of Yang's three new team members said a word, and spent the entire either absentmindedly playing with their scrolls, or trying not to stare at the blonde's excessive cleavage, on full display as always Yang spent her silence in thought, not even considering how her breasts heaved as they demanded attention. Their presence seemed to grow as she fantasized about the men around her.

"FINALLY. I love you, sis, and you Blake. Weiss, not quite as much, but man, did I need some time away. I can't believe I got a team with three guys this time! And we're in the middle of NOWHERE! Finally, a chance to have a little fun..." Yang smiled as she spread her legs just the slightest bit, feeling her shorts ride up. She pretended not to notice the three boys across from her casually shift their eyes to her creamy white thighs, gaining ever more exposure a her legs just so happen to widen. "I bet you all feel lucky. Me, a cheap room, and who knows how many days this trip is? Sounds like paradise."

The copter landed an hour and some later right outside a small outtown, the length feeling dramatically shorter thanks to Yang's thighs. Yang waited for her three male playthings to hop out before grabbing her bag and unbuckling. She triumphantly jumped down, only to falsely drop the landing; as she knew they would, all three of her gentlemanly teammates moved to catch her as she stumbled forward, stopping when her face hit the chest of one that was incredibly tall, dark haired, and now red faced as he looked down at Yang. She childishly giggled and broke off from his embrace, feeling the disappointment of the other two now that they weren't "helping" her by supporting her bountiful chest with the excuse of having caught her. She looked up at the barrel chested man in front of her.

"Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Yang said, smile betraying her intent. "I'm so clumsy sometimes... I'm Yang!" she said, introducing herself to the three men before her, bouncing to the point of excess as she turned to wave to each. She waited for a response to find nothing. She faced the dark haired man that she had intentionally fell into. "You guys are so quiet... Well, anyway, thanks so so so soooo much for catching me, mister..."

"Black Jack," the giant before her said. He sheepishly held out his massive hand to the considerably shorter Yang. His hair was well trimmed, cut short to better display his face, which was harsh but carried a soft air. He wore a long black duster over a grey shirt marked with a large 21, as well as dark pants. He was about as thick as a tree, full of muscle, weight, and strength, and his presence alone felt immovable.

"BJ..." Yang whispered as she drew her hand up to meet his. She felt like a child shaking hands with an adult. She liked the feeling of being smaller. She marveled at how large he was, and fantasized over how large he may be. She hoped he was proportionate. She wanted to feel powerless as he held her down.

"Hmm?" Jack said, noticing her mouth move.

"Oh, nothing! And you?" Yang pivoted to face her next teammate, who had gotten a big handful of her boobs when he had caught her.

"Nichol. Pleasure." His voice was immediately recognizable as cocky, and also laced with lascivious tones. He had long, silvery hair tied tight into a ponytail that fell over a jet black button up. The top few buttons were undone to show a chain necklace holding a pentagonal bolt with a V resting in it. One side was tucked into an incredibly loose pair of jeans, which covered simple gray shoes. He grinned and waved, eyes fixated more on Yang's chest than her face.

"Great! And last but not least?" Yang inquired, turning to the final member of the team after considering the naughty things she wanted Nichol to call her with that voice of his.

"My name's Ross. Now, I'd love to keep making friends, but we've got days to do that and we're supposed to meet Pr. Ford and set up at an inn before dark." Yang thought he sounded stuffy, kind of like Weiss. His fancy red silk shirt and gold rope decorations fitting in between his short black hair and across his chest definitely placed him in the ranks of noble with her, as did the saber at his side and his overly professional way of standing. The look was only cemented further by the crimson flower image he had on the back of either of a pair of white gloves. Yang smiled at the thought of being his servant, following whatever orders he'd give with a smile and a dangerously short maid outfit.

"So do you know where to go?" asked Nichol.

"Town square. Shouldn't be too hard to find."

Temporary Group Team BYRN (As insisted upon by Yang. He was her favorite so far.) made their way to the center of town and found Pr. Ford, who was young, brightly redheaded, attractive with her secretary-like glasses and skirt, and an utter disappointment to Yang, who wanted another man to seduce. She couldn't be filled by a woman, not without far too much work and a variety of objects, assuming her teacher would even be interested in women. She had wanted to be a scandal, but she thought of ways to spin her situation to her favor. She managed to convince her guardian that no, she didn't need to be in a separate room from her new teammates because she was a girl, citing that camaraderie improved teamwork and that she'd rather let her teacher have her privacy. Alone. In a different room. One that was a decent distance away from hers. Where noise didn't carry.

"Alright... Well, your team's assignment starts tomorrow, so sleep well. We leave early."

Yang waved goodbye to Pr. Ford as she shut the door to BYRN's room. It was small, cheap, and didn't fit four students, especially when one was required to duck upon entering. Yang loved it. Every part of her wanted to get started slutting it up right away, but a little voice in her head told her that it would feel so much better if she took it slow.

Yang tossed her bag onto one of the two empty beds. The three men with her looked around with questioning eyes, already wondering why she was in the same room as them to begin with.

"So... How are beds going to work?" asked Nichol, grinning slightly at Yang. "Surely you don't want to—"

"Share beds?" Yang interrupted, removing her jacket to reveal just how tight her top was. The thin, bright yellow cloth strained against her breasts revealing every curve and every line of her bra. She smiled as she saw three pairs of eyes gravitate towards her.

Jack looked uncomfortably at her, and stated with his infinitely deep voice, "I'm fine with sleeping on the–" before getting cut off.

"I don't mind. It'd be soooo selfish of me to take it all for myself. Besides, I crash in my teammate's beds all the time; Weiss loves it. Such a naughty little girl..." Yang trailed off as she knocked her belt loose, letting her half skirt hit the ground. She bent over and started picking from her bag.

"Is she? You have to elaborate on the ice queen," Nichol replied, eyes sparkling. "And also choose who gets to share. I nominate me."

"I'll tell you all about her, but I'm going to go take a shower." Yang took off her top, feeling her breasts breath as they were freed from her tight tank. She made sure her face looked as though it didn't think anything of it and that it was totally normal to be undressing in front of three men. Her bra was a pale yellow, and lifted her breasts up perfectly as she turned to the bathroom, presenting the room with the beginning steps of Yang's plan for her trip. She avoided looking at their faces as she stepped past, but smiled as she heard legs shuffling. "And I'll just let you guys fight it out. It's cuter that way."

Yang shut the door of the bathroom, tossed her extra clothes on the ground, and near collapsed, both from joyous, stifled laughter and from an ever growing urge in her core. She heard her teammate's voices arguing as she removed her bra, letting her substantial breasts free, and was struck with a flash of flashing inspiration. She inched the door open, stuck out enough of her torso to show that she was topless without showing everything, and stopped the discussion with, "Hey! Why don't we just rotate? It'll make our teamwork better. That's what Blake says, anyway." The scene before her looked like it had been seconds away from becoming a war zone, but now was full of statues, blinking, and silence directed at the woman more telling than asking them about how she wanted to replace her sleeping partners. Yang knew it was all a lie, but knew that telling them that she slept next to her attractive teammates only made her more attractive. "Not only boys~ I play around, I promise~" She was bisexual, but women were the last thing on her mind with the three men before her gazing at her bare shoulders with clear intentions. She wanted what only men could give her, and she intended on getting it.

Ross was the first to break the silence. "I'm okay with–"

"BJ, you get first night, k? For being soooo noble," Yang said, giggling like a child. She retreated into the bathroom before anyone could stop her. She didn't close the door all the way, though, and could hear the stunned silence after a deep cough brought on by half shock, half elation. She started the water and lowered her shorts and her thong after removing her boots and socks. Looking outside the crack of the door, she could just make out the outside room, and smiled knowing that if any one of her teammates felt brave, they could get an early peek at her.

"I'm so glad Ruby isn't here. She'd just get in the way," Yang thought as she turned on the shower. "And now that I'm free for a little vacation with three very fortunate boys..." She stepped in to the lukewarm stream and drew the curtain, caressing her body under the water as she ran her arms across it. "Let's have some more fun." She lowered a hand towards her mound and inched around her waist while her other cupped a breast. She squeezed as she began rubbing her sex, her breaths' volume slowly overtaking the water's stream as she moaned.

At first, the blonde stifled her pants, letting anyone that happened to be listening to her believe that she was just showering, but within minutes, Yang Xiao Long made it unabashedly clear to the three men outside the bathroom that she was pleasuring herself. She continued rubbing and squeezing until the voice that reached past the open bathroom door was one of a woman climaxing, Yang near screaming as her fluids mixed with those of the shower. She heard mumbling as she finished, letting the water wash her body of her orgasm, still feeling horny at the prospect of being BRN's fantasies.

Yang quickly washed her hair, messed around with her core a tiny bit more, and stopped the shower. She grabbed a towel and began drying herself, dragging the soft white cloth over her body while fully aware that she was naked when the door was more than cracked. She took her time being bare before wrapping herself in a makeshift dress and straightening herself. She contemplated walking back into the room in just the towel and grabbing some random object from her bag citing forgetfulness, but decided that it would be too on the nose and they'd already be getting her in her next "outfit."

"So, what are we watching?" Yang said, walking back into the room, holding back her lust as she saw the three men before her turn from some action movie on the tv, then to her, then to her clothes, or rather, her lack thereof; wearing an thin, oversized white t-shirt that covered a clearly visible, conservative-but-still-lacy black bra, along with matching panties, the overly promiscuous blonde plopped down onto a bed next to a stunned Jack, acting as casual as ever. She pulled a pillow up and started watching the screen as an explosion went off. "Boys?"

Jack eventually piped up, clearly mixed about Yang sitting next to him on a bed without pants. "Grayson Bourne or something like that. There's guns and violence and Atlas conspiracies."

"Ohhh, cool!"

Team BYRN spent the rest of the night watching action movie after action movie, eventually coming to realize that Yang had no qualms about presenting herself as she occasionally "unintentionally" shifted her legs, only ever making the view at her thighs cleaner, not to mention it was all but confirmed that she had masturbated in the shower. Jack eventually turned the tv off and quieted the bonding session when he noticed Yang drifting off onto his shoulder, mocking sleep as her eyes shuttered. He delicately moved her onto the pillow and drew their shared blanket over her, unaware that she was fully lucid and letting herself be babied. She shifted to face him, cutely smiled, and curled up into the most adorable position she could think of. He gingerly lifted himself off the bed and took a step before being interrupted.

"Noooo... Don't goooo," Yang whispered, seducing Jack back onto the bed and under the covers, if hesitantly. "I get lonely... Come closer~" She made a pouty face that Jack was powerless to question.

"Uhh... Okay," Jack replied, cautiously inching further under the blanket next to Yang and her lightly clothed body. She drew him in close and braced her face against his chest with a hug.

"You're so sweet." Yang's voice was pure sugar. She wrapped around the broad chested man and giggled. "You'll just do anything I ask, won't you?"

Jack sighed, uncomfortably. He looked away and nodded.

"I knew it, you big softy. Goodnight, BJ!" Yang snuggled into Jack's chest.

"Goodnight, Yang. And I guess the other guys."

"We're gonna have so much fun tomorrow!"

Yang smiled.

"We're going to have so much fun tomorrow."