Chapter #1

Life's a bitch. It really is. My boss is a dick and I have no interest in being here, but here I am anyway, interviewing another wrestler. He sent me to this WWE convention to get the latest news on what's going on in the wrestling industry. I work for a sports magazine and as far as I'm concerned, wrestling is not a sport but a weird form of entertainment. Many will disagree with me but I don't care. I never cared about anything others think anyway. My boss added this wrestling section in our magazine a couple of months ago and I have to admit that it's working pretty well. People just love it. We've been covering all the important events since then and everybody at work was pleased with it except for me. In fact, I was happy with it until he asked me to do the interviews. I'm supposed to be in charge of the content and I'm the one giving the final approval on everything so why the hell am I here, asking dumb questions to those wrestlers? Because the girl that normally did the interviews decided to take off to Paris for a two months' vacation and my boss decided that I would be the one replacing her until she comes back. If it was just for me, I would've replaced her with someone new, but Mandy was apparently very important for the company. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but I really thought I was done with doing interviews and writing articles. I haven't done that in two years and I was very happy with my life until my boss sent me to this convention in New York.

"Alright, I think I'm done." I said as I closed the recording app on my phone.

Dolph Ziggler looked at me straight in the eyes and gave me what I suspect was his best smile. The guy was very handsome but there was something about him that was making me uncomfortable. He didn't care about the interview and he made it pretty clear by asking me out right away. I hadn't even asked my first question that he already wanted to know what I had planned for the night.

"You're sure you don't have any more questions?" he asked, smiling.

I was absolutely sure of it and all I wanted was to get the hell out of there. I wasn't allowed to let him know how I felt about his flirty tone. The image of the magazine rested on my shoulder and I just had to stay polite with him, but he was annoying me so much. All I wanted was to tell him to go fuck himself but I'm not sure that my boss would appreciate it.

"So… you didn't answer me earlier, what are your plans for the night?" he asked

"Getting back to the hotel and get to bed early." I answered, hoping he would get the message.

"And you want company?"

He smiled at me and I have to admit that I almost fell for it. He was cute. In fact, he was hot. Really really hot, but I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to.

"Hey Ziggler!" I heard a little further away from us. "Leave the poor girl alone."

Nikki Bella, the girl that I interviewed earlier was coming to my rescue and I couldn't be happier. As Dolph was snapping back at her, I sneak away and hide somewhere he couldn't find me. I looked like an idiot but I didn't care. I just needed air. I hated when guys were hitting on me. Any girl would love it, especially if the guy was as hot as Ziggler, but this whole flirting thing was making me uncomfortable.

"Was I dreaming or did Dolph Ziggler just tried to get in your pants." I heard on my right, making me jump.

My heart was beating fast from the scare as I turn around to face my friend. Felix was standing beside me and he had a grin on his face. The kind of grin that I hated. The kind of grin he was always giving me when we were talking about guys hitting on me. Felix was my colleague and my best friend. We met back in high school and we never left each other since then. He was the brother that I never had and we were very close.

"Yeah, like that's going to happen." I said, laughing. "I'm not letting him get his hands on me."

"I would." he let out in a sigh.

People always questioned the relation Felix and I have. They never understood that we were just friends and that nothing will never ever happen between us. Everybody thought we were fuck friends and that rumor made us laugh so much. Felix was gay and he was really proud to be. Even if it took him a lot of time to accept it, he was now very comfortable in his own skin. A little too much sometimes. I hated it when people were picking on him back in high school because they thought he was so different. He was not. He was the most loveable human being in existence and he still was. He was the one keeping me sane.

"I don't want to burst your bubble Fe' but he's not playing in your team." I told him as I pat his shoulder in consolation.

"You'd be surprised honey, there isn't a lot of people who could resist me."

I frowned my eyebrows and shook my head. Like I said, too comfortable about his sexuality. Felix was hot. If he would've been into girls, I would've dated him any time. The guy knew how hot he was and he was convinced that everybody wanted him. Judging by the look all the girls and guys were giving him, I was forced to believe he was telling the truth.

"Are you done with your interviews?" I asked him to change the subject.

I didn't want to talk about Ziggler anymore.

"I've got a couple more and then I'm done. What about you?"

"I have one left."

"Who is it?"

"Hum, let met check…" I said as I took a list out of my back pocket. "It's Seth Rollins."

"Lucky you."

Felix winked and walked away from me.

"Fe' hold on!" I yelled. "I don't know which one it is!"

I knew nothing about wrestling and I had no idea who was who. Yes, we had a section dedicated to WWE but I've never read it. Felix had been pointing out everyone for me since we arrived to the convention.

"Look for the belt!" he yelled back.

"Felix, get your ass back here, I need your help!" I yelled.

My friend was gone and he didn't hear me. I was standing in the middle of the room with no idea who the guy I had to interview was. Everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy because I was yelling but I didn't care. I took a look around me, trying to figure out who Seth Rollins would be. Felix said to look for the belt, but there was like a million of them everywhere. Alright, there were only six but that was enough for me to get confused. I spotted one big guy a little further away, thinking it might be him but then I remembered that I already talked to him so I knew he wasn't the guy I was looking for. I looked for Felix but he was busy interviewing someone else so I couldn't ask for his help. This whole thing was pissing me off and all I wanted to do was to get back to the hotel and forget about this crappy day but I knew my boss would get mad at me if I didn't finish my job. I thought of taking my phone to Google his name when my eyes crossed paths with these beautiful big brown chocolate eyes. There was this guy at the other end of the room that was staring at me and his gaze was so intense that it took my breath away for a second. He had a belt on his shoulder and I immediately knew he was the guy that I was looking for.

"You're Seth Rollins, right?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"They sent you to do the interview and you don't even know who I am?" he said with an arrogant tone.

"Sorry, this place is crazy with all these people and I wasn't sure…" I snapped back. "I'm Alison."

"Yeah, this is a dangerous place for a little girl like you." he said, interrupting me.

Coming from Dolph Ziggler, it would've been cute. Cheesy, but cute. Coming from Rollins, it was just mean. The guy was a jerk. I looked at him, speechless. His gaze was intimidating but I was not the kind of girl that would be impressed by it.

"Aren't you suppose to ask me questions?" Seth asked.

I frowned my eyebrows and sighed heavily. I took out my phone out of my pockets and started the recorder. He was the last one. My last interview for the day and probably the last I would ever do. I looked at my questions and started asking them. Rollins was answering every one of them but he still had that arrogant tone that I hated. I was fuming on the inside and I wanted to punch him in the mouth. I was not in the mood, this day had been shitty and he was making it worse.

"Are you nervous about your big match tomorrow?" I asked after I looked at the question on my piece of paper.

"Me? Nervous?" he said, laughing. "Clearly you didn't do any research on me before you prepared your questions. I never get nervous before a match. I'm the Man. I know what I'm doing."

"Hold on a second." I said as I turned off the recorder on my phone. "Off the record, I don't care about you and your freaking match, OK? I've been asked to interview you and believe me, that's the last thing I want to do right now, so would you please just answer my damn questions so that we could both move on with our lives?"

I was pissed. Seth looked at me, surprised. Clearly, he wasn't used to people talking to him like that, but I didn't care.

"Thank you." I said as I turn the recorder back on.

I was about to ask my question again when Seth ripped the phone away from my hand. He turned off the recorder and looked at me.

"Off the record, you need this interview more than I do so I suggest you stay nice, little girl."

"That's it." I snapped. "I'm out."

I took my phone back and left. I couldn't handle it. The anger in me was growing and I just had to get out of there.

"Hey, where are you going?" Seth yelled at me.

"Go fuck yourself!"

Screw him. Screw the magazine's reputation. I didn't give a damn about it. I wasn't going to let a stupid wrestler talk to me like that. My boss was going to be pissed but I didn't give a shit about that either. I was about to leave the room when I bumped into Felix.

"Good you're here."

"What's going on? Are you OK?" he asked me.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I need you to finish the interview with Seth Rollins." I said as I was heading outside.

Felix grabbed my arm and forced me to stop. He looked at me straight in the eyes with his concerned look. I couldn't lie to him. I never could. He had a gift when it came to know when I wasn't feeling good.

"Why? You didn't find him?"

"Oh believe me, I did!" I said with a fake smile. "He's an asshole and I'm not in the mood for that. I'm not a journalist for Christ's sake. I'm supposed to be in charge of the content. I'm certainly not going to let some jackass dictate what I should or shouldn't do."

"Woah, what the hell did he say to you?" Felix asked.

I looked at my friend and shook my head. Maybe I was overreacting. Did Seth was that mean to me?

Yes, he was, I thought.

"Please Fe', just cover for me OK?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm heading back to the hotel, I'll catch up with you later!" I said as I headed outside. "Oh and don't tell Bert about this!"

If my boss knew I asked Felix to cover for me again, he would be pissed. He's always mad at me anyway but I didn't want to give him another reason to be.