Serphyona: hi! ^.^ I'm so ashamed I got writers block for my story 'The Only One' and I haven't gotten all the bugs out of my new story 'Sleeping beauty the untold story' done. It's about Tai and yama in sleeping beauty, only it's gory and very long. ^-^' Any who I let my yami write this.

Yami Serphyona: yep and I'm so proud. Now YOU MUST READ THIS SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO!!!!!!!! This is gory and gross, well as gross as a 13-year-old yami can get.

Don't read if you offended by gore gayness and taichi torture. I dedicate this to Sillie also known as Silvia. Even though I gave warnings, flames are welcome.

Yes it's for u. be very, very proud cause I never dedicate stories.

WARNINGS: horror, gross images, lots of death, sexual situations. For mature readers only…. aside for me. ^,^ Thinking =him talking= not taichi but him. You'll understand when you read.

Disclaimer: we don't own the digimon characters.

This is AU. Taichi and Yamato are the main characters but I think I'll throw in Daisuke in cause sillie likes him. And din worry he doesn't die.

Now on with the gory! er…. I mean story!


Would you help me if I let you?

A pair of dull brown eyes looked on into a huge two-way mirror, which reflected a tired, beaten young boy.

Bruises covered his pale skin, which was once a golden tan. Cuts and slashes ran up and down his arms, back and chest.

Tears were falling from his red, puffy eyes.

Why won't he just go away? Thought the broken boy.

This poor boy held a dark secret, he knew why there were so many unsolved murders. He knew why screams of terror and pain would fill the night, pierce the silence and send him into horrible slumber of night terrors.

His mirror image stared at him, almost like it was about to laugh at him, what was left of him that is.

His once sparkling, bright happy brown eyes were now filled with sorrow and self-loathing and were now almost a dull mist grey. His hair was always wild but know it hung limp around his small face.

The boy was fourteen years old, but he looked only ten.

He was short and very underweight.

The boy became anorexic; he hadn't eaten in so long, of course that didn't matter, not anymore.

The boy winced as a high-pitched scream shot threw the night. Another one was dead.

Why, won't he stop hurting people?

A choked sob found it's way from his throat, out into the air of the small room.

The white walls of the room were painted with black charcoal. Paintings of the murders,

Paintings of him…

But charcoal wasn't the only thing used to draw the pictures.

Dark red liquid was dried into the wall, forever haunting images of despair.

The boys face remand still but his weeping eyes shifted, looking in to the left side of the room.

Fresh blood was winding up and down the wall, creating yet another image.

The white men [1] can't see his drawings, only mine.

The brunet closed his eyes as his flesh began to tare.

A long gash opened on his chest.

=What's wrong, baby boy? = A harsh, sickening voice asked

The boy just whimpered.

=Mmm…you don't answer…you will be punished=

The boy didn't make a sound.

=Have fun= the voice laughed wickedly and all was silent.

Two small red rivers of flowed swiftly from the corners of his mouth, and then more blood began to spew.

The crimson liquid now covered his chin and was running down his neck, splitting into more red rivers, flowing down his chest some down his shoulders and back.

The boy was finding it hard to breath, he fell to his knees.

He trusted his hands to his throat, blood continued fill his wide-open mouth.

Blood pooled around him, it ran down his stomach, arms and back.

His white shirt and pants were now stained red.

The holder of the harsh voice became visible. It chuckled harshly. It's long pink tongue licked up some of the blood that covered his face.

=Your blood tastes so sweet young one, I'm glad I found you= it whispered into the boy's ear. The figure got up and sat on the bed watching the boy suffer.

The boy felt something crawl up his throat, no longer could he breath.

The thing began to slowly crawl up his throat.

He felt his mouth fill with a wriggling creature.

The creature tried to escape from the boys open mouth.

His eyes widened in pain, the creature was big and it was trying to squeeze out of this small mouth. He could breath again as the creature moved it's entire body in his mouth.

The creature began to claw the inside of his mouth.

The brunet watched the mirror. The dark figure was still on the bed watching.

The creature's head was out of his mouth and in the air.

The creature was black and looked like a million worms crawling together; its eyes were blood red.

The side of the boy's mouth where splitting, just cracks right now, but the creature was moving so much that the cracks grew.

Tears fell as the sides of his mouth split and as the blood clotted in his throat.

The boy's eyes closed tightly as the room spun.

The creature continued to squirm in his mouth.

The dark figure walked over to the boy, smiling at the sight.

The boy's eyes shot opened in pain, the creature fell to the floor.

The sides of the boy's mouth were split open in two long gashes that reached his high cheekbone. [Don't leave the story yet keep reading for semi softness in darky!]

The boy raised his head and stared at the dark figure.

The dark figure was staring intently at the boys face.

The boy raised his hand to the figures face, brushing a few strands of golden blonde hair out of his ocean blue eyes. [Hint hint hint]

The figures eyes softened slightly, the boy felt his cheeks peel together. The gashed were only an inch long now.

=I don't want to destroy your beautiful face=

The figure disappeared.

The boy cried in pain and sorrow.

Just then the door burst open, white men entered the room.

'Shit' swore the tallest man as he kneeled in front of the boy's bloody form.

'Make the hurt go away.' pleaded the boy.

' Yes Taichi, I'll make the pain go away.' said the man as pulled out a needle and rubbed some rubbing alcohol on Taichi's arm. The needle hurt a little but nothing like what he just felt.

'Doctor, whats that next to your knee?' questioned another white man.

' I don't know, it looks like black worms, take it to the lab and study it.' said the man.

I'll have to draw another painting later thought Taichi as he slipped into his haunted nightmare.


Serphyona: I know that sucked, but people at school said it was good.

Yami Serphyona: I liked it, but you had to make the dude fix Taichi's mouth.

Serphyona: shut up. Some reviews would be nice and if I do get a flame it beter not say that I'm so sort of sicko. I just happen to have an over gory mind.

But if you didn't like it though shit, that's your fault for reading.

Oh and 'white men' mean men in white scientist cloths.