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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO or any of its characters

Zeus and Poseidon had no idea what to do with their current situation. This was the first time this had ever happened to them.

"Daddy?" Zeus heard a baby cry coming from the room him and Poseidon had left the children in.

The two exchanged a look. There were no babies in the house when a minute ago. They ran to the room as fast as they could. Once they got their a six year old little girl with brown hair, grey eyes and a mini sword ran at Zeus crying. Zeus stared at the small child was this… Athena?

"Daddy, we was having a party and den puff we falls sleepy know we is small." The mini Athena told Zeus.

At least they remembered that they had once been older Poseidon thought to himself. He walked away from Zeus and over to the children where he found three infants a one was a little boy with black hair he had on a baby blue pajamas with little fish all over them. Poseidon smiled to himself it reminded him of when he use to go visit Percy as a baby. He picked up the green eyed little boy and held him in his arms as gently as he could. Percy was so small he opened his eyes up to his sea green eyes gave his father a small smile and then closed them again. Poseidon choked even though Percy wasn't really a baby it still felt so real to hold him in his arms. The moment was so perfect nothing could ruin it.

"Aaaah!" Zeus heard Hermes scream as Athena and Ares knocked him down.

Zeus turned to face his children. Ares stabbed at Athena she backed away and charged at him with her sword. Zeus grabbed her by the waist and picked her up. He pulled the sword out of Ares hands and said firmly "Neither of you- Non of you are allowed to have weapons while I am caring for you. Do I make myself clear!"

Athena and Ares both looked at their dad and yelled "No!"

Zeus was shocked by Athena's response sure he hadn't meet her until she was an adult, but she was always so obedient. This was the first time the goddess of wisdom had said something unwise.

"Athena and Ares in trouble" Apollo sang and Artemis giggled and hugged her brother.

Zeus was completely shocked he knew that Apollo and Artemis' relationship had never been the same since Apollo killed Orion, but had it really changed that much.

Zeus looked around this was about to be an interesting day.

Poseidon had left Zeus' place as soon as his nieces and nephews had started acting up. It wasn't that he thought Zeus could handle it or that he didn't care. He just didn't want them hurting his baby. Percy was a mortal, so being around a fighting Ares and Athena was not an option. He was going to be the best parent out of all of his brothers. He would be as good as a male seahorse.

Once Poseidon entered his home he heard a small child that sounded like his little Triton yell "I want my daddy!" Clearly Hera's evil planned worked on Triton too. He walked over to the small child and picked him up.

"Lord Poseidon" a servant said sounding a little nerves "Lord Triton has turned into a small child, and we know not how to change him back.

Poseidon sighed "I'll take care of it" He walked up to the now miniature Triton and picked him up. As it was getting late he put Triton to bed. He might be an adult but at the moment he was only three. This didn't work so well.

"Daddy read me a bedtime story" Triton demanded

Poseidon agreed he made a book pop out of thin air and began to read

"Once upon a time there were three little killer whales: a dadda killer whale, a momma killer whale, and a baby killer whale. One day momma killer whale-" He was cut off by Triton

"What's the momma killer whales name?"

"Her name is momma killer whale"

"That's not a real name!"

Poseidon sighed heavily "Her name is Sara, dadda killer whale is James and baby killer whale is Sam" He continued on with the story. "... momma killer whale made shrimp for the whole family, but it was to hot. So they decided to go for a swim while it cooled down."

At that moment Percy began crying. Triton grabbed the baby out of his dad's hands and tried rocking him back to sleep. Poseidon panicked Triton was holding Percy upside down. He tried to remain calm not wanting to cause more damage as Percy was already crying and upside down.

Poseidon took a deep breath and got Percy back. "No Triton. We don't grab babies. If you want to hold your little brother you can ask."

He knew this wasn't going to end well Triton began crying. He was already cranky since he was up past his bedtime. Percy continued to cry for reasons he would have to figure out. Oh boy a newborn and one in the terrible threes.

Hades had left as soon as this began. A competition for who could be the better father? Piece of cake. He was the best father out of his brothers. Zeus had a you have to be a bad parent to your demigod children rule that Poseidon followed. And Zeus was a bad dad to his immortal children because he felt like it though he blamed it on Hera. What kind of father abandons his children then blames it on others? Sure Hades had not been the best parental figure to Hazel, but Nico and Bianca were his pride and joy he raised them their whole life until Zeus tried to kill them then he hid them. What Zeus didn't know was that he secretly spent time with Hazel and Nico all the time. They both lived with him. They had regular family dinners and sometimes his daughter Macaria showed up. The five of them were one big happy family.

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