I was frozen in front of the picturesque coffee shop and its vinyl window lettering. I couldn't read the French and I knew I'd butcher it if I did, but it was enchanting in a way that I couldn't describe. I felt a strong yearning to it even though it was the first time being here.

I re-adjusted my backpack and re-examined the shop front.

Café Nostalgie was a breath of fresh air found on Abbot Kinney and Venice, serving the freshest coffee on the ground floor of its Beaux Arts Classicism granite building, or, at least, that's what the flyer taped to the window said.

I wasn't here for its 'aromatic and delicious blends'. Instead, I pulled my gaze away and glanced to the side of the building, find the weathered gate for the alleyway. I pursed my lips and thought of all the sketchy things that could happen for meeting someone in the alley for an advertisement on Craigslist.

I went to it, placing my hand on it and wrapping my fingers around the paint-peeling bars, peering through the gaps. Unlike most movies, this alley was rather well kept and even had windows facing inwards, accompanied by a few pots and plants on the rusty fire escape.

I exhaled, clearing my mind, and reciting the steps of self-defense and what to do in a crisis.

Apprehension gripped my hand as I slowly opened the gate, hearing its creak resonate and amplify against the walls of the alley. Once it was all the way open I propped it open with a broken pot so that I had a clean escape if need be.

I went through the surprisingly spacious alley, minding my surroundings and maybe even complimenting whoever was cooking because whatever it was it smelled delicious! That and the coffee shop made this alleyway a mixing pot of lovely aromas.

The alley wasn't very long but I was so distracted that by the time I got to the end of it I realized that I had no clue where to go from there.

The 'woman' said to go to the coffee shop, take the gate and go to the back of the alley. I read the directions over and over on my phone and glimpsed behind me. The gate was still open.

I put my phone away, clutching my backpack closer and strode forward. The back of the place was fenced in with high walls with what looked like a shed. At first, I didn't expect much until I fully rounded the corner and was immediately immersed in a large garden.

A few palm trees were planted back here, swaying in the wind as two nectarine trees hung lower, guarding over the rest of the bountiful earth. It was busy back here with all the different types of plants and shrubs growing, making it hard to distinguish which was part of what, and to see beyond the stone walk-way. As I was admiring the Eden I saw someone coming around the corner of a bush—a man!

I tensed up but perhaps he was a resident of the place. It'd take a lot of work for only one person to tend to this entire garden.

"H-Hello!" I said aloud. The moment his eyes connected with mine I gave a quick and awkward wave, inwardly cringing at myself.

What if he got mad that I was back on private property?

But, he smiled and I felt comfort flood through me.

Maybe he'd know where to go.

"Hello there," by the way his brown eyes glinted, I could tell right away he was a flirtatious man. His hairstyle was rather hipster, too, but it was expected in this kind of neighborhood as he made his way to me.

That's when I realized something very wrong.

He was without a shirt.

In fact, he was naked.

I felt my eyes glued to his flaccid penis, gawking at it, and ripping my eyes away to see him sizing me up, leaning against the building's wall and winking.

"See something you like?" He had a British accent as he peered down at me, raising an eyebrow.

I took a step away, embarrassed.

"Y—You should r-really get clothes on," was all that escaped my lips as he chuckled.

"Girls over the pond tend to get scared at first, I get it, you're all used to circumcised and all, but, I promise it's just as good if not better." He assured, leaning away, but I could tell he wasn't disengaging from our conversation, let alone getting clothes…

"Jean," a woman's voice rang and the man visibly shuddered, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes.

"What're you doing—ah, a guest?" The woman was thankfully clothed. My eyes were thankful to pay attention to the new person instead of the naked man, but I found myself equally challenged.

The woman was tall and dark with warm golden eyes and freckles dusted all over her cheeks. She had smears of paint on her hands as she lifted her hand up to me, allowing a small yet attractive smile to grace her lips.

"I apologize for Jean's behavior. He's just a mutt, isn't he?" She took great delight in slandering him in front of me. He walked away and I couldn't help another glance, seeing his butt.

He had to be a male model with a butt like that.

"Charmed," the woman snickered, glancing back to enjoy it with me, "but, I'm certain he gave you a better introduction than I."

"O-Oh! N-no! Not like that—I mean—"she quieted me by lifting my hand up to her mouth, kissing the back of it.

"It's alright." It was meant as a kind gesture but it was so outdated and strange that it did nothing but excite my nervousness further.

"Now, what made you come back all the way here?" She withdrew her hands, crossing them, and glancing me up and down.

"Perhaps curiosity?" She guessed.

"Oh!" I remembered why I was here—no thanks to floppy dicks and hot women.

"I-I was responding to an advertisement on Craigslist and these were the directions and—"I saw the realization flash over her eyes as she put her hand up, stopping me.

"Ah, then, you found your mark, but this is unfortunate," she exhaled, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I felt a bubbling fear that she might've sold the space to someone else.

"I understand that you might have some tragic backstory," she lamented, "or, that you are a runaway soon-to-be actress, but, child, I do not allow minors to live with me—Oh, poor Jean-boy might get in trouble for even mingling with you being naked and all—girl, listen to me, you cannot just run from home—"

I felt my cheeks redden at the accusation.

"I'm not a child!" I retorted and she rolled her eyes.

"I get it, 'I'm older in spirit'," she mocked with air quotations. I felt anger rising up in me as I put a finger up to her face and tugged off my backpack, placing it on the ground, and sat near it, digging through it quickly to find my wallet.

"No, I will not accept bribes—this won't do, girl." Ymir exasperated.

"My kind of work can get me in trouble! The advertisement explicitly listed—"I shoved my driver's license in her face as she scrunched her brows together.

"Eh," she clicked her tongue in annoyance, grabbing the glasses hanging on her lanyard. She put them on and adjusted, using a finger to help read the lines until she found my birthdate.

"Well, I'll be," she said under her breath, snorting, and giving me back my ID and taking off the glasses, "I guess you were telling the truth, huh?"

I was smug in my victory as I kept my wallet out.

"You look really young, though, so, if I find out you are a minor, your parents won't be the only thing who'll get after you." The woman warned but nodded for me to follow her.

"My name is Ymir. I'm the one who put the ad out for a roommate, but you know the rest of the details." She looked behind me.

"And, you did pack-light! Good, I don't have room for another person's belongings," she commented, opening a rusty metal door that led to a narrow staircase. She brought me up the tiring flight of stairs until we opened another metal door that finally led into my new home.

But all I got was a sight full of dangling balls as Jean was doing pullups on the loft's support beams.

I hissed, removing my gaze.

"Ah," Ymir laughed, "Jean, I won't be needing you anymore."

He gave a short nod, observing me and then walking to the counter where I saw a stack of clothes at. Before he could even get too far Ymir slapped his ass, receiving a dirty snarl of cockney curses that only earned a howl of laughter from Ymir.

It was only when Jean left, clothed, that I could focus on the actual place—it was an old loft that was remodeled with newer appliances and lighting, but the floor was littered with hazardous art supplies lying about without care. There were canvasses with naked male models everywhere, highlighting their shoulder muscles, jawlines, and noses, but there were also others which focused on the male anatomy as a whole—it was all very breathtaking to see.

"The main floor is mine, but I set up an old mattress and divider in the loft for you. Felt kind of bad with the rent cost so I'm letting you use half of my dresser, too," Ymir jutted her chin up at the unlit loft.

"But, before you settle in, Miss Historia Reiss," I realized I didn't even give her my name before she saw it on my driver license! Fuck, I was being impolite-

"I hope you understand all the conditions of staying here…you had to have read them, right?" She analyzed me with great intensity. I felt like I could melt on the spot under her heated gaze.

"Y-Yes." It came out as a breath.

"Okay, then… Tomorrow, I expect you to have no clothes on."

"Understood?" She smiled, releasing me from her covetous leering.

"Y-Yeah." I didn't know I'd be walking around naked for a hot woman, though. I thought it might've been an older lady who loved painting, or, maybe—I don't know. It all sounded good before!

"Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." She winked, leaving me to stand in the kitchen, flustered, as she attended her recent art piece.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, feeling my face get darker, but, I knew this was the life I was going to live for a while.

At least until my sister came back from vacation.