I Don't own Naruto or Bleach

In the Mission Room

Team 7 was standing in front the old Hokage and Iruka for their assigned mission.

"Alright, Team 7 your next mission will be gardening plants, cleaning the Inuzaka kennels, and catching tor-"

"STOP! STOP! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Naruto interrupted the Hokage shouting. "Jiji we've been at this for a whole month already and got done 30 D-rank missions and we're ready to take a C-rank now." Naruto explains.

Satsuki, Sasuke, and Sakura agreed with their blonde teammate. They did deserved a higher mission for all the D-ranks they suffered. Sarutobi looked at the genins and then Kakashi who was scratching his head with a eye smile; "Do you think that their ready?" he asked the one eyed man. Kakashi looked at his team who had pleading eyes hoping that their sensei will make the right call; "Yes, I think that their ready for a C-ranked mission." Kakashi said as Team 7 wanted to cheered but not in front of their Hokage but that didn't stop them from grinning.

"Alright then, your mission will be a escort one. So send him in." the Hokage ordered. When the door opened, it was an old man with grey hair, with black sleeveless shirt with gray shorts. And by the look of him, he was drunk and was holding a bottle of sake with him.

"What, these kids are suppose to be a escort to the Land of Waves. I hired ninjas not kids who's pretending to be one." that comment made genins unleashed their KI at the bridge builder, but Naruto's was stronger than them. Tazuna looked like he was going to pissed his pants especially seeing Naruto's two swords unleashing their own KI. Kakashi saw this and decided to save the foolish old man; "That's enough everyone. Our mission is to protect the bridge builder, not kill him." Their senei order them and obeyed except Naruto's swords who was still unleashing their fury at the old man.

'Benihime Senbonzakura, that's enough!' their master ordered as they quickly obeyed. Their master was the only one who get to order them around.

"Alright Team 7, your mission is to escort Tazuna-san here back to the Land of Waves and make sure he is welled protected. understand" the Hokage said strictly at them.

"Hai, Hokage-sama/jiji!" everyone except Sarutobi looked at Naruto like he was crazy. Naruto saw this and also looked at them like they was crazy.

"What? That as far as I can said for respect for him. He can't blame me." he pouted as Kakashi and Iruka face palm at Naruto while the old Hokage chuckled at his surrogate grandson; 'Glad to see you never change, Naruto-kun.' he thought.

"Alright team, I'm going to give you guy 1 hour to pack up your ninja equipment for this mission so go and get ready, understood?" the genin nodded their heads

"Alright we'll meet at the front gate of the village, your dismissed" their said as he disappeared.

With Satsuki and Sasuke

Both twins had made it to their home and started to pack their ninja equipment for the mission. Both of them was excited for it and couldn't wait to fight strong ninja who might attack them. It may have sounded a little weird that they were hoping that someone would attack them, but they love to fight to see where their strength are. Their mother also notices that her kids were excited about something and decided to ask.

"So what is that got you kids so excited about?" their mother asked. Satsuki turned to her mother and smile; "We finally got a C-ranked mission instead of those D-ranks kaa-san! Our mission is to escort a bridge builder to the Land of Waves. This may take us a few weeks to get back though" she happily said. Mikoto smiled but on the inside she was worried. She was hoping that this day wouldn't come but she knew it would happen. "Well I hope you kids will make it back here safely, okay?" their mother said worriedly.

"Hai, kaa-san" Satsuki said.

"Hn, we still have time before the mission, so I'm going to train alittle." Sasuke said completely ignoring his mother words as he walked off to the clan's training ground.

Satsuki frowned at her brother while Mikoto just sighed at him and turn to Satsuki; "Look Satsu-chan, I want you to look after your brother. He can be stubborn sometime and let his ego gets the best of him, but please try to protect him from danger." the older Uchiha begged. She knew that Satsuki was the strongest out of the two since she was the one who trained her while Sasuke didn't want her help.

"Okay kaa-san, I'll protect him." the younger Uchiha said but you can hear alittle of anger in her voice. She never liked her brother. I mean even if she didn't know about the coup d'etat, she would still be grateful that she still have her mother and her brother with her. But Sasuke wasn't grateful for that at all. All he does is trains and brood all day long. She still want to help her twin but he making it impossible to do so. The only thing that she and her mother can do is look after him.

With Sakura

"OHHH, I bet Sasuke-kun would love this dress and this perfume on me, kyaa! I can't wait for that happen, then he'll have to fall in love with me." Sakura said delusional as she was packing make up, dresses, and perfume.

With Naruto

Naruto was getting ready. As a matter of fact, the only things he had to pack was some food for him and the team if necessary and a tent. Normally, ninjas always pack their weapons, but Naruto can't even touch a weapon because Benihme and Senbonzakura wouldn't allow it to happen. When ever time he tried to grab a weapon like a kunai, they would quickly use their power to block his hands. When he why, they told him that they can be his only weapons and nobody else. That comment made both Naruto and Kurami laugh at them. They thought it was cute and surprisingly normal for both of his sword spirits would get jealous over weapons that he would want to use other than them. Naruto decided to walk around the village until it was time to meet up in front of the gates. He ignoring the glares he was getting from the villagers and arrived the training ground.

"Okay! I'm alone now, so their's no point in you following me anymore." Naruto said. He the person that was following him came out and it was Hinata Hyuuga.

She walked towards him while swaying her hips for him; "So, you manage to sense me from a far, impressive." she said smirking at him and was now in front of him. Naruto raised a eyebrow; "Why are you following me Hinata-chan?" he asked her. Hinata stood there for awhile then walked towards him wrapping her arms around him which surprised him alittle.

"You know what I like about you Naruto-kun. It's that you don't take shit from anyone or anything. You have aura around you that scream out strength and power with no arrogant in it, I like that in a man." Hinata said seductively. "I heard from sensei is that your going out for a few week, so I decided to give you a farewell gift."

"And what would that b-" he was interrupted as Hinata smashed her lips into his. He was surprise when Hinata stick her tongue inside his mouth. He decided their was no point resisting and had a tongue battle with the Hyuuga. Hinata wrapped one of her legs around Naruto's waist as Naruto lean against the log post. Hinata began to moan when Naruto started massaging her nice firm ass. Hinata started to go down on his body with kisses and began to unbuckled his belt and took it down to his knees. Hinata then dropped his underwear and gasp when she saw a 8 inch cock almost hit her face. She gulp because this is the first time she seen a real life cock besides her 'toys'. She then took a deep breath and began to lick his cock all over and took it in her wet mouth and moan in sensation.

Naruto moan as he was rubbing her head to encourage her to keep doing in what she was doing. Naruto moan even deeper when Hinata took his cock deep inside her tight throat; "Holy shit, Hina-chan! Just like that, keep sucking my dick with your tight throat!" His words made Hinata hotter and wetter and began to touch herself; 'YES! YES! Give me your cum Naru-kun! Mmmm this is so much better than my toys.' she thought as she was bobbing her head faster while Naruto moan even louder and started to face-fuck her now; "Hina-chan, I'm about cum!" he warned her. Hinata brace herself for it and a rope of cum hit her throat. His cum was too much for her as some of it was falling off her mouth but didn't stop her from drinking it.

Hinata release his cock with a 'POP' and looked up towards Naruto with a seductive smile; "Did you enjoy your farewell gift?" Naruto nodded and smiled at her; "That was one of the best gifts I ever had." he said happily.

"I'm glad you liked that and I would love to go even farther, but I have to leave for my training with father" she said as she clean her self up. Naruto putted up his underwear and pants. Hinata went up to him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"We'll continue this another time and place, okay Naru-kun? she ask the blonde with a cute smile. Naruto nodded his head agreeing with her. Hinata rushed to the Hyuuga compound quickly.

"I knew I liked her when I first saw her" Kurami said inside of their mindscape.

"I agree, she's just what Naru-kun need in his life" Benihime said as Senbonzakura agrees with her.

"Hey I thought you girls would get jealous of this." Kurami said as she thought the two spirits would easily get jealous over weapons that Naruto would use but not over girls he's near.

"We all know that Naru-sama need all the love he needs in his life. As long it's not weapons that he uses other than us, then it's fine with us." she said as she huff at that last sentence as did Benihime. Kurami sweat-dropped at them.

At the first gate

"Alright everybody is ready to go?" Their sensei asked them.

"Hai sensei!" the genins yelled at the same time.

They soon they begin their journey to the Waves for awhile with no enemy around them. Until Naruto, Satsuki, and Kakashi notice a puddle up ahead of them.

'I don't remember it raining last week or months even.' Three of them thought at the same time as they was prepared for the attack. As soon as they went past the puddle two shinobi from Kiri rose up from it and charged at the jounin wrapping their long chains around him. Both rogue Kiri nins pulled it and completely ripping 'Kakashi' apart with it.

"Kakashi-senei!" the pink-haired yelled frightfully.

Both rogue nin wasn't done and when after Naruto next. Naruto seen this coming and pointed his finger at one of them; "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light)" as Naruto generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into gouzu's midsection and holding him in place.

"What the hell?!" Meiza said shockingly at what he saw but felt two kicks to the face belonging to Satsuki and Sasuke. Meiza recovered quickly and ran straight towards Tazuna as Sakura got in position with a kunai til Meiza was close lined by Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei! Your alive, but how di-" she stopped at mid-sentence and saw ripped logs; 'Substitution Jutsu' she thought impressively.

"Nice job everyone, impressive teamwork!" he said with an eye smile but he looked at the technique that Naruto just performed. He wasn't the only one, the rest of Team 7 and Tazuna looked at the technique with shock. Kakashi soon tied up Meiza and looked at Tazuna with a serious expression which got Tazuna scared a bit.

"So Tazuna, went to tell us why their's two rogue ninjas after you?" Tazuna sighed and decided to come clean with everything. He told them about the evil man named Gato who ruled over the Land of Waves. He and the rest the villagers had suffered from him and took everything away from them. So him and some of the villagers decided to build a bridge so they can have freedom but Gato didn't want that and knew that if he kill Tazuna, then the villagers will lose hope. Tazuna only had enough money to pay for a C-ranked mission and not an higher rank.

"So what we're dealing with is a A-ranked mission if a jounin comes after us. I should let us turn back around, but I let you guys decide this one." Kakashi said as he looked at his team.

"I don't think we're ready for this mission. I think we should turn back." Sakura said with alittle fear in her voice.

"Tch, you may not be ready for it, but I am. I'm not going to let this bastard keep doing what he's doing to the poor villager. So I'm staying with the old man." the blonde said as Sakura frowned at him.

"I agree, if your not up to this pinky, then you should just leave this mission and go home." Satsuki said frowning at Sakura.

"Hn, you guys wouldn't last without me, so I'm going." he smirked arrogantly them as Naruto and Satsuki rolled their eyes and Sakura had hearts in her eyes staring at him.

"Well Tazuna, your in luck. We decided to stay with you through this mission." the masked jounin said. Tazuna bow his head in gratefulness at them.

"Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much this means to me." Tazuna said gratefully.

In Gato hideout

"What the hell Zabuza! Your guys was suppose to take out the bridge build and yet I don't see him here at al-" he stop yelling when a massive blade was pointed towards his neck making him sweat.

"Relax Gato I got this. Me and Haku will go and take care of this ourselves." the former seven mist swordmans said with the fake hunter nin nodded her head. Gato soon regain his composure and glared at the duo; "You better do right or else!" and with that the short man left with his two men behind him.

With Team 7 and Tazuna

Team 7 and Tazuna was now walking through the forest after getting off a boat by Tazuna friend. Sasuke thought he sense something in the bushes and threw a kunai at it. Everybody looked to see what was in the bushes and saw a scared white rabbit that had Sasuke's kunai above him. Sakura went up to the scared rabbit and hug it.

"Aw, it's ok usagi-chan. I'm sure Sasuke-kun didn't mean to throw the kunai at you." as she hugged the rabbit more. Sasuke grunted at the scared animal. But Naruto, Satsuki, and Kakashi stared at the rabbit with narrowed eyes.

'A white bunny in the middle of summer, that can't right...unless!' as they expected a large blade was spinning toward them.

"GET DOWN" Kakashi yelled as everyone got down avoiding the attack. When the blade hits the tree a man was standing on the hilt with his back turn at them. Kakashi got up stared at the man who he recognize from the bingo book.

"Well well well, if isn't the Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Mist), Zabuza Momoichi" he said in a lazy tone as if he wasn't bother that a A-ranked missing nin was standing in front of them; "However, if your our opponent then it means that things might be tricky for us." he sad as he lift his headband up revelling his Sharingan. Sasuke and Satsuki knew about his Sharingan since his battle with Naruto but Sasuke still felt pissed off that an non-Uchiha had a mature Sharingan.

"I knew it, you are Kakashi the Sharingan user. Hehe, now I know why the demon brothers failed." the rogue ninja said; "But the Sharingan isn't something I can take lightly, it can assess an opponent's techniques and copy them." soon mist appeared around the area; "When I was in the Anbu Black Ops of Kiri, I searched information about you was in the Bingo Book and I would carry around with me. It also said that a man who has copied over one thousand jutsu...Kopī Ninja no Kakashi (Kakashi the Copy Ninja)." he finished saying as him and Kakashi was glaring at eachother.

'What? Kakashi-sensei is that incredible a Ninja?' Sakura thought shockingly at their sensei

'What does this mean? The Sharingan is a special trait that appears in only a select few even among the Uchiha clan. But how did he get it? I'll get my answer when this is over.' thought the male Uchiha angrily.

"Let's end the talking here. I have to kill that old man immediately." as soon as he said that the genins got in position in front of Tazuna protecting him with Kakashi in front of them. "But it seem I have to kill you first Kakashi to do so." he soon Shunshin on top of the water.

"He's over there!" Satsuki yelled

"But how is he standing on the water?" questioned the awe pink-haired.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Jutsu)." Zabuza disappeared in the mist he created.

"He vanished?!" Satsuki yelled.

"Be careful and stay on guard. Zabuza is known as "the silent killing" technique expert so don't get careless!" he warned his team as the mist was lifting up even more that they couldn't see their sensei.

"Eight spots:The larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, the subclayian veins, kidneys, and the heart. Now then, which vulnerable spot would be good?" the voice said in a sadistic tone that made all of them except Naruto quiver. Kakashi unleashed a high a mount of chakra clearing the mist. This made Sasuke shudder in fear.

'What an intense thrist for blood! If I take even one breath, or move my eyes, I will be marked and killed! Facing a jounin's KI makes me want to take my own life!" Sasuke thought as he was about to kill himself with a kunai.

"Sasuke!" Kakash yelled at him; "Don't worry, I'll protect you with my life. I won't allow my comrades to get killed." he said with a eye smile making Sasuke calm his nerves.

"Ha, I wonder about that.." Kakashi saw this coming and quickly rushed to his team and Tazuna and stab Zabuza, but instead of blood, it was water. "Shit a Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone)!" he was soon kicked into the lack as Zabuza appeared behind him; "Hn, fool." as he made hand signs "Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Jutsu)"

"Damn it" he tried to move but it was too late and was trapped inside a water sphere as Zabuza chuckled at his prisoner.

"Well then Kakashi now that I caught you, I'm going to finish those brats that you promise to protect right in front of you and the old man." rogue ninja said as he made a Mizu Bunshin appeared in front of them.

"Hehehe, you acting so big wearing a headband like a ninja. But a real ninja is the one who has hovered between life and death numerous times. Like only those who are worth being listed in my Bingo Book deserve to be called ninja." The clone disappeared in the mist and attacked Sasuke with a kick in the stomach as he smashed against the tree.

"Sasuke-kun" Sakura yelled at her crush

"Sasuke" Satsuki also yelled in concern for her brother.

"All of you! Take Tazuna and run! You have no chance against this guy! As long as he has me trapped in this water prison, he won't be able to move from here and sh shouldn't be able to use the water clone if he's far enough away from his real body. So now your chance to run for it!" Kakashi ordered his team and Tazuna.

"Runaway? That option was gone from the moment you got caught. Even if we ran, without you, sooner or later, he'll get us. But I won't allow this nobody to make a fool of the Uchiha clan, so die!" as Sasuke charged at the clone, throwing shurinkens at him. C-Zabuza easily blocked it with his sword and quickly appeared in front of Sasuke grabbing his throat as Sasuke struggle to escape. C-Zabuza throw him in the dirty away from him.

"Sasuke-kun" Sakura rushed to her crush for help.

"Sasu-" Satsuki stop at mid-sentence as she was sent flying by the clone.

"Hehehehe, you punks don't stand a chance against m-"

"Who don't stand a chance against who?" a voice from behind him said. He was about to turn around but a sword pierced through the clone's back and disappeared into water. Everyone stared at Naruto with his Benihime on his hand. Zabuza was shocked more than the others; 'How the hell he disappeared like that?! I saw the whole thing, how can a genin like him be that fast!?" he thought as he saw him disappear again and felt something leaning on him. He turned his head around and saw Naruto leaning on him.

"Hey Zabuza, how about you and I have ourselves a battle of our own?" he said from behind Zabuza; "Release Kakashi and it's just you and me" Zabuza raised an non-existing eyebrow at him while Kakashi stared at him with shock; "What the hell are you talking about Naruto! You have to take him out!" he yelled but Naruto and Zabuza ignored him

"And why should I do that? Why would I waste my time fighting a genin like you." he spat at him. Naruto looked at him a deadpanned expression; "Come on Zabuza, after what you just saw, you know that I'm not a regular genin. Not only that, you were a member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū (The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist). That means you crave for a kenjutsu battle and looking at my body language, you can tell that I'm good with it." he said smirking at him.

Zabuza didn't want to admit it but looking at this kid made him want to battle him and see if he's good as he claimed to be. "Say if I agreed to this and let go of your sensei. And then what would happen then?" he ask cautiously at the blonde. Naruto turned his head at Kakashi and both stared at eachother for awhile til Kakashi sighed and nodded his head; "Fine" he knew the blonde was strong, hell he even defeated him in battle.

Zabuza released Kakashi quickly disappeared farther than them to the lack.

"Naruto...just be careful, alright" the Sharingan user said in a concerned tone.

"Hmph, don't worry about it Kakahi-nii, I got this." he said as he Flash Step near Zabuza. Kakashi appeared next to the rest of his team and Tazuna.

"Kakashi-sensei, your not really thinking on leaving Naruto to fight that guy, are you?!" Satsuki shouted at Kakashi like his crazy.

"Yeah! If Sasuke-kun didn't stand a chance, what makes you think Naruto-baka could?!" the pink-haired banshee said but flinched when Satsuki glared at her with hate in her eyes. Kakashi saw this and decided to save the foolish girl.

"Don't worry about it Naruto will be just fine. You all seen what he could do when he fights, right?" the genins all remembered what he did to Kakashi during the bell test making Satsuki relaxed alittle, Sasuke gritting his teeth, and Sakura frowning. Soon they heard clanging sounds from the distant and saw the battle has begun.

With Naruto and Zabuza

'CLANG' was the sound of both swords clashing with eachother. Naruto's Benihime and Zabuza's Kubikiribōchō ( Decapitating Carving Knife) were clashing back to back with amazing speed. Both wielders were trying to push eachother back with their swords, but Naruto manage to push Zabuza from him.

"I have to say, you are one strong ninja, for genin." the rogue nnja said smirking atblonde as he returned it with his own; "Thanks, coming from one of the Seven Mist Swordsman is an honor. It's so exciting that I can hear Benihime is singing louder for your blood and to clash with your sword even more" he said with excitement as Benihime was glowing red brightly which got Zabuza thinking and decided to voice it.

"Hey gaki, what kind of sword is that? It's not normal at all, is it? the rogue ninja ask cautiously at the blonde which got the blonde to smirk at him.

"Your going to have to see for your self!" as he dashed towards the rogue ninja while swinging Benihime at him. Zabuza manage to block with his Kubikiribōchō. Naruto used Flash Step from behind him slicing his back which Zabaza gritted his teeth in pain and swung his sword at Naruto with he successfully dodge. He notice that the blonde's sword was glowing brighter red.

"I see you notice Benihime glowing brighter. Well let me tell you, whenever Benihime gets blood on her. Her powers increases higher than before."

Zabuza eyes widen when he heard 'her'; 'If I heard was corrected, then that sword is just like Samehada (Shark Skin)! A living sword which has special abilities!' he thought worriedly. He then put his sword behind his back; "If that's the case, then I'm going to have to get serious." as he did quick hand sign "Rōmaji, Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu)!"

The water behind him started to morph into a giant water dragon and rushed towards Naruto. Naruto quickly put Benihime in front of him; "Nake, Benihime: Chikasumi no Tate ( Blood Mist Shield)" he shouted as a red shield appeared in front of him protecting him from the water dragon. It was pushing him back alittle til the red shield shot out mini enengy at the dragon destroying it.

"What?!" Zabuza shouted in shock as was Team 7 and Tazuna. Naruto soon appeared in front of Zabuza and shot an high amount of red energy at him, sending the rogue ninja on land and smashing into the tree with a large cut on his crest. Naruto walked toward him slowly with his sword still glowing and can still hear Benihime singing beautifully. He raised his sword up; "Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. The names Naruto Uzumaki. Remember that name on your way down to hell." he was about finish him with a single blow but two senbons hit Zabuza's neck 'killing' him.

Everybody looked at the directions at the senbons were thrown and saw the person with a green kimono, a long sleeve brown sweater underneath the the kimono with a brown sash holding it and worn a brown hakama pants with sandels. And also had a Kiri Anbu mask.

"Thank you for taking care of him for me. I have been waiting for the chance to kill Zabuza." the 'hunter' said to which everyone thought was a female. Kakashi quickly checked on Zabuza neck to see if he was really dead. After a few second he confirmed that he was dead.

"He definitely dead." he looked at the 'hunter' in suspicious; "You're a Hunter Ninja from Kiri." it was a question at all.

"Impressive, you're very knowledgeable." Haku said unimpressed. Kakashi was still eyeing her 'From her height and voice, she's not all that different from Sasuke, Satsuki, and Sakura. And yet she a tracker ninja?' thought Kakashi.

'How! She's looks the same age as I am and she killed him so easily! What the hell have I been doing all this years!' thought an anger Uchiha and glared at Naruto 'And you! How did you get that type of power and that sword! I will have it. even if I have to break you to do it!'

The hunter ninja shunshin next to Zabuza lifting him on her back "Your battle is over now. I must get rid of this corpse because it contains many secrets. Now then, please excuse me." and with that they disappear with shunshin. Naruto sighed and sheath Benihime.

"Naruto-kun, are you okay?" the female Uchiha said in concern for the blond. Naruto smiled at her "I'm okay Satsu-chan" Satsuki smiled at him warmly.

"Maa, we better get going shall we." Kakashi said to everybody as they nodded. "My place is closed by, we can go and rest there." the bridge builder said.

They walked to Tazuna house but Naruto turn his head smirked 'I'll be ready for round two Zabuza Momoichi. And that goes double for your partner as well.' he thought excitingly.

The End

Okay I'm confused on whether or not I should let Zabuza lives or not. So I'll leave that to you guys. Everybody keeps telling me to put Mei in the Harem so I decide that she will be. But should I put Tenten in it? I don't know but I'll figure it out later

Bonkey1996 is out, PEACE!