Chapter 7

"You look so pretty" Riley squealed like a little girl. Eva chuckled and I rolled my eyes. Riley and Eva gained up against me and they made me put my hair down and put on a shirt.

I wasn't happy about it.

"Jared is a lucky man" riley says but Eva shook her head.

"Is he cute?" Riley asked me. I nod hearing the door

"I'll get it" Lucas yelled from the living room. I take a deep breath before following Riley and Eva.

"Hey I'm Lucas" I see Jared with a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black vans and a leather jacket.

"I'm Jared" He shakes his hand before smiling at me. He made me blush.

"You are cute" Riley says with a smile.

"Riles" Lucas crossed his arms.

"Should we go?" Jared asked.

"Take care of her Jared" Eva wasn't happy but she forced a smile.

"Yes ma'am" He says holding out his hand out for me. I felt nervous. It was my first date. I grab his hand and looked at Riley. She smiled huge.

"We gonna have dinner first then go to a party. I know you like parties" He says still holding my hand. We walk downstairs and to his car. It was pretty nice and new.

"Let me get the door" He says opening the door for me. I thank him before getting in.

"Hey Jared"

"Hey bro" Everyone who passed us hugged and said hello to Jared.

"Look at you Jared with another blonde dumb chick" A guy who had a red cup in his hand said checking me out.

"Not this time Liam. Maya is different." Jared says putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Is that so? She better not be another Brittany. God she was annoying" Liam says chugging down his drink.

"Jared we have the goods" I look at a group of guys in the yard. We walk towards them and they were giving each other a tiny bag with 2 white pills.

"What is that?" I look at them stop what they were doing and gave me a 'are you serious look.'

"Jared is this chick real?" One of them said. Jared rolled his eyes and took a bag from his hand.

"Thanks" He took out some bills and pulled me to the corner.

"This is speed" Jared says taking one out.

"I want one" I said but he shook his head.

"I don't think you should."

"I've taken it before" I said giving him a sweet smile.

"I don't know Maya. I don't think it's a good idea" He wasn't sure. I take one out of the bag and smiled.

"I'll be fine" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and put the pill in my mouth. He shrugged and pulled me inside to the dance floor.

In a few minutes I felt the rush. I don't know if I was dancing good or looked like a fool but I didn't care.

I felt good. Almost happy.

"We should go party every night! And go to the park afterwards" I said jumping up and down.

"And get ice cream with Oreos" Jared says with the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm thirsty" I grab his hand and pull him to the kitchen. His friends were there laughing. One of the handed me a beer bottle.

"Thanks! I am loving your beard!" I touch his beard making him laugh.

"I'm glad you are having fun" Jared wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

"I haven't had this much fun!" I hug him.

A few hours later

"Shh not so loud" I said giggling when Jared almost fell. We were both drunk. It was 4 am and the party was still going on but Jared has work tomorrow.

"Do you think your friends are waiting for you?" Jared puts his arm around my waist and held me up.

"I hope not" I really don't want Riley and Lucas finding out I drink.

"Today was fun" We finally made it to my apartment. He hugged me tightly before looking down at me. He gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek but I grab his face with my hands and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"I'll call you tomorrow" He says smiling. I watch him leave and sighed.

I look for my keys but the door opened to Eva. She had her arms crossed and looked tired and angry.

"Its fucking 4 in the morning! Where were you?" She whispered yelled.

"Party" I shrug walking pass her. She closed the door and followed me to my room.

"He took you to a party!" She yelled.

"Yes but we had dinner first" I said kicking my shoes off and laid in bed.

"Did he even drop you off at the door? What did you do? Did you meet his friends?" she starts asking million questions.

"Eva please I'm tired. Can you ask me those questions tomorrow" I look at her roll her eyes and leave my room.

I take out at least 2 bags from my pocket and smile. I cover my body and felt my eyes close on their own.