AN: So heres the second part! I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to tell me if you see anything grammatically wrong with it!
5.) He has to be serious in every way
6.) He must be accomplished
"Jude the dude, are you there? Can you bring your sisters in along with yourself? I have to tell you something very important!"
"Yes dad!" She replied bring in her 32 sisters that were living in the house right now, while some had already left to start families of their own. They all sat down to face their father and listened attentively.
"Now kids, you know what happened to your dear sister, Belinda? Yes? Well here's my advice to that never happening to you, alright?"
He leaned in closer as if he was telling them a huge secret, "The guy you pick has to be serious and accomplished in his own way. Does that make sense?" Everyone nodded and Judy backed out of the room.
"But not serious about everything, just about you. And he doesn't have to be the riches guy there is either. If he changed or impacted someone's life, then that shows you how he cares about everyone. And then- hey! Where's Judy?"
It was now December and Christmas spirit was in the air everywhere you looked. Skipping alongside Nick, Judy was looking through all the festively decorated window displays. Nick rubbed his paws together before glancing at the skipping bunny that was next to him. She looked childish, pressing her tiny pink nose against all the displays. Wonder-filled eyes looked up at Nick as she called him over to some of the displays. Nick chuckled under his breath, before heading towards her. He couldn't help, however, his growing feelings towards his partner. Ever since that day of the kidnapping, things were off between the friends.
"Nick, look at all the displays. Aren't they so beautiful? "Judy asked, face pressed against the toyshop display. Nick couldn't argue that he didn't think she looked adorable right now. He was confused. Judy was his best friend. He knew he shouldn't have these feelings towards her and he'd hope it's sooner rather than later that they went away.
"Yeah Carrots, it's all beautiful," He agreed, lightly pulling her away from the display, 'but Christmas is in two days we still have to get something for your mother, remember?" Nick reminded her. Judy nodded as she past by more displays, "Yep! We should go into- oh!"
A mannequin gazelle with her arm facing out towards the window stopped Judy in her tracks. The gazelle was wearing a fluffy pearl coat paired with navy high heeled boots. But what really caught her attention was the bracelet she was wearing. It was a golden rose chain with a lovely carrot pendant on it, she wanted it so badly. Her dreams were crushed, as she looked up at the store name, realizing that it was not something she could afford.
"A bracelet, Carrots?" Nick stepped in, suddenly next to her, "I think your mom might like it. Let's go in."
"Yeah… for my mom."
They headed into the store and Judy found out just how expensive the bracelet was.
"500 zoo bucks! Wow um ok let me see." Judy exclaimed knowing she wouldn't have enough money to pay for the bracelet. Glumly thanking the vendor, she made her way out of the store. Hoping to catch a last look of the bracelet, she turned back and saw, instead, that Nick wasn't behind her.
"Nick are you coming?" she asked, almost turning around completely to go back into the store. "No, no, no! Carrots-uh- I'll be there in a second, ok?" Judy nodded as she saw that Nick was looking at Hawaiian shirt earlier in the store. He's probably gonna buy himself his own Christmas present this year like he did last year. She rolled her eyes at the thought.
Her phone suddenly buzzed, interrupting her thoughts. It was a notification from the matchmaking site. She should've gotten rid of her profile, but the romantic side of her thought that she should give it one more try. She was invited by a camel named Humphrey to go out for a walk around the park. She hope that this one would work out.
"Ready to go, Carrots?" Nick asked, fumbling with something in his pocket. Judy looked up and saw that a nervous blush had graced the fox's face. He was avoiding all eye contact and he sighed, creating a white cloud. She was about to ask what he bought, but she knew Nick wouldn't tell her either way. He had a way with secrets. So she shrugged it off and nodded her head. Her phone went off again. Nick's head whipped towards her phone.
"What's that, Carrots?" He asked, peering into her phone screen. "Carrots, not that damn dating site again, I thought you were over it!" Judy sighed, "I am! But this guy seems so nice. And I was about to close my profile, when he showed up and –"
"You wanted to give him a try. I know Carrots you seem like that type of person.." Nick shook his head as a soft smile graced his face.
"We're going out tomorrow… for a walk." Judy continued, "It's only around the city park."
"But! Carrots tomorrow's Christmas Eve! We're spending it with your folks, just like last year." Nick exclaimed, throwing Judy another dramatic look of desperation.
Judy laughed, "I know. But it will be a short walk. I promise will still get in there in time for the blueberry pie. I know you want to be there for that." Nick smiled, "Of course I do. But, I also want to spend time with your family, Carrots. They're great..."
Judy sighed heavily, "I know. The little ones love you, you know? They always ask me when you're going to go visit again." Nick smugly grinned as he threw his arm around the fluffy bunny, drawn her in closer, "I know but I like them only because they tell me everything about you!"
Judy looked up at the fox, who wore a big grin that matched her own, "NICK!"
Laughing, the pair walked off to Nick's apartment.
Judy was waiting at a green bench the next day. She was trying to keep warm as Zootopia was covered in a blanket of snow. Her ears, thankfully, were covered by mufflers. She blew into her hands to keep them warm.
"Judy? Judy Hopps?" A voice called out to her. She looked around and saw what she thought was Humphrey. "Hello!", she smiled and waved him down. After the formalities were exchanged, he sat down next to her and shivered. "So…. how has your day been going Hum-"
"OH! It was just awful! I don't understand how people get excited for a silly holiday like Christmas! It's dreadful. I am, of course, a dedicated bank accountant, who strives to be the best. I have been employee of the month for eleven months straight so…"
Judy expression tighten, "Ah, yes that sounds wonderful, now shall we take our walk?"
"I don't know, it's too bright and cheerful over there…. Hmm, how about we just skip everything and just head back to my place?"
Judy never slapped anyone faster.
"That's what he said?" Nick asked, amazed at the tale Judy was telling him as they climbed up the stairs leading towards the guest room.
"Carrots! Wow, he really must have been looking for some action huh?" Nick imputed, stuffing his muzzle with the blueberry pie he snuck into the bedroom. Judy punched his shoulder, along with breaking off a piece of Nick's pie for herself. Nick yelped and rubbed his throbbing shoulder.
"That's what you get for being dirty minded fox! You-you-"
"Ah,ah,ah Carrots! I still have to give you your present, remember?" Nick smoothly slipped in.
Judy's ears perked up; she could use a nice present right now after getting 277 interesting presents from her family. They were mostly carrots...
"What is it?" Judy asked trying to peer into Nick's pocket.
"Hey! No peeking Carrots!" He said, shooing her away.
Nick's excitement was growing by the second, "Close your eyes and put out your paws, Carrots."
"Ooooo! Ok!" Judy giggled, squirming in her seat. Nick couldn't help but admire the bunny's glowing face. Her whiskers were twitching, nose scrunched up with excitement. His paw reached out to feel her soft fur, only to back out at the last second. Nick clenched his paw, before chucking at her behavior. Carefully, he dropped a cool tiny chain into her paws, "Ok Carrots, open your eyes."
Judy gasped. Looking down, there was the carrot bracelet she had admire the day before placed in her paws. Struck in awe, she carefully lifted the chain up. Eyes welling up with tears, she caringly traced the carrot pendent along with the rose chain. "Oh's beautiful. How did you know I wanted this?"
Nick warmly smiled as he moved to sit down in front of the rabbit, "A fox just knows sometimes, you know?"
Judy looked up meeting Nick's intense gaze and shyly smiled back, before she gasped, "But Nick! It must have cost you a fortune! I-I really can't accept it!"
Nick softly chuckled. Oh Judy, why are you so humble….
"Carrots, keep it. You've done so much for me…making me into a better fox... It's the least I can do for you-"
Judy suddenly noticed just how close the fox was. Instinctively, she reached over and placed a paw Nick's cheek before drawing him in close. She placed a lingering kiss on his temple, and the fox's eyes fluttered shut.
"Thank you, Nick... I'll wear it always."
Nick, still in a trace, reached up and touched the spot where Judy's lips had been. A rush of butterflies ran down both of their stomachs, as they continued to give each other shy looks,
Nick blushed, "Sure Carrots.", and they stayed there for the remainder of the night talking and laughing together.
7.) He must have the same interest as you
8.)He must inspire you
"Oh Russ, never let go…."
Walking out of the theaters, Judy sighed contently at the ending of the romantic trilogy. Being one of many teens in Bunny Burrows, she, along with many other teens, swooned over the romantic heroes' fate. She learned to very important lessons throughout that movie. That in order to find your soulmate, you had to have the same interests and must be an inspiration to you. Of course all according to the movie.
Judy's eyes fluttered open as sunlight poured into her bedroom. Stretching her arms over her head, she yawned as she looked outside her little window. A snowy oasis was displayed outside, causing Judy to perk up. She slipped on her police uniform and smoothed down her fur. Almost exiting her apartment, the shiny rose bracelet caught her eye. She reached for it, smiling as she relived the moment where Nick gave it to her. She quickly slipped it on before locking her door and exiting the building.
It was now February and Valentine's Day was coming up very soon. Judy had logged off the dating site weeks ago, after Nick had given her the bracelet. Over Christmas, her mother had advised her to wait for the right one as he would eventually come to her. She was fed up with waiting for love, but she knew these things took there time. She decided to wait but she wasn't as happy as it. She was visiting her family today, this time without Nick. The little ones had disappeared once they heard he wasn't there, so Judy agreed to sit down and have a cup of tea with her father. "Judy, I met this nice bunny at the market last week. You used to go to school with him, Kurt VanCarrot?. I think you two would be grand together, don't you?"
She sighed at her father's attempt to meddle in her love life, "Dad I haven't even met him, or remember him. How will I know if I like him?" Her father just sipped his tea, wearing a curious smile on his muzzle.
She was persuaded by her father and agreed to meet this bunny, Kurt. in order to please him. And of course, her father had arranged their first date to be held on Valentine's Day.
"– All I'm saying Judy, is that you will be missing out on a great anti-Valentine's Day celebration with me." Nick sighed dramatically. She rolled her eyes as she turned to face the fox, "I know Nick I'm just dying to see all your zombie flicks, full of blood and gore."
She laughed as Nick mockingly walked towards her like a zombie. "But," Judy deflated, crossing her arms, "I promised my dad I would go, and he thinks this guy is a nice one. Plus, it's my first date without the dating site, remember?"
Nick nodded rapidly, confidence dispersing at once, "I know, Carrots."
He ran a paw through the fur behind his neck, tensing up completely, "Those guys were awful! You deserve someone better! Someone maybe who you know-I just-well-I don't-uh- see you later carrots!" Flushed, Nick nervously laughed and ran off, leaving behind a very confused bunny.
Ignoring his weird behavior, Judy walked over to the bus stop, waiting for to bus to take her to the main part of the city. The bus arrived, opening its doors to Judy who hopped on. She sat down, excited to get ready for her mysterious date.
Pacing around his room, Nicholas Wilde was, for the first time in his life, completely baffled. He couldn't stop thinking about her. His mind was full of mixed emotions as he thought about Judy going out on her date tonight. Flipping on the television, he sat down to watch another generic zombie flick. He smiled as he remembered who Judy would always complain about watch them, but he knew that she secretly liked them. That brought his mind back, once again, to Judy.
He couldn't help himself. Ever since they rescued the little tiger, all he could do was think about Judy. He was excited, for once, to go to work, just to see the bunny smile at him. He started to noticed how close they got regularly and if they accidentally brushed paws, his muzzle got redder than the popsicles he use to sell. During missions they were often cramped together in tight spaces causing her to push up against him. He just wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless-
Wait! No,no,no! I don't mean that… I don't like her! Do I? Oh god no… I DO!
I need to find her before she finds someone else!
Nick scrambled out the door, heart in his paw and a certain bunny in mind to offer it to. He quickly bought a bouquet of daisies for the rabbit along with some chocolates from the newspaper stand they pass everyday. Everything was buzzing inside as he tried to remember where Judy told him her Valentine date was going to be.
"Nick, come on focus! I know you were admiring her as she was talking to you but you must have heard something." he reassured himself. He knew he had to think fast or else he would never make it on time.
"I know! She was talking about that fancy spaghetti place across the street from the ZPD. The one she always wanted to go to!" Nick triumphed, racing over towards the restaurant at the speed of a cheetah. Finally, he spotted the familiar spaghetti place and then he spotted her! She looked beautiful, dressed in a light purple dress that complimented her eyes. He melted at the sight, looking sheepishly down at his own outfit, khakis and a collared shirt. His heart leapt out of his chest, ignoring everything else, grin growing by the second. It was time to take action.
He grabbed the door handle of the restaurant started to pull it open. She was seated in the back, seated all by herself just waiting for him. He almost called out to her, "Ju-"
His heart then stopped.
Another bunny had come from behind her, with a bottle of wine. She giggled as the male bunny smoothly wrapped his arm around her shoulders. They looked like the perfect couple, animals all around the restaurant cooing at them from afar. Heartbroken, Nick let go of the handle, chocolates and flowers falling out of his grasp.
You idiot! Why would she ever like you? She's too good for you! You'll ruin her life.
He ran all the way back to his apartment, slamming the door shut. The forgotten movie could be heard still playing, but he only leaned against the door tears threatening to fall. Seated, he pulled out Judy's list describing her perfect guy, which he found the last time he was over at her place. The first time he read it, he thought he made some of the characteristics but rereading it now made him realize he didn't fit any.
He stuffed the list back into his pocket as it started to rain. Lost and heartbroken, Nick lowered his head between his legs as he let out a sob. More sobs tumbled out as the sky wept alongside him, his only company in the darkness of his apartment.
No one could explain the bouquet of flowers and chocolates that were smashed against the sidewalk in front of Tony's, to Judy as she left with her date.
9.) He must be funny
"Judy, darling, can you come in here for minute?" Her mother called out from the kitchen.
"Sure mom! One sec…" Judy yelled as she walked over slowly preoccupied in playing a game on her paw phone.
"Judy, I know you're real smart girl hon. But, sometimes you take things too seriously. I know you've been listening to other people give advice, you know about relationships?"Judy nodded to please her mother.
"But I'm here to tell you that if there is one thing you look for in a mate is laughter. Your relationship must be full of it as without laughter there is no joy and soon after the love will fade too. Just please listen to me on this one Judy all right? If anything…."
Judy nodded and hugged her mother, "Don't worry I will, thanks mom." Then she went upstairs to go fetch her blue notebook.
The last ten months couldn't be better with Kurt, who turned out to be perfect gentle bunny. He fit Judy's perfect mate list almost perfectly, he was almost her dream mate. There was only one thing left that he needed...
The last one on the list. It wasn't a lot to ask for but he didn't have it. He just didn't really have a sense of humor, always serious and motivated but...
Judy tried to incorporate some humor in their relationship. It didn't go as she had hoped. Her corny jokes and pranks were a weak attempt at creating stiff laughter between them, occasionally giving a "Nice try" from Kurt.
And then, there was Nick. No longer the fun carefree guy towards her, he spent most of his time dedicated to solving their cases and working overtime. Usually, she would be overjoyed that he was taking work more seriously, but he's been so work focus that he hardly some time to spend with her anymore. No more movie nights where she always picked the movie. No more of Nick's jokes that made her laugh like no tomorrow, no matter how corny they were. No more comfortable silences between them as they were driving down Zootopia, on duty. No more walks where he would let her ramble off about random little things.
No more of Nick.
Why do I even care?
She had Kurt, and Judy knew that she didn't have any right to feel possessive over Nick. Yet, she couldn't help it; she wanted Nick back… the old Nick.
"-dy, Judy? Earth to Judy!" Snapping out of her thoughts Judy looked up to face Kurt, who was suddenly standing next to her. She looked around, remembering she was sitting at the same restaurant where her first date with Kurt was.
"Oh sorry! Um, where were we?" She asked, taking note of the almost empty restaurant.
Huh, that's strange. Usually this restaurant is always super busy at this hour.
Small giggles and hushed whispers suddenly filled her ears, now noticing that some of the tables were moving.. She wondered what was going on…
"So Judy, there is something I want to ask you." Kurt asked, trying to move closer to her. Judy shot up and looked at the floor, hoping this wasn't going where she thought it was "What? What is it? I-"
"Judy," he started, confident in his words, " even though our time together is short, I believe that these last months were one of the happiest months for both of us. In saying yes, you will only affirm my answer. So with our family and friends gathered here today, I ask for you, Judy, Hopps to accept my proposal and become my bride."
She looked around at all the wearily happy faces. Searching through the crowd, she noticed that one face in particular wasn't there. The only face she wanted to see right then. She looked down at the Carrot bracelet, eyes widening in realization. " I-I-I"
The only face she wanted to see right now was Nick's. But why? He's my best friend I – I shouldn't really be feeling this way towards him but...but no! But I miss him! I miss him so much. He's never around as much anymore, why is he even on my mind I'm being proposed to… Judy focus. Say yes and get a life with the "Perfect Mate".
But he's not Nick.
Kurt is almost everything on my list... where am I going to find another mammal like that? But...he's not Nick. Why would I need to compare them to Nick? I don't have feelings towards him – no I'm- oh my god…. I'm in love with him. I'm in love with Nicholas Wilde. And-..and I need to find him.
Her mother was right, she didn't want to be stuck in a marriage where there was no laughter. She was beginning to think that her list wasn't as perfect as it was crafted to be either.
"I-I-...Where's Nick?"
Kurt scoffed as he balanced staying still on one knee, "Your fox friend? Oh! He didn't want to come. Said he had better places to be at. Something about overtime at work?"
That was all Judy needed to hear to speed off to the ZPD.
"Judy! Where are you going?" Kurt asked dusting the dirt of his pants as he got up. Judy's dad smiled silently to himself, wrapping his wife in a tight embrace.
"To find Nick… I need to tell him that… I LOVE HIM!" And with that she left behind a group of cheering rabbits and one very confused rabbit in the restaurant.
Tony just shook his head, "Ah, young love. Pizza on me!"
Tripping and falling, Judy never before ran this fast. She had to, she needed to find NIck and confess that she loved him and was willing to do anything to earn his love in return. No one could take away her fox. Reaching the ZPD's headquarters, she busted through the main entrance. Looking around, she spotted a certain cheetah at his desk silently nodding to himself. Hopeful she walked up to him.
"Clawhouser, I need your help, now! Where is Nick? I need to speak to him, please can you help me?"
Clawhouser scoffed before looking up, anger directed to Judy. However, as he took in Judy's messy fur and tired limbs he broke out into a grin, squealing from the top of his lungs.
"OMGGG! You're in love with him, you finally noticed! Judy I am so proud of you! I'm not even mad at you right now and I was mad at you a minute ago but now I'm not- oh Judy!" He rambled off, panicking.
"Is everything alright? What's wrong?" Judy asked as she saw the horror on Clawhouser's face. He looked at his paw, face falling. "Judy, I-i think you should look at this…. I'm sorry.."
In his paw was a piece of paper that she saw daily, a transfer sheet.
Judy brows furrowed in confusion,"What? The transfer paper why should I-" her eyes scrolled over the paper before freezing on a certain name that instantly caught her eye.
Nicholas Wilde
"He's-he's requesting a transfer? Why? Clawhouser where is he? Please…"
The cheetah sighed and shook his head, "I don't know. Earlier this morning, he walked in super depressed. I tried to cheer him up but he didn't want to talk to anyone, including me! No jokes or nothing, can you imagine? He just handed the paper to me and said goodbye. What could have happened?"
Judy's ears fell, "I don't know…. But I'm going to find out!"
Judy ran out the door, leaving behind an excited Clawhouser stacking some papers together, "I hope they work it out…They really are perfect for one another."
Adrenaline rapidly made its way to her legs as she raced over to Nick's apartment. An overwhelming load of emotions overcame her; sadness, anger, love, but mostly fear. Fear that she was going to lose him just when she just realized that she… she loved him. She raced through the doors of the familiar apartment complex, heading towards the elevator.
The bright yellow sign placed on the doors, however, stopped her from continuing her race, "Ugh! Its broken! Where are the stairs?"
A long flight of stairs later, she reached Nick's floor and ran down the hall to his door. Catching her breath, she clenched her paws and proceeded to pound them on Nick's door, "Nick! Open up! I know you're in there."
Her request was met with dead silence.
"Ugh! NICK! Please… Please open up." Judy sighed, pressing her forehead against the door. She looked up, hopeful, once she heard footstep approaching the door.
"I don't feeling like talking right now, Judy!", Nick snarled at the door. She took a step back, alarmed. Nick never called her Judy unless he was really mad or worried about her. It just wasn't like him.
"Nick!" She banged on the door again, "You owe me an explanation regarding your transfer! What were you thinking? Did you think you could just leave without telling me? Did you honestly think I wouldn't care!" Tears welled up as she yelled at the fox. She couldn't lose him, no, she was going to find a way for him to open up his door. She had to...
She, however, didn't have to wait that long. Enraged, Nick whipped open the door and pulled her inside, slamming it shut.
"Judy! You're making a scene! You have no right to come to MY apartment and yell at me. Just leave already, I don't want to talk to you!" Nick shouted, blood rushing to his cheeks. He pointed to the door he just slammed shut, and got ready to push Judy out.
She held on to his paws that were on her shoulders, fearful that if she let go she would never see him again. "No!" She broke away from his grasp, "I deserve an explanation! Nick-"
Nick groan, pushing away all thought about how admirably stubborn she was, "Don't you Nick me Judy! I don't owe you anything! Go back to Kurt! He's waiting on you... Go!"
Judy's eyes narrowed as her patience was wearing thin, "No Nick!" She moved in front of the fox, "That's why I came over here Nick! Now you're going to tell me about those papers right-"
Nick snickered, pulling on one of his signature smirk. This one had a nastier bite to it though, "Ha did he ditch you? Did you not want to get engaged? Wow.."
More confused than ever, Judy felt rage bubble inside her, "Nick tell me now!"
"No!" The fox yelled, still trying to get away from her, "You know what Judy? If you aren't going to leave then I'm leaving! Go off to your happily ever after and just leave me alone, forever!"
Judy had a million thoughts running in her mind as she tried to step closer to Nick. "Please don't leave. Why are you so upset at me? What did I do to you?"
Nick scooted away from her outreaching paw, causing her to flinch. He turned away towards a wall, not wanting to face her glistening, god damn beautiful purple eyes " As if you don't know, what a dumb bunny! You've done everything you possibly could do to ruin my life! You've ruined everything for me Judy, EVERYTHING!"
Judy felt her tears begin to spill and her throat was welling up. She looked up, walking around the fox, reaching up to cup his muzzle, "How? I didn't mean to do anything bad to you. Please Nick...please just tell-"
Nick threw Judy's paws away, instantly missing their warmth. He moved to the other side of his apartment and crossed his arms, ignoring the whimpers he heard coming from Judy, "Just forget it Judy I-"
Tears were streaming down against her cheeks as she chased Nick for the last time. She needed an answer from Nick and wasn't going to let him move again, "No! Tell me now!"
Nick could feel his own tears treating to come up, he didn't want to face her like this,"Jud-"
Judy felt her sadness being pushed away only to be replaced by anger, "Right now Nick or I swear-"
Nick couldn't take it anymore, he brought his arms up and placed them on the now startled rabbit's shoulders. One paw ran through his fur as he yelled what he was trying to hide from the bunny that saved his life, "I LOVE YOU OK?"
The world around them stopped completely. Both fox and bunny had tears freely falling on their faces. Nick's eyes were shut and his muzzle faced the floor. Judy eyes couldn't get any bigger than they already were, staring out into Nick's living room, "You… you love me?"
Nick swore under his breath, turning to face the window that overlooked the street below them, "I-i… I think you should leave Judy…"
Judy walked and stood behind the fox, the sun making her eyes glitter along with her tears, "No Nick, please don't pull me away. I want you to tell me… how long?"
Nick sighed heavily, heart aching in his chest, " Ever since last year but I only realized it now…. When you already have someone.."
Judy shook her head, reaching out to place her paw on his arm, " No Nick, it's never too late…. Kurt asked me to marry him today…"
Nick's heart dropped, shattering into a million pieces, "Congratulations Judy, I hope you guys live happily ever after...I'm sorry about today we can just-just"
Judy's heart broke as Nick's voice did too.
"Nick look at my paw." Nick shook his head, pulling away from Judy's paw, "I'm sure it's a lovely ring.. I-I don't want to see it…."
Judy softly smiled for the first time that day, "I wouldn't know what it looked like because…. I said no."
Nick whipped his head around and grabbed Judy's paw. His eyes widen as he didn't find a ring on her finger. A million emotions bursted into his mind set and everything was falling in place, "What? Why-why didn't you Judy? He's the perfect bunny...he was everything you could want. He fit your list almost perfectly…"
"I didn't accept," Judy swallowed thickly, nerves suddenly appearing "because he wasn't you, Nick. He didn't make me laugh like you do ... and every time I went out with him or anyone, I couldn't help but compare them to you, Nick… I-I guess I'm trying to say that…"
Judy bravely stepped forward and looked into Nick's piercing emerald eyes, that were full of disbelief. She smiled before confessing her feelings, "I love your dumb jokes and how you care so deeply about something. You're just so thoughtful about everything and everyone, yet you let me see the more sensitive side of you Nick.I guess I'm just trying to say that...I love you, Nicholas Wilde."
Frozen, Judy's word kept repeating themselves in his mind. His dumb, chatty, beautiful bunny loved him. She loved him. He broke out into a smile, not his usual smug smile, but one that was full of love. Love for Judy. He carefully placed his paws on Judy's muzzle, pulling her in closer. He laughed, taking in her scent while a blush grazed both of their cheeks. "You love me.. You love me!"
Judy cried tears of joy as her fox pulled her in closer, "Of course I do you dumb fox…"
Nick closed the remaining space between them, pulling her into a blissful kiss. Finally parting, they rested their foreheads on one anothers as they had matching shy smiles. Nick once again whispered to his darling bunny, "I love you."
To Judy, that was most beautiful thing she had ever heard.
Later that night, both fox and bunny were found entangled in each other's arms on Nick's bed. Judy snuggled up closer to the fox and pressed her muzzle against his chest, smiling in satisfaction. The fox replied by wrapping his arms around her curvy figure, holding the same smile he wore during their confessions.
"Hey Nick?"
Nick looked down at the beautiful bunny that was lying in his arms. He took a second to admire her crystal amethyst eyes, wearing a heart wrenching look of love that took Judy over the moon, "Yes Carrots?"
Judy smiled at her overused petname, "How did you know about my list?"
Nick's muzzled turned rouge as his eyes flattened down, signaling his guilt, "I-ah I may have snooped inside your drawer to find it…"
Judy giggled, causing another round of smiles for Nick "Oh Nick, you sly fox.."
Nick pulled it out of his pocket, sitting up to face the moon that was shining on the two lovers. He looked it over, nervously sighing before facing Judy again,"Do you think I should try and be more like the list? You know to be your mate?"
She sat up to face him,a concerned facial expression gracing her muzzle. She took the list from Nick, pretending to examine it closely. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Nick bit his lip as he waited for her to say something.
"Well…" she started still looking down on the list, "who needs the 'perfect mate' when I've got you?", Judy grinned as she crunched up the list in her hand. Relieved, Nick chuckled deeply before reaching over to kiss her.
And with that Judy threw the list in the trash bin, giggling as Nick pressed kisses against her neck.
Back in Bunny Burrow…
Bonnie put the last kit to sleep, wiping her brow tirely. She walked down to the main living room where Stu was quietly sipping his coffee on his favorite recliner.
'Well that's the last of them… Stu? Can I ask you something?" He nodded, straightening up, "What's up, Bon?"
She sat down next to him and sighed, leaning in towards him, "You knew that Judy wouldn't marry him didn't you!"
Stu chuckled as he set his cup down, "I know my daughter, Bon. She's too stubborn for her own good. She didn't even notice that the perfect mate for her was in front of her the whole time."
He reached over towards their coffee table, grabbing a picture frame, smiling as he spotted Judy's smiling face along with Nick's typically smug look. Smiling, he handed the photo over to Bonnie, who smiled in agreement.
"I like Nick he's good for her."
"I know I like him too," Bonnie sighed, "but now I feel like I need to go give Kurt's family a Carrot Cake or something…"
Stu mimicked Nick's smug smile from the photo, "Don't. We may need to give them a wedding invitation in a year or so.."
AN: I hope you have enjoyed my story! As for whats coming up next I honestly have no idea which fandom I'm going to obsess over now (probably Sing!) but who knows!
- MyIdentityIsSecret