"Homura, could you come up to the board and solve the next problem, please?" The teacher asked.

Homura looked up from her desk. "Um… yes…" She said, and set her pencil down. She took a moment to look at the pencil she just set down on her desk, and considered knocking it down to the floor. Doing so would signal that she wanted the game to stop.

It was one thing to play this game while she was sitting down in her seat, lost amongst the other students, but now that she would be standing in front of the whole class it may be too risky to continue. However, Madoka said there would be a reward for her if she made it through the whole day, and Homura didn't want to disappoint her.

The device which was sown into her panties was currently turned on a very low setting, causing only a slight tickle against that sensitive place, so Homura thought she could deal with it.

She glanced back at her mistress. The pink haired girl gave her a smile and a nod. 'No…' Homura thought, 'I can easily get through solving one math problem in front of the class. There is no reason to stop the game for something like this.'

Since Madoka went through so much trouble to set this up in the first place, Homura knew she would be upset if it were to end so soon. Therefore, she knew she had to continue and not let this one little issue stop her.

She left the pencil where it was on her desk then stood and starting walking to the front of the class.

Once she stood, she realized something. She hadn't considered that from a standing position the device would press against her a bit more firmly than when she was sitting down. It was even worse each time she took a step, because aside from the vibration, the motion of her legs moving would cause it to rub against her clit. It was alright though, she thought she could still ignore it without any trouble and get back to her seat after solving the math problem. She had solved this same exact math problem many times before in past timelines, so it would be simple.

'Just focus on the board.' She told herself, trying to keep her breathing steady, 'don't think about what's between your legs right now, and it won't be as effective. Just focus on something else…'

Maybe she could have been successful with this strategy, but suddenly she felt a wave of pleasure wash through her body that was impossible to ignore. The vibrator, she realized, had just been turned up to a higher setting. She glanced back at Madoka, who wore a playful and adoring smile as she watched her pet. 'Sh-she turned it up?' Homura swallowed, looking at Madoka with a pleading expression on her face. This situation was fine on the low setting, where the vibration was little more than a soft tickle, but now she could actually feel her body responding to it.

It was too late to turn back, though. The only way to end the game would be to give Madoka the sign, and the sign was to drop her pencil on the floor… but, she had been foolish enough not to take it with her, not expecting that Madoka would decide to up the setting on the vibrator like this.

She approached the electric chalk board at the front of the room and quickly picked up the stylus she would use to write with. She didn't even have to think about the math problem, because she already knew the answer by heart. She would just quickly write it down, return to her seat, and then knock the pencil to the floor and end the game. Easy.

She had to be quick… otherwise, at this rate there was no doubt she would end up cumming right here in front of the whole class!

"Homura." The teacher said, stopping her. "Actually, since you have done so well with these formula's so far, how about I give you a more difficult one this time?"

'What?' Homura thought, her heart suddenly sinking into a panic. The teacher pressed around on his keyboard and the screen of the board shifted to the left and presented Homura with a different problem. This is one that she didn't know by heart, and would actually have to solve.

'Damn it! Why?' She thought. 'No, calm down… you can still do this, but if you panic it's all over.'

It was hard to concentrate. Her leg muscles were involuntarily starting to flex, her face was probably going red, and the vibration on her clit continued to send waves of pleasure through her body. Her mouth felt dry, her skin was warm, and she had to focus to keep herself from moaning in response to the sensation.

"Everything ok Homura?" The teacher asked, when she didn't do anything right away.

It was an impressive act of will for Homura to keep her voice steady, and to not let her body show the signs of what she was going through right now, but somehow she pulled it off. "Yes, everything is fine." She answered in her usual cool matter-of-fact way. Then she lifted the stylus to the board and began to write.

'I can do this.' She thought, 'I have to do this!' Waves of pleasure coursed throughout her body, and her lips wanted to part and cry out. 'Don't think about it! Don't think about it!'

She could feel the eyes of everyone in class on her. She could imagine Madoka watching her; only Madoka knew what she was going through and no doubt Madoka was getting off on it as well. This remote controlled vibrator in her panties was an invisible connection to her lover, the small pink girl who owned her heart and had complete control over her body. As scary as this situation was, that connection to the girl she loved still made her feel happy.

'No! Don't think about Madoka right now!' Homura told herself, forcing herself to put her full attention back on the math problem. 'If you think about Madoka right now, you really will cum! So stop it!'

She could keep her voice inside, and stop her legs from shuttering, but if she were to actually orgasum it would be all over. She wouldn't be able to control herself at that point. She would crouch down, let out a loud moan and grab at her crotch right here in the middle of class! She couldn't let that happen! She had to stay focused and not get caught up in the sensation, or think about how great it felt.

'Oh, Madoka!' She thought, gritting her teeth as she continued to work out the math problem. 'Please lower the setting! Please! It's too much, I can't do it! I'm really going to-'

Then she had an idea. She needed to communicate to Madoka how much trouble she was in. The sign was suppose to be dropping her pencil, but perhaps this stylus she was holding would be acceptable? It was her only chance, and surely her mistress would understand her predicament and let her off the hook. So, she went for it. She loosened her grip on the stylus, and let it fall to the ground.

"Ah… oops." She said under her breath, then bent down to pick it up again.

'Please Madoka.' Homura thought, as she glanced over her shoulder to the girl who she has completely given herself over to. 'Please, I don't know if I can take it!'

"Hmmmm…" Madoka watched from the back of the class as her pet bent down to pick the stylus back up. When their eyes met, Madoka casually rested her head against the palm of her hand and smiled softly at the expression on Homura's face.

'Sorry Homura-chan. You're not getting off that easily.' Madoka thought, as her thumb reached for the dial of the remote in her pocket. 'The deal is you have to drop your pencil… not that thing.' Her soft smile turned into a mischievous grin as her thumb rolled the dial upward. She saw Homura let out a small gasp as the vibrator strengthened to it's max setting. 'I'm sure you can handle this, Homura-chan. You're so tough. Just hurry back to your seat and you'll be fine.'

Homura felt the pleasure explode through her body. Madoka's answer was clear, and there was no way Homura could beg her to reconsider. She couldn't even stop time and beg with time frozen, because that would require transforming first.

Her shaky hand picked the stylus back up, and she raised back up to her feet.

Her body was in total euphoria, every natural instinct and primal urge wanted her to just roll over and allow the release. She couldn't though, not here, she had to fight it! She had to disconnect her mind from the physical sensation of her body, as if those feelings belonged to some foreign entity that had nothing to do with her. Her only chance was to do this, and keep her mind occupied on something else.

She returned her eyes to the half finished math problem. She lifted the stylus and continued working it out.

She tried her best to focus only on the math problem; the soft tap of the stylus hitting the screen, the black streaks it left behind with each stroke, the numbers themselves as she wrote them down. She tried to empty her mind of anything else.

However, even if she ignored the vibrator, she only had so much control over her body's natural reactions. As if her will and her body were separate forces, because she had no control over those feelings that were rushing through her. The pleasure, the anxiety, the fear, and her love for the girl who actually DID have control over her body right now. These feelings swirled together into a perfect storm inside herself.

Underneath her clothing her nipples were erect, her breasts felt heavy, the tips of her fingers tingled, and her toes curled up. She felt her pussy pulsating involuntarily, and her leg muscles tightened in response, as if trying to cut it off. How much longer could she hold it back? Fifteen seconds? Twenty?

She was almost finished with the problem. Just one more step in the formula, and the answer would reveal itself to her. She could do it! Just a little longer… and…

Suddenly, her hips flinched, her lips parted and a soft moan escaped her lips. It wasn't loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear. That, and she was sure her face was bright red.

She felt herself panicking. She just moaned in the middle of class! She thought quickly, and quickly put a hand to her stomach and groaned as if she had felt a pain there.

The teacher shifted in his seat, looking at her for a moment as she then continued with the last step of the math problem. "Akemi." The teacher said, "Are you feeling ok?"

Homura got her voice under control, and answered in her usual smooth way as her stylus continued to tap against the board. "Yes. It was just a slight stomach pain."

"Do you need to go to the nurse's office?"

The stylus tapped a few more times as she wrote down the final answer to the problem underneath the long solution, and then underlined it with one last exaggerated stroke. She set the stylus down, then brushed her hair back and turned away from the board. "No. That won't be necessary. This should be correct."

The teacher adjusted his glasses as he looked over the problem. Homura didn't wait for him to offer her back to her seat, and started walking. "Looks good." The teacher said, "You can… um…" When he saw Homura had given him the cold shoulder, he cleared his throat then started clicking around on his keypad. "Ok, who want's to do the next one?"

She hadn't actually cum yet, but she was right on the brink. The moan that had escaped her lips was just a slight tremor before the eruption. She focused on her breathing, and kept it steady as she walked down the aisle back toward her desk. Her eyes focused on the pencil. She just needed to knock it off as she sat down and Madoka would stop the vibrator.

Madoka smiled as she watched her pet walk down the aisle. She saw the determined look in her eyes, the careful steps the tall girl was taking, and the slight twitching of her soft thighs underneath those black stockings. 'See? I knew you could handle it Homura-chan. You're so amazing!' She thought, as she readied her finger on the dial so she could switch it off the second the pencil hit the floor.

It wasn't easy for her either. Of course, Homura must have had the harder time out of the two of them, but Madoka also felt herself getting really excited. Unlike Homura, for Madoka it was like an itch that she couldn't scratch, and she longed for the end of the school day so she could go back to Homura's apartment, and have her pet relieve that itch for her.

Homura sat down, carefully lowering herself into the seat. Then, her trembling hand reach for the pencil - but she stopped.

'What's this?' Madoka thought, suddenly perking up. She saw Homura's fingers fighting with an urge, and instead of knocking the pencil off the desk, her nails dug into the desktop with enough force to turn her knuckles white. Her head lowered, letting her dark hair veil her face, and every muscle in her body tensed up. 'No way!… she's going to-'

Homura had been holding it back for so long, the floodgate of emotion and pleasure just begged to be released. Coming this far to have nothing happen would be too much for her to bare; she wanted to cum! Everything else around her washed away from her mind, she didn't care where she was, or what might happen, she completely gave herself over to the sensation and let it all flow out of her.

Her hand quickly clasped around her mouth to stifle the sound, but the high squeal still made it past. Her body twitched with the climax, her hips bounced, and her inner thighs suddenly became incredibly wet.

The waves rushed through her again and again, after being teased all day and finally climaxing resulted in multible orgasums. She contained the sound of her voice for the most part, but Madoka watched with fascination as her girlfriend's legs continued to twitch, likely with each squirt which soaked her panties more and more.

Homura was left breathing heavily, and probably every head in the room turned in her direction. She pushed her pencil off the desk and the second she heard it hit the floor, the vibrator stopped.

"Akemi? Are you sure you're alright?" The teacher asked. Soft whispers were spoken throughout the class between the students. Did they know what just happened? Homura had moaned, but she still managed to contain it. Well, she tried to anyway. In all honesty, when she was in that moment nothing else existed for her other than the sensation pulsing through her body. She could not remember the sound her voice had made, or how obvious it would be to anyone who heard it. "Akemi?" The teacher asked again.

Homura put her hands on her stomach, and tried her best to fake a stomach pain. "May I be excused to the nurse's office?" She quickly said. "I'm not feeling well."

"Hm, I thought you looked a little under the weather. You didn't have to force yourself, you know." The teacher tapped his foot and looked amongst the class. "Who is the nurse's aid for this class?"

"Um…" Madoka raised her hand and spoke in her small delicate voice, "That would be me, sir."

"Ok, can you walk with Akemi to the nurse?"

"Of course." Madoka said as she stood. She bent down and picked Homura's pencil off the floor and set it down in front of the flushed ravenette, who still hadn't completely calmed down from the experience. "Ready to go? Homura-chan?" She asked.

Homura saw a somewhat dark expression on her mistress. Madoka's eyes looked down upon Homura's exasperated face and the corner of her lip rose in amusement. Homura nodded and stood, then followed her mistress out of the classroom and into the school hallways.

Madoka led the way through the halls with Homura following close behind her, and feeling rather nervous. She wondered if Madoka was going to be mad at her for doing something so shameful, and nearly causing herself to be revealed? She didn't know, and right now Madoka was giving her the silent treatment and not giving any hints to her thoughts.

The not knowing was the hardest part, so Homura cautiously spoke up, hoping to get some insight into what was going on her mistress's head right now. "Um… M-Madoka… I'm sorry I-"

"Quiet." Madoka said, cutting her off with a cold commanding tone. Homura sunk down into her shoulders, and continued to follow a couple steps behind.

Each step felt a bit uncomfortable. The vibrator was off now, but she could still feel it pressing against her, rubbing with each step, and her crotch was completely wet. She didn't really have any way to deal with this, so for now she just followed her mistress silently.

"In here." Madoka said, as she lead Homura to the bathroom. Homura followed her in, and Madoka leaned down slightly to peek under the stall doors to make sure they were alone. Homura stood nearby, awaiting her mistresses next command, and still feeling a bit worried that Madoka was mad at her. When Madoka turned around, however, that nervous feeling melted away as she was greeted by the pink girl's smiling face.

Madoka leaped forward and wrapped her arms around Homura. "That was AMAZING Homura-chan!" She squealed as she hugged tightly and shook Homura back and forth.

Homura accepted this with a blank look on her face. She had expected Madoka might be upset with her, but she ended up showing the complete opposite reaction. Homura was so prepared to get scolded, that even though a compliment came instead, she couldn't help responding as if it were the opposite. "I… um… I'm sorry… I…"

Madoka released her just enough to look up at the taller girl, but still kept her hands on Homura's hips. "What are you apologizing for? You did so well! I knew this was going to be fun, but I never expected things to go quite like that…" Madoka blushed as she glanced to the side, "Sorry for pushing you so far, but I know you so well Homura-chan, I knew you could handle it."

In truth, Madoka was very close to ending the game early herself. When she heard Homura make that sound while she was still up at the board, Madoka's finger was on the controller and ready to turn it off that very second. She didn't though, because she could see the determination in Homura's posture. Even though she had tried to back out prior to that moment, Madoka knew she was resolved to succeed and didn't want to cut her short. It turned out Homura was even stronger than Madoka thought she was, but she didn't want Homura to know she had any doubts at all.

"When you got back to your desk, but didn't knock the pencil down… you know, it was like you were asking if it was ok to cum. I was a little worried, but you handled it well, and it made me so happy to see you like that." Homura seemed to soften up a little more, and her nervousness vanished. "So you liked it right? Did it feel good?"

Homura blushed and couldn't help the smile coming on her own face. "Yes… it was a little scary but… I guess it wasn't so bad…" Then her blush deepened as she glanced down at herself. "Only…"

"Guess you're pretty wet down there aren't you?" Madoka said with a soft laugh, then grabbed onto Homura's hand and led her forward. "Well, guess we had better get you cleaned up then."

Madoka led her into one of the stalls, then put the seat down on the toilet and told her to sit. Homura did as she was asked, then Madoka bent down and started removing her shoes for her.

"That was pretty difficult for me too…" Madoka said, as she unlaced the shoes and pulled them off. Homura just sat there blushing, she never was very talkative and of course had an even harder time ever expressing her feelings. Still, Madoka knew her well enough that Homura didn't need be expressive for Madoka to know what was going on in her girlfriend's mind. "Seeing you like that got me really excited as well, you know. Even now it's hard for me, because I want you so badly right now." She grinned, "We really can't do that stuff here in the bathroom, though."

"W-well… I could…" There was Homura's heart-meltingly adorable expression whenever she tried to say something dirty. "S-stop time and… I could…"

Madoka laughed, and patted Homura on her soft upper thigh. "Thanks, but I can wait. I already told my mom I'll be studying at your place tonight, so I'll have all night to use you as much as I want." Then she put her hand on Homura's skirt. "Now, lets see how things are down here." When she lifted the skirt, a rather deep shade of blush ended up on Madoka's face as well, and Homura nearly melted from the embarrassment. "Oh, wow! I got to admit I don't think I was expecting this. I didn't think doing it in public was that much of a turn on for you." Madoka already knew the real cause, but still loved the embarrassed expressions Homura would make, and felt like bullying her a little more.

"N-no! I-I um… It's because, well… you were teasing me all day… so…" Then Madoka started rolling Homura's panties down along with her stockings and Homura nearly shrieked. Homura grabbed onto her skirt and forced it down with two balled fists to cover the fact that she was now completely out in the open.

"It's a good thing you wear stockings, otherwise it might have actually dripped down your leg." Madoka said, waaay too casually, and pretending not to notice Homura's discomfort.

"W-what are you doing?" Homura managed to blurt out as her undergarments made it down past her knees.

"Oh," Madoka reached into her pocket and pulled something out. "Ta-DA!" She cheered, as she held up a scanty little pair of black panties. They were made of a thin material with the stitching done with red threads which traced down and around in a rather provocative way. They would outline all the important curves of that area between Homura's legs once she put them on. They were small, and Homura could tell just by looking that they would hardly cover her ass at all. "Just incase something like this happened, I brought an extra pair for you." Madoka explained.

Homura still held tightly to her own skirt, balling it up over her bare sex, as she stared at the revealing garment. "Uh-um… thanks b-but those are a little… um..."

Madoka grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "It's either this or you can go about the rest of the day without anything down there at all. Either way is fine with me to be honest with you." Then she blushed, and looked up at Homura with her warm adoring smile. "Besides, I picked these so that you would have them on when we got back to your apartment. I've got much more fun things planned for when we go home."

Homura coughed into her fist and glanced to the side. "Well… I-I suppose I don't really have a choice then."

"Heheh! NOPE!~" Madoka cheered in her cute way, "You sure don't."

Madoka helped her clean up, much to Homura's further embarrassment, then they put the new panties on. Her stockings had a slight damp spot on them, but she had to put those back on anyway. She couldn't exactly come back to class missing them or it would be way too suspicious.

Then Madoka had Homura hide the soiled pair under her magic shield after folding them up and covering the wet part. They were specially made with the vibrator sewn right into the fabric, so Madoka didn't want to lose them.

Once all that was done, they walked back out into the school hallway. "Try to knock that expression off your face." Madoka commanded her. "Otherwise people might think we were doing something weird in there."

'We WERE doing something weird!' Homura thought, but only expressed this with a slight sigh.

As she thought, the panties Madoka had her wearing barely covered anything, and she could feel the fabric between her buttcheeks. It was really soft though, and although it embarassed her, it also felt kind of nice. 'She's really not giving me a break today… but I guess that's alright… as long as it makes her happy.'

She smiled inwardly as she continued to follow a step behind the small pink girl who owned her body and soul.