A/N: Ok, ok so I've been told how short my chapters are, and I know that, so I guess I'll try make them longer, but I'm warning you, it will take me longer to update. Plus there's school and work that adds on to my inconsistency of updating lol.

Oh and thanks for all the feedback for my last chapter and my progress as a newish writer.

paratayun: Yeah I totally get that they were like that in his actual history, but at the same time this is a crossover and I'm not writing about the actual real-life Gilgamesh but more from the anime. So I guess I'm just gonna have fun writing about Erza and Gilgamesh's relationship, even though like you said Enkidu was and will always be his only friend. But you know, they never mentioned lover, sooo I'm gonna try and squeeze in Erza to be a part of his life in this story, heh;D

Shadow of a Memory: Did I say that otherwise..? Well, I mean it's obvious Gilgamesh is a pretty OP character, but I do agree with you and say Ea (plus Chains of Heavens) are one of Gilgamesh's most deadliest weapons. I sorta take back about saying they're on equal levels when it comes to power, but I still want to say as little as possible bc I don't want to spoil the outcome of their inevitable future fight. Don't get me wrong tho, Erza can still kick some serious assXD

WhyFollowYou: Yes, of course I remember you:) hope you understand most of it, and I'm really glad you're liking the story.

Thanks for all the other reviews, plus follows/favorites! Here's your hopefully longer chapter..

OH AND MAJOR WARNING PLEASE READ: There will be HUGE spoilers from the recent chapters of the Fairy Tail manga that I might include later on in the story so I strongly suggest you read that first. It has to do with Erza and her background and it will probably be super confusing if you don't read the recent chapters.


"Go to all the cities in the empire. From Lagash and all the way to Eshnunna. We will be host a big celebration in two days, a huge feast! Get everyone ready and have them know that your king is inviting all the nobles, lords, ladys, and rulers here. There will be dances, wine, food, and music! Have Danera tell everyone here in the palace to make all preparations. For we will celebrate day and night for the precious day that is to come in two days. Now go, tell everyone of this great news."

The messenger nodded, taking all the information in at once. "And that I shall, I will depart for the cities immediately." Standing up, and taking another deep bow, the messenger ran out the door, already telling the other messengers to gather the horses.

That day had left Erza utterly exhausted, feeling fatigue pull on her muscles and consciousness. She had been running around all day doing a little bit of everything, not that it was that physically hard, but lifting heavy objects, reaching for hard-to-reach places, all that pushing and pulling left a sort of strain, like she was out of shape or something. Mentally, she was also drained. The stress and busyness came in huge waves and she felt like she was consumed by them. But this was temporary, and Erza was almost sure that it was because of that headache that was coming back again.

Head throbbing, she felt a shiver down her spine. The daytime was merciless, the sun blew a storm of sweltering, searing hot temperature, to the point where it turned Erza's pale white skin a few shades darker within the few days she spent here. (Of course she was still considered as pale compared to the beautifully toned Babylonians, and stuck out like a sore thumb.)

But the nights were just as harsh. The moon glowed penetrating, numbing cold temperature upon the sands of the desert and the stone cold city.

And Erza hated the bipolarness of this place. She fell asleep shivering in heavy blankets, and woke up sweating, still wrapping in the stuffy sheets. So she walked out of her so-called bed while everyone was asleep and crossed the threshold of the room.

She needed to be alone and calm her mind, needing a peaceful atmosphere to cleanse her stuffy and irritated mind. Tightening the blanket she brought with her, she quietly padded over to the huge entrance doors to the throne room, only quickly glancing at the single, knocked out guard snoring on the job, before slipping in unheard.

The throne room still amazed her. Everything was so incredibly spacious, and Erza marveled at the stone ceilings about 50 feet above her head and as quietly as possible, walked over to the base of a massive pillar supporting it. She felt like an ant in a giant's house, or more differently, nothing but a pesky bug in a place of a god. And she hated feeling so lowly and at the bottom of the pyramid. Had she always been this insignificant?

Erza decided to leave these questions unanswered for now and not think about such depressing thoughts. What she looked at next blew her away. It was only her second time here and she was surprised she missed this completely. It was probably because she had all her attention on the king at the time that she had not noticed it entirely.

On the right side of the throne room, there was no wall but a few pillars separating the indoors from the outdoors. On the outside was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. It was the incredible view and scenery. The palace itself was on a higher level ground so Erza was looking down at a vast city with a faint glow from the torches scattered around. Then she had a view of the wide, deep blue, flowing river beside the city, sounded by fanning blue green plants surrounding it. But the most breathtaking thing of all, were the stars.

Billions and billions of white dazzling specks of light contrasted against the pitch black heavens. They looked like diamonds, twinkling and sparkling, with some flashing blue and red. There was a river of stars, that looked like a path, that trailed into the distant horizon that went on for miles and miles.

Erza let a breath of pure amazement, captivated and mesmerized by the lit up sky, along with the lone full moon that shone brightly over the sand hills, making it sparkle. Her body then started shivering and shaking- not from the cold, but from the excitement and enthrallment she felt spark up in her soul.

A smile fell on her lips as the enchanted sky hypnotized her into sleepiness. She laxed her body as she sat down, arms wrapped around her legs, and back leaned against the pillar. Erza finally felt at peace, all traces of stress relieved her from her mind and body. She let a slow breath out, breathing all her troubled thoughts out along with each breath out.

Then, she heard heavy, padded footsteps came from the back of the throne room and Erza drew her attention towards that direction.

It was that damn cat again.

"Surabi, it's you." Erza talked to it, feeling stupid for talking to a cat who clearly can't understand her. She felt a sense of déjà vu, recalling the time when they were in the ballroom, when she was caught off guard by the looming beast.

Right now, she still felt at ease, and wondered if the lion could feel that somehow.

"Come, Surabi." Not feeling the slightest bit of fear unlike their last encounter. The lion listened, and Erza blinked, surprised that even worked. The prowling lion slowly walked up to her, glowing amber eyes never leaving her own slightly golden ones. Surabi took long, powerful strong strides, and Erza could see muscles rippling under his golden, groomed coat. The moon shone against his left side, giving it a blue tint as he walked gracefully, all the while powerfully.

When Surabi came up to her, nose almost touching nose, he plopped down next her and laid on his side, back faced toward her and his head on her lap, eyes closed. Erza was mildly surprised and thought, I take it he likes me.

Hesitantly, she took her hand and gently petted the thick, silky mane, and massaged with her thumb behind his ear. The lion let out a cracked puur, scaring her at the sudden and strange sound and making Erza jump for a second. Him nuzzling her knee, Erza brought her hand back to his mane and resumed petting him. Surabi's body vibrated with his loud purrs, and Erza strangely found the feeling against her body therapedic, relaxing her even further. Her consciousness then faded along with the sound of the purrs.

Gilgamesh woke a couple hours later to the lack of presence of his little pet lion. He looked over to his right on the floor and Surabi was nowhere to be found. He signed, remembering what happened before they went to sleep.

Surabi always had the habit of sleeping on his bed, because when he was a cub, he'd always sleep in the designated corner of the bed, not taking up any space whatsoever. But he grew large to the point where Gilgamesh couldn't stand the space the huge beast took over and the amount of fur he'd shed on the red velvet covers. Surabi, like the cub he acts, now whines almost every night when Gilgamesh makes Surabi sleep on the bed that was made specifically for him on the floor.

Looks like it was one of those nights where Gilgamesh once again sent him away to the floor and where the lion was immaturely holding a grudge. But never has he left Gilgamesh's side at night until they both got up in the morning.

Finding the situation strange, Gilgamesh relenctently got up in search of his pet kitty.

After going to the places that Gilgamesh knew were Surabi's favorite, he eventually entered the throne room, after exiling the nightguard that wasn't holding his position to guard that room's doors (instead of killing him because he was in an oh-so good mood lately). He then looked over to where he can see Surabi's tail sticking out from behind a pillar. Signing, while still keeping his regal composure, he treaded over to big cat only to find him asleep and sprawled over a certain redhead, who was also sleeping.

He was a bit dumbfounded when seeing this. Surabi never let anyone come in contact with him unless it was Gilgamesh himself, or when he's attacking someone. To see him act so non-aggressively towards someone was strange indeed. Who was this woman anyway?

When see that she was a servant by the clothes she wore, he looked away in disgust. She was not worthy of having his gaze fall on her. He was part-god and who was she to get his attention?

But... the red color of her hair grabbed his attention anyway, after all, it was his favorite color, aside from gold. Red was color of the wine he loved so. It was the color of a woman's red lips that he so often claims. It was the color that glazed over his swords when he's defeated an enemy. And it was the color of the sunset, when the gods color the sun blood red as it spreads into the sky and reflects onto the river.

And his own red eyes betrayed him, as they attracted to her hair. Silky strands of scarlet brushed across the sides of her cheeks and the white ribbons woven into her hair were a bit unravelled, freeing some of her side bangs that framed her delicate face. The pale moon shone on her face, making her look more pale than she already was. Her skin tone new and fresh to his eyes, as most of the woman he has seen where more darker in comparison. He himself wasn't as dark as the others because of all the time he spent indoors, and was somewhat protected from being exposed to the sun for too long.

His eyes trailed down to her lips, parted which was nude and not colored on to his disappointment. But he liked it all the same, it was different from what he always sees. Her face looked so peaceful, and he found himself curious about what her eye color was, since they were closed.

It was only then he remembered when she came for the first time and when he briefly looked over her, not fully paying attention at the time.

Finally sensing his master's presence, Surabi stirred and rose his head from the woman's lap, ears perked after seeing Gilgamesh.

And Erza, sensing the movement, slowly opened her eyes.

"Surabi...?" she questioned, her eyes trying to focus. She made out the shape of a person, and when they became clear, she saw that the king himself was standing before her. Erza's heartbeat immediately spiked up, panicking once she realized that she could get into serious trouble now that she was caught sneaking into the throne room without permission. He... terror washed over her, he might actually kill me, she thought, recalling what he told her and all the servants before.

"If anyone disobeys an order, you'll die." and he said it so carelessly, like it was a simple thing to do. She doesn't even know a fraction of how powerful he really was, and she wouldn't want to underestimate him. She felt completely defenseless and knew nothing.

Damn, I'm so foolish! How could I've let myself get caught like this? And by the king of all people!" So she did whatever she could for him to spare her. She immediately look away to stop herself with disrespectfully looking at him directly. Then she shifted to her knees and shamefully bowed as low as she could to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, My Lord! I shouldn't have come in here when I wasn't allowed, I apologize for breaking in. I beseech you spare my life!"

DAMN! Erza clenched her teeth, I'm so pitiful! How could I put myself so low as to resorting to begging? But what else could she do? If she was going to die, she'd want to die standing for what she believed in and not submit to no one, even a king. But for something as stupid as this? I just can't believe I broke in with no reason at all.

Fear struck her heart. If I die here and now, no one will care. Hell, I don't think anyone would have noticed I'm gone. I really have no one, so why do I desperately want to live on? To fight for my life? Sweat rolled down her face with fear and frustration.

Gilgamesh smirked at the sight. A beautiful woman, bowing at his feet and fully submitting to him. He made sure the absorb the feeling of how his power affected everyone, and how they fell under his glory.

He felt that he should still punish her like he did all the other servants who broke the rules and disobeyed him, even if she was exceptionally beautiful. But on the other hand, she was a hard one to come by and wasn't as replaceable as all the other beautiful woman. And it would be a shame if anything happened to that pretty face of hers.

"Alright." He decided.

After hearing that, Erza inaudibly gasped in relief, lifting her eyes as far up to his chin, and let a huge breath out. One that she wasn't realizing that she was holding.

"But..." He continued, Erza tensing, not feeling relieved completely quiet yet. "You will not go unpunished. You'll have only one meal a day for a month, so next time think before you do something stupid."

"Yes, Your Highness. Thank you for sparing me." she bowed once again, and got up.


He then paused, wanting know something. "Why is it that you came here?"

Erza blinked, surprised at the question. "Er, I... I was looking for a peaceful place." She answered truthfully. "I came here because of view." Erza said as they both turned their heads to the city. "It looks beautiful." she said softly. "The city, I mean."

"It does." He agreed with pride. Erza then snuck a look on his face and saw his strong features and red eyes soften. He looked at the city with love and with a melancholy expression. And then, she saw the smallest smile appear on his face, making him look delicate, and angelic. A small breeze past and tousled his blond strands of hair.

When catching herself staring, she blushed and cleared her throat. "Yes, well, I better get going."

"You have a busy day tomorrow," his face went back to his hardened state with no trace of what she just saw. "Now leave." he scowled.

Erza bowed her head with her hands folded in front of her for the last time before quickly the throne room.

(...And let's just say she couldn't see a trace of the guard that was there earlier once she passed the doors.)

OOOkay! So I recently rewatched Dreamwork's "Prince of Egypt" and I felt extremely inspired to start writing again. I actually really want you guys to watch it because the setting and the animation of the place is almost EXACTLY how I imagine how everything looks in the story, minus the egypt theme like the hieroglyphics, pyramids, statues, etc. But the whole movie is so great, you have to watch it, or at least like the first 20 minutes. So if you have a netflix, make sure to check it out, and if you let me know what you thought of it, you'll be my favorite person ^.^

Anyways, I know some parts of this chapter it a little repetitive, and it's not going exactly how I wanted it to, so sorry about that:/ But please review! I need to know what I'm doing wrong, or what I'm doing good on, or if you even like the story! I'm always interested in what you guys have to say and what you like or don't like.

Oh and Happy Holidays everyone!:)