Okay my dear readers, so super long hiatus was EXTREMELY unplanned but very unavoidable! With that said, clearly here is a much long awaited update, hopefully I'll be able to keep them coming, but with how things in my life are going right now I have no idea nor are goign to try and give you lovelies a timeline on how frequently I hope I'm going to be able to write, edit, and post chapters of any of my stories. So bear with me and have patience please! And as always please enjoy and if you feel inclined give it a like and leave a reveiw if you so feel inclined!

"Beer and a Pimm's Cup!" Natsu called to the bartender of Fairy Tail's dancing portion of their club. The man nodded and turned to get started on their drinks. Natsu turned and looked over to where Lucy was waiting as she danced, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed when some bastard stepped up behind her and put his hands on her hips and moving close to her. Rage exploded through him as the man lowered his head and whispered into her ear.

"You're drinks sir!" The bartender called.

Turning around quickly he smile, pulling out his ID he handed it to the bartender. "Put them on my tab!"

"Yes sir!" He called back and passed the ID back.

Sliding his ID back into his wallet Natsu picked up the drinks and turned only to find Lucy once more dancing alone, this time however her eyes were scanning the crowd. Eyes landing on him her lips tilted up into a smile and relief crashed over her before she moved through the throng of people towards him. Smiling he moved towards her as well and passed her her tall glass. "So, did any assholes get to close?" He asked his lips moving against her ear as he spoke to her.

She grimaced up at him before taking a sip of her drink. "Only a few, but I managed to fend them off."

"And how diid you manage that?" He prompted and took a draw on his beer.

"By telling him that if he didn't get his hands off of me I would rip his balls off and then..." She paused and looked up at him. "And then I'd let my boyfriend beat the crap out of him."

He blinked down at her in surprise before he started to chuckle. "You are a viscous little thing aren't you?"

She smirked at him and patted his chest ever so gently. "Oh sweetie you have no idea."

Chuckling again he shook his head. "Wanna dance now?" He asked.

She smiled and nodded and reaching down grabbed his hand and led him back onto the dance floor. Twisting around she lifted a hand above her head as she moved to the fast pace of the song, grinning when his hand rested on her hip and he stepped up behind her barely brushing up against her. It amused her that he still wanted to give her her space to not make her uncomfortable while simultaneously letting every other person on the dance floor know that she was most definitely with him. Backing up slightly she rested her head back against him and started to sway as he wrapped his arms around her and her free hand went up and wrapped around his neck.

"You sure you want to dance like this?" Natsu prompted, lowering his head so his lips kissed her temple.

"I think it might be all the kamikaze shots that we've had, plus the several others of these that I've had," She said holding up her drink. "But right now I just really don't care."

He laughed as they swayed back and forth. "That definitely sounds like the kamikazes talking." He agreed.

The world tilted suddenly and Lucy's eyes went wide, a shocked squeak escaping her as a force caught Natsu on his side causing him to trip and nearly fall, righting himself just in time to save them both from hitting the floor. Making sure she was steady as she held her drink out away from herself with her other hand as she shook out her other. Anger radiating off of him Natsu turned slightly to confront the assailant. "What the-"

Lucy looked up when Natsu suddenly froze behind her. "Natsu?" She said just loud enough for him to hear her, turning so she could focus her full attention on the situation that was clearly enfolding in front of her. Looking from a clearly stunned Natsu to the significantly smaller, white short haired girl, her hands on her hips baby blue eyes glaring at Lucy with enough hate that Lucy drew back ever so slightly. Fury radiated off the smaller woman as she narrowed her eyes impossibly more at Lucy.

"Who the fuck is the skank?" The girl finally demanded.

Gasping slightly Lucy's mouth dropped as he eyes widened. "Excuse you!" She shouted.

"Be quiet." The girl shot back. "You don't get to talk. Now answer the question Natsu."

Natsu stepped slightly in front of her. "Do not talk to her like that." He warned the girl. "Go outside, we'll talk there. Now." He barked and waited until the girl let out a huff and turned shoved her way through the crowd towards the door that would lead to the normal bar and the outside world. Turning he stared down at a still shocked Lucy. "I'll explain everything just, lets get through this and then we can go back to your apartment. Is that okay?"

Lucy stared at him then nodded silently, a bad feeling settling in the pit of her stomach.

"Just, please give me time to explain everything, there's no doubt that she's going to say something terrible about me, or some shit like that." He said fear in his eyes. "She'll make some shit up, but none of it's true."

Stepping closer she reached up and cupped his face with her free hand. "If you can handle my past then I can handle something in yours."

Relief crashed through him and he gave her a smile before he grimaced. "We better go deal with this before it explodes even more in our faces."

"Okay." Lucy agreed with a nod. "Can you at least tell me her name and who she is to you?"

"She's my ex-girlfriend, her name is Lisanna." He told her as they pushed their way through the crowd. "She's, uh, kinda been this unpleasant since I can remember ." He continued when they reached the hallway to the normal bar.

Lucy frowned. "Then how the hell were you dating her, you don't seem like you'd like to date someone like that."

He grimaced as he looked back over his shoulder at her. "She was miss popular in our high school and I was kinda blinded by her pretty smile and I was young and, uh, kinda horny. Ergo hormones kinda blinded me to her unpleasentness in a major kinda way."

Lucy chocked on her laugh then hid it by taking a sip of her drink. "Sorry." She finally managed.

"Don't laugh." He growled in annoyance, shooting her a look over his shoulder. "You've gotta deal with the blow-back now too, so I wouldn't be laughing if I were you."

"How is it that I have to deal with your mess?" She demanded as they stepped through the doorway.

"Because I'm dating you now and no doubt she is going to make a big ass mess about it." He said and sighed running his fingers through his hair in agitation. "I can almost guarantee that she isn't going to let us be for a long ass time."

Lucy grabbed his arm and stopped him, looking out the large windows she took in the sight of Lisanna standing outside with several other women gathered around her, all of them talking and seeming agitated. "Look, I trust you, I know that you wouldn't do something to hurt me and that includes leading me on while she was off doing whatever it was that she was doing. There's nothing that she can say that is going to make me hate you. I might be confused and I'm definitely going to want a full explanation when we get back to my apartment. But I am positive I'm not going to hate you."

He smiled down at her then sighed. "C'mon the longer we make her wait the worse the storm is going to be."

"Isn't there a backdoor we could use?" She asked with a hopeful expression as they set their drinks down on a table.

Letting out a bark of a laugh he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. "And that is why I like you, but no there's not. Well not one that won't set off the fire alarm in the process."

"Crap." She grumbled then took his offered hand and followed him to the door and through it. Stopping several feet away from the volatile women Lucy blinked in surprise when Natsu stepped slightly in front of her again as if to shield her and draw the attention.

"So, whose the skank Natsu?" The girl, Lisanna, demanded.

"She's not a skank Lisanna, not like you." Natsu returned annoyance dripping from every word. "She's my girlfriend, Lucy."

"Lucy." She sneered and looked over at her before her eyes jumped back to Natsu. "She's not your type Natsu and you know it, this waif of a bitch cant at all stand up to you and your family."

"Funny." Lucy said cynically, stepping over slightly and smiling at Lisanna when she turned her scathing attention on her. "That's not at all the opinion his family had of me when they invited me up to their family get together."

"She was invited to one of them?" Lisanna demanded turning shocked eyes on Natsu.

"Yes, yes I was." Lucy said and stepped forward still smiling. "And apparently his parent's really like me, as does his sister. They've already invited me to future gatherings."

"You bitch." Lisanna snarled and stepped forward.

"You lay a finger on me," Lucy ominously warned her all amusement gone replaced by an unnerving calm. "I will break every bone in your hand without compassion or remorse."

Stepping back in shock Lisanna stared at her then turned her rage on Natsu. "You're really going to let her talk to me like that?"

"You were going to attack her, we all know that." Natsu sighed and shrugged. "Get over it already."

"Oh bullshit!" Lisanna spat her face becoming something ugly with rage. "You can't seriously be tell me that you are dating her! We are still together Natsu and you know it."

"No," He snapped. "We are not. That toxic relationship ended a year ago."

"Stop trying to lie to yourself." She shook her head. "We never ended things between us."

"Oh yes we most definitly did Lisanna." Natsu snarled and stepped forward pointing angrily at her. "It was when you told me that I was being a terrified little pussy who was holding you back and that you were going to Alveraz and I could stay and rot in my teeny-tiny-little hide out while the world went on without me."

"I was just mad." Lisanna snorted and rolled her eyes dramatically. "I didn't mean any of that!"

"You sent back all the letters I'd sent to you with notes scrawled across them telling me to fuck off and find someone else to bore with my dumbass feelings!" He shouted, clearly finally losing his temper. "You broke my heart and didn't even care that you did so!"

Lisanna rolled her eyes and snorted. "And this is what I meant by that!" She quipped. "You have to much bullshit going on with you that I don't want to deal with."

"And you're just a fucking self centered bitch who demands that everyone give her what she wants and doesn't care if she destroys people to get it." He snarled and stepped back when Lucy pulled at his arm, the feel of her soft hand calming him slightly. "You're a pathetic human being."

"Gee thanks that makes me feel extremely loving towards you." She sneered back. "So when are you going to pick me up to go shopping tomorrow?"

"We are not together!" He shouted at her. "God, get over yourself! I'm dating Lucy, the only woman I am dating now for the unforeseeable future is Lucy!"

With that he grabbed her wrist and stomped off dragging her behind him.

"Natsu." She siad scrabbling to a grip on his shirt as the world tilted slightly. "Natsu! I'm not exactly coordinated enough for this, I think the booze is getting to me a little!" Yelping when he swung around and lifted her up onto his shoulder and he picked up the pace. Minutes later they reached his car and Natsu lowered her to her feet. She stared up at him as the world seemed to sway as she gripped the front of his shirt with one hand. "I might be sick." She murmured.

"Can you hold it until we get home?" He demanded.

Holding up a finger she stared at the middle of his chest and blinked for several minutes before she nodded and turning slowly moved to the passenger side of the car and slowly pulled her door open and slid down into the seat. "Next time," She said and shot him a look as he climbed into the drivers seat. "We eat before we drink."

"Agreed." He chuckled as he stared the car and pulled onto the street.

Flopping onto her bed, once again dressed in her sweats Lucy sighed and closed her eyes the world spinning once again. "God the world just needs to pause and not move."

"It's because we didn't eat or have water before we started drinking, which admittedly was an idiot move, especially on a weeknight." Natsu said striding into the room dressed in one of her fathers pajama bottoms. "Here's some water, drink, it'll help the world not spin and you to not get sick later."

"Oh god!" Lucy groaned her hands covering her face with a thud.

"What?" He demanded as he sank down next to her on the bed.

"My performance for the schools cello seat is in two days." She said and groaned again.

"Are you not ready or something?" He asked.

"Oh no," She sighed. "I have my piece perfectly composed I just haven't practiced it enough to be perfectly certain that it's one hundred percent ready to perform it."

"Okay, then what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Stay home from classes tomorrow and practice all day until I have it memorized left, right, up, down, sideways, backways, every ways to Sunday." She said and sighed.

He chuckled. "I don't think 'backways' is a way." He teased.

"I don't either." She said and sat up slowly at his coaxing and accepted the water, drinking it slowly she handed him the cup and leaned against him. "Do you want to be there when I give my performance?"

"Can I?" He asked.

"Yes, it's called a 'support acceptation'." She explained. "They get no say in how your graded on your performance, but they are there so the performer has at least one person who is one hundred percent on their side, so to speak."

"And you're choosing me?" He asked.

"Yea," She said and smiled. "You like my playing, what little you've heard. You've never heard an original piece of mine. I think you would like that."

"You'll have to text me when it is and I will definitely be there." He said grinning. "But right now lets get you into bed and get you to sleep."

"I agree I'm really tired." She said and yawned and rolled until she was at the head of the bed. "Can you make sure Plue gets fed and put into his cage? Oh and go ahead and take the spare key that's underneath the sugar in the kitchen."

"Yea of course." He said then paused in pulling the blankets up around her. "Are you really giving me a spare key to your apartment?"

"Yes." She sighed. "Now let me sleep!"

She heard him chuckle as he left the room. "Goodnight Luce." He said softly.

"Goodnight Natsu." She murmured back.

Natsu lifted his hand and rapped twice on the door and wiated, shoving his hands into his pockets, seconds later Gajeel yanked open his door glaring down at him. "They all here?" He asked.

Gajeel grunted and turned striding into his apartment. Natsu followed him closing the door behind him and steeling himself for what was going to happen.

"What is so imperitive that I inturupt my date with Jellal?" Erza demanded her arms folded across her chest and glaring at Natsu.

"Do they know?" He asked Gajeel who shook his head in response, sighing Natsu rubbed the back of his neck. "To make a long story short, Lucy and I are together, as in dating together-"

"What?" Everyone in the room shouted in shock.

"When did this happen!?" Levy demanded shooting up from her seat.

"This Sunday, she spent the night there with me. We talked and one thing led to another and here we are together." He said.

"Gajeel?" Erza prompted turning her gaze to him.

"Lucy told me herself." He grunted.

"Why did she tell you and not me?" Levy demanded with a frown.

"Probably because she knew you wouldn't be able to keep it quiet until she was ready to tell everyone." Gajeel pointed out dryly then smirked when Levy glared at him then sat down, unable to dispute that bit.

"So what is so important that you drug us all here?" Gray demanded.

"Lisanna is back in town." Natsu said and watched as Gray shot forward in his seat, his eyes suddenly alert.

"What?" He demanded.

"Who is Lisanna?" Erza demanded, looking between Natsu and Gray. "And how does she pertain to any of this?"

"She's my ex girlfriend." Natsu explained then scrubbed his hand up and down his face in exasperation at the situation that was no doubt going to unforld. "My crazy ex girlfriend. She broke up with me and thought that I would pine after her after she pretty much destroyed me."

"Aren't you being a bit... dramatic?" Levy asked gently.

"No," Gray said shaking his head and drawing everyone's attention. "That bitch literally destroyed Natsu. I've known him since we were in the first grade and we met Lisanna in the eighth grade, they got together halfway through the school year and she spent the rest of it taking apart his personality until he literally felt that he had to live and breath her. He didn't laugh or smile unless it was around her and only because she expected him to always laugh at her nasty ass jokes or when she bullied someone and smile at her every time she looked at him. She even tried to alienate him from me and the rest of his friends. It was so terrible that even his parent's pleaded with him to call it off!"

Slowly they all turned to him and he shrugged. "Every time I tried she cried and told me that she loved me and then one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. Hind sight was that after she left I realized that she played me, big time. But that was two years ago when she took a scholarship to the university of Alvarez for archeology. I got over her pretty quickly and almost back to normal, Lucy is the first woman I've had any chemistry with since then and I really do care for her. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten Gajeel to get you guys here at such late an hour."

"So why are we here?" Juvia asked worriedly.

"Lisanna doesn't like rejection." Natsu sighed and shook his head. "There is no doubt that she is not going let this go. And since I'm clearly not the sniveling little boy she left two years ago she is going to target Lucy. She's got a lot of friends in this town, friends that could cause major problems for Lucy. I know she can handle herself, but she's going to need your support until Lisanna finally gives up, I have no idea when that's going to be so bear with her on this. And seeing as I doubt she's going to tell you guys about this I figured I'd do it for her so she can have your support until she's ready to tell you about me and her."

They stared at him, each one of them with a calculating look before Cana slowly stood. Swaying slightly she lifted her hand, a bottle still clasped loosely in it. "And how do we know that you are good enough for her?" She demanded.

"I'm not." He said plainly and looked around at each and every one of them as he shrugged and shook his head, honesty ringing in his tone. "No one is, and don't get me wrong I know that that is extremely corny but it's true. Lucy is an extremely amazing woman who deserves someone far better then me in her life. And until she realizes that, I am going to spend every second I have with her making her smile and laugh and letting her know in any way that I can that she is special and that I am going to cherish what time in her life she gives me."

"You've made her laugh." Cana said after a moment of silence. "When no one but us have been able to."

"You've made her smile." Levy added.

"You've made her trust a stranger." Juvia said then held up a finger. "A man at that."

"You've made her fall for you." Erza sighed.

"We'll help you." Gajeel said suddenly and stepped forward. "We'll make sure that she is supported. While you figure out how to deal with this Lisanna."

"Or we will step in." Erza warned.

"And Natsu," Levy said softly, getting his attention she smiled softly at him but there was no humor in it. "You do not want us to step in and solve this issue."

He nodded slowly. "Okay." Clapping his hands together he looked around. "So we should put together a game plan, whats our plan?"