So since they showed those fillers about Naruto's life if his parents never died I've had this story in the back of my head, there where parts I liked and parts I didn't like. So this will be how I would have done it...kind of, I'm also adding stuff that would be cool.

There was no Nine Tail attack, no Coup, Minato Namikaze showed his talent and quelled all hostility between the Uchiha Clan and the Village, his desire for a united Village inspired many and his reign as Hokage has never been more secure. However in his absence Naruto has developed his own dislike of the village and Kushina fears it will drive him away.

So here are the details

Canon pairings

Itachi X Izumi (Minor) disliked how they changed it in the anime from the novel; I like the Idea of this pair

Shisui X someone (Do you have a pairing for him) someone from the leaf

Storm Release/Flying Raijin Naruto prodigy Naruto, he won't be overpowered but he will be stronger than his age group. I was going to give him Wood Release but I figured it was over used by now.

Less loner type Sasuke as the chapters develop

And finally those who are about to review asking if I am continuing "A Fresh Start", I am working on the next chapter but am struggling because the Tartaros Arc doesn't appeal to me.

Chapter 1: Team 7
Namikaze Naruto

It was a hot summer day in the Village Hidden in the Leaves; the time had the sun beaming in through the windows of the Hokage mansion. "The Graduation Ceremony is in an hour" Minato thinks, his son was graduating today, joint top of the class with Sasuke of the Uchiha clan and Itachi's little brother. "I'll have to finish these teams later" he thinks standing up and placing his Hokage hat on and heading out to meet with Kushina and Naruto.

"Yondaime a moment" he pauses seeing Danzo approach; he's never trusted Danzo from the moment he met him. "I was wondering when you would be sending the files of the students being brought into Root to my office" the elder asks.

When Fugaku was ignored in favour of himself as Forth Hokage and the Uchiha had expressed desire about cutting ties from the leaf, Danzo pushed to have then executed as traitors and so their Sharingan from falling into enemy villages. This act almost came to flourish until Fugaku himself came to meet and discuss new terms.


"Absolutely not!" Danzo protested, "Your clan has earned these restrictions for a reason!" he declared, true the Uchiha had always been standoffish and the Second Hokage's distrust of their clan along with their role as the Villages Police had made the Villagers distrust the clan as a whole.

"We have served the Village's interest for decades, we have allowed you to spy on our clan even our most intimate moments" Fugaku begins "And we've accepted it with the goal of having a more impactful role within the villages politics" he stares right at Minato "But we now know that we will always be seen as outsiders...if you truly wish for us to remain, at least give us our privacy, you don't spy on the Hyuga or Nara clan" he adds, behind him stood his son Itachi, he wanted his son to see how the elders treat their clans to prepare him for when he is clan head.

"There is a reason; your clan has tried usurping power before, you act in your own self interest and care nothing for the future of This Village" Danzo states, he tried for years to get Uchiha into his foundation, but thanks to the Hiruzen The Uchiha governed themselves and thus where immune to the ideology of clans giving up a child to ROOT.

"When we try to extend an olive branch you slap it away and make demands, well no more, I am making the demands" Fugaku crosses his arms.

"Lord Forth, what is your take on these matters" Hiruzen asks, the other councillors were about to make their opinions known but the former Kage knew they agreed with Danzo. It was up to Minato to make the right call.

"Fugaku...I consider us friends, Mikoto has helped Kushina with the trials of pregnancy in ways I could never do" he begins with a personal not "I agree that it's been a long rough relationship between your clan and this village, it's time we bring an end to the hostility" he says with a serious expression "As of this moment all cameras within the Uchiha Compound will be deactivated" he begins ignoring the protests from his advisors "However if you want to become involved in the politics of the village you must surrender the Uchiha's right to govern its own...our choices should effect all who call the village home" he says and Fugaku nods. "If you all agree to these conditions then I call the meeting" Minato pauses as Danzo speaks up.

"If The Uchiha are coming into the inner folds of the village then by village rights the clan must hand over a child for the Root OP" the elder man smirks slightly "This is your son am I right?" he asks eying the boy "I have heard he is already a Genin despite being so young" his eyes flash a look at the leader of the Uchiha clan "I would accept him under these terms" he finishes as Fugaku activates his Sharingan in anger.

"How dare you!" he growls putting his son firmly behind him "Itachi is the future of the Uchiha, I will give you no child from my clan. We are not the Nara, Aburame or Yamanaka!" he states

"Then the situation does not change" Danzo says firmly "This response clearly shows the Uchiha are hiding something Lord Forth and must not be trusted" he says and Fugaku realizes he has been played, Danzo knew how he would respond and acted accordingly.

"That initiative only applies during war" Minato says "Lord Fugaku's anger is that of a father protecting his son" he states suprising both "I have only just become a father myself so I understand this and will not punish him for it" he turns to Danzo "Have you been using the Root OP initiative to take children from the clans of this village?" he asks and Danzo shrinks slightly.

"The need for strong Shinobi will always be high, in times of peace we must gather our forces in preparation for when war inevitably breaks out" Danzo begins "Shinobi like yourself Minato are once on a lifetime but the majority of Shinobi are common at best, my Root agents will carry out any task without fail, they don't look for fame or glory...protecting this village is their only objective" he states.

"And they would kill every person who lives here to protect its secrets" Minato adds having dealt with Root before during the war. "Tomorrow morning I want a full listing of all the children you have taken, they will be returned to their clans along with a personally apology from you" Minato says and Danzo glares "Failure to do so will result in you being exiled from this village and placed in the Bingo book"

"Of course Lord Forth" Danzo says excusing himself, defeated...for now.

Flashback End_-_

Minato made his way to the academy, greeting a few villagers on his way. Spotting his wife was easy, he could spot her beautiful red hair from anywhere...plus she had Ibiki in a headlock.

"Don't ask such personal questions again!" she says as the stunned audience tried to ignore the petite red head choke out the scariest looking man in the village.

"K-Kushina" Minato says and in a startled yelp she drops the man to the floor "What's going on?"

"N-Nothing, just a personal disagreement" She says with pink cheeks from getting caught in the act, soon after the other parents arrived and the ceremony began. Each student waited for their name to be called, "I think they called out the top student's last right?" she asks and Minato nods. "Hinata Hyuga" Kushina smiles, "She's the girl who stalks our son" she points "It's adorable" she squeals.

"Naruto doesn't know?" he asks

"Naruto doesn't care" she sighs

"Sakura Haruno!" the pink haired student walks onto the stage nervously, "I didn't expect to get so embarrassed" she thinks looking back seeing the top male students awaiting their turn. "Sasuke is staring in my general direction!" She mentally sequels, accepting her certificate and Head band she walks off stage and joins her class.

"Sasuke Uchiha!" The cool and composed Uchiha makes his way onto the stage, he steals a glance and sees only his father and mother in the crowd "Must still be on a mission" he thinks before accepting his headband and Certificate and joining the class.

"Naruto Namikaze!" Kushina cheers loudly as her son takes his place center stage "Our boy looks so handsome and strong!" she says tugging on Minato's sleeve "I bet he is as fast as you" she says picking up a rock.

"Don't risk it, it's his big day and we don't want to ruin it" Minato tries to stop her from doing what she was about to do but the proud mother was having none of it, in her eyes Naruto would catch the stone with ease, even while distracted and hands full.

She hurled to stone as hard as she could "Show them how amazing you are Naruto!" she beams, her big smile turns to horror as the stone collides with the side of her sons head causing him to drop his Certificate and Headband. Time slows as Kushina contemplates her mistake "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE DONE! I'VE KILLED HIM, WHAT WAS I THINKING? I JUST HAD TO DO-" the horror of the moment turns to confusion as Naruto disappears in a puff of smoke "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STONE made !?"

"It wasn't the stone...it was a Shadow Clone" Minato says gaining everyone's attention "Similar to the Clone Jutsu except it makes a solid clone" he explains "But...where is the real Naruto?" He thinks

The Forest

Naruto looks back at the village and sighs "Mom...you are too much sometimes" he thinks turning back to the boards, he knew he would have to answer for skipping the ceremony but he didn't see the need to go, it was a waste of time. He forms the Hand signs Rat, Tiger, Dog, snake, and Dragon "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu" he unleashing a barrage of beams into the targets destroying them.

"As expected from the Yondaime's son" Naruto looks up to see to Uchiha staring at him, one was Shisui "the Body Flicker" and the other was Itachi "The Crow". "Skipping your graduation ceremony...sound familiar Itachi?" Shisui smirks as Itachi stares at the blond boy who was the spitting image of Minato.


Once the other elders left leaving the meeting leaving Minato Fugaku and Itachi alone...

"Thank you Yondaime" Fugaku bows "I allowed that man to get under my skin" he says and Minato smiles slightly.

"Believe it or not he does mean well, he truly wants peace...but he is from a different era where peace and control where the same thing" Minato says and faces Itachi "I've heard a lot about you from the academy Itachi" he says and the young Uchiha looks at the blonde nervously. "They said you graduated in two months?"

"My boy is a true prodigy, like none I've ever seen, I dare say he will surpass even you lord Forth" Fugaku boasts and Minato laughs slightly.

"Then I have a mission for you Itachi" Minato says getting to eye level with the boy
"What is it?" Itachi asks innocently
"protect this village and the future generations" he says and Itachi nods
"I will"

Flashback end_-_

Itachi could see Naruto wasn't like his father, that day Minato inspired him to rise to the rank of Hokage one day. Naruto skipped the ceremony because it didn't appeal to him. "Your father wants to see you" he says and Naruto scoffs drawing a Raijin Kunai and tossing it into the forest.

"If his highness wants to talk let him come find me" Naruto says smirking "Still I'm surprised you Uchiha can climb trees" he says confusing them "The way Sasuke goes on about how oppressed your clan is I thought you were all nailed to the ground" he states and Shisui laughs slightly.

"Maybe we left those shoes at home so we would be able to keep up with you...like father like son" Shisui says forming the Tiger, Dog and Rat hand signs and Naruto smirks.

"Smart" was the only word uttered as Naruto scattered many marked Kunai around the area and Shisui summoned 15 afterimage clones.

It was only because of the Sharingan Itachi could keep up with the two sparring, "Naruto is as strong as I expected" he thinks "But speed on its own isn't enough to beat Shisui" he says.

Shisui begins using his clones to travel to each Kunai destroying them as Naruto appears, doing so to corner the blonde...or so he thought as he reached the very first Kunai he threw on its own, he knew the boy planned to use it as his escape but he was taken back when the Kunai had actually been rigged, he was too close to dodge as Senbon scattered all over the area pinning the wildlife in place.

Naruto appeared in front of Itachi holding one Kunai left "Are you called crow because you can fly?" he asks and Itachi hops down.

"You are indeed skilled, I see why Sasuke considers you a rival, however like Sasuke you have one fatal flaw" Itachi says and before he can ask what Shisui chops him on the back of the neck causing his body to go limp as he passes out. "You let your guard down" he says to his fellow Uchiha.

"Yeah..." Shisui agrees picking the Senbon from his arm "Had this been a fight to the death" he begins but Itachi cuts him off.

"You would have taken him seriously" Itachi states pulling one of the Senbon from his friends back "That attack was clever" he admits "But something like that would but his team in danger too"

"I heard Naruto is the only person who scored lower than Sasuke when it came to team assignments" Shisui says picking the boy up "It'll be interesting to see who he gets teamed up with"

"Interesting indeed"

_Namikaze household_

"Do you know how worried I was?" Kushina asks with her hands on her hips "and how disrespectful it is to your classmates?" she begins pacing; Minato had decided to take a step back and wait for Naruto to derail his mother with a single sentence.

"Who throws a stone at the child's head intentionally?" he asks and Minato prepares to step in as his beloved wife begins to fumble for a rebuttal.

"What your mother is trying to say is now you are a Shinobi" Minato begins seeing his son look at him first before the Headband on his lap, "Those who graduated with you will be who you go on missions with, whose lives with be in your hands, and whose hands will hold your life" he sits beside his son and Kushina takes the other side "From today on the training wheels are off, you are by all accounts an adult, the safety of this village is in your hands" he looks at Kushina.

"As strong as you are you can't do everything alone and even if you could you shouldn't" Kushina says softly combing Naruto's hair "I want you to make friends and fill your room with pictures of a happy life" she says and he looks at the headband again with more of a thoughtful look.

"Team, friends, safety of the village huh?"

The Academy

The graduates where in a room away from those repeating, today they would be paired into teams of three and be assigned Jonin instructors. Naruto and Sasuke sat beside one another like always, "I heard you picked a fight with members of my clan Namikaze" Sasuke says "And you got creamed" he smirks

"It took your brother, and a famous elite to bring down a graduate from the academy" Naruto yawns "Your clan must be so proud" he says sarcastically as Sasuke glares.

"If you think they took you serious then you are deluded" Sasuke retorts as Iruka comes in quelling the chatter.

"Congratulations to you all, you are now Genin, while the lowest rank a Shinobi holds it is the start to what will hopefully be a long successful career" he begins "However as you are all inexperienced you will be paired into groups of 3 under the command of a Jonin Sensei" he says suprising a few of the none clan Genin, but as expected the clan remembered Genin where aware. Three by three Genin where called out and ushered from the room by their Jonin, soon he got to team 7 "Sasuke Uchiha" he calls out and the Raven haired Genin stands up, "Sakura Haruno" he says and the pink haired Kunoichi jumps to her feet celebrating "and Naruto Namikaze" the whole room goes silent as Naruto stands up "Your Jonin is late so you can wait here" he finishes.

Soon all the names had been called and teams dispersed, leaving the three to wait "I wonder where this guy is" Sakura says sitting as close as possible to Sasuke who sighed at her slightly, "Who knows, maybe it's a test, he wants to see how long we wait for him" she suggests.

"That's stupid" Sasuke says "We could be training or something, instead we are just wasting time" he adds and Naruto heads for the door.

"Then there's only one solution" he says opening the door, only to be greeted by a familiar yet covered face "Kakashi...you're our Sensei?" he asks.

"Good to see you are as patient as ever Naruto" Kakashi says and looks at the clock seeing he is two hours late "Or...oops" he coughs "Anyway head up to the roof and we will continue there" he disappears in a cloud of smoke.

_The Roof_

"How did we beat him up here?" Sakura asks stunned, he had disappeared again "Is this guy for real?" she taps her foot.

"I'd like to think so" she hears Kakashi say, he was hold some groceries "Anyway I'd like for you all to introduce yourselves and tell us a little something about yourself" he says. "Well can you go first, maybe give us an example?" he hears Sakura ask, "Fair enough, my name is Kakashi Hatake, have hobbies and dreams, none of which matter to you" he says and Sakura sweat drops. "You first pink" he says and Sasuke clears her throat.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, There is someone I like" she glances at Sasuke who seems oblivious "I hope to marry him and maybe start a family" she says blushing at her Uchiha teammate.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, There are many people and things that annoy me, and very few things that I like" he begins "I want to surpass my brother as Heir to the Uchiha clan Head" he says and Kakashi looks at Naruto.

"My name in Naruto Namikaze, I don't have any dream...I like training and Ramen" he says simply and Kakashi nods.

"Good, bring your gear to Training Ground 7 at dawn, make sure not to eat any breakfast" Kakashi says and disappears leaving the trio alone.

"See you tomorrow" Naruto says waving the two off, he decided to be nice to whoever he was paired with...and of course it was with Sasuke and one of his fan girls.

"Yeah...it will be interesting to see how you fight without restrictions" Sasuke says turning and leaving.

"W-What does he mean?" Sakura asks worriedly and Naruto looks at her with a bemused expression, she had only just realized that he meant sparring; it was likely Kakashi would be testing their abilities to see where they would need to focus. She was good at moulding Chakra, and she could hit the target with a Kunai, but she never really trained outside of school and now she was on a team with the strongest students in the school.

"See yeah tomorrow Sakura" Naruto says "Remember not to eat breakfast" he smirks seeing her pail before running off to prepare, "She'll be fun to torment" he thinks, "Kakashi must have quit ANBU if he's taking a Genin team" he walks down the main street of Konoha and he smirks.


The End

Hope you like this pilot, I hope to focus on this while building myself up to work on my other stories, so make sure you let me know what you think, it will follow a similar path as "Naruto Namikaze" if you have read that story before.

Till Next Time
