*A/N- Sorry this took so long, I hope you like this chapter!


"I already told Happy all about you!" Natsu chirped.

"Really, like what?"

"I told him that you're Zeref's girlfriend, but he's just too dumb to know it yet, and that you're really nice!" As Zeref's face flamed Mavis laughed, looking only slightly embarrassed. How was it she was impervious to Natsu?

"Thank you, but did you tell him how sweet and lovable you are?"

"Nuh-uh, I'm mean! Like Zeref!"

"I'm not mean!" Zeref protested.

"Are so! You don't even let me eat in my bedroom!"

"That's because you make a mess at the dinner table, of course I don't let you eat in your room, it's bad enough as it is!"

"It's not messy, I know where everything is!"

"Of course you do it's all laid out on the floor!"

"What's wrong with that?"

Their argument was interrupted by Mavis giggling, and a knock at the door. Zeref and Mavis looked at each other while Natsu scrambled to answer it. Both of them knew who would be standing there when Natsu opened the door.

"IT'S ERIK!" Natsu shrieked, seeming to think that them being five feet away meant they were also deaf.

"Thanks, Natsu, for that enlightening realization."

"You're welcome." Zeref rolled his eyes. "Happy, this is Erik, but his knuckles say Cobra, and I think he's killed people." Natsu lifted Happy up to Erik so he could sniff at him, and Erik's eyes widened in shock.

"Happy is Natsu's new cat," Zeref said unnecessarily.

"I...see that. He's very unique. What kind of cat is he?"

"The blue kind!" Natsu replied. "Come on Happy, lets go play!" Natsu tucked the cat under his arm and left the room with a purposeful stride. Zeref wasn't sure if he wanted to know where Natsu was going with a walk like that, but it couldn't be good. He threw a concerned look at Mavis.

"Mavis could you-"

"Of course, no problem." She seemed to have read his mind, and set off after Natsu, conversing with Natsu and the cat like it was nothing.

"You trust her to look after Natsu?" Erik asked, eyebrows raised.

"Of course I do, they get along great, and she's really responsible. She's shift manager at our work."

"So the two of you work together?"

"Yeah, she's a waitress."

"And how do your employers feel about workplace romances?" Zeref's face heated up again.

"I-we're not- it's not-" but the look on Erik's face told Zeref he wasn't buying it. "It's a tourist luau in a high rise resort not the FBI. They don't have an anti-fraternization rule."

"Fair enough." Zeref sat down on the couch and Erik took the arm chair. "So, does your girlfriend stay overnight much?"

"She's not my- how is that- why would you-?"

"If there are women staying the night frequently at your home it speaks to Natsu's living conditions."

"She's never stayed the night, and for the record, she's not my girlfriend."

"You spend a lot of time with her, and Natsu seems to think she is."

"Well he's a perceptive kid, and… we've talked about it, I've got too much on my plate to worry about keeping a girlfriend, Mavis understands, if you must know." Erik nodded, like Zeref had passed some sort of test, which emboldened him.

"She seemed good with him," Erik commented.

"She great, Natsu adores her, and she really loves him."

"It's good. How is Natsu doing with the loss of your parents?" Zeref sucked in a breath at the pang in his chest, it was still a bit of raw wound for him too. At least Erik was asking him normal questions now, instead of standing in silent judgement of the things Zeref was doing. He could handle questions about Natsu's well being, it was practically all he thought about anyway.

"As well as can be expected, he misses them, obviously, we talk about it some, but I don't want to keep dragging it up so much he can't move on, you know? There's this little girl he has a crush on, Lucy I think, that just lost her mother, and I think it's been good for him to have someone around his age to talk to."

"That's good. He seems happy, if not reckless and frequently injured." Zeref shifted uncomfortably.

"All kids have accidents, right?"

"Not all kids end up in the emergency room for stitches on their head."

"Not all kids are genetically half of my mother and father, they both have plenty of stories about dumb things they did and got hurt. It's a miracle either of them survived into adulthood. Believe me when I say me being cautious is the outlier here." He was quiet for a few moments before a crash echoing through the house interrupted them.

Zeref was on his feet and out of the room before Erik even had a chance to register what was going on. He vaulted through the door to Natsu's room to see Natsu sitting on Mavis's hip grinning madly. Mavis's eyes were trained on something five feet off the ground, looking shocked. Zeref's brain was refusing to process what his eyes told his brain they were seeing.

It appeared to be the cat, Happy, floating in the air, with a pair of fluffy white angel wings protruding from his back.

"What the hell?" Zeref breathed.

"ZEREF THAT'S A BAD WORD!" The childish proclamation brought him out of his stupor and he shook his head to try and clear his mind.

"Right, sorry. But, am I actually seeing what I think I am?"

"Holy hell," Erik breathed.


"Yeah Erik," Mavis said. "You shouldn't swear around children, you could be a bad influence."

"Young children are very impressionable," Natsu commented matter-of-factly.

"He's right you know," Zeref added. "For someone whose entire job is around children, you really don't have much of a bedside manner."

"You swore too," Natsu pointed out.

"Yes but I'm but a teenager, all we do is angst and get unreasonably angry, isn't that right Mavis?"

"Oh absolutely, I'm made of angst."

"What's angst?" Natsu asked.

"Not Mavis," Zeref responded.

"Is nobody else seeing the flying blue cat or…"

"My name is Happy!" Happy said.

But no, that couldn't be right, cats can't talk. Happy couldn't have said that. Except cats couldn't fly either, and Happy was doing that. What the hell was going on here?

"You can talk!" Natsu exclaimed happily.

"Yup! I sure can!" Zeref exchanged a look with Erik and Mavis that said, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

*A/N- Hey sorry about this chapter being so short, this really just felt like the place to leave it, you know?