We open in Harmonia, a peaceful civilization. Not so famously populated by humans, or any species. It was populated by whoever wanted to live there. Districts don't exist anymore. In Harmonia, there is a famous school.

Misty Mountain School of Magic

A prestigious establishment. What makes this school famous is the headmistress, Buttercup Hertz, ever heard of her? The most talented sword magician in the world.

"You painted the gym... purple?" She asked. She looked down at the 17 year old girl. The girl's bright amber eyes bore holes in her own vibrant green ones. Bale Tresluce, a sword magician.

"Among other things." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"The both of you," Buttercup turned to look at the other girl in the room. Fearful brown eyes and short in stature. Bes Havoque. A Mage. "Did a great job!" Buttercup laughed, "I've been trying to get that thing painted for a while. "Thank you!"

"Huh?" Bale started, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Buttercup chimed. In walked Beloveen Junge, a magenta-eyed healer.

"We brought some papers." She gave a fake smile, motioning to the pile of papers being held by Bean Jinky, the shyest girl in school. Long black hair and thick glasses, however a prodigy in symphonic magic. Beloveen exited.

"She shouldn't just leave like that." Bes got up and chased after her. Bean was about to fall when Bale caught the stack and helped her move them over to the end of the room.

"You can go now." Buttercup waved.

"Whatever." Bale grumbled before exiting.

"Aren't you worried about those girls?" Butch asked in her ear. He was leaned behind her, arms on either side.

"They're gonna be just fine"

Bubbles smiled. She walked both their 11 year old kids to school, their four year old was squirming around in Boomer's arms, the two year old was asleep in the stroller.

"I wanna be a superhero like you mommy!" The four year old boy, Jackson, yelled out while trying to fly out of his dad's arms. Bubbles laughed.

"You'll make a wonderful superhero." She laughed.

"Me too!" Jane, the 11 year old vampire, jumped around while holding her mother's hand.

"You too, of course."

"What about you, Carlos?" Bubbles asked her 11 year old vampire son.

"I wanna sleep." Boomer ruffled his hair as he yawned

"We're still blaming uncle Blitz for that."

Bunny groaned as she looked at the clock. She would have to get out of the tub and go to work soon. The water was so nice though. Then it got freezing cold around her.

"Blitz" She hissed like a venomous snake. Then she felt two warm hands slide up her back, even though she couldn't see him. Then the warm water rose behind her and her stupid husband appeared. He wrapped his arms around her and the water around them got warm.

"What are you doing?" Bunny said, holding it together to the best of her ability. "Lilly is-" She started but caught her breath as his hands down to her hips and he nibbled around her ears and licked the back of her neck.

"Sleeping" He whispered into her ear. He was referring to their three year old daughter, who slept more then he did because apparently that was possible. "Stay home today." Boy did she want to. All the promises he had hidden in those few words.

"Can't" Bunny blushed at her own out of breath voice, "I'm the top designer at THE PRODDAST DESIGN STUDIO. They need me"

"But I need you more..." He groaned into her back, hands moving all around.

"Blitz." She let out a breathy laughed before flicking her wrist. He froze and she got out of the tub, wrapping a towel around herself. "Maybe when I get home." She stuck out her tongue at him.

"Bested by my own wife." He said sourly with a betrayed look on his face.

Blossom leaned heavily against the carriage as people ran after it. Their first baby was cradled in her arms. He was only a year old. Thomas. He was chewing on her crown. She was the queen of Amples. The name of her kingdom, since districts didn't exist anymore. She got to the palace and instead of letting someone get the door for her and send her to another meeting, she hopped out the other side and ran.

Did she mind the meetings? No, not particularly. She just needed to take a breather. Blossom arrived at her destination, the beach. She let the sand squirm between her toes. She sat down and but Thomas in her lap.

"Sand!" He pointed at it and she laughed. Thomas loved the beach just as much as she did.

"Technically running away from being queen is frowned upon in current society." She looked up at Brick, who was frowning. She stuck her tongue out and looked back at the ocean waves.

"We needed a break." Blossom said. The water was blue and washed over itself, making white ruffles.

"Breaks! Breaks!" Thomas cheered, making both of his parents laugh.

"See? Thommie agrees with me." She snuggles her son. "Can you really say no to him?" She held him up and Brick looked into his big pink eyes.

"No" He laughed after on a second, laying back laughing.

Blaine had been looking everywhere for Bell. She was the queen, after all. She missed their last meeting with the sun people, luckily they were very understanding.

He opened another door and sighed in relief. There she was. They were in the food pantry. Jav was in his big form. Bell was tucked securely under his tail. Under her right arm was their six year old daughter Beverly and laying on her hip was their three year old son Rajevello. They were all fast asleep. Blaine let out a chuckle before sliding under Jav's tail and cuddling his family, soon falling asleep.

An explosion rang out as the bank doors were thrown off their hinges. Ben rolled over to the screen. Around him were millions of floating screens, all showing different parts of the world. A group of bandits strolled out and he rolled his chair over to his command desk and hit the red button.

Buttercup excused herself from the school meeting and slid her thumb over the red jewel on her wrist.

"Buttercup here."

Bell woke up as her wrist vibrated. She put her son on top of Blaine and untangled herself from her family. She left the food pantry and slid her thumb over the red gem.

"Bell here."

Blossom looked at Brick and then her glowing gem before sliding her thumb over it and handing Thomas to Brick.

"Blossom here."

Bubbles was about to start teaching healing magic when her wrist started glowing and the students ooed and ahhed. She left the classroom and slid her thumb over the gem.

"Bubbles here."

Bunny threw a peace sign to Miss Proddast ad exited the design studio before sliding her thumb over her red gem.

"Bunny here."

"Bank robbery down in Fae Town." Ben's voice spoke through the gems, "Powerpuff girls we need you!"

Bunny snapped her fingers and portals for all five girls appeared.

"Still not calling ourselves that." Buttercup said as she walked through the portal.