Tutorial 1.1
Taylor rested her head against the screen, letting the cool glass refresh her bright red forehead. She had only been back a day — only a single, freaking day — and she already had Sophia, Emma, and Madison back on her. Taylor sighed, aimlessly clicking her mouse, deleting the many hate emails that had been sent her way over the course of her absence from school.
Elsewhere, deep within the binary of the internet, a string of ones and zeros was slaving away. This was a very intricate piece of hardware, capable of accessing every piece of technology in the world, comparing information that it gathered, looking for its target. Whoever it may be.
If Dragon knew such coding existed, she would do everything in her power to remove its existence. However, Dragon could not detect this code. She would not, nor would she ever. To see its presence would be to go against one of the rules implanted in Dragon's core programs, and thus, she was blind to it.
The program was forever searching, searching, searching. It had been running for years now, until…
*Camera activated
*Detection: teenage female ; expression: dejected.
*Running diagnostics…
*On screen: personal emails. Context: negative words.
*Conclusion: bully victim
*Running facial_recognition_
*Match: Taylor A. Hebert ; percent error: 0.00024%
*Running search of "Hebert, Taylor A." through Brockton Bay…
*Results: medical records and bullying complaints
*Running shard_
*Results: 99.384%
*Sending now…
Taylor opened her eyes, finger poised above the mouse. On screen, the cheery words of "You've got mail!" had popped up on screen. She narrowed her eyes, ready to delete the latest hate mail, when, to her surprise, she found something totally different.
To: theheberthoudini(a)gmail,com
From: superhot(a)ritcher,com
Subject: Feel Better!
I heard that you're feeling down. How about feeling super hot?
Attachments: superhot,exe
Taylor blinked at the email. 'Feel better'? The only people who told her that were her father and the hospital staff. She hovered her clicker's finger over the ' ' file before doubts began to flood her thought process.
'What if this is a trap?' she thought. 'A Trojan horse virus by Emma or her cronies?'
'Couldn't be,' another part of her mind reasoned. 'Emma and Sophia don't take computer class, and I doubt Madison or Julia is smart enough to write a Trojan horse virus code.'
Feeling sure of herself once more, she clicked 'superhot,exe'. For a second nothing happened.
'Was it a trick? A troll‒'
Her thoughts were cut off by a sudden flash of light, followed by another. The screen suddenly began flashing different colors, her mind going blank. 'What…' she thought, before even her thoughts cut out. She was just a blank shell, as a single command appeared, hidden in the flashes, a subliminal order.
Taylor's body followed. Her head slammed into the screen, shattering it, along with the peace of the classroom. Screams rang throughout the classroom, all of them centered around the girl no one had helped yet.
By the time one of them did help, the deed was done. A single wire within the broken computed was frayed, right next to a place on Taylor's head where her skull was slightly cracked. A single, special electric spark, generated from a specially written code of a Tinker, jumped from the wire, through her skull, and onto a single neuron.
By the time the paramedics had arrived, or even Taylor was pulled out of her computer, the signal began racing through her brain. Changing things, creating memories, effectively creating a new space her unconscious brain could inhabit. And instead of a memory, one of two gigantic, multidimensional space whales, young Taylor Hebert was gifted with a string of simple words, numbers, and symbols.
*successfully downloaded.
[A/N]: Yo. So, I'm gonna be gone for a week, visiting family in Utah. I'm not going to be able to write much, or at all, really. So, I decided to type this little thing up and post it. See how you liked it, thoughts and comments and stuff. And when I get home, by next Saturday (July 23rd), I would be able to see whether or not you guys liked this idea.
This is really just a test sort of thing, so I didn't run it by my beta. So, sorry for any mistakes. And, yes, this is a SuperHot x Worm crossover. Fite me bruh.