Title: One Night Only

Rating: M for smut

Pairing: Killian/Emma

Characters: Killian, Emma

Category: Romance/Drama

Summary: Killian is the production manager for the band The Lost Boys. Emma is the event organizer at the concert venue in Boston that they visit once a year on their tour. Over six years, Emma and Killian spend one night together every year.

Note: So even though this was long, I originally posted it as one part since I felt that the concept of the story made it best to read all at once, But then I started thinking that it's length may be too much for one sitting for some, so I broke it into two parts and just posted them both. Hope you enjoy it! ~Steph

...One Night Only: Part 1/2…

~The First Night: July 8th, 2011~

"Emma Swan?" she heard come from behind her.

Emma turned around to face the voice. Her eyes met sparkling blue ones on an impossibly handsome face. She felt her breath hitch in her chest for a moment.

"That's right. I'm the event organizer here at the TD Garden," she finally said. "And you are?"

It was his turn to be taken aback. Her beauty caught him off guard, his gaze moving from her eyes to her full lips.

He extended his hand. "Killian Jones, production manager for The Lost Boys."

The Lost Boys were a 90's rock band that had several hit albums. After half a decade of success, all of their subsequent albums failed. Unfortunately for them, they had squandered their entire fortune. In order to make money, they started going on year long U.S. tours. They were so successful that they continued on year after year, with only a few weeks break each year.

"Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?" she asked.

His tongue darted out to lick at his lips. "Well, love, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but-.."

Emma held up a hand to halt him. "Let me stop you right there. First of all, I am not your love. We've known each other for all of 5 seconds. Second of all, in my experience, when someone says they don't want to tell you how to do your job, they usually follow it by telling you how to do your job."

His lips slid into a grin. "You're a spitfire. I like that."

She rolled her eyes. "Are you going to tell me what you need? Because I'm pretty busy trying to get ready for your band's show tonight."

"Well, then we have something in common because I am trying to do exactly that as well. Listen, the band will be here soon and the heat isn't on in their dressing rooms."

Emma lifted her eyebrows. "Heat? It's 80 degrees outside."

"I am well aware of that, but the band prefers that their rooms be kept at 85 degrees. Something to do with their vocal chords. Honestly, I haven't a bloody clue. But we need to switch off the A/C and crank up the heat for a bit to bring the temperature up."

Emma brought her fingers up and squeezed at her brow. "Unbelievable."

Emma had only had this job as event organizer for the TD Garden in Boston for two months. She was still learning the ropes, but she had little patience for bands that made unreasonable demands.

Killian cocked his head to the side. "I never had to tell Stan. The rooms were always a balmy 85 when we arrived."

Emma sighed. "Well, Stan retired so you're stuck with me now. I'll see what I can do."

She turned on her heel to walk away when his voice stopped her.

"One more thing."

She slowly spun around. "What?"

"Do you like coffee?" he asked. "Or perhaps tea?"

Emma crossed her arms over her chest and tried to hide her smile. "What does this have to do with the concert?"

"Not a thing," he replied with a grin. "I just prefer not to drink alone following the concert."

"I find it hard to believe that your drink of choice is coffee and tea after concerts." She paused and then allowed her gaze to sweep down his body. "I also find it hard to believe that you have any problem finding women to drink with you."

"Contrary to popular belief, us roadies as we're commonly known, do not typically attract the groupies. They're interested in the band, not us. I've learned that the hard way."

Emma nodded. "Well, Mr. Jones-..."


"Killian, I don't socialize with the people I work with, especially those that come in with the bands. They come and go. I find it much easier and less messy to keep things purely professional."

Killian bobbed his head, as he tried to hide his disappointment. "Fair enough. If you change your mind, I'll be at the South Street Diner after the concert."

He turned around and walked away from her. Emma's eyes remained on him until he disappeared from view.

He normally sat at the counter in diners. He felt it made the fact that he was alone seem less obvious and pathetic. But tonight he chose to sit in a booth. He was hopeful that maybe tonight would be different. Maybe tonight he wouldn't be alone.

He kept glancing out the window, hoping to catch sight of Emma walking down the sidewalk towards him. Killian met many women in his line of work, but they were usually interested in what he could do for them. Could he get them tickets? Could he get them backstage passes? Could he get them invited to any after parties? And the women he met who worked at the venues often reacted as Emma did. They didn't want to connect with a man who would be gone the next day and wouldn't return again for a year, if that.

Despite having a crew that he was constantly with on the tour bus and in motels, he was in a perpetual state of loneliness. He had a girlfriend three years earlier when he had taken the job. He and Milah had been dating for two years, living together for one. She was supportive when he took the job with The Lost Boys. She knew he had dreamt of working on a band's crew for years. But the constant traveling took a toll on their relationship. The last straw was when he failed to make it back home to New York that first Christmas. Milah ended it on New Year's Eve and he couldn't say he blamed her. He had been alone ever since.

Killian looked out the window again, as he sipped his tea. He was on his fourth cup. He had been there for over an hour. It became painfully obvious that she wasn't coming. With a heavy sigh, he finished his cup and threw some money down on the table. Killian stood up and walked out of the diner, surprised at how chilly it had become on that July night.

"Coffee. Two sugars," he heard come from behind him before he made it more than a yard down the sidewalk.

Killian stopped in his tracks, a slow smile spreading across his lips. He turned around and found himself face to face with Emma.

"You changed your mind."

Emma shrugged. "I was thirsty."

"No need to lie, love. I can call you love now, right? We've known each other for at least five minutes."

Emma fought her smile. He was charming for sure and he knew it. She knew this was a mistake. Everything in her body said to keep going on the orange line until she made it to her normal stop. But instead she found herself getting off and heading to the diner. She couldn't even explain why.

She offered him no response. She just turned around and walked into the diner. He hesitated for a moment and then followed her. She sat down in the same booth he had just vacated and he sat across from her.

"I have a confession to make," she said, her eyes glancing up from the menu.

"What's that?" he asked, his eyebrows peaking.

"I didn't come here for coffee," she said, her voice lowering seductively, as she leaned toward him.

Killian's eyes searched hers, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips. "Is that right? What did you come for then?"

She ran her tongue slowly across her teeth. Killian felt his heart start to race.

"I came for," she paused for a long moment, "the grilled cheese and onion rings."

"What?" he asked, a breath releasing from his lips he didn't even know he'd been holding.

She shrugged nonchalantly. "They're my favorite late night guilty pleasure." She eyed him and smiled, suppressing her laugh at his face. "Why? What did you think I was going to say?"

Killian shook his head. "Nothing, love."

They ordered and then lapsed into an awkward silence. Killian finally broke it.

"How long have you had the job?"

"Two months. I kind of fell into it. I was an event planner and then I heard of this job. I figured I'd give it a try."

"Do you like it?"

"I'm still learning. It definitely has its challenges. But I enjoy it most days."

Killian nodded. "I imagine it requires long hours. It must not allow for much free time." He paused for a moment. "How does your boyfriend feel about that?"

She chuckled. "Subtle. I don't have a boyfriend."

He raised his brow. "A beautiful, smart lass like yourself? The men in in this city must be mad."

She shrugged, her eyes moving down to her menu. "It's like you said. I don't have much time for a social life."

Killian eyed her, sensing she was holding something back. "You've had your heart broken, haven't you?"

Her head whipped up and she met his eyes. "What makes you say that?"

"You have that look in your eyes. The same one I see when I look in the mirror."

Emma slowly nodded. "I see. Some woman broke your heart, so you fill that void with a different woman in every city."

He shook his head. "It didn't take me long to realize I was being used by the women who approached me on tour. Now I find it much easier to ignore them all together."

"And what about women like me? The ones you work with at every venue?"

He sighed heavily. "They're like you, love. They aren't interested in a man they can only see once a year."

Emma bobbed her head slowly. "So I guess the question is: what am I doing here then?"

He felt his lips twitch into a smile. "I thought you were here for the grilled cheese and onion rings."

Her lips spread into a smile. "Ah, that's right. I almost forgot."

Their food arrived a few minutes later and they lapsed into an easy conversation.

"Tell me about your family," he said.

Emma dropped her eyes to her plate. "There isn't much to tell. I was abandoned by my parents as an infant and raised in foster care."

Killian's brow lifted in surprise. "I'm sorry." He paused and then added. "So that's where the look in your eyes came from."

She finally met his gaze. "I guess. I've always wanted a family. A real family." She paused and then added softly, "And someone who will stay."

Killian swallowed roughly. "I understand that all too well. My father abandoned my mother, brother and I when I was just a lad. My mother died shortly thereafter and my brother perished in a car accident a few years after we moved to the states. And my only serious relationship ended when she couldn't deal with the long distance aspect."

Emma reached out and covered her hand with his. "I'm so sorry."

He managed a weak smile. "It's strange. I am with all of these people day and night and we've become like a family, but I've never felt lonelier. This life takes its toll."

They stared at each other for a long moment and then Emma reluctantly moved her hand from his. They finished their meals and Killian insisted on paying. They then exited the diner and stood there for a few moments, neither wanting the night to end.

"It's late and I have to get up early," Emma finally said.

"As do I. We must hit the road bright and early," he said. "Can I get your number? I'd like to keep in touch."

Emma hesitated for a long moment and then shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Killian felt his heart sink a bit. He took a step closer to her, his eyes sweeping across her face. "Why not, love?"

The intense way he was looking at her was making her breathing become erratic. "Because I...I don't think we should get...you know...attached to each other or anything when we're only guaranteed to see each other once a year. Even as friends."

He bobbed his head in agreement. "I suppose you're right. I suppose I shouldn't friend you on Facebook then either."

Emma suppressed her grin. "Nope."

"Follow you on Twitter?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Emma chuckled. "No contact."

He paused and then asked with a slight smile, "Same time next year then?"

Emma flashed him a smile and then shrugged her shoulders. "Guess we'll see."

She then turned on her heel and walked away. Killian watched her until she disappeared from view.

~The Second Night: July 11th, 2012

"Ah, if it isn't Killian Jones," Emma said, as she came to stand behind him.

Killian had been checking on a sound issue when he heard her voice. His lips slipped into an easy smile as he turned around. He wished he could say she didn't cross his mind on his way there today, but that would be a lie. He wished he could say she didn't cross his mind in the past year, but that too would be a lie.

"Emma Swan," he said.

Emma felt her breath catch at his smile, just as it had the first time she laid eyes on him. She would be lying if she said she hadn't searched for The Lost Boys on the concert schedule for that year when it had first come out. And she'd be lying if she said she hadn't been looking for him the moment she arrived at work today.

"Long time no see," she said.

"I was actually just about to come find you. I wanted to express my gratitude for making sure the band's dressing rooms were the perfect temperature."

"You don't have to tell me twice," she said.

They fell into an awkward silence then. Both had eagerly anticipated seeing each other again and now they had no clue what to say.

Emma swallowed roughly, as she realized her throat suddenly felt dry. She hooked a thumb behind her. "Well, I better get back to work."

"Aye, I must as well," he replied.

"Let me know if you need anything," she said, as she backpedaled.

Killian's eyes remained on her until she turned away from him.


The concert was a complete disaster. There was problem after problem. The sound cut out, a light fell and nearly took out the lead singer, and a pyrotechnics special effect went haywire and landed just feet from the fans.

"Bloody hell!" Killian screamed, as he looked at his crew. "Things like that cannot happen! It makes us look like a bunch of bloody amateurs!"

They stared at their feet, like schoolchildren being scolded by their teacher.

"Get everything packed up now!" he ordered.

Killian sighed heavily, as he covered his face with his hands.

"Looks like you could use a drink," he heard come from a few feet in front of him.

He removed his hands and met Emma's gaze. "I require more than coffee or tea to help me forget this debacle."

She nodded. "You like rum?"

His brow peaked in surprise. "Aye, but I rarely find a lass who does."

Emma felt her lips turn into a grin, as she stepped forward and leaned in close to him. "Well, I'm not just any lass. Come on, I got a bottle as a gift from one of the bands. I've been waiting to open in it. It's in my office."

Killian followed her to the elevator and they rode up a few floors in silence. She continued down the hall to her office. It wasn't large and was simply, but tastefully, decorated. It contained a desk with two upholstered chairs in front of it. A leather love seat sat on the opposite wall.

Killian stood awkwardly by the door, waiting to see where she sat down. Emma pulled the bottle off a bookshelf behind her desk and moved to the couch. Killian followed, sitting beside her. He watched as she inched ever so slightly closer to him.

She screwed off the top and then looked around her office like she had forgotten something. "I just realized I don't have any glasses."

Killian took the bottle from her and took a long swig, his eyes remaining focused on her the whole time. Emma felt her heart race a little at the look in his eye and the way his lips wrapped around the mouth of the bottle. She knew those lips must be talented and she found herself envying the bottle.

"No need to stand on ceremony for me, love," he said, handing her back the bottle. "And I've had my shots."

Emma laughed lightly. "What a relief," she said.

She took a swig from the bottle and it was Killian's turn to envy it. He watched as her plump lips wrapped around it and her eyes remained on his the whole time.

Emma squeezed her eyes closed as the liquid burned her throat. She let out a little gasp and then coughed, as he laughed at her.

"First taste of rum I gather?"

"First and last," she said handing him the bottle. "Keep it."

He chuckled and took another swig. "You never forget your first."

Emma looked at him. "Rough show tonight."

"Worst we've ever had. I don't look forward to the scolding I am going to receive from the band later."

"It wasn't your fault," she said.

He shrugged. "I'm production manager. I'm in charge of the crew. If something goes wrong, then I'm the one responsible."

He didn't mention that he had been distracted the moment he arrived that day. That the thought of seeing her again had made it difficult to concentrate on his normal tasks.

She tilted her head to the side. "Things could have been worse. There could have been a fire and then we wouldn't be sitting here right now."

Their eyes met and held for a long moment. Killian's tongue lashed at his lips. "And what a bloody shame that would have been."

"Tragic," she whispered.

Killian felt himself being pulled toward her. Her hand slipped to his leg and trailed upwards. He swallowed hard, as he leaned close to her, his hand moving a piece of hair behind her ear. His eyes searched hers for any sign of hesitation but he found none. It looked as if she had been waiting a year for this, just as he had. Their lips were less than an inch away, so close she could feel his warm breath on her lips, when a buzzing erupted from Killian's pants.

"Let it go to voicemail," he whispered, eyes still focused on her lips.

Emma couldn't help but chuckle, as her hand continued up his leg to his pocket. She pulled his phone out.

"Swan, were you just trying to get into my pants?" he asked.

She smiled as she glanced at the screen. "Looks like the band wants you."

"Bloody hell," Killian muttered and took the phone from her.

He didn't answer it though. Instead, he hit ignore.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked.

"I'm probably about to get fired. I see no need to rush to confirm my fears."

Emma's expression grew serious. "Do you really think they would fire you over one bad show?"

"It's not out of the realm of possibilities," he said. Killian slowly stood up and Emma did the same. "But I suppose there's no point in delaying the inevitable. Thanks for the drink."

He turned on his heel to leave when her voice stopped him. "Same time next year?"

He spun back around. "That, love, depends on if I still have a job come tomorrow."

And then he was gone. Emma sank down onto the couch, wondering if she would ever see him again.


~The Third Night: July 16th, 2013

"Look, the Fire Marshall said we need to start the audience back farther because of the pyrotechnics. Make it happen," Emma said, as she hung up her phone.

"Aren't you authoritative the one, Swan," he said.

Emma felt a smile spring to her lips. She wasn't even sure he was still production manager. She turned to face him.

"Guess someone kept his job," she said.

He shrugged. "I got a good dressing down and I left with very little dignity, but I retained my job."

"Glad to hear it," she said.

He stepped closer to her, noticing that she had cut her hair. It was just below her shoulders.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Good. Busy," she said. "You?"


He opened his mouth to ask her to go the diner with him after the show, when a man appeared by her side.

"Hey, babe," he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Killian felt jealousy he knew he had no right to feel boil up inside of him. They hadn't even spent a full hour in each other's presence.

He noticed Emma stiffen and lean away from him.

"Neal, this is Killian. Production manager for the band. Killian, this is Neal...my boyfriend and a concert promoter."

Neal stuck his hand out and Killian reluctantly shook it.

"I love the band, man. Been a fan for years."

Killian eyed him for a long moment. "Is that so? What's your favorite song? I'll make sure they add it to their set list tonight."

Neal licked at his lips anxiously, as Emma and Killian's eyes focused on him. He let out a nervous chuckle. "Ah, you know, I love them all."

Killian suppressed a snicker. That was always his test to determine if someone was a real fan or if they were just sucking up to someone connected to the band.

Neal looked at Emma. "I've gotta run. Duty calls. See you later." He looked at Killian. "Nice to meet you. Good luck with the show tonight."

He walked away and Emma and Killian stood there in silence.

"So...how long has that been going on?" Killian asked.

"Eight months," she replied.

He hesitated for a moment, knowing he had no right to ask. "Is it serious?"

Emma dropped her eyes and replied softly. "Yes."

Killian bobbed his head, his heart sinking into his stomach. He knew he had no right to feel this way, but he couldn't help remembering the moment they had shared the year before. He was hoping they could pick up where they had left off.

But she had made it clear that she wouldn't be with someone who only came into town once a year and that she didn't mix business with pleasure. Obviously, a long distance relationship would never work. He had already learned that the hard way.

"I thought you didn't mix business with pleasure," he said, his tone emerging more sharply than he intended.

She looked taken aback. "We've known each other for years and it just turned into something more." She paused, her jaw tightening. "Not that I owe you any kind of explanation."

He swallowed hard. "Indeed you don't," he said.

Emma opened her mouth to say something else and then snapped it shut. She finally murmured, "Have a good show," and then left him standing there.


The show went off without a hitch. Killian was in the office provided for him by the venue. He looked at the bottle of rum that sat on his desk. Normally, the bottle wouldn't have lasted a month, but he made sure to drink it sparingly. He thought of her with every swig and had purposely left some so he would have an excuse to see her after the show, despite her dislike of it.

He heard footsteps approach the doorway. "It could never work," he heard from behind him.

He turned around, surprised by her voice. He hadn't expected to see her again tonight.

"What?" he asked.

She entered the room, coming to stand in front of him, much closer than necessary.

"Us," she said. "We would never work."

Killian swallowed hard. "I don't remember proposing that we try. You made it rather clear that you don't go for men like me."

Emma's eyes swept across his face. "I don't. Relationships are hard enough without adding distance as a factor."

"I am well aware."

"Neal is a good man," she said. "He has lousy taste in music, but he's a good man," she added with a chuckle.

"You can tell a great deal about a man from his taste in music," Killian stated with a laugh.

Emma laughed with him, but their laughter soon faded, their gazes locked.

"Why are you here with me instead of with him then?" Killian asked softly.

"I don't know," she whispered. "I guess I just needed to see you before you left."

Killian lifted his hand to her cheek and he heard her sigh. "Is that all?"

Emma forced herself to step away from him. "That's all." She paused, her gaze catching sight of the rum bottle on the desk. "You haven't finished it in a year?"

He looked at her and shook his head. "I was saving it."

"For what?"

"For you."

"But I don't even like rum," she said.

He licked at his lips. "I was hoping we could pick up where we left off last year." He paused and then added, "But I can see now that won't be happening."

He walked over to the desk and picked up the bottle. He downed the rest and then threw it into the trash can.

"Until next year," he said, as he walked past her.

Emma's eyes followed him and then she walked over to the small trash beside the desk. She removed the bottle.


End of Part 1

Thanks for reading! I'd appreciate any feedback you'd like to give! ~Steph