"Hales, you can do it, baby, you're doing so great!" Nathan exclaimed, as Haley squeezed his hand so tightly, he thought it might break off.

"Nathan," she said through gritted teeth, "Shut…the hell….up."

"Alright Mrs. Scott, she's almost here, just a few more pushes!" the doctor said.

Ten minutes later, Lydia Bob Scott entered the world. 7 pounds 6 ounces, 19 inches long. Her head was full of dark hair like her dad.

The proud parents laid in the recovery room's hospital bed together, admiring the pink bundle in Nathan's arms a short while later.

"Nathan, I'm sorry about what I said before," Haley whispered, not wanting to wake a now-sleeping Lydia.

"I know you are," Nathan chuckled softly, "I'm not sure how happy Coach will be about you nearly breaking my hand though."

"Ah, Bobby loves me," Haley shrugged, "Besides, it was worth it."

"Yeah it was," Nathan replied, looking down at his daughter, "God Hales, we made a cute kid."

Haley smiled, feeling completely exhausted, but not wanting to sleep. She didn't want to miss these precious moments, with just her, Nathan, and the baby.

"Just think how cute the next one will be," she heard Nathan say as she had begun to doze off. This jolted her wide awake.

"What do you mean, the next one?" Haley whispered loudly, "I just had this one a few hours ago."

Uh oh, Nathan thought, realizing that he'd just awoken the beast in his wife. He didn't realize that her hormones would still be out of whack after having the baby. Throughout the pregnancy, he'd learned to be careful to choose his words around her. If he said anything wrong, she'd either scream, or burst into tears, or both.

"I know, babe, I was just saying that…" Nathan started to say, before Haley cut him off.

"Nathan Royal Scott, I was just in labor for 23 hours. I pushed a human out of my body, and you're already thinking about the next one?" she widened her eyes at him.

"Well, we did say we didn't want a big age gap between this baby and the next one, Hales," Nathan pointed out, "Jamie is almost 7, and while he likes having a sister now, the novelty is going to wear off at some point."

"So, how many kids are you wanting me to have, Scott?" Haley smirked, and Nathan sighed as she was coming off her hormonal high.

"Hmmm…I think five is a good number," he replied, smiling, "Enough for our own basketball team!"

"Of course, that's what you'd think about," Haley laughed, "Let's just enjoy the two we have for now, hm?"

Nathan smiled, placing a kiss to his wife's forehead as she snuggled up next to him, drifting off to sleep. He was left to watch his beautiful daughter, who'd now decided to wake up.

"Hey there princess," Nathan smiled, as she wrapped her tiny hand around his index finger, "I just want you to know that I love you and your mom and your brother more than anything in the world. And I sure as hell, I mean, heck, don't know anything about raising a daughter. But I'm hoping you'll go easy on me, if that's alright?"

Nathan was sure that at that moment, she squeezed his finger, reassuring the terrified father, "And when you get a little older, Jamie and I are going to teach you all about basketball. Hopefully, you get your height from me, and not your fun-size mom."

He felt a slap on his arm, followed by, "I heard that," being mumbled by his wife.

Five years later…

"James Lucas Scott, what did I ask you to do after you finished your homework?" Haley sighed, looking at her oldest son, now twelve, sitting on the couch, engrossed in NBA live.

"Uh, what mom? Sorry bad connection," he hesitated before continuing with his game.

"Ha ha, very funny," Haley retorted, before grabbing the controller from him, "Max is not going to walk himself."

"But Mom," Jamie whined, standing up from the couch.

"Oh, you don't want to mess with me today, son, get to it," Haley warned, "You and your father wanted the dog, and you said you'd take care of it." Over the years, she had perfected the mom glare, and it indeed terrified her children, and even her husband at times too.

"Mommy, when's Daddy coming home?" five-year-old Lydia asked, running into the room. Her dark pigtails bounced as she did.

Haley smiled at the sight of her daughter. Lydia was definitely a daddy's girl. She'd had Nathan wrapped around her finger since she was born.

"He's supposed to be home soon, sweetie," Haley replied, "Where's your brother?"

Lydia immediately began looking around the room, avoiding eye contact with her mother, "I don't know."

"Lydia Bob Scott, don't you dare lie to me," Haley glared, "Where…is…your…brother?"

A few moments later, Haley discovered her three-year-old son, Carson, sitting on the counter in the bathroom, his face covered in lipstick and eye shadow.

"We were playing beauty shop Mommy," Lydia smiled proudly, "Doesn't he look pretty?"

Haley closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she rested her hands on her temples. Of course her normally-mostly-well-behaved children chose today of all days to test her patience to the extreme.

Ten makeup remover wipes later, Carson's face was mostly clean, and just as Haley took him off the counter, the door slammed shut, and a baby's cry could be heard throughout the house.

"Jamie, what have I told you about slamming the door when Blake is sleeping?" Haley asked as she ran up the stairs.

As she entered the bedroom, the 1 year old brown haired boy was standing in his crib, and when he spotted his mother, his loud cries turned to mere whimpers.

"Shh….Mama's here," she comforted the boy, picking him up as he nestled his head into her shoulder.

She carried him down the stairs, smiling when she saw who was sneaking in through the front door.

"About time you got home Mr. Scott," she said as Blake squirmed out her arms and ran to Nathan, who scooped him right up.

"I missed you baby," Nathan said, placing a soft kiss to her lips.

Haley couldn't stifle a yawn, "I missed you too."

"Yeah, it really looks like it," Nathan joked, slipping his arm around her shoulders as they walked into the kitchen, "Long day?"

"Oh, you don't even want to know what your kids did today," Haley warned.

"My kids? So now they're just my kids?" he scoffed playfully.

"They're your kids when they act crazy," Haley said, "I swear they can sense when you're almost home, because they go completely bonkers."

"I thought they'd never fall asleep!" Haley exclaimed later that night, as the two laid on the couch, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm around her waist.

Nathan smiled, "Maybe I shouldn't have let them each have two cookies."

"Two?" Haley replied, glaring at him "Watch it Scott, or I'll blow your other knee."

After playing in the NBA for two more years after Lydia was born, shortly after Carson had come along, Nathan had blown out his left knee in a game, ending his career. Haley had been worried that it would crush him, not having basketball in his life, but, thanks to Clay, Nathan had begun working as a sports agent at Fortitude, Clay's sports management agency.

The two heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and were met by the bright blue eyes and dark hair of Lydia.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Nathan asked, looking softly at the young girl.

"I couldn't fall asleep, will you come tell me a story?" she asked, sticking out her bottom lip, giving Nathan the face that Haley knew he couldn't say no too.

Moments later, the three of them were up in Lydia's room and her parents were sitting on the edge of her bed.

Nathan pulled her covers up, "What story do you want to hear Princess?

"You and Mommy, you and Mommy!" the little girl pleaded. It was her favorite story.

"Alright, alright. Well, once upon a time, there was a basketball player who got into trouble, and so he had to come to Tree Hill to make things better. When he got there, that's where he found an incredibly beautiful, caring, smart, funny restaurant owner who made him want to be a better person. So, after begging her to go on a date with him, they fell in love. And the basketball player and the beautiful restaurant owner got married, and then guess what happened?" Nathan told the story.

"They had me!" Lydia cheered.

"That's right, they had a gorgeous princess, and then they had two more sons," Nathan continued, as his left hand reached out to rest on Haley's slightly swollen stomach, "And soon, they'll have another daughter, another little princess."

Nathan and Haley had just found out that their fifth child was going to be another girl. Yes, Haley had let Nathan talk her into five kids. They said they were done after this one, but their friends and family weren't so convinced. Like everyone always said, the Scotts made cute kids, cute, mostly well-behaved kids. And, Haley couldn't argue with the fact that making the kids was pretty fun too.

"Does that mean they'll love the new princess more than the first one?" Lydia asked softly.

"Of course not, sweetie," Haley jumped in, "Just because we're having another baby, doesn't mean that we will love you or any of your brothers any less, I promise."

Lydia looked cautiously between the two of them, "Daddy, will you still come to my tea parties?"

"I always will, Princess," Nathan smiled, placing a kiss to the young girl's forehead as her eyes became droopy, "Just promise not to grow up too quick, okay?"

"Okay Daddy," the young girl mumbled before falling fast asleep.

"That story just gets better and better every time you tell it," Haley smiled, as the two sat in the backyard, their feet dipped in the pool.

"It's a good story," Nathan replied, "What's your favorite part Mrs. Scott?"

"Hmmm…" Haley thought, "All of it, Mr. Scott."

"Good answer," he smiled, leaning in to kiss her, before pulling back, "Oh, I was thinking about a name for the baby today. What do you think about Jordan?"

"Jordan? As in Michael Jordan?" Haley questioned, "Nathan, we are not naming our daughter after a basketball player."

"Oh come on Hales, it's cute, don't you think?" Nathan whined, mimicking the face that Lydia had made earlier.

"I'll put it on the list, but that doesn't mean yes," Haley argued, before standing up.

"What are you doing babe?" Nathan asked curiously.

"You know what we've never done?" Haley began, untying her robe, letting it fall to the concrete before jumping into the pool, wearing nothing but a smile.

Nathan's eyes widened, "Is my girl frisky?"

"Crazy frisky," Haley smirked, "Now get in."

Five months later, Jordyn Brooke Scott was born.

And so, the basketball player and the restaurant owner lived happily ever after.

The End.

I hope you all have enjoyed Show Me How To Live! I didn't realize until I'd finished the epilogue that this story ended up having 23 chapters! Total accident, but a completely awesome One Tree Hill reference!

Thank y'all so much for your support and encouragement and reviews! I am currently writing a Naley story called Break Down My Walls, and have ideas/starts for two other Naley stories to come! So, please check those out, and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!