Finally! A multi-chapter story! I've been wanting to write one for a while and here it is. Hopefully it's not too crappy, I'm no professional writer, okay? My writing is okay, I think, but I want to improve it! Here's the first chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Vocaloids or any of the songs used here.

Rin's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh…" I groaned, trying to block the sun that was entering through the room.

I sat up, let out a long, tired sigh, and rubbed my the sleep out of my eyes.

"Good morning…" I said to myself, my regular way of starting out the day. I know, it's weird, but it makes me feel less lonely, especially when Rinto's not here.

I got up from bed and went to look at myself in the mirror. My golden hair was up to my shoulders but my bangs were all over the place. My blue eyes looked tired, a few bags underneath them.

I made my bed before going downstairs to the kitchen. Laying on the counter was a note that reminded me that my vacation is only for a few days. I will have to work again once the weekend comes.

That's not fair. I work very hard, don't get to have a normal life and the one time I ask for a break, they give me four days! I understand that they want the best for me but I'm still a human! I need time off!

You're probably wondering what I do, right?

Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Rin Kagamine, sixteen-years old and a singer! That's right! I'm a famous person! But don't think that it's all great. It's not. Most people might think that the fame and riches will make you happy and maybe they will for a bit, but that's not the case here.

I don't have my parents. My father passed away in a car accident and my mom soon followed when she killed herself. Yeah, she took her own life away. I guess she couldn't take the pain anymore and just wanted an end to all of it.

Was she thinking of us when she did? Did she even care about what would happen to us? It doesn't matter anyway. The point is that I'm an orphan. I live with my older brother Rinto, he's going to be seventeen-years old.

Rinto Kagamine, he's my guardian angel. He's been with me all the way. And not just in my career. He's always so supportive but recently, he's been disappearing for hours. When I wake up, he's not there and then when he comes home, he doesn't tell me anything.

But I can't hate him. He's the only family that I have. I can't lose him, I can't drive him away.


I went over to get the phone in my room and looked at the number.


With a small smile, I answered "Hello?"

"Hi Rin-chan! How's your morning?" She greeted, cheerful as always.

Miku Hatsune. She's my best friend! We met when I was recording one of my songs. We had to do a duet together and we instantly clicked. Her bubbly personality is contagious, always making me laugh, even when my day isn't the best. She's really...unique. She has teal hair in these twin tails and has a weird love for leeks. Weird, right?

I'm no better. I have a thing for oranges. I don't know why, I just love them. Don't judge.

"I got up and I'm still sleepy. It's not turning out any different from other days. How about you?" I headed back to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets.

"I'm great! Want to know why?"

"Not really-"

"Kaito asked me out!" Miku screamed, damaging my ear. That girl can be really loud.

"That's great. You see, I told you to wait. He obviously likes you and you just needed to wait." I told her, finding some cookies in the shelf.

"I guess you were right."

"When am I ever wrong?" I asked, placing the cookies on a plate before taking out some milk. I poured some onto a glass, hearing Miku talk about her love life. I wasn't really paying attention, I was focused on my food and the fact that I'm single and alone. How sad.

"Hey, I gotta go. I have to be in the recording studio early so that I can have the rest of the day with Kaito. Bye."


I hung up, putting my phone on the table and continuing to eat the cookies. I might be alone but I still have food. Food is good. Food can't leave you.

A few more minutes passed, silence in the entire house. It wasn't until the front door opened, revealing a sad Rinto.

"I'm home." He announced, taking off his shoes.

I stopped eating and went to him. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at him, concerned about his somer entrance. He was very similar to Miku, he would always be smiling. He's not one to get his spirits down so easily, so seeing him like this, makes me worry. It's like someone died. But no one did, right?

He shook his head, trying his best to put on a smile. But I knew that it was forced. "Nothing. I just saw a homeless puppy on the way. The poor dog was also being kicked by some mean kids." He informed, making me cry.

"Oh my gosh! That's so mean! Why would they do that?" I asked, trying not to cry but failed to do so. I've always had a soft spot for animals. They're just so defenseless, they can't say anything and we take advantage of that. Those poor creatures suffer because of us and they can't really do anything. Sure, they can attack but let's face it. We have hands, a lot of strength, and weapons. What are they going to do to protect themselves? That's why I want to be their voice.

"D-Don't cry. Look, I was able to save him and he's here." He said, showing me the puppy.

It was a small Chihuahua, the color tan, with big brown eyes. The poor thing was shaking, dirt all over his body and a few specks of blood. Oh my!

"Oh, let's clean him up. Then we'll go take him to the vet." I told Rinto, taking the puppy from his hands and taking him up to the bathroom.

I went to the tub and turned on the water. I checked to see if it was too hot or cold and after making sure it was alright, I turned to the dog.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you." I said to him, seeing his eyes filled with pain and sadness.

I held in a sob and placed him on the tub. I started cleaning out the dirt from its fur and rubbing behind his ears. He seemed to be frightened at first but then after petting him, he seemed to be enjoying it.

After washing him up and drying him, I went to change clothes while I handed the dog to Rinto. I put on some black shorts with a yellow blouse with white polka dots. I brushed my hair, my teeth and placed on my head the white bow I always wear.

I went downstairs and saw Rinto with the puppy at the door, waiting for me. I smiled, putting on my black flats before opening the door. We got into the car, Rinto was the one driving. I was in the passenger seat with the poor puppy on my lap. He was shaking again but he looked better. I started stroking his hair, trying to comfort the little guy.

When we reached our destination, we got out of the car and went inside the clinic. I sat down on one of the seats, waiting for Rinto who was talking to the lady in the front desk.

After a few more moments, Rinto came and sat next to me, smiling. "She said that since today's a slow day and they don't have many appointments, the vet can see us once he's done with another dog." I nodded, carrying the puppy in my arms.

I want to protect this dog, no matter what, I'll be its voice.

No Len, why? Don't worry, he's appear next chapter! What do you think? Do you like Rin's personality so far? What do you think about Rinto?

Oh, concerning Rin's feelings towards animals, those are actually my thoughts. I'm a huge animal person and I cry whenever I see a lost dog. I'm honestly a crybaby. What do guys think I should name the dog?

Until next time!