Author's note: Final part of Say You Like Me. Thank you for coming along with me on the journey that was my first multi-chapter fic. As with most of my fics, this was not beta read; therefore, all spelling and grammatical errors are my bad. I hope y'all enjoy it! Any constructive feedback is always welcome!

It was a little after 10 in the morning and Kai was lying on his tidily made bed with his fingers interlaced resting on his stomach and his cellphone tucked under his hands. His legs hung over the edge of the bed and his feet, clad in converse sneakers, rested flat on the floor. He was staring blankly at the ceiling. Kai was dressed in jeans and a button up shirt. The blazer he had planned on wearing to the Gemini Coven headquarters was lying abandoned on the floor. Kai had been mostly ready to head in for a day full of meetings. And more meetings. So many meetings with an hour of slight freedom for lunch and staring at his phone again to see if Bonnie had called or texted him. Bonnie, he thought.

Kai closed his eyes. He had been numbly staring at the white surface of the ceiling for a while now. The last time he lazily rolled his head to the side to glance at the clock on the nightstand, it had been 8:49. He wondered what time it was now. His phone vibrated. Kai's eyes snapped open and he quickly held his phone over his face. He scanned the text message only to see that it was his personal assistant again. Kai went to place the phone back on his stomach when it went off again. He looked at the screen. Are you okay? Caitlin had sent. Kai snorted laughter. He got another text notification. Are you not coming in today then? Kai began to chuckle. The phone that he had been holding slipped and fell onto his face abruptly cutting off his laughter.

Kai groaned as the phone slid from his face. He sat up on an elbow gingerly inspecting the damage. His cheek was probably bruised but at least it didn't hit his eye. Something good was happening this morning. Kai flopped back down and threw an arm over his eyes. He winced when he hit his aching cheek. This morning hadn't gone as planned. It hadn't gone like the mornings over the past few weeks.

Kai had gotten up late as usual. Waking up 30 minutes before he was supposed to get to the Gemini headquarters. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was when Kai had finished showering and walked into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist that the morning had begun to go downhill. Well, there had been an upturn then a sharp decline.

When Kai had entered his bedroom and headed towards his large dresser, he saw out of the corner of his eye that the light on his phone was blinking. He had rolled his eyes and fished out boxer briefs. His PA, Caitlin, knew he was late every day. Yet every day she called and texted him to make sure he got to the office by 8:30 before the headquarters opened for business hours at 9. The PA had told Kai that if she didn't at least make an effort, she didn't feel like she earned the bonuses and paid vacation days he gave her.

Kai continued ignoring his phone as he dressed. He slipped on a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of high-top black chucks. He looked at himself up and down in his full-length mirror then strolled back into his walk-in closet. Kai emerged with a navy blazer hanging over to his arm. He ambled over to his nightstand and picked up his phone. Kai was about to shove the device into his back pocket but then decided he should at least give Caitlin some respite and tell her he was on his way. Kai unlocked his phone and immediately saw he had missed a call. A call from Bonnie. Kai's heart slammed against his rib cage. She had called him 10 minutes ago and he had missed it. Kai immediately tapped Bonnie's number. He listened to it ring three times (or was it two and a half? he thought) before it abruptly went to Bonnie's voicemail.

Despite listening to the automated voice reciting Bonnie's number, Kai hadn't expected to hear the beep signaling his cue to leave a message.

He was quiet a moment then realized what the beep meant and stammered, "Uh, yeah."

"I just-" he hesitated.

"You called and, so," Kai said, "I called you."

Kai gave a short laugh and said, "And, uh, so I thought-" before the voicemail cut him off. After the line went dead, Kai pulled the phone from his ear and stared at the screen. Did she hit the 'fuck you' button on him? He continued to stare at the screen for a few more moments until his screen went dark. Kai then hit the power button and went to call again but his finger wavered over the screen. Maybe he should wait for her to call back. If she called back at all, he thought morosely. That was when Kai dropped his blazer on the floor and laid on his bed clutching his phone.

Kai had spent what seemed like forever waiting to hear the ringtone and the text notification alerts that he had assigned to Bonnie. So he had decided that setting his phone to vibrate would be less stressful. Maybe then he wouldn't be jumping every time he thought his phone made a sound. Wrong. Kai had then laid on his bed and occasionally feeling imagined tremors from his phone on his stomach. He was still constantly checking his phone.

Now Kai lifted his arm from his eyes and held the offending phone back over his face to locate Caitlin's number. He paused then sat up to finish scrolling to prevent dropping the device and further damaging to his face. The line rang barely two times before it was picked up.

"Kai? Sir?" Caitlin's anxious voice came through the coven leader's phone speaker.

"Hey, Cait," Kai said cheerily, "How's it hanging?"

Maybe a little too cheerily because his PA warily responded, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm good. Great even!" Kai exclaimed realizing too late that he was still overdoing it.

His PA, and his closest friend, remained silent. To try to convince Caitlin nothing was amiss or to even filibuster their conversation to keep from having to talk about his morning, Kai began rambling, "I mean, I'm the all mighty leader of one of the most powerful covens on the west coast. Right?"

"I want for nothing."

"I can just poof things into existence. Magic's great..."

Kai paused a beat and when he was met with more silence, he kept talking, "So many uses."

"I mean, it doesn't even seem fair, ya know?" Kai continued.

"All I have to do is mumble some words or even just think them and-"

As if not hearing anything he said, Caitlin interrupted him and said in a firm tone, "Something's wrong. Spill."

Kai frowned and muttered, "Awfully mouthy for a personal assistant."

"Kai," Caitlin said firmly.

"Caitlin," he replied in a similar tone.

He heard her sigh into the phone. Maybe he was wearing her down and she'd leave him be.

"What's wrong?" the PA asked again.

Kai put her on speakerphone, laid back onto his bed, and placed the phone on his chest. He closed his eyes. She wasn't backing down, maybe telling her nothing was wrong was too high of a goal. Caitlin often smelled his bullshit almost before it came out of his mouth. Kai furrowed his brow. He blamed her family's psychic sensitivity for that.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Kai said coolly.

"You called me Cait."

Kai frowned again, "What? I didn't-"

"You did. Not to mention you're late-"

"I'm always late," Kai pointed out.

"You're late to being late," Caitlin said.

Kai remained silent.

"You've also been ignoring my calls and texts," she continued.

"Not the first time I've heard that from a woman," Kai said flippantly.

Caitlin was quiet this time. He remained silent too. He could wait her out. After a little over a minute of silence, she sighed in irritation, "Are you really going to do this, sir?"

Kai didn't speak.

"I thought we moved passed the babysitting part of my job and you had graduated to true adulthood," she said.

That needled Kai and his PA knew referencing the passing comment made by his father early on in his tenure as the Gemini coven leader would chafe at him.

"Wow," he huffed, "Fine."

"I missed an important call," Kai said in a clipped tone.

"Bonnie called?" the PA asked.

Kai said, "I didn't say it was-"

"You didn't have to," Caitlin said, "I just knew."

Kai snorted. Damned sensitives, he thought.

"So why aren't you here?" she asked, "Why are you throwing me and Mike to the sharks?"

Kai grit his teeth in irritation because pre-merge Kai wouldn't have been affected by the question. Post-merge Kai, however, felt the need to apologize.

"I should've given you the go-ahead to cancel my meetings for the day," Kai said.

Feeling guilty but with pre-merge Kai rising up and fighting for their pride, he only added, "My bad."

The PA snorted into the phone and said, "Yeah, it is your bad. I hope you get your important call."

"Talk to you later," Kai said before hanging up.

Bonnie moved about her tiny motel room in Portland, inspecting it. She kicked off her sandals and plopped back onto the bed. It had been a long emotionally-exhausting day. So much happened. First, her spontaneous caffeine-fueled call to Kai which she had quickly terminated after only a few rings. Then the returned call Bonnie got from him as she sat on the plane for the second leg of her trip but had to ignore and shut off her phone for the flight. Those two flights plus renting a car to get the things Bonnie needed for her plan had drained her. By the time she had gotten checked into her motel, she was all but falling asleep on her feet.

As she laid on the uncomfortable bed, she remembered that she had never turned her phone back on. Bonnie rolled to the side of the bed where her purse sat on the floor nearby. She blindly dug through her purse eventually nabbing her phone. Rolling to the center of the bed to rest on her back again, Bonnie powered it on. Holding the device over her face and typing in her pass code, she waited to see if she missed anymore calls from Kai or received any texts from him. Her phone dinged alerting her to a voicemail. From Kai. Bonnie felt her heart do a little skip. She wanted to play the voicemail but hesitated. It could be good or bad. Maybe he's telling her to leave him alone. Bonnie chewed her lip then locked her phone. It was going into the evening now, maybe she'd take a nap first then listen to it. Maybe she'd feel better about playing the voicemail after some sleep.

Kai spent the day moping around his house carrying his phone around, checking it intermittently to see if Bonnie had called or texted. It was now late evening and he hadn't heard from her. Maybe she had called by accident? That would explain her ignoring his returned call. Kai sighed then threw some Hot Pockets in the microwave. He sipped a beer as they warmed and thought about what he could accomplish tomorrow. I should probably get back to the headquarters and start cleaning up the mess of my sudden hiatus today, he thought. When the microwave dinged, he drained the rest of his beer. He then grabbed another beer from the fridge and pulled the plate of cheesy delights from the microwave. He carried his drink and dinner to his living room and sat the plate on the coffee table.

Opening his laptop that rested on the sofa, Kai sipped his beer and powered up the computer. Might as well take a look at my schedule and see what kind of damage control I can do between now and 9 tomorrow morning, he thought glumly.

Bonnie's nap turned into a deep slumber with her waking up around 4 am still wearing the clothes from the previous day in bed with all the lights on. She groaned and rolled over, pulling a pillow over her head. She had intended to try to fall back to sleep, lights be damned, when an idea popped into her head. Bonnie quickly sat up and grabbed her phone that was charging on one of the nightstands beside the rock solid bed. She unlocked her phone and tapped the contacts icon. She scrolled until she found Kai's PA. Bonnie figured the sooner she contacted Caitlin, the better. Bonnie was well aware of the ridiculous time of night it was (or was it morning at this point?), so instead of calling she sent a text.

A few months ago, Bonnie had been trying and failing to get in contact with Kai through his secretary. It had been to tell him a stupid joke but after trying to call his cell and only getting his voicemail, Bonnie tried the headquarters. Maybe his phone had died or he had a lot of meetings and just turned off his phone. However, since Kai had never mentioned her to his secretary, let alone given the secretary permission to transfer her directly to the coven leader's office phone, Bonnie got shut down immediately. She had called no less than seven times, each time giving a bit more of her argument about why she should be forwarded to the Malachai Parker's office phone before being hung up on again. The more she fruitlessly tried to contact the Gemini coven leader, the more determined she had become. On the eighth call, the secretary had answered saying, "If this is Bonnie again-"

Bonnie had interjected saying, "Yes, it is Bonnie again. If you don't forward me to Kai's phone or voicemail or whatever, I will make the fabled plagues that rained down on Egypt look like a party tri-"

There was shuffling and murmuring then a voice cut her off, "Hello, Miss Bennett, this is Caitlin Baker. Mr. Parker's personal assistant."

Bonnie had said, "Hi Caitlin, I'm guessing that our friend Mike wants you to get rid of me?"

Caitlin laughed, "Oh, of course not! Well, actually yes but that's not why I'm speaking with you."

"Mr. Parker has mentioned you to me. However, either because he hadn't expected you to try to contact with him through the headquarters or because he was trying to be discrete, he never mentioned you to his secretary," Caitlin said.

Bonnie felt some of her fight leave her, she said, "Oh."

"Thinking about it," the Bennett witch chuckled, "both of those actually sound like Kai."

After informing Bonnie of Kai's schedule for that day, the PA had given Bonnie her contact information in case she ever needed to get in touch with the busy coven leader. When Bonnie jokingly asked if Caitlin made a habit of giving her number to everyone that Kai has ever mentioned, the PA had responded, "Well, technically yes, since Kai has ever only spoken of you by name, aside from members of the coven."

Bonnie had felt her face flush and chest flush. She was quiet unsure of how to respond when the PA had said to contact whenever she had problems locating her "Mr. Parker" and she would relay information when she could. Bonnie had cleared her throat and thanked Caitlin before ending the call.

Now after months of gradually increasing communication, Bonnie and Caitlin were friends of sorts. Though, she still felt bad contacting the PA so late, it needed to be done.

Bonnie sent a text saying, "I need to know Kai's schedule for today. Possibly tomorrow. Can you let me know when you get the chance?"

While she waited for a response, she hopped in the shower. Emerging from the steamy room, feeling refreshed Bonnie dug through her luggage trying to decide what to wear. Was it too early to dress for the day or could she get away with pajamas for a while? She decided on sweatpants and a sports bra. Pajamas it was. With her hair wrapped in a towel, she climbed onto the bed, snagging her phone along the way, and leaned against the headboard. She had three texts and a missed called from Caitlin. Bonnie gave a small smile wondering if this is what Caroline would be like as a personal assistant to someone.

Bonnie ignored the texts deciding to just call the Gemini woman back. After a few rings, Bonnie thought that the PA may have gone back to bed. However, on the fifth ring, Caitlin picked up.

"What are you doing up?" Bonnie asked.

"What am I doing up?" Caitlin asked incredulously, "What are you doing calling me before the sun rises?"

"What happened to the whole I can contact you when I needed a certain person's location?" Bonnie teased.

Bonnie heard shuffling over the phone as Caitlin gave a short laugh.

"Speaking of a certain person…" the PA said, "Explain."

Bonnie questioned shifting on the bed, "Explain?"

"Explain," Caitlin repeated before audibly making a sipping sound.

"Are you drinking coffee?" Bonnie asked, "Or tea?"

"Are you Kermitting me?" Bonnie asking jokingly.

"Are you deflecting?" Caitlin replied smoothly.

"No," Bonnie replied quickly.

"Yes?" she sighed, "It's 50/50."

"We'll talk about my 4 am beverage of choice in a moment," Caitlin said, "Explain."

Bonnie chewed her lip then said, "Could you be a bit more specific?"

"Bonnie!" Caitlin exclaimed.

"Fine!" Bonnie replied.

"I need Kai's schedule for today and tomorrow because…" Bonnie trailed off.

Caitlin remained silent.

"Well, I'm in town and I was gonna-," Bonnie started before Caitlin cut her off.

"You're in Portland?" the PA asked.

"Well, yeah and-" Bonnie began again.

The PA spoke over Bonnie, "And you didn't tell me you would be in town, why?"

"It was kind of a spur of the moment-ish thing."

"Does Kai know you're here?" Caitlin asked then she gave a little laugh, "Of course he doesn't."

"Or else he wouldn't have been acting like that yesterday," she finished.

"Like what?" Bonnie inquired.

Caitlin sighed and said, "Let's just say him missing your call and you not calling back didn't sit well with him."

"He's fine," the PA rushed to add, "Though, his…erratic behavior yesterday makes knowing his schedule more than a little difficult today."

"Oh," Bonnie said in a small voice. If she couldn't figure out where to find him, this wouldn't work at all.

"But," Caitlin drawled, "You obviously came here with a plan, Bennett."

"So let me hear it and I can figure out how to get Kai where you need him," she said.

Bonnie smiled and laughed, "You're awesome! Thank you, Cait!"

"Yeah, yeah," the PA said, "Details, please."

Bonnie took a deep breath then let it out and said, "I have a plan but don't laugh…"

Caitlin began giggling and said, "Oh, this is going to be absolutely amazing, isn't it?"

Bonnie and Caitlin spent the morning figuring out how to implement the Bennett witch's undertaking, so called 'Fix Bonnie's Fuck Up.' Bonnie had wanted to surprise Kai. Ideally, she wanted to do it at his house, though if not possible, she could try to execute her plan at the Gemini corporate headquarters. When she explained to Caitlin her plan and the ideal setting but how she lacked a way to get into the coven leader's residence, Caitlin drove to her motel room to give her the keys she had to Kai's house. After assuring the PA that Bonnie didn't need to help her because she needed Caitlin to get Kai to come home and her absence would be noticed, the PA had reluctantly left Bonnie's motel room. The Bennett witch double-checked her rental car to make sure everything she needed was there and then drove to Kai's house set on the outer limits of Portland.

Once Bonnie had things set up to her liking, she texted Caitlin that she was ready and to get Kai to come back home. Bonnie sat on Kai's couch vigorously bouncing her leg, when she received a text from Caitlin that read, "The package has been delivered."

Bonnie had laughed then checked her preparations. Not for the first time, she wondered just how much she cared for the Gemini coven leader to be staging such a ridiculous and embarrassing apology and declaration of feelings.

Kai had been suspicious when Caitlin suggested that he take the rest of the day off and get some rest. She had said that he looked exhausted and wouldn't be of much use if he was focusing on staying awake instead of the happenings of meetings. Kai was never one to shoot down opportunities to get out of the mind-numbing meetings he constantly had to endure but it was something about the way she looked when she had said it. It wasn't her usual sympathetic, joking, or even exasperated look she gave him when she had felt he overextended himself. Caitlin looked a little too mischievous for his liking, though that could just be the sleep deprivation.

As Kai drove home, he thought of the missed call from the day before. Her missed call. Bonnie had never called back. If this wasn't the era of touchscreen and passcode locked phones, he would've assumed it was a butt dial. However, he knew Bonnie. She locked her phone as soon as she was done using it even if she knew she would need it in another minute or two. Bonnie Bennett liked her privacy. So she had called but now he just had to figure out why.

When Kai pulled into his driveway not bothering to open the garage and pull his car into it. He climbed the couple of steps of his porch to his front door and went to unlock it. The deadbolt knob was unlocked, which wasn't strange. He often only engaged the knob lock when he was in a rush. However, that was unlocked as well. Kai tilted his head and tried to listen for sounds from the other side of the door. When he heard nothing, he turned the knob and pushed the door open prepared to throw a spell at someone.

Kai opened the door to something he couldn't quite comprehend what he was seeing. The notion of being ready to magically attack whatever threat that came his way vanished. There were pictures floating in the air and littering his living room floor. Kai shut the door behind him and cautiously walked a few steps to look at a floating picture. He wasn't sure if he should be amused or terrified. The floating picture was of Pepe the frog. The frog smiled demurely at him. Or maybe it was that an impish, knowing smile? Kai shook his head. He was thinking way too much into this. He then stooped to pick up a picture from the floor and again it was Pepe. However, the cartoon frog looked somber. The solemn look on the meme's face made Kai wary.

Kai licked his dry lips then made slow, deliberate steps further into his living room. After maybe half a dozen small steps, a giant banner unfurled from the ceiling. Kai almost ignited it after being startled by the flump of it suddenly unrolling. The text on the large banner read, "TFW when he says he likes u and u like him too but u panic and act like u lost ya mind so he says deuces and u come to ur senses"

A few moments later, a secondary banner dropped from the first one. It showed the caveman SpongeBob SquarePants meme. The situation was feeling more and more surreal to Kai. He had begun wondering if he had been in a car accident on his way home and was experiencing some trippy coma, when a figure crept from behind the SpongeBob banner. His breath caught. Bonnie. She had a shy smile on her face and was slowly approaching him. When she was standing directly in front of him, Bonnie hesitantly took his hands in hers. She looked down at their joined hands for a moment then looked into Kai's eyes. She averted her gaze and let out a breath. She then looked back into his blue-gray eyes and spoke.

"Kai, I…" Bonnie stammered.

Kai felt his heart flutter in his chest. He loved hearing her say his name but he said nothing. He continued looking into her forest green eyes.

"I mean," she continued closing eyes and taking a deep breath. On the exhale she opened her eyes and said, "Hey bro."

Kai had a great poker face, he had learned to hide his emotions and to crush them early in life but hearing Bonnie say that particular greeting was completely unexpected.

He huffed out a laugh and replied, "What?"

"Hey bro," Bonnie repeated, staring more intently into his eyes.

Kai searched her face then looked around the room. A common theme revolving around all of the items and what she had said. Upon realized that them and that she wanted him to respond in this theme, Kai forced the smile from his face.

He looked into Bonnie's eyes while running his thumbs over her hands and replied, "Yeah, bro?"

Bonnie then said, "I wanna live in your socks."

Kai closed his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. He opened his eyes then saying, "Why, bro?"

"So I can be with you every step of the way," the Bennett witch said with a serious look on her face.

Kai smiled and sniffled as he put a hand to his chest, saying "Oh my god, bro."

Bonnie was smiling tentatively and looking at him with anxious eyes. So he said, "You sure made this a memeingful day," and kissed her softly.

Later after they talked more seriously and were cuddling on his gigantic couch, Kai asked Bonnie about her preparations and how she executed her plan. How did she get into his house? He asked. How did she get there period? How long had this been planned? She had just smiled and wiggled her fingers saying, "Hello, I'm mega powerful." He laughed.

Kai had opened his mouth to ask another question and Bonnie told him no more questions for the night. In which Kai replied, "One last question about this whole thing and I'll let it go…for this visit."

Bonnie sighed and said, "Shoot."

"You called the other day," Kai said, "Why?"

Bonnie tucked her face into the crook of his neck and mumbled an unintelligible response. Kai said into her hair, "Well, I'm sure the skin people of Neckville of located in the land of Kai appreciated that answer, however we of Eartown are still in the dark."

Bonnie laughed into his neck, smacked his chest and softly said, "I wanted to see if you would even answer my calls. If I just was wasting my time."

"Oh, Bon," Kai said, kissing her hair, "Of course you're wasting your time."

Bonnie lifted her head and looked at him dismayed. "I mean why would a Bennett witch, who's a 25 out of 10 slum it with a 24.9 out of 10 Gemini coven leader?" Kai asked.

Bonnie dropped her head to his chest giggling. Kai kept speaking, "I mean, you're really lowering your standards, Bennett. Talk about wasting your time."

Bonnie lifted her head to look at the smirking man who had miraculously captured her heart. She put a hand to his face and kissed him. She kissed along his jaw then smiled against his ear and said, "You're rarer than any Pepe out there."

Bonnie heard Kai snort then he pulled her close as he continued chuckling. At one point he caught his breath and said, "Meme overload," before dissolving into a fit of laughter again.

When his laughter died down, Bonnie scrutinized him then asked, "Where did that bruise on your cheek come from?"

The remainder of Kai's chuckling stopped and he looked at Bonnie sheepishly saying, "Okay, don't laugh…"