To Beat a Fusion

Ruined Earth: Past

Young Steven Universe jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding a ball of plasma. Quickly, he turned to face a different direction, blocking second, turning again at the sound of sparks behind him to block a third. The third's power caught him off guard, knocking the hybrid over.

A clapping sounded, the multiple blaster ceasing their fire upon the young teen.

"No, no, no." Peridot scolded. "You can't possibly think you can call that your best! When Homeworld's armies arrive, you're going to be going up against quartzes! And they're not going to be like those monster things where you can just hug them and make everything be okay!"

Steven looked away from her feeling ashamed. He wanted to cry, but he refused to let them fall. He was a warrior. Warriors don't cry.

Peridot took notice of the damage her words had on her pupil, her expression softening. "Come on." She said, holding her hand out, pulling the hybrid to his feet. "We'll train more later. Despite my scolding, I'm actually quite impressed. You've improved significantly since our training began." She said.

Steven seemed to cheer up a little at that. "Really?" He asked with a smile.

Peridot smiled back. "Yes. Of course, what did you expect with me here to train you?" She asked.

Steven chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Did I detect sarcasm?!" Peridot asked, feeling offended.

"No." Steven said with a smirk.

"Aha, you were being sarcastic! That means you do not feel the same way! What is it? My methods, that I don't have a weapon, my hair, the fact that I'm not actually wearing material appearance modifiers?"

Steven chuckled. "Nothing's wrong with you. I just love getting your goat."

"Goat?" Peridot asked, raising a brow. "What is this 'goat' you speak of? Is it a weapon?"

Steven sighed. "Not everything is a weapon Peridot".

"Aha, you have been fooled. For you see, I was merely getting you're goat too! Therefore, I have bested you at the goat getting! Nyeheheheh!" She chuckled.

Steven smiled that bright little smile that only he was capable of, watching the green gem laughing with a fond look in his eyes. "Yea, you sure did Peri."

Sector Epsilon 82, Q 7, 49.3: Present

"Lapis…" Lapis groaned at the sound of her name, stirring a little. "Lapis…" It came again. "Lapis…please wake up…"

"Wha?" Lapis asked herself. Slowly, her eyes began to to open, the blue gem gazing upon the one calling her. "Steven?" She asked under her breath.

"Lapis! Are you okay?!" Steven asked, using one hand to lift her up by her back, the other to get a grip on her shoulder and begin shaking her. "Come on, wake up!"

Lapis let out a faint groan, eyes gently fluttering open. She scanned the scene before her, it taking a second for what was happening at the moment to register.

Steven gave a relieved smile. "Thank goodness… You had me worried for a moment… Are you okay?"

Lapis stared at him for a moment before nodding. Even after that though, the two stayed that way for awhile, looking into each others' eyes. After a minute or two, a dreamy smile worked its way onto her face. "Steven…are you holding me?" She asked.

Steven's expression deadpanned. With that, the hybrid simply let her go and dropped her down. "She's fine." He said plainly.

Lapis chuckled, pushing herself off the ground. Once she was on her feet, she began to wobble, almost looking as if she might fall before managing to regain her balance. She held her head and moaned in pain. "What happened?"

"You were ambushed by two of the gems we were looking for." Green said. "They knocked you out in the process."

"You and Steven got ambushed by Whiplash and Green Eye to be specific." Bismuth said.

Lapis' smile dropped immediately. "What?!" She went back to Steven, grabbing him by his shoulders. "Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?!"

Steven pulled himself away. "Geez Lapis. I'm fine. Plan F went off without a synch and we caught them here." He said, gesturing to the floating bubbles. "No harm done to any of us."

"…Oh." Lapis said calmly, though Steven could detect a little glimpse of rage towards the gemstones.

"Of course, you're still here thanks to some quick thinking on Steven's part." Bismuth added.

"It wasn't really 'quick' thinking. They thought I was unconscious for a good while." Steven said

"Well, you kept them distracted long enough for us to find you two."

Lapis' smile returned. "My hero." She joked with a hug.

"If I could go back ten minutes, I would make sure to just let them take you." Steven said, pushing her away.

Lapis smiled. "I'm sorry." She said almost childishly.

Steven took a glance towards her, a small grin working its way across his face for only a second before returning to the serious one Lapis was more acquainted with.

Lapis smiled wider at her success.

A few moment passed in silence among the group, feeling awkward to some, save Jazz who found it kind of funny, Rose Wings who didn't even realize it was awkward, and Water Wings simply not caring.

"…Anyway, come on, we have a job to do." Bismuth said.

"For the last time, I refuse to be a part of your stupid plan!" A female, gravely voice shouts into a spherical device.

"Please, you have to understand Savage!" A male voice called from the other end. "The sooner I build this, the sooner I can stop the swarm!"

"Screw the swarm and screw you!" The fusion argued. "I only agreed to work with you so I could get out of that stupid prison. Now that I'm out, you can forget about our deal."

"I'm begging you-"

A robotic beep sounded as the fusion tapped a small button on the device. "Goodbye Ricky." She said, smiling before crushing the device in her hand. She tossed the device to the side before making herself fall back on a tree behind her, putting her arms behind her head and shutting her eyes, letting out a relieved sigh.

She wasn't bound by anything anymore. Not by that prison and not by her word. She was going to do as she pleased and what she was doing now was collecting her bounty from this timeline before moving on to the next.

Realization hit her at that thought. With a growl, she opened her eyes and scanned the forest around her. "Where are those two? Certainly a Lapis shouldn't be that hard to catch." She complained. As if her words had some sort of power in them, she heard the cracking of a branch being stepped on. Her smile, cruel and demented, returned. "Finally, I was wondering when you worthless little-"

A pink shield came flying at the fusion, Savage moving to the side, only barely avoiding a direct hit to the gem on her nose.

"What the?!" She exclaimed, looking to her attacker. Her eyes narrowed at the sight. "You." She growled. Without another word, she summoned her crash helmet, surrounding herself in a yellow aura and charging at the teenage hybrid.

Steven sighed. "For such a supposedly tough opponent, you're rather dim, aren't you?"

Whiplash didn't know what he meant by that, but she soon learned as she felt something wrap around her helmet and pull it. She looked to find another Steven, brighter and cheerier than the first.

"Hey!" Rose Wings greeted.

Savage was confused for a moment, looking in their direction to find a large group of gems before her, allowing her to quickly realize what was happening. She chuckled. "Oh, I get it." She said. "You're here to take me back to Illusio."

"Um, duh." Rose Wings said, giving the vine he was holding a yank.

Savage anchored herself to the ground, resisting the airborne Steven's attempt. With a grunt, she quickly turned her head, left, pulling Rose Wings down towards her.

"It's going to be a little harder than that!" She cried, rearing her helmet back to attack the rose winged boy.

Rose Wings curled his wings around him, beginning to spin quickly, reeling in the vine still in his grasp.

Savage stumbled at the sudden force, dismissing her helmet and letting the plant be free from her. The moment she was free however, she saw the glowing form of Jazz curled up and spinning towards her. Savage chuckled. "Please." She said, her body beginning to glow.

As Jazz was about to hit them, Savage's form separated, Jazz going between the two, with an Amethyst and a Jasper remaining.

The Amethyst pulled her whip from her gem and immediately used it to catch Jazz as she came by, throwing the orange gem back to the group.

Jazz uncurled, landing on her feet with a growl.

Bismuth and Green came next, Bismuth morphing her hands into axes and trying to attack the Jasper while Green used her limb enhancers to fire a barrage of green plasma at the Amethyst.

Bismuth wasn't having an easy time, the Jasper dodging each swing. The Jasper even seemed to be humored by this, eventually countering with a swing of her fist. Bismuth saw it coming, holding her axe hands before her and blocking the attack.

Green wasn't having much better luck, the Amethyst avoiding each of the former's attacks. Eventually, the purple gem curled into a ball, firing herself at Green.

Green stopped firing and used her fingers as a propeller in time to avoid the attack.

The Amethyst wasn't done though.

Green let out a yelp as her ascent was suddenly halted, looking down to find a whip wrapped around her leg and that the Amethyst was holding it.

The Amethyst pulled the whip, throwing Green back to the ground. The Peridot landed hard, blowing up a cloud of dust upon impact. However, when the dust cleared, the green gem stood up, ready to go.

Bismuth and the Jasper were still at a stalemate, each trying to overpower the other but finding themselves unable. Eventually, the Jasper pushed herself away from the rainbow locked gem.

Bismuth didn't even wait for the orange gem to touch the ground before she pushed against the ground and launched herself forward. However, the moment the Jasper did touch the ground, her Amethyst came barreling at her. The moment they collided, their forms became engulfed in light and merged together, light fading to reveal them to once again be fused into Savage.

Bismuth gasped at the sight, the recently reformed fusion punching her out of the air.

Bismuth was thrown back, Steven using his bubble shield to catch the gem before she hit the ground.

"Fascinating. I've never seen a fusion like theirs done so effortlessly." Green said.

"I guess that means they're really in synch." Jazz said.

Savage smiled cruelly at the group before curling up and firing at them.

Steven sighed, gently dropping Bismuth safely to the ground. He held both hands forward, using the same method he used to beat Whiplash to catch the fusion and stop her. "Alright, let's get this over wi-"

Savage punched the barrier with her two right arms, shattering the pink barrier. She pounced at Steven, like a cat with a mouse.

Before any damage could be done, Lapis stretched out one of her water wings and hit Savage out the air. A second after, the blue gem was standing between the two with a hate filled snarl present.

Savage's already craze smile somehow became even more demented at the sight of the Lapis. "A Lapis Lazuli? My, my, my, a beauty like you shouldn't have come here with brute like me around."

Rose Wings came up from behind, giving a battle cry as he summoned a shield and threw it at the beastly fusion.

Savage chuckled, turning and pulling two whips from her gem using her front arms. She cracked her weapon forward, grabbing the shield with her whip. She spun, using her whip to change the shield's path, letting go of her whip and throwing the shield back at Rose Wings.

Rose Wings let out a little squeak, moving to the side, barely avoiding the projectile. Rose Wings let out a sigh of relief. He looked back in time to see Savage jumping up at him, the little Steven's eyes widening. With a flap of his wings, he was flying out of the fusion's path.

"Hey, where do you you're going?" Savage asked cruelly, using her whip to grab Rose Wings by the leg.

Rose Wings yelped as Savage landed, pulling him down with her. He looked down at the fusion below, expression panicked. He worked up a more collected one, aiming his hands to the ground.

Savage's expression faltered for a moment as she felt the ground begin to shake, though it quickly returned to her previous grin. She jumped forward, just in time to avoid a large root bursting from the ground.

"Nice try!" She said, pulling her whip and slamming the poor rose petal winged gem to the ground.

"Rosie!" Water Wings exclaimed.

Rose Wings groaned, pulling himself up. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Just a little bruised is all."

Water Wings glared at the fusion. "Alright, you're dead!" He said, stretching his water wings to massive sizes. He used them like they were whips, striking forward at the fusion.

With the first attack, Savage jumped back. With the second, she unfused, the water coming between the Jasper and Amethyst for a moment before the duo fusing back as the water rose up.

Steven watched the event curiously, analyzing their movements with significant interest.

"Geez, how are we going to beat this one?" Jazz asked.

"Well we're strong enough but the problem is hitting her without taking a hit yourself." Green responded. "She can unfuse to avoid harm and while she's fused she's significantly stronger, making both even more difficult."

Steven hummed in thought. In little over two seconds, his eyes widened and one could almost see the lightbulb turn on in his head.

Green looked at him, a smirk appearing as she took notice of the very look she had had so many times before. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Steven smiled back. "I think I know how to beat them."

"Hey, you know you're supposed to hit me, right?" Savage taunted.

Water Wings growled, attacking even faster.

Savage didn't have any trouble keeping up, actually seeming to handle it even better this way. After another minute, she spoke again. "Well, I'm bored now." She curled into a ball, shooting forward. Water Wings tried to block the attack, the fusion simply crashing through the water without slowing down. Once she reached the lapis hybrid, she uncurled, giving him a powerful punch to the face.

Water Wing cried out in pain, flying back. Quickly, before he could crash into the trees, he used his wings to gently stop him, landing on his feet with a glare.

Savage chuckled. "Come on, give me a challenge!"


Savage turned, finding Steven glaring at her, his hands surrounded by the mini bubble shields.

"You want a challenge?!" He exclaimed. "Then here you go!"

Steven threw Bismuth forward, the rainbow haired gem flying at Savage with her hands morphed into axes.

Savage chuckled. "Pathetic." She said. She split into the Jasper and Amethyst, avoiding the attack.

Bismuth stopped, trying to hit the Jasper again.

"Really, this same trick?!" She said, jumping over Bismuth. The moment the Jasper landed, she hit Bismuth hard in the back, knocking her down. The Jasper chuckled as she watched Bismuth turn to look up at her. Soon, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, seeing Steven grabbing Jazz and Lapis this time.

Steven threw the two forward, Jazz curled up while Lapis flew, both moving even faster with the boost from Steven's throw.

The Jasper chuckled. "Come on runt, let's show these embarrassments how it's done." She said, holding out her hand.

The Amethyst, expression blank, reached for it, only to be cut off.

"What the hell?!" The Jasper asked, backing up to find a wall of trees in her path. She looked up, finding Rose Wings flying above the barrier with a playful smile.

Rose Wings wagged his finger. "You're too slow." He taunted.

The Jasper growled. "What, you think that this puny thing will hold me back?!" She asked, summoning her crash helmet.

"Um, I think you're forgetting something." Rose Wings stated.

"Oh yea, what?!" She asked, followed by her getting hit by Jazz.

"That." Rose Wings answered.

Lapis grunted as she continued to try hitting the Amethyst with her wings, the stocky purple gem avoiding each with surprising agility.

Lapis screeched in frustration. "Why won't you just stay still?!" She asked.

The Amethyst retaliated by attacking with her whip, the weapon wrapping around Lapis' waist. The Amethyst pulled the blue gem in the air before curling up and spinning rapidly, reeling Lapis in.

Lapis fought the pull, but found the Amethyst slowly overpowering her, the only thing saving her being a shield cutting through the whip.

Lapis landed on her feet, looking to Steven.

"Why am I always the one saving you?" He asked, running to her side.

"Oh come on," Lapis began, she and Steven jumping to the left and right respectively in time to avoid a lash from the Amethyst. "You haven't saved me that much."

"Please," Steven said, conversing as he summoned his shield. "There was that time when you tried to use your water wings to put out an electrical fire," Steven held his shield up, blocking a kick from the Amethyst. "When you learned why an air lock is called an air lock." Steven pushed the Amethyst in the air, the purple gem using her whip to once again try to attack. "And when you thought that whatever it was would be a good equivalent to a human dog."

"Yea well- hey?!" She said, using her water wing to grab the Amethyst's whip. "We're talking here!" She said, throwing the purple gem away. She crossed her arms. "Amethysts." She huffed.

Jazz and the the second Jasper clashed together, pushing each other back. The moment the Jasper escaped Jazz, Bismuth began to swing at her with her axe hands.

The Jasper ducked, about to hit her, only for Bismuth to use her axe to hook the orange gem under her chin. Bismuth pulled up, throwing the Jasper in the air.

"Oh, and General Bismuth just pulled off a magnificent maneuver! Is this all she wrote for Jasper?!" Rose Wings narrated loudly, pretending to talk into a speaker. "Wait, well isn't this a turn of events." Rose Wings said as the Jasper jumped up, curling into a ball, heading towards Bismuth. As she did, Water Wings' wrapped his wings around her, throwing her into the air. "And she's going, going, gone! Now, how are our friends on the other field doing?" He said, looking over to the fight occurring on the other side of the plant barrier.

Steven jumped out of the way of another attempt to harm him, summoning his shield to block a second before throwing it at the purple gem.

The weapon hit the Amethyst head on, the purple gem glaring at Steven. She curled into a ball, shooting at Steven. Steven summoned another shield, blocking the Amethyst's attack.

Steven grunted. "Lapis, Green, catch!" He said, pushing the purple gem in the air.

Lapis stretched her wings forward, the Amethyst thinking quickly and using her whip to grab a tree, pulling herself out of the way. When she touched ground, the Amethyst resumed her attack, Green trying her best to shoot the purple gem.

The Amethyst didn't even try to move out of the way, simply charging through the balls of plasma towards Green.

Green jumped out of the way, Amethyst turning, coming at Green like a homing missile. Steven jumped between them, blocking her with his shield.

Without warning, the Amethyst uncurled, hopping over Steven and landing behind him. Steven turned quickly, but not quickly enough.

Steven cried out in pain as he felt the spiked whip drag across his skin, leaving long scratches running down his arm. Steven stumbled back, dropping his shield and clenching his wound. As he did, as he felt the stinging pain, he couldn't help but smile. It had been so long since he had felt this, since he had seen his own blood.

"Steven!" Lapis cried, followed by those of Green and Rose Wings, the blue gem wrapping her water wing around Steven and pulling him over to her. "Are you okay Steven?!" She asked.

Steven groaned. "Lapis…I'm fine…put me down you idiot."

Lapis smiled. Soon, her smile faded as she found the Amethyst barreling towards. Lapis gently moved Steven behind her, placing him down on the ground before releasing him from her water wing. She spread them out, each coming to a point. The water gem swung at the Amethyst, the latter uncurling and jumping over the water wing.

The Amethyst tried to hit Lapis with her whip, Lapis cutting through the weapon. The Amethyst growled, about to jump forward, stopping and leaning back in time to avoid another of Green's plasma attacks.

The Amethyst was distracted for only a moment, Lapis taking it to her advantage and batting the Amethyst into the air. The Amethyst watched as Green shot many balls of plasma at the purple gem. The Amethyst growled in response, pulling out her whips. She lit the whips with purple flame, curling into a ball and shooting down at Green.

Green moved out of the way, turning to find the purple gem standing, a dangerous look in the latter's eyes.

Jasper roared as she curled into a ball, trying to pound Jazz into the ground, the latter jasper summoning her crash helmet and forcing the former to a halt. The Jasper uncurled and tried to hit Jazz, Jazz quickly rearing her fist back and punching the Jasper first. No sooner had the Jasper been thrown into the air again than Water Wings knocked her back out of it.

The Jasper hit the ground hard, flipping to her feet. She found Bismuth charging at her, the general trying to hit the orange gem with her axe hand. The Jasper curled into a ball and went around her, uncurling behind Bismuth. The Jasper, as she was about to attack, felt herself get pulled back by Water Wings' wing. The Jasper growled, looking to the hybrid and summoning her crash helmet. When they were close, the Jasper, using the speed of Water Wings pulling her closer, rammed the hybrid. Water Wings jumped to the side before the orange gem could make impact, Jazz ramming into her with her own crash helmet.

The Jasper was thrown back, soon attacked by Bismuth once more. She tried to move quickly to avoid the attack, but failed in almost every sense of the word.

Bismuth's axe hand left a massive gash in its wake.

The Jasper stumbled back, holding her wound. She lifted her hand for a moment in an attempt to look at it, the pain making her hold it again. She wasn't given a break either. Water Wings followed up by throwing the orange gem high into the air. Jazz, curling into a ball, pursued their target, reaching her in no time at all. Jazz went above the airborne and suddenly uncurled, pounding her down. The Jasper collided with the ground hard, leaving a crater where she made impact, the orange gem unconscious at the center.

Rose Wings flew to Steven's side, shaking the hybrid gently. "Steven, are you okay?"

Steven grunted. "I said I'm fine. Doesn't anyone listen to me?" He asked. He pushed himself to his feet, looking at the fight that raged on between Green and Lapis and the Amethyst. He watched Green barely move out of the way of the Amethyst's whip, Lapis trying to attack the latter to which the purple gem curled up and fired back at her. "She's fast…" Steven said. "Rose Wing?" He said without taking his eyes odd the fight, seeing Amethyst's fingers interlaced with the hands-like shape Lapis had made her water wings into, the two pushing against each other. "I need you to throw me at the Amethyst." He said.

"Um…what?!" Rose Wings asked. "Steven, you can't be serious!"

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing." Steven assured.

Rose Wings looked to the fighting group, the Amethyst jumping back to avoid another barrage of green plasma before rushing forward and continuing her fight with Lapis. Rose Wings sighed. "I know I'm gonna regret this." He said, picking up Steven with his rose petal wings.

Rose Wings reared them back before throwing Steven as hard as he could, sending the latter flying at the Amethyst.

The Amethyst growled as she continued to push against Lapis, only noticing as the last second the hybrid flying at her. Before she knew it, Steven had collided with her, a pink barrier surrounding her and the hybrid as they tumbled to the ground.

The Amethyst stood up first, shaking her head and growling at the one who had recently tackled her.

As she did this, Steven looked her over with a curious expression. "I never would have expected that an Amethyst would willing participate in acts as terrible as this." He said. "I wonder what would make you betray the Crystal Gems, not only of your world, but of the entire multiverse…your family."

The Amethyst snarled and, for the first time since the fight began, spoke. "You have no idea who I am you stupid little freak."

Steven didn't seem to be fazed by this, simply staring back at her. He sighed. "I suppose not. The Amethyst I knew was a proud, strong warrior who strived to prove herself to be just as capable as other quartzes, and she would have never betrayed us…for any reason. Whoever you are, you're not an Amethyst like mine at all."

The Amethyst clenched her teeth in response.

Steven smirked. "Though, I do know my family and I know my Lapis. And goodness does she hate when someone hurts me."

The Amethyst was confused for a moment, looking back to see Lapis standing behind her within the bubble shield, a cruel smirk present on the blue gem's face as she popped her knuckles.

"Hey, remember when you hurt my Steven?" Lapis asked, pounding one of her water wings into the other.

Bismuth, Jazz, and Water Wings stood around the fallen Jasper, panting heavily.

"Dang, she was annoying." Jazz commented

"Can we crack her?" Water Wings asked.

"What?! No!" Bismuth exclaimed.

"Why not? No one would know. And it's not like she doesn't deserve it." Water Wings explained.

The small rumble came from behind them, the group turning to see the plant barrier fall back to the ground.

"No!" Rose Wings cried, running towards Water Wings. When he reached his liquid winged counterpart, he gave his a tight hug. "We can't kill her! We can't!"

Water Wings was shocked for a moment at the sudden contact but quickly smiled sweetly at the mirror Steven. "Hey, I was just kidding buddy." He said assured with a chuckle. "You can let me go now."

Steven, Green, and Lapis approached next, Steven in Lapis' arms.

"You got her?" Jazz asked Green.

"Green sighed, presenting the amethyst gem and the blue bubble it was contained in to her."

"What happened to you?" Jazz asked, looking at Steven's arm.

"The Amethyst's whip. It hurt a bit but it isn't serious. I've also been trying to tell someone," Steven glared at Lapis. "that an injured arm doesn't mean I can't walk!"

"You're delirious from blood loss. I feel that I should be by your side for the rest of the day to help you until you're better." Lapis said, something in the way she was talking indicating she was trying to hold back the urge to laugh.

"Blood loss?! It's a few cuts! Besides, you're already by my side, all day every day!" He said.

"Aw, can't you let me have just a little fun?" Lapis whined, putting Steven down.

Steven sighed, looking over to the unconscious orange gem lying in the crater. "Wow, you sure did a number on her." He commented, looking at the many injuries present.

"Yea, but we beat her easily on her own." Jazz said proudly.

"Well, I wouldn't call it easy," General Bismuth said. "But it wasn't anything we couldn't handle."

Rose Wings poked the unconscious orange gem's head, circling her with a curious expression present. A grin appeared on his face. "And we have another victory by the amazing Alpha Zeros!" He cheered in his announcer voice, indicating to the team. "And a knockout without destroying her physical form?! Outstanding! Surely a magnificent spectacle it must have been to watch the clash with the orange behemoth!" He said. "Which I unfortunately didn't see myself."

The group chuckled at Rose Wings' childish antics, even Steven smiling at the little gem.

"People across the multiverse will remember this day as one when one more of its most dangerous criminals was put awa-"

A chuckle sounded behind Rose Wings, not of Steven, Lapis, Water Wings, Green, or General Bismuth, but similar to that of Jazz, though there was something amiss in it, making Rose Wings freeze.

Slowly, Rose Wings turned around, backing up as the Jasper began to move, putting her hands to the ground.

The Jasper began to chuckle, slowly becoming a maniacal laughter. "I'm not going down that easily." She said. "I'm not going to just let you win!" She said, looking up at them, her yellow eyes beginning to glow. She pushed herself up. "I am going to kill all of yo-"

A large root sprouted from the ground, impaling the Jasper in the chest. Almost immediately, her form exploded into a cloud of orange dust, leaving her gem lying on the ground.

"Thanks for staying still this time." Rose Wings chirped as he skipped over the the gem, picking up the jasper gem. "Boop." He said as he made a bubble appear around the gemstone.

Author's note: So yea. Sorry that this chapter, and the episode itself, have been lacking in character development.