Title: The Ten Times Waverly Earp was Definitely NOT on a Date with Nicole Haught

Author / Date: Kimberly21570 / May 2016

Fandom: Wynonna Earp

Pairing: Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught—WayHaught

Synopsis: This WayHaught story follows Waverly and Nicole's journey back in time as they reflect upon the moments they've shared together—the moments that led to Waverly's self-discovery, and ultimately drew her into Nicole's arms. Some moments are light and fun, and others, dark and heavy, because it is the coalescence of those shared experiences that leads us to fall in love.

Chapter Summary: Chapter 14 brings us to Nicole's battle against her past, and a glimpse into their shared future. It's another relatively long one—about 20 pages total this time, so grab a drink and a snack, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Rating: Chapter 14 is rated R for some overt sexual content.

Disclaimer: The characters of Waverly, Wynonna, Willa, and Ward Earp, Nicole Haught, Michelle Gibson, John Henry "Doc" Holliday, Deputy Marshal Xavier Dolls, and Gus and Curtis McCready, as well the Earp Homestead, Ghost River County Municipal Offices, and Bespoke settings are owned by creator Beau Smith, NBCUniversal, the Syfy Channel, and SEVEN24 Films IDW Entertainment. The original characters of Kyler, Connor, Nikolas and Camilla Haught, Kendalyn Carrington, Commander Langston Malloy, her father, Lorcán Malloy, attorney Danika Kováč, Detective Lieutenant Cassidy Layne, Agent Shaw, and Commander Marc Daniels are the property of this author, and any resemblance to fictional characters, or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. No copyright infringement intended with regard to any of the aforementioned persons or entities.

With the exception of brief references to of scenes from Episode 1.02, Keep the Home Fires Burning, which aired on 4.8.2016, Episode 1.10, She Wouldn't Be Gone, which aired on 6.3.2016, Episode 2.01, Steel Bars and Stone Walls, which aired on 6.9.2017, Episode 2.03, Gonna Getcha Good, which aired on 6.23.2017, Episode 2.04, She Ain't Right, which aired on 6.30.2017, Episode 2.07, Everybody Knows, which aired on 7.21.2017, and Episode 2.11, Gone as a Girl Can Get, which aired on 8.18.2017, the story content and dialogue in these scenes are original. Anyway, written for fun, not profit. All other standard disclaimers apply.

As with past chapters, there's no beta on this, since I'm just writing it for fun. Any and all mistakes are my own. If you see anything major, I'd appreciate the heads-up so I can correct it.

Finally, please accept my deepest apologies for the extreme delay in updating. The past couple of years have been emotionally and physically challenging, as I've dealt with a series of medical issues and adjusting to a new focus in my professional practice, but I am very pleased to have found the time and fortitude to begin writing again. Thank you again for all the follows, favorites, kudos, and comments. Your continued interest in this story is deeply appreciated, and I honestly feel overwhelmed—in the best possible way—by your words of support and encouragement with regard to my work. I've been writing for nearly 20 years now, and I have to say, the compliments I've read from you all regarding this story continue to be some of the most generous I've ever received. I lack words to express how much that means to me. I may no longer be able to respond personally to each comment, but please know how much I appreciate the time you all take to read and provide feedback. Thank you all from the bottom of my WayHaught-loving Earper heart.

I hope y'all enjoy Chapter 14—Of Missions and Memories… and the brief Epilogue that follows.

The Ten Times Waverly Earp was Definitely NOT on a Date with Nicole Haught

"Intuition goes before you, showing you the way.

Emotion follows behind, to let you know when you go astray.

Listen to your inner voice.

It is the calling of your spiritual GPS system seeking to keep you on track towards your true destiny."

Anthon St. Maarten, Devine Living: The Essential Guide to Your True Destiny

Chapter 14 – Of Missions and Memories:

Canada Day! Friday, July 1, 2016… The Homestead—11:45 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

A roguish grin spread across Nicole's face, tear-filled eyes twinkling as she peered up into swirling green depths, a fusion of surprise and awe. Waverly hadn't been joking when she said she would rock Nicole's entire Cosmos. Damn, she was amazing. "You sure you've never done that before?" she asked breathlessly.

"I'm quite positive," Waverly assured. And then she grinned proudly. "But I'll definitely be doing it again."

Nicole laughed. "Oh, you bet your sweet ass, you will," she declared. "You're lucky I have to march in that parade tonight, or I'd never let you out of this bed."

"Promises, promises," Waverly playfully intoned.

And then her expression turned serious, as she searched those expressive brown eyes, so filled with love and longing for her. Leaning down, she brushed her mouth across Nicole's, skimming soft lips lightly with her tongue. "I didn't think I could ever feel closer to you than I did last night," she husked.

"And now?" Nicole murmured.

"I've never been happier to be so wrong," Waverly confessed, her mouth playing across Nicole's again. "It was so amazing, feeling you come alive for me like that."

"God, Waverly, you make me feel so damned much," Nicole whispered hoarsely. Even in that moment, her feelings were so overwhelming she had to forcefully rein them in, lest she frighten Waverly with the intensity of them.

But instinctively, Waverly knew.

Lightly, her fingertips played through Nicole's hair as her mouth feathered across soft lips. "You hold a lot of that back from me, don't you," she said, more statement than question.

Sheepishly, Nicole met Waverly's confident gaze. "Yeah, I kinda do," she confessed, nodding slightly.

"Because you're afraid of scaring me away," Waverly surmised.

Nicole nodded again. "Yes."

"I know…" Waverly sighed. "I can feel it. I mean, you're always passionate, but… I can feel you holding back sometimes when we're… you know…"

Her face flushed, and she shrugged at the insinuation of what she might've termed fucking—if she were with anyone other than Nicole. But it was so much more than that with her, even if that was exactly what they were doing… or would be, if only Nicole would let go of the tight rein she held on her passion.

"Because… sometimes it scares even me, how much I love you. How much I want you," Nicole explained, emphasizing the intensity of her desire. "Sometimes I… I just wanna…"

"You wanna what, Nicole?" Waverly purred against Nicole's ear as she nuzzled into her neck. God, she needed her to say it. Then, she could say it too.

Nicole's breath caught, and nervously, she bit her lower lip. Turning her head, she nuzzled against Waverly's ear. "Sometimes I wanna…"

"Tell me, Baby," Waverly enticed.

"I wanna take you so hard, so fast, Waves," Nicole confessed on a fettered breath. "I wanna possess you—just for that moment, fill you so deep. God, I wanna fuck you…" she finally managed a strangled whisper.

"Then why don't you?" Waverly husked in invitation, her teeth nipping at the shell of Nicole's ear.

"Because it scares me how much I want it," Nicole admitted. She wanted it with a force the likes of which she'd never felt before. It took so much energy to maintain her restraint. "And I can't imagine that it wouldn't scare you too."

Waverly smiled into those eyes. "What if I told you that I love you, and want you, just as much?" she whispered, lightly sucking Nicole's earlobe. "What if I told you I want to feel wanted by you that way?"

A nervous chuckle tumbled from Nicole's lips. "Well, then I'd say I'm the luckiest woman in the world," she declared.

"Huh-uh," Waverly murmured, shaking her head.

Nicole arched an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"You're the second luckiest," Waverly supplied in response to the unspoken question in Nicole's eyes.

"And who's the first?" Nicole asked, her tone light and playful.

Waverly bit her bottom lip adorably. "I am," she declared in a tone that brooked no dispute.

Before Nicole could argue, her cell phone rang, throttling the momentum of their shared confessions.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, she arched her back, and twisted her torso, reaching over to the nightstand. Lifting it just enough to see the display, she noted the Caller ID. "It's Marc," she said, referring to her commander. "I have to take this."

"Sure, Babe," Waverly said, quickly shifting her weight from Nicole's body. She felt frustrated by the interruption as well, but a call from Marc could mean that Nicole's nightmare was almost over. For that, Waverly would willingly sacrifice the moment.

Sitting upright on the bed, Nicole swung long, toned legs over the side while simultaneously accepting the call. "Afternoon, Commander," she said in a low, serious tone. "You have something for me?"

"Looks like your instincts were on target, Haught," Marc Daniels replied. "We just got word from Dallas; it's going down tonight."

"Finally," Nicole said on a sharp sigh of relief. She had more reasons than ever to want this assignment to come to fruition, and the most important one was looking at her across their bed, expectant eyes searching for confirmation of what was being said on the other end of the line.

"Your team ready?" Marc asked, already knowing the answer. Langston had briefed him after their meeting the other night, and he'd been more than pleased, not only that Langston was going in as backup, but with Nicole's plan of action, as well.

"Yes, Sir," Nicole said confidently.

Rising from the bed, she watched as Waverly's facial expression turned from giddiness to disappointment. Her eyes reflecting that emotion, she mouthed an, "I'm so sorry," to her, as she somehow managed to get into her tank top without missing a beat.

Waverly gave an understanding nod, and then Nicole glanced at the clock on Waverly's bedside table. "I'll arrange a briefing with them at fourteen hundred hours to iron out finals," she said, tucking the phone between her shoulder and ear so she could slide into the shorts she'd worn to bed the night before, smiling briefly at the notion that she needn't have even bothered, given how deftly Waverly had rid her of them mere moments after the crawled beneath the covers.

"Sounds good," Marc declared. "Send me an update when you're finished. Langston and I are coordinating efforts to keep the timing sharp."

"Will do, Commander," Nicole confirmed. And with that, the call was terminated.

Dropping her phone back onto the bedside table, Nicole released a slow sigh as she moved about the room, stretching taut muscles.

Sitting upright in bed, Waverly allowed the sheet to drop, leaving her chest completely bare as she crossed her legs beneath the covers. "Guess there's no parade for us tonight, huh?"

"'fraid not," Nicole empathized.

"Pity I'm the only one who got to see you in full dress," Waverly commented wittily of Nicole's uniform.

Nicole grinned. "I imagine that's the same kind of pity I felt for the cross-eyes hooligans who missed out on seeing you in your cheerleading uniform," she said, the image of Waverly in that uniform, performing for only her, not because Nicole expected or asked it of her, but because she wanted to. God, she was beautiful, with those long wavy tresses flipping and flying like the lustrous mane of a wild palomino racing across the open fields as Waverly danced around her.

Delivered on a teasing lilt, Nicole's comparison drew a soft laugh from Waverly as Nicole leaned down, pressing her knuckles into the mattress for balance. She stretched forward, nuzzling lightly against Waverly's nose before kissing her. "I've gotta shower," she announced.

When Waverly offered a pout in response, Nicole grinned. "Care to join me?"

"I thought you had a meeting to call," Waverly coyly reminded.

Nicole shrugged. "I'll make 'em come to us," she said. "That'll give us a couple of hours, at least."

A broad grin spread slowly across Waverly's face. "I like the way you think, Agent Haught," she murmured, as she lunged at Nicole, attacking her with a most-welcomed kiss.

Nicole was laughing as she lifted Waverly from the bed, wrapping her in the top sheet as she did. Wynonna was getting better about not venturing upstairs unannounced, but she certainly didn't need a peepshow if she somehow managed to forget.

Turning, she sat down on the bed, this time with Waverly firmly planted in her lap. And as she reached for her phone again, sending a meeting invite to her team, she giggled and moaned, in turn, from the sweet hum Waverly was generating deep in her belly with nothing more than the heat of her mouth against Nicole's skin.

Invite sent, Nicole tossed her phone haphazardly on the mattress, not caring in the least where it landed. And then she turned her head, capturing Waverly's mouth in a searing kiss, as she slid her right arm beneath Waverly's legs again, effortlessly lifting her as she stood from the bed.

Then, padding barefoot across the hardwood floor toward the door, she paused briefly to allow Waverly to open it, their kisses never ceasing even as they moved across the hall into the bathroom, where Waverly made quick work of removing Nicole's clothing just as she had the night before, when she'd taken her to bed for a night neither of them would ever forget.

Saturday, July 2, 2016… The Earp Homestead—3:45 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"I realize that I do not merit a say in such matters, but Wynonna, are you sure you want to do this?" Doc's voice brimmed with concern after hearing Wynonna's plan to provide backup for Nicole and her team. Stepping across the front porch toward her, the wooden planks creaked noisily beneath his heavy mud-ridden boots.

"What? You don't think I'm capable?" Wynonna accused, her tone filled with hurt. Momentarily, she squinted against the gleaming afternoon sun, relieved when he moved into the path of its light, his body blocking its powerful rays from reaching her.

"Now you know that could not be farther from the truth," Doc said in that thick southern drawl that always appeared when his emotions betrayed him. "I believe that you can do anything you set your mind to."

"Then show it by supporting my decision to help Nicole," Wynonna challenged.

"I am sorry if you do not feel properly supported," Doc said. "That is certainly not my intent. But this mission scares the livin' hell outta me, and I am not even a part of it," he confessed. "Even so, I would gladly take your place if I were capable of meeting the challenge."

"Why the hell would you wanna do that?" Wynonna muttered. "I'd ask if you had some sort of death wish, but you're immortal, so…"

Gently, Doc reached out to her, allowing his fingertips to lightly graze her face. "Do you not know by now that you… you mean everythin' to me, Wynonna," he confessed, tears welling up in his deep blue eyes. "As does our child. I would not think twice about tradin' my life to save either one of yours."

Her own blue eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill, as she reveled in the familiar roughness of his tender touch. This man was infuriating on even the best of days, and yet, she couldn't imagine her world without him. Every time she convinced herself that he was nothing more than a typical asshole, he would say, or do, something that rocked her to her core, and despite her better judgment, she ended up loving him all the more. Not that she would ever admit that to him. "You're such an asshole," she muttered, daring the tears to betray her by falling.

That smile cracked across his face, charming her without conscious effort. "Of that, Deputy Earp, I am painfully aware."

He stepped closer to her still, the fingers of his right hand weaving through her thick, dark tresses, gently cradling her beautiful face, as he pressed the palm of his left hand against her swollen abdomen, delighting in the sensation of feeling his child kick. It wasn't the first time; still, it would never grow old.

Suddenly breathless, Wynonna felt her body tremble beneath his touch, and closing her eyes, she leaned her cheek into his palm, wishing briefly that the contact would never end. And when she felt the heat of his breath against her face, she feared her legs might actually fail her. "Doc…" she breathed, biting her bottom lip to stave off the urge to kiss him fiercely.

Her next awareness was the tickle of his thick mustache as he smiled against her cheek. "Both of you, come home to me," he whispered, brushing his lips against soft skin. "My world would cease to turn without you in it."

And then he was gone.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, Wynonna grasped the front porch railing, and as she gazed out across the horizon, she allowed herself for the very first time to acknowledge that her own world would be empty without him, as well.

Saturday, July 2, 2016… The Earp Homestead—7:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"Baby, I know the world you and Wynonna live in is scary as hell," Nicole acknowledged, pulling Waverly to her after saying goodbye to Gus. The team finished prepping for the mission earlier that evening, and they had returned to their temporary headquarters to suit up and wait for Nicole and Wynonna. "And I would never make light of the dangers you encounter every single day…"

Untwining the fingers of one hand from Nicole's, Waverly reached up, tangling them in the back of Nicole's hair the way she always did. "But?" she gently prompted.

"But the wheels of justice turn much more slowly in my world," Nicole replied. "At least on my side of the law. I know we're going up against Revenants here. That's why I need Wynonna. But beyond them, I'm dealing with the human equivalent of hell-spawn, Waverly. They are pure evil, dangerous beyond your wildest imagination, and I need to know that you're safe. So please… promise me you won't try to interfere."

Before Nicole even finished her plea, Waverly was already nodding. "I would never do anything to put either of you in danger. So as hard as it is for me to stay behind, and watch you and Wyn go off to face these monsters, I promise I'll stay out of it," she vowed.

"You will," Nicole said, more a restatement of Waverly's word, than a seeking of confirmation.

"I swear," Waverly assured.

Relief spreading across her face, Nicole leaned in, pressing her forehead against Waverly's, as her fingertips weaved into the thick chestnut waves at the back of Waverly's neck. "Thank you," she whispered sincerely. "I promise you won't be left out when it comes to missions here in the Triangle. Wynonna and I both need you, especially dealing with the Curse. The whole team does. So believe me, we'll have plenty of opportunities to work together. And I'm really looking forward to that."

Waverly's smile warmed the space between them. "Me too," she concurred.

Nicole's dimple made an appearance. "I'm glad," she said with a contented sigh. "Now, Agent Shaw will be right here with you and Gus, and her team will cover you from outside, but I still want you alert and armed, okay? Don't take any chances."

Closing her eyes, Waverly nodded. She tipped her chin upward then, searching lips finding Nicole's mouth, where she lingered until they were both nearly breathless. And then she slid effortlessly into Nicole's waiting arms, reveling in how perfectly their bodies melded together.

The moment was broken by the sound of Wynonna's voice as she entered the room after saying goodbye to Gus. "Dude, why is your hair always such a fuckin' mess?" she quipped, grinning devilishly at Nicole when she noticed the back askew yet again.

Nicole blushed at the comment, and glanced away.

Arching an eyebrow, Waverly deliberately held Wynonna's gaze. "Because my hands are always buried in it, especially when her mouth is…"

In an uncharacteristic move, Nicole captured Waverly's mouth with her own, swallowing the remainder of that statement in a kiss, thus saving them all from a very embarrassing moment. Not that she was ashamed of how passionate their lovemaking always was, but there were some things Wynonna just didn't need to hear—and the fact that the sensation of Waverly's hands in her hair was a supreme turn-on, making her ravenous for Waverly in a thousand different ways, was definitely one of them.

Wynonna groaned in disgust. It was bad enough the walls of their house were so thin. She didn't need a front row seat to the carnage.

Waverly was smirking when Nicole released her from their kiss, and Wynonna simply rolled her eyes. This was almost as bad as that whole cheerleading incident, she thought. And she found herself thankful that Waverly was at least wearing underwear this time. Or at least she hoped she was. She sure as hell didn't need another glimpse of that!

"I don't need any heroes tonight, so both of you… be careful," Waverly ordered in a tone as stern as the one she used on them that afternoon at Pussy Willows, as she shook a finger at them, her eyes shifting from Wynonna to Nicole and back again. She stiffened the expression in her eyes as she fought to maintain her composure. No matter how much she believed in them, and in their abilities, she was scared as hell to watch them walk out that door. What if she never saw them again?

"Understood," Wynonna said with a solemn nod as she stepped toward the front door, hoping to escape Waverly and Nicole's parting scene, unscathed. They really were quite sickening to watch, in the sweetest sort of way.

But before she could get out the door, Waverly stepped away from Nicole, flinging herself into Wynonna's arms, squeezing her as tightly as she could. "It better be," she quietly censured. "I love you, Wynonna. And I expect to see you back here in one piece."

Despite her resolve to remain aloof until their mission was over, Wynonna couldn't help but return Waverly's hug. There was no one in the world she loved more than her Babygirl; and none she ever would. Not even the child she carried inside her. She might someday grow to love that child as much, but no one ever more. "I love you more, Waves," she whispered, staving off the tears as she squeezed her tighter. "I promised I'd never leave you again, and I always keep my word."

"I'm counting on that," Waverly murmured, as she kissed Wynonna's cheek. "I'll see you soon."

Swallowing hard around the lump in her throat, Wynonna nodded. "I'll leave you two to… say goodnight," she managed to say. And with that, she allowed the darkness to swallow her as she stepped out into the night.

The moment Wynonna was out the door, Waverly was in Nicole's arms again. "Promise you'll come home to me," she implored, as she peered up into that steady, sincere gaze. She knew it wasn't a promise she could hold Nicole to. No one could ever make such a guarantee. But she needed something to hold onto as she sent Nicole out into the unknown.

"I promise, Waves," Nicole whispered, tenderly brushing a lock of chestnut hair from Waverly's face, before cupping Waverly's cheek with her palm. "And I'll bring your sister with me."

"I'm holding you to that," Waverly whispered, covering Nicole's mouth with a firm, but tender kiss. "I love you, Agent Haught."

Nicole offered a soft smile. "And I love you," she whispered, as her fingertips slipped slowly from Waverly's grasp.

"I know," Waverly affirmed, arching an eyebrow. "And when you get home, I'll let you show me exactly how much," she said suggestively.

"Oh, you will, huh?" Nicole questioned with a flirty lilt.

"Yeah, I will. And I'll even return the favor," Waverly promised.

"I'm already counting the minutes," Nicole said.

"Me too, Love," Waverly whispered. "No go, before I change my mind, and refuse to let you leave."

The corners of Nicole's mouth tipped upward in a faint smile, and she gave a slight nod as she grabbed her hat from the hook near the door. Leaning down, she pressed one last kiss to Waverly's lips, whispering, "I'll call on our way home." And then she stepped out the door, leaving Waverly to watch her go.

Saturday, July 2, 2016… The Earp Homestead—7:45 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"You sure you trust me with this?" Wynonna asked when Nicole met her out on the porch. Side-by-side, they leaned against the railing, their eyes scanning the horizon as if by habit. The landscape was familiar, despite the dwindling light, and quiet.

Almost eerily so.

Nicole turned toward her, a confused expression on her face. "Why wouldn't I?"

Wynonna shrugged. "Nothin' like bankin' your entire operation on the capabilities of a knocked-up whore with a magic gun," she said with a dose of her usual self-deprecating wit.

Reaching out, Nicole placed a hand on Wynonna's shoulder. "First of all, you are not a whore," she said firmly.

"Says you," Wynonna said dryly. "The whole fucking town branded me one, years ago."

"Yeah, well, the way I see it, only ones who matter are those of us who love you," Nicole countered. "And the fact that you're pregnant doesn't diminish my faith in your capabilities at all," she affirmed. "In fact, I think it makes you sharper, 'cause the stakes are higher."

"Sharper, huh?" Wynonna chuckled. "Clearly you missed it the other day, when I tried to use that stupid Panini thing Waverly bought, to make pancakes," she said drolly. "Who the hell needs a fancy gadget to make a fucking sandwich," she groused. It wasn't a question.

Nicole laughed heartily, as she gave Wynonna an affectionate slap on the back. "That's not pregnancy, Wyn," she declared. "You just really suck in the kitchen. You best leave the cookin' to Waverly and me."

"Deal," Wynonna proclaimed. "And… thanks, Dude."

"For…?" Nicole queried.

"Well, first, for not judging me, and for havin' my back the way you always do," Wynonna answered, referring to Nicole's support when it came to the baby.

Nicole hadn't even flinched when she'd realized Wynonna was pregnant, and Wynonna immediately felt her unconditional support, without need of either of them saying a word. With anyone else, being found vulnerable like that would've been scary—something to be held over her head and used for another's advantage. But with Nicole, it was simply a fact that was acknowledged between them, and an immediate expression of understanding that it would remain between the two of them until Wynonna was ready to disclose. Though Wynonna hadn't found the words to say as much, she was profoundly grateful for that, and somehow, Nicole just simply knew it was true.

"And for believin' in me. Believin' I can still do this," Wynonna added. "I mean, I know I can do it, but… I really needed you to know it too."

An affectionate smile played across Nicole's lips. "Pregnant or not, Wynonna—I've never doubted you for a moment. I wouldn't want anyone else watchin' my back."

Choking back her emotions, Wynonna simply nodded.

Nicole understood without words, and she nodded in return. "Now let's go kick some Revenant-Mobster ass."

Totally up for the challenge, Wynonna offered a conspiratorial smile. "Lead the way, Agent Haught."

Saturday, July 2, 2016… The Big City, Alberta, Canada—10:45 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"Okay, despite the way it sounds, the border crossing is pretty much a straight shot, down AB-2 South, across AB-519 East to AB-3 East and then onto AB-4, which will take us onto to I-15 South once we cross into Montana," Nicole reported unnecessarily. She needed something to distract her from the onslaught of memories that had come as she contemplated the long-term consequences of her actions. "It's a little over three hundred kilometers, so it'll take about 3 hours."

At least she hoped it would. Any faster, and they ran the risk of the children being injured from jostling about in the back of that semi. Straight shot or not, there were twists and turns on this route, especially where the highways changed.

At first they considered picking them up at the departure site. But following the truck from departure through border crossing would significantly improve their chances of getting a conviction for international sex trafficking, which would, in turn, carry a much stiffer sentence in federal court. And that was their goal—to put them out of business, long-term.

On the ride from Purgatory to the Big City, Wynonna and Nicole had discussed their strategy for dealing with the Revenant factor, in-depth. Being who she was, the idea of allowing Wynonna to, in essence, execute Revenants, went against everything Nicole believed in, everything she stood for both personally and professionally. And yet, she felt oddly accepting of the practice after witnessing the Earp Sisters' exchange with Jonas.

Did the ends ever justify the means? A part of her was no longer certain, and that scared the hell out of her. After all, hadn't she been illegally tracking that psycho Tucker Gardner's phone for weeks now? And that, it seemed, was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what she was willing to overlook on her quest for justice. She found herself, on more than one occasion, considering the notion that she was more like her grandfather than either of them had ever realized.

She was struck by that thought again when she found herself agreeing that if any of the Revenants gave signs of super-human strength or abilities, Wynonna should step in rather than allowing them to escape, or worse, do physical harm to their team members. She knew exactly what she was condoning, and though she had very definite regrets, she knew it was the most prudent course of action. If it weren't, there would have been no reason to involve Wynonna in the mission at all.

And now, as the team leaders gathered 'round the table at their headquarters in the Big City for one final briefing before they went their separate ways, Nicole nodded to Wynonna, affirming her agreement. "Take your positions at oh-one-hundred and wait for the go-ahead. If they pull out earlier or later than we anticipate, adjust your time accordingly. I wanna try to minimize the radio and cell traffic until we're ready to move."

"Understood, ma'am," the unit lead acknowledged with a confident nod. He was a young agent from the Canadian side of the cross-border task force that Nicole had recruited after her arrival. His calm, steady demeanor and keen eye for detail served him well as a sharpshooter, and Nicole knew he would lead this facet of the mission to a successful conclusion. It was that certainty, along with her faith in Wynonna's abilities, which allowed Nicole to travel with Langston to handle the sting at the border crossing.

"Once we're across the border and about ten miles out, we'll radio back," Nicole continued. "Marc already has his team in place in Dallas, ready to move at a moments' notice. We're gonna get 'em all this time."

"Copy that, Agent Haught," Langston said approvingly.

Glancing up from the maps, Nicole made deliberate eye contact with Wynonna. "If you need to act before we're in place out there, do what needs to be done. Just make sure you jam their cell signals, so they can't get a warning out to the others."

Wynonna gave a firm nod. "I got your back, Red," she assured.

Nicole offered a quiet smile in response to the nickname. It was probably the closest she'd ever get to an admission of affection from Wynonna. It meant that Wynonna had accepted her place in Waverly's life, and she was grateful for the acknowledgment. "I'm countin' on it, Earp," she said with equal amounts of affection.

Feeling an extra surge of confidence roll through her like a wave, she nodded once then, affirming her satisfaction with the plan. "Let's move out," she commanded. And with those three words she set in motion a series of events that would forever change the world as she knew it.

Saturday, July 2, 2016… The Earp Homestead—11:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"You doin' okay, Sweetpea?"

The soothing sound of Gus's voice was like a cool cloth against feverish flesh, and Waverly felt her nerves calm the moment she heard it. She smiled to herself as Gus settled on the sofa beside her, lovingly patting her thigh. "I can't deny that I'm a little scared, given what they're up against," she answered honestly. "But I know they're both more than capable of handling this mission."

"Yes, they are," Gus readily agreed.

"Still, I don't think I can rest until I hear from Nicole," Waverly sighed. She hated being left behind to worry. It didn't matter that she understood why.

"Your mama and I shared more than a few nights like this, waitin' 'round for your daddy and Curtis when they'd go off on some mission for the Sheriff's department," Gus commiserated. "We didn't rest much either."

"Mama and Daddy… Right."

Delivered on a distant mumble, Waverly's utterance drew Gus's attention. "Somethin' stuck in your craw, Child?" she asked, sounding concerned. It was so unlike Waverly to grumble.

Waverly laughed sharply. "I'm still just kind of reeling from the news that I might not be an Earp," she answered. "You sure you don't know anything?"

Gus reached over, wrapping an arm around Waverly's shoulders. "Honey, if there's some deep, dark secret about your parentage, neither Ward nor Michelle ever divulged it to me," she answered truthfully. Her sister was a wild one at times, that was certain, and she was never one for keeping secrets. With Michelle Gibson, what you saw was what you got; like her, or not. "And if your Uncle Curtis knew anything, he never mentioned it. I would tell you if he had."

"I know…" Waverly sighed disappointedly. "I guess I was just hoping for a different response this time.

"I wish I could offer somethin' different," Gus replied. "But one thing I know for sure: love, not blood, makes a family, and Wynonna, Nicole, and I will always be yours."

Leaning in, Waverly squeezed her aunt tight. "Thank you, Gus," she whispered. "I'm counting on it."

Sunday, July 3, 2016… Bespoke, The Big City, Alberta, Canada—1:45 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Exiting their vehicles in the alleyway on the western side of Bespoke, the club where Wynonna had completely blown her first solo mission for Black Badge, she and her team crept slowly along the edge of the building. Based upon Nicole's intel, they made their way toward the back where the loading dock was located. Given how popular the venue was, it was the most likely point of entry for the girls, and they were hoping to stop the operation before any of them were moved inside the building. The fact that they were found locked in cages, Nicole had said because she knew they would be, was enough to file charges that would keep the men in prison for decades. Wynonna held onto that truth as she moved the team forward.

Inside, the music thumped so loudly that it shook the entire structure. It was so intense she could actually feel it reverberating through her own body as she moved. The feeling was familiar, and she couldn't help but cringe at the memory of that failed mission. And then she remembered Dolls' reprimand, and the hours of grueling, focused training that followed, and she couldn't help but smile at how far she had come as a Deputy since then.

The memory of that night with Dolls also reminded Wynonna of her newest leader, Nicole Haught, and how much the two of them really were alike in so many ways. Both of them were ex-military—a fact that she respected deeply, though she'd never found cause to admit it. As a result, they were principled, and smart, and driven, and sometimes just downright bossy. And always, always, they were a pain in her ass. But despite herself, she had to admit they were both damned good team leaders, and human beings whom she considered to be above reproach.

As she moved stealthily along the side of that building, Wynonna had to give credit where it was due. Nicole had been correct to anticipate a decoy. And more than that, she had to commend her astuteness in assigning Wynonna's team to follow behind a second truck and its armored escorts as they left the maze of seemingly abandoned storage units in the warehouse district that marred the otherwise beautiful heart of the Big City.

As anticipated, the second truck turned out to be the decoy—of sorts, anyway. It had taken Wynonna's team on a winding drive through the city, and then along another passageway toward the border, only to double back an hour or so into the journey. At that point, Wynonna reported back to home base in a rare radio communication to warn them of their impending return.

And then things took a sudden turn, though not an unexpected one. Rather than heading back to the main warehouse, they were moving toward the club district, where Nicole had correctly guessed there would be a team of girls put to work for the night. It was likely there were others who went earlier, and she had hoped the team she'd sent to the area would have made some headway in determining where the girls were being bought and sold.

Ultimately, that was exactly what had happened. And now, having moved the team into position, Wynonna found herself crouched down under cover of construction equipment, contemplating Nicole's foresight as she waited for the call to action.

Sunday, July 3, 2016… AB-3 East, Alberta, Canada—1:45 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Mile after mile, the highway droned on. The landscape veiled in ominous shadows, the darkness threatened to swallow them as they moved stealthily along toward the border crossing at Coutts/Sweet Grass. The radio communication from Wynonna hadn't come as a surprise—she knew that even on the night of their big move, they wouldn't pass up an opportunity to double down on their profits. These were greedy motherfuckers, her grandfather included, and they would stop at nothing to line their coffers with riches, regardless of the damage caused to others.

The reminder of just how cold and callous these people were took Nicole back to a night not too long before she left home that final time. She'd been summoned to her grandfather's house for yet another lecture on her intolerable choice of careers, and how she should be taking over the family business, rather than working to destroy all that he had built.

Nicole listened.

But this time, she was finished with his games.

"If any harm comes to any other member of this family, I will take you out myself, grandfather," Nicole warned as she moved stealthily around the space in her grandfather's study. The walls were lined, nearly floor to ceiling, with bookshelves that were fashioned from solid mahogany. The ornately carved dense wooden frames functioned not only for their intended purpose, which was to house his rare collection of first editions, but also as a buffer to drown out any noise or conversations taking place within these walls.

The pungent odor of cigar smoke clung to the heavy draperies that adorned the windows that flanked the stone chimney on the east wall, and the bookshelves on the south. And the distinct aroma of two hundred year old whisky caressed the air, teasing her with its sweet charms.

Together, the amalgam of perfectly aged whisky and expensive cigars reminded her of her childhood days, when she would climb into his lap right there in the reading chair beside that very fireplace, and listen to the deep baritone of his voice as he read the Christmas story to her and Connor on those Christmas mornings before her sisters and other cousins were born. It was the most "normal" memory she had of him—the only one where he'd actually felt like a grandfather, instead of a tyrant.

Momentarily, the memory shook her.

Careful not to let him see how rattled she was by the memory, she forcefully squared her shoulders and maintained her course as she awaited his response. He certainly did not disappoint.

From his seat in the high-backed black leather executive chair behind his overbearing desk, Nikolas Haught's steely dark eyes bore into Nicole like precision-point lasers. "How dare you!" he seethed.

"I dare because I love my family," Nicole replied evenly. "And I can't bear the thought of losing anyone else in sacrifice to your incessant quest for power and control."

"Don't you dare speak of my grandson as though you actually give a fuck," Nikolas growled. "It was your kind that killed him," he spat, his utter disdain for her profession oozing from his pores. "Your fucking partner!" he exclaimed, emphasizing her relationship with his grandson's killer. "You're lucky she's dead too, or I would've put a bullet through her head myself."

Nicole choked back the bile that rose in her throat. "Your shady business dealings put him right in our path," she corrected as steadily as she could.

"You never measured up to my grandson," Nikolas demeaned. "You're nothing but a weak, spineless female..."

"And yet ten minutes ago you were demanding that I take the helm of your precious… business," Nicole countered, cutting him off mid rant.

Deliberately, she shifted her stance. Placing a hand on her weapon, she grasped it firmly.

He eyed her warily, but said nothing in response.

"If I could've saved Connor by shooting you, I would have. In a heartbeat," she declared. "But you weren't there—were you? Because you always send others to do your dirty work. That's what I call weak and spineless."

Her words faded then into the darkness, and thoughts turned to Connor as they moved stealthily along that lonely stretch of highway that led to the destruction of all that she knew. She couldn't help it. The expression of sheer anguish in her grandfather's usually cold, empty eyes when he learned of Connor's death was unforgettable.

He had mattered to the old man.

She had mattered too, of course. But it wasn't the same. And everyone knew it.

Had she made the right decision, refusing her legacy? She could have turned the business around, made it legitimate. She could have done that—right?

"Penny for your thoughts…"

The sound of Langston's voice startled Nicole, yanking her from dangerous musings. She glanced toward the Commander, offering a wan smile. "It's not worth repeating," she answered.

"If you're having second thoughts, I would understand," Langston said supportively. "I've waivered myself a few times in the past."

"Any hesitation I feel isn't about him," Nicole replied.

"No," Langston said, with a hint of familiar pain in her tone. "It's about those who will suffer the fallout."

"Exactly," Nicole sighed.

Sunday, July 3, 2016… Bespoke, The Big City, Alberta, Canada—2:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

She heard the sound of Waverly's voice, echoing in her mind, asking her when she was going to stop pretending that killing didn't affect her—that every life she took, regardless of the fact that it was a Revenant life, didn't steal away just a tiny bit of her own humanity.

But this Revenant was different. Wasn't he? He'd been put down and resurrected so many times that his supernatural abilities seemed limitless, and they were powerless to stop him any other way. Would it really hurt to use her weapon, just this one time?

The swarm of agents that surrounded her were engrossed in their duties, cuffing and dragging suspects toward the armored task force vehicles designed to transport them back to Purgatory, where they would face charges. But Wynonna just stood there, stock still, staring at the charred dirt where the Revenant had been swallowed up by the fires of Hell. A single tear streaked down her cheek, and she dropped to her knees as she clutched Peacemaker to her chest.

She'd tried so hard not to take another life.

Sunday, July 3, 2016… Coutts/Sweet Grass Border Crossing—3:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

As they neared the border crossing, Nicole felt the undeniable rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. They were so close to finishing this mission, and still, victory felt so very far away. She could see the loaded semi and the four military-style vehicles that guarded it approaching the entryway from their position several hundred yards back, and knew that patience was paramount during these final minutes. With no concerns about them getting out of her sight thanks to the team that awaited them on the U.S. side of the border, she maneuvered their SUV into another lane at the opposite end, slowly moving into position to cross over within a few minutes of their target, and watched in the rearview mirror as the vehicles carrying their strike team moved into position behind them.

Nicole couldn't help but smile when Langston commented on her astuteness. Her grandfather knew her well enough to know she would be expecting the decoy. And most would have presumed it to be the first truck. But not Nicole. Led by her intuition, she contemplated his movements perfectly, proving that she knew the old man far better than he realized, and that mistake would be his ultimate downfall.

They inched closer to the border crossing, and though her adrenaline was pumping, Nicole used techniques learned in training to keep her body calm, her mind steady. As the truck slipped across the border, she grabbed her radio and signaled the team on the other side to fall into position behind. The plan was for them to keep the trucks in sight until Nicole, Langston, and their team could catch up, and finally, they would end this, once and for all.

Catching sight in her peripheral vision, Langston couldn't help but notice the slight tremor in the ordinarily steady hand that slid the radio back into the holster on Nicole's duty belt. They were mere minutes away from the call that would change Nicole's life in ways she had yet to even comprehend, and more than anyone, Langston understood the sacrifice—and the overwhelming sense of self-doubt that was about to take hold.

Sunday, July 3, 2016… I-15 South, near Sweet Grass, Montana—3:30 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Just south of the rest area outside Sweet Grass, where the interstate opened into endless miles of ranches and farmland, Nicole and her team finally closed in on their target. So many things were riding on the outcome of this mission, and Nicole sensed the weight of that pressing on her neck and shoulders. She felt her pulse quicken, and just as swiftly, she altered her breathing to combat the rising anxiety.

Langston recognized the technique—and understood the reason. In just a few moments, Nicole would be making a call that would indelibly alter her life in ways she still had no means to fully comprehend. It hadn't been so very long ago that Langston had been in the same position. "I know this isn't easy, Nicole. I would understand if you decided to stand down," she said, reiterating her previous show of support. "I can make the official call."

"Did you stand down when your father's freedom, his life, was at stake?" Nicole questioned rhetorically.

"You know that I didn't," Langston replied.

"And neither will I," Nicole said firmly. "We're soldiers, Commander, first, and foremost. We do what's honorable, even if it kills us."

"Agreed, Agent Haught," Langston said with a tone of respect.

Willfully steadying her nerves, Nicole lifted her radio, speaking only a single word: "Go!"

She released the button on the transmitter, and though they were fifteen hundred miles away from Dallas, within moments her single-word command set into motion an incursion the likes of which the State of Texas had never seen, as Federal agents stormed the darkened offices of Haught Enterprises and the main house on the Haught Ranch. At both locations, several armed guards were taken out as they attempted to stop the Feds from gaining access to the premises and to the valuable evidenced contained therein.

Unceremoniously dragged from his bed and handcuffed in the middle of the night, Nikolas Haught protested, barked orders, and outright threatened the Feds, as if he actually thought he was still in charge. But his insolence was for naught, as the agents seized computers, cell phones and other electronic devices, as well as hundreds of boxes of paper files, and anything else that looked like it might be damning. And as he was taken into custody, Nicole's cell phone went ballistic as one-by-one, her family members attempted to reach her—all of them in a state of panic.

Simultaneously, across the city and far beyond, key players in the trafficking ring were arrested, including several high-ranking officers and government officials, creating instability within the régime that rivaled the aftermath in Springfield and Chicago years prior when the Malloy-Kováč Empire had been toppled by a Federal investigation. From that moment on, Commander Langston Malloy's world had never been the same—and Agent Nicole Haught was about to understand that in a way she never had before.

Back in Sweet Grass, as Nicole holstered her radio, an onslaught of armored vehicles appeared seemingly out of nowhere, surrounding the tractor-trailer and its posse, search lights illuminating the entire area. Skillfully, the vehicles edged the semi from the highway, bringing it to a full stop, and Nicole pulled their SUV in behind the rest. They knew they were safe to maneuver this way, because the highway patrol had blocked all northbound traffic on the highway, guaranteeing no innocent people would be injured in the inevitable firestorm.

As they exited their vehicle, several dozen armed agents from both sides of the border joined them, and simultaneously they drew their weapons, taking aim at the guards and returning their frenzied fire. Each time her gun went off, and a man hit the ground, Nicole relived those final moments with Connor. Over and over, she witnessed him dropping to the floor of that trailer, his body limp, lifeless. Still, she soldiered on. This was her job, and she'd be damned if she'd allow her memories to render her incompetent to fulfill her duty.

And so the firestorm continued for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only several very long minutes, with guards being hit, but not taken out of the fight. Each time one of them was knocked down, they seemed to rise again, like characters in some online video game, stronger and more determined than ever. It was baffling, and given what Nicole knew about the Ghost River Triangle, she began to wonder if these men were otherworldly.

But that couldn't be the case—could it? Revenants couldn't travel outside the Triangle. Were they some other type of supernatural being? Indestructible creatures, bred to obliterate the enemy? Her mind raced with the possibilities.

And then, out of nowhere, she heard the distinct chuff-chuff-chuff of a military helicopter in the distance, growing increasingly louder by the moment. She glanced at Langston with a look of concern. They weren't expecting any more backup than they'd traveled with originally, especially not by air.

Langston responded with a look indicating she had no idea where the chopper had come from—or who was inside. And immediately, their tactical training went into action, as Nicole ordered a shift in their plans. But before they could change their tactics, a line dropped from the chopper, and there, securely attached to it, was Wynonna Earp.

Guns blazing as she drew closer to the ground, Wynonna took out several of the armed guards from her vantage point above, and by the time her boots hit the dirt, creating a cloud of dust, the threat had been neutralized from all sides, thanks to the follow-through from the agents on the ground. It was truly a team effort.

And then, with the aid of bolt cutters, two of the Federal agents worked to breech the chains and locks on the back of the semi to secure the release of those inside, while the rest worked to check the guards, and cuff the ones who survived, and Nicole turned her attention toward the interloper who probably just saved all of their lives.

"Wynonna, what the hell?" Nicole yelled demandingly, as she stormed toward the heir, her boots crunching in the loose gravel along the roadside.

"Dolls," Wynonna shrugged. And then she smirked. "I couldn't leave you out here on your own, HaughtStuff. Waverly would kill me if I came back home without you."

"You could've been killed yourself, you crazy bitch," Nicole snapped. "And what about the baby? I promised Waverly…"

"And I'm fine," Wynonna interrupted, brushing off Nicole's concern. "And so is the baby. She's a real trooper," she said, high-fiving her baby bump.

Experiencing an amalgam of frustration and amusement, Nicole ignored her cell phone as it rang for the umpteenth time, instead choosing to embrace Wynonna, hugging her close.

"Whoa! Okay, so we're doing this," Wynonna said flippantly, as she awkwardly patted Nicole's back.

"You're out of your fucking mind, Earp," Nicole reprimanded against Wynonna's ear. "But god, I'm glad you're here."

Despite herself, Wynonna found herself hugging Nicole in earnest then. "I wouldn't be anywhere else, Red," she said with affection. "I made promises to Waverly myself, and there's no way in hell I was coming home without you."

Sunday, July 3, 2016… The Haught Ranch, Dallas, Texas—6:15 a.m. Central Daylight Time

"I don't understand why Nicole isn't answering her phone."

Kyler Haught paced the hardwood floors of her grandparents' living room. She was worried sick about her sister, given all that had transpired in the pre-dawn hours and the history of conflict between her sister and her grandfather. Having arrived at the main house within minutes of receiving a frantic call from her grandmother, she immediately took charge, asking her fiancée Kendalyn to look after her grandmother, while she tried to track down whatever information she could find.

From her place on the sofa next to Camilla Haught, Kendalyn glanced up at Kyler. "Maybe she's working a case tonight," she suggested. "She's been on nightshift recently, hasn't she?"

Pausing mid-pace, Kyler nodded. "Yeah, she has," she confirmed. "Must be one hell of a case though, if that's what she's doing. She never ignores multiple calls from one of us."

Kendalyn checked in with Camilla, to ensure she was doing all right, and then she crossed the room, wrapping Kyler in her arms. "I know you're worried, Babe," she said soothingly, as she stroked Kyler's upper back. "And not just about Nicole. Camilla will be fine. We'll look after her," she assured.

Glancing up at her grandmother, who sat on the sofa, crying softly, Kyler felt her heart breaking. Her grandfather was a monster, but Camilla was his polar opposite. She was loving and kind, generous with time and affection, not to mention money. She was always orchestrating charity events, and looking for ways to serve others. Had she known the depth of her husband's corruption, she would've left him years ago. But he hid the more sinister side of his dealings from her. She knew him as the head of a construction empire. The rest of the family knew about the guns and drugs—that was no secret amongst them; but they only knew the whole truth—about the human trafficking—because of Nicole's ties with law enforcement.

"It'll kill her when she learns the truth," Kyler feared.

Meeting Kyler's fearful gaze with a look of confidence, Kendalyn took her face into her hands. "She's a strong woman," she reassured. "And we'll be right there beside her."

A soft smile touched the corners of Kyler's mouth. "What would I do without you?"

Kendalyn leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Kyler's lips. "You'll never have to find out," she said sweetly. "Because I've always been all in with you, and that, my love, will never change."

Sunday, July 3, 2016… I-15 South, near Sweet Grass, Montana—9:45 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Hours later, victims and suspects having been transported to local medical facilities after being triaged in the field, the scene contained and processed, Nicole and Langston boarded the chopper along with Wynonna for the return trip to Purgatory. After release from medical care, the suspects would be booked, and every effort would be made to reconnect the victims with their families, much like it had been when Willa and the other girls were rescued from the cult. But for now the three of them had reports to write about all that had transpired since their mission began the evening prior. The sooner they could get back to Purgatory, the better.

The moment the chopper lifted from the ground, Nicole pulled her phone from her pocket, texting Waverly to let her know they were on their way home from Sweet Grass, but it would be several more hours before they would return to the homestead. And then she texted Kyler, explaining that she was working a big case, and apologizing for missing her calls.

Immediately, she received responses from both of them. Waverly was ecstatic—she hadn't slept a wink all night; Kyler was nothing short of frantic. She knew that she would have to bring Kyler into the loop eventually, but for now, she couldn't reveal her involvement in the matter. So she asked questions as if she knew nothing, and responded with reassurances that everything would work out in the end. And then she turned her full attention to Waverly, chatting with her via text the entire flight back to Purgatory.

Sunday, July 3, 2016… Ghost River County Municipal Offices—11:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time

When they arrived at the Purgatory Sheriff's Office a little more than an hour later, Waverly was waiting there for them with fresh coffee and a hot meal. She knew they hadn't eaten, and imagined they would be as exhausted as she was, probably more so. She greeted Wynonna with a fierce hug and whispered words of thankfulness for her safe return—and Nicole with the same, topped off with a passionate kiss, which earned the obligatory groan from Wynonna. And then they sat down with Langston to share a quick meal before tackling the mound of paperwork that would follow. It would be a long day on the heels of an even longer night, and it would be filled with conflicting emotions, but in the end, it would be worth every ounce of effort and pain, knowing they could bring justice to the survivors and their families. And for that, Nicole could live with the decisions she had made, even if she later found that her family could not.

Sunday, July 3, 2016…The Earp Homestead—9:15 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

Hours later, Waverly and Nicole were snuggled together in their bed, Waverly's head resting on Nicole's bare stomach as they relished the feeling of safety that surrounded them. The day, the mission, had been grueling, and Nicole was exhausted beyond reason, but simply being here with Waverly like this felt rejuvenating in a way she had never before experienced.

"I love everything about the way we are together, Waves," Nicole whispered, as her fingertips lightly caressed Waverly's bare back.

"Me too," Waverly said softly.

"I hope it always stays this way," Nicole said, sounding worried that it wouldn't.

Waverly peered up at her, a fusion of curiosity and concern reflecting in her eyes. It was unlike Nicole to sound so distressed. "You doing okay, Babe?" she whispered softly.

Dark eyes, laden with disquiet, held Waverly's own, as she willed them to reflect the roguish smile that slowly spread across her face. "The two of us alone here, naked in your bed… Nowhere to be for hours," she sighed contentedly. "How could I not be?"

Waverly tilted her head and arched a questioning eyebrow, studying the expression on Nicole's face. Something was… off. She just didn't quite know what. At least not yet.

"What?" Nicole asked self-consciously.

Still not quite convinced, Waverly pressed her hands firmly on the mattress, shifting her body toward the headboard, where she settled against Nicole's side. "That doesn't really answer my question," she said, calling her bluff.

Nicole nodded, acknowledging Waverly's statement. And then she sighed softly. "Today was really hard, Waves," she admitted, her voice brimming with emotion. "For so many reasons, I can't even process them all right now."

"Who says you have to?" Waverly gently challenged. "Just try to stay focused on the moment, and deal with these things as they come. You don't have to do it all at once. And you don't have to do it alone. You have me."

A soft smile flickered at the corners of Nicole's mouth. "Yes, I do," she acknowledged, pressing a kiss against Waverly's temple. "And I am so very grateful for that."

Tilting her head up, Waverly brushed a kiss across Nicole's jaw. "That kind of loyalty comes with the territory, when you love someone, Nicole. I'm always gonna be here for you," she promised.

"How lucky am I to have found you?" Nicole mused.

"I don't think it was luck at all," Waverly countered.

"No?" Nicole sounded curious. "What was it then?"

Waverly smiled. "I think it's some sort of… spiritual GPS," she declared. "If you listen to your inner voice, it leads you to your destiny."

Pondering Waverly's assertions, Nicole couldn't help but smile. "That's exactly what I did when I left Dallas," she said. "I listened to my inner voice, and… it brought me straight to you."

Waverly was still then, as she lay there fully exposed—physically and emotionally—in Nicole's arms, her thoughts taking a stroll down memory lane. She thought about all those moments they'd shared—those dates they hadn't been on, when really, that's exactly what they were—and the moments when she had fallen in love with Nicole, over and over again. In every single one of them, she'd heard that inner voice speaking to her, telling her that Nicole was the one. And she was thankful beyond reason that she'd listened, that she'd heeded the call.

Finally, tears streaming down her cheeks, Waverly met Nicole's gaze as she cradled her face in her hands. "That's the most beautiful love story I've ever heard," she whispered, kissing her tenderly.

Moved to tears of her own, Nicole smiled into their kiss. "Just wait 'til you hear the sequel, Waverly Earp," she whispered. "'Cause it's gonna rock your Cosmos, just like you rocked mine."


Friday, July 29, 2022… The Homestead—2:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time

"So… is this a date?" Nicole whispered, gazing into soft green eyes, so filled with love for her as she stood there beneath the elegant floral archway, Waverly's hands folded into her own.

The weather was picture-perfect, with bright blue skies, a warm southerly breeze blowing across the fields behind the home they'd designed and built together. Waverly was stunning in her mother's wedding gown, flowers all up in her hair; Nicole, the picture of confidence in her pristinely pressed dress blues, their family gathered all around them. The journey to this place, this time together, had been long, sometimes arduous, but every moment of pain and sadness had been worth it in light of the hope, and love, and happiness they'd found along the way.

That breathtaking smile spread slowly across Waverly's face, illuminating those eyes that pierced the depths of Nicole's soul, rendering her powerless to deny the woman anything. "This is the date to end all dates, my Love," she whispered in return. "And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

"There is a kind of quiet, persistent love that sustains one lover through the waiting times and the other with the realization that they were worth waiting for. Love has to be patient, but it has a way of demanding balance too. Though we may take different paths in how we come to love each other, the true joy is when those paths unite, become equal and are shared together."

Jennifer Knapp