Obi-Wan watched with hooded eyes as Anakin took the seat in the Council chamber to the left of Master Yoda. He could feel the accusing stares of the rest of those daggers burning their way into his skin. It left him with a feeling of unease, but not guilt. He did not regret having faith in Anakin. It was something he could never - would never - apologize for. Right now, it was paramount that this meeting went off without a hitch; that the conversation that was to come would cement the agenda of the Order for as long as possible. There was no time for reasoning or questioning of purpose, they had a monstrous task to undergo, and it could not afford to be put aside in order to deal with squabbling and resentment. Master Luminara, Master Uvell, and Jedi Knights Khandra, Mususiel, Zubain Ankonori, Nuhj, and the newly Knighted Caleb Dunh were all present. Luminara and Uvell were focused on Yoda, their attention to the problem at hand absolute. The others however, could have been shouting their hatred of Anakin across the room and it would have been less obvious.

It had taken him two months to find all of them, and then convince them that all was well and that they were needed to reestablish the Order. Khandra and her comrades had been hiding in a Jedi Shrine and were reluctant to leave. Others, like Luminara, were in such despair that they saw no point in continuing what they thought would be a wasted effort. Still, with no small effort on his part, Obi-Wan had managed to convince them to return. The next month had been focused on rebuilding the ruined creche and erecting memorials for the Younglings who had died. Anakin oversaw the project...often staying long into the night when the others had gone to bed. A few weeks after its completion, Master Uvell brought two infants with significant Signatures into the Temple and Luminara was quick to offer to care for them, along with Khandra. The rest of the Temple was surprisingly intact. Palpatine had made sure to reconstruct it, with the intention of using it as his own personal palace. Obi-Wan was quick to investigate his reasoning, and was horrified to find that the entire building had been constructed over a Sith Shrine. It took them several more weeks to destroy it, and all traces of the Dark Side of the Force that came with it.

Now, they were faced with what to do with their new found recovery. Obi-Wan chanced a glance at Anakin, who was looking calm and serene. He'd dealt with confinement to the Temple well, though his children often weighed heavily on his mind. He spent much of his time in the Archives, taking an interest in things that had not caught his fancy as a reckless padawan. During Obi-Wan's time away, their Bond veritably ached with need for closeness. They spoke mentally at great length, but it wasn't the same as being physically together. When he'd returned they'd spent the better part of two days in bed, rediscovering the scent and texture of their other half. Despite the fact that he'd been spared, Anakin had still lost a great deal. It was during quiet moments that Obi-Wan would see it...when they lay together in bed after a long day, or when he was briefly restful during daylight hours. There was a depth to his gaze that bespoke of knowledge no one his age should be privy to; and tiny, hair-thin lines at the corners of his eyes. Anakin's Force Signature was just as blinding as it had always been, but it wasn't a mess of raw power anymore. Instead of the blazing ferocity of a supernova; he eluded an essence that was controlled and channeled.

"Gathered we are, to discuss the future of the Jedi" Yoda said calmly. "Much grief the Order has seen in a very short time...much loss and much sorrow. Blinded by the Dark, we all were….and a great price we have paid." He gestured firmly. "Laid out new boundaries for the Code, Master Obi-Wan has. Tell them to you, he will."

Taking a deep breath, the Jedi Master stood and walked to the center of the room. The four Jedi he had practically had to drag back from the Shrine would barely look at him and Caleb wasn't much better. Only Luminara and Uvell gave him their usual impassive expressions, their emotions heavily guarded.

"We all know, of course, the Jedi Code" he said calmly. "There is no Emotion, There is Peace...there is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge...there is no Passion, there is Serenity….there is no Chaos, there is Harmony...there is no Death, there is the Force." He folded his arms and smiled as he felt Anakin gently nudge him to continue. "Some of you may remember an older version of the that we often taught Younglings and then proceeded to restrict as they got older. We seek now to split the Code into two of which a Knight may choose once they pass the Trials. Master Skywalker will detail the specifics of this."

Anakin stood as he spoke and moved to join him.

"The Code of the Creche is similar...but not synonymous to that of a Jedi Knight" the younger man commented, his eyes sweeping the room. "Emotion, yet Peace...Ignorance, yet Knowledge...Passion, yet Serenity…Chaos, yet Harmony…Death, yet the Force. We teach it to younglings because they cannot suppress their emotions in favor of logic. Instead, we strive for them to achieve balance. Our goal in this Council, if we can come together in a unanimous decision, is to allow newly Knighted Jedi to choose which derivative of the Code they wish to follow."

"That's blasphemy!" Khandra spat. "The Jedi have followed the same concrete definition of the Code for hundreds of years."

"And yet, that Code has proven to be impossible to follow on more than one occasion" Obi-Wan said calmly.

"Why should the Order change for the sake of a few individuals that have failed to adhere to our standards?" Luminara asked calmly.

"What we're proposing isn't the integration of emotionalized Knights" Anakin replied, turning to her. "Rather, we are recognizing that psychic turbulence is a variant that we cannot always account matter how thoroughly we screen our Younglings." He took a deep breath. "I remember as a padawan that my emotions brought reprimand, and from reprimand...shame. Most Jedi are able to send their misgivings out into the Force, but I wasn't…" he glanced at Obi-Wan. "...At least not until recently, and only through extraordinary circumstances. Those who would choose the Code of the Creche would not have the ability to engage in combat or deal in politics...though they would be allowed to defend the Temple should the need arise. These Knights would act as counselors and comforters, perhaps even mind healers. While the Common Code Jedi take on the challenges the exterior has to offer, those following the Code of the Creche would deal with emotional aspects." Anakin paused, suddenly nervous, and Obi-Wan sent a gentle push through their Bond in order to encourage him to continue. "Furthermore, these Jedi would also be allowed to seek out romantic relationships." Master Uvell opened his mouth as if to speak, but Obi-Wan shot him him a sharp look and shook his head. "Just as there are downsides to following the Traditional Code, there are downsides to the Creche Code. A Knight who chooses emotionalism would have no say in War Councils or political concerns. They also cannot take a padawan or train in any lightsaber form but Soresu. There will be seats available in the High Council for mederia Jedi, but their position would be that of monitoring the emotional states of padawans, younglings, and Knights who have suffered shell-shock."

"And you agree with this?" Luminara asked, looking at Master Yoda.

"A good alternative this is, I believe" was the elder Jedi's calm response. "Fair for those who still wish to serve the Order but cannot repress their emotions, it is."

"Jedi couples who bear children will also have the opportunity to give their Force-Sensitive children over to the Order" Obi-Wan supplied.

"I don't get why this is happening now" Caleb said miserably. "Why couldn't this have happened before...before all of this…?!"

Yoda's ears drooped.

"Times there are, when a great tragedy is needed to see that we are wrong" he said gruffly.

At this, Khandra leapt out of her seat, her eyes blazing.

"And you just intend to let this-" she gestured at Anakin furiously. "-Abomination run about with no care to how he will affect our way of life?!"

"Master Skywalker has been confined to the Temple. He will be overseeing the mechanisms of this new ch-"


"-Knight Khandra, we have all suffered losses in this war" Master Uvell said sharply. "Master Skywalker paid for his misdeeds with the death of his wife and estrangement from his children. He has killed two Siths, one of which very nearly converted him to the dark side and he and Master Kenobi have been our Generals far longer than you have been a Knight. Master Yoda trusts him, and therefore I do. If that is not enough for you then perhaps this Temple is not the place for you to be."

There was silence for for a long stretch, and Obi-Wan very nearly feared that Khandra would leave. The room issued a collective sigh as she sat back down, her face still red with anger but her expression resolute.

"You said that Master Skywalker would oversee the formation of this new branch of the Order" Luminara commented, looking at Obi-Wan. "Am I to understand that he will not be engaging in combat?"

"Not unless combat comes knocking at the Temple gates" Anakin said wryly. "I've had my share of violence and death….enough to last me the rest of this lifetime and more."

"And you Master Kenobi" the female Jedi pressed. "Will you be taking on a padawan in the near future?"

"I will not" Obi-Wan said serenely. "And I will also be retiring from combat."

"You will head the cumulation of the new branch as well?" was the surprised query.

Obi-Wan caught Anakin's eye and smiled tenderly.

"Yes, I will" he replied. "Master Skywalker is my lover, you see." He couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips at their surprised expressions. "Oh, come now, surely you didn't think our Signature was a result of meditation."

"But...he is… was ...your padawan" Caleb muttered, looking faintly disturbed.

"Yes" Obi-Wan said cheerfully. "And a dreadful one at that. I am happy to say he makes a much better partner."

"Doesn't stop you from bossing me around" Anakin mumbled.

"Some time you will need to come to your decisions, I expect" Yoda commented. "A vote we will take tomorrow. Encourage you all to meditate on this topic, I do. Council dismissed."

The five Knights left in unison, looking somewhat perturbed...but thoughtful nonetheless. Anakin swept over to the window and Obi-Wan sat down in his chair while Master Uvell spike briefly with Yoda, giving him him a brief nod before departing. Luminara had stood previously, but appeared to hesitate.

"I'm...glad we're here" she said tentatively. "All of us" she added, glancing at Anakin, who bowed his head.

"Glad we are as well, Luminara" Yoda said gently. "May the Force be with you." As she left, the old Grand Master turned his head to look at Obi-Wan. "Masters Uvell and Luminara, great Jedi are. Accepting they are. The others are not. To earn their trust, work hard you must." He rose and hopped onto his hoverchair. "Old I am, be here forever I will not. A new Grand Master I will appoint." He looked firmly at Obi-Wan, then even more so at Anakin's stern profile against the window. "Someone with knowledge of both facets of the Force, I will choose." Yoda then turned and began to float out of the room. "May the Force be with you."

Anakin-having not seen Yoda's tremendously significant gesture-turned from the window and raised an eyebrow at Obi-Wan, who smiled gently.

"Looks like you might be our new Grand Master, huh?" he said wryly.

The older man chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm afraid not" he said mildly, holding out a hand for Anakin to take. "Yoda wasn't looking at me when he said that, he was looking at you ." He watched in amusement as his former Padawan stopped in his tracks, mouth agape. "Ah, now, if you go around looking like that...I'm afraid he might reconsider." When no response was forthcoming, he rolled his eyes and put a firm hand on Anakin's shoulder, steering him out of the Council Chambers. "Come, I've had a terrible sweet tooth for some Cinnamon and Clove tea all day."

This, of all things, seemed to shake Anakin from his stupor.

"Because tea is just overflowing with sucrose" was the snarky response.

"It's entirely your own fault that you haven't developed a taste for the finer things in life" Obi-Wan sighed, pressing the button for the elevator.

Upon returning to the Temple initially, Yoda had taken up in his old quarters and allowed Anakin and Obi-Wan a choice of whatever available dwellings they might want. They'd eventually settled on quarters overlooking the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It was a single-roomed space, entirely round with a heavy white curtain splitting it cleanly in half; separating the living room from the sleeping area. The floors were your traditional creme coloring, and the walls a warm hickory. A simple but elegant set of table and chairs stained a deep mahogany sat in the center of the first 'half' of the room...directly in front of the door. To the left of the entrance was a long cabinet of similar color that contoured to the wall. Upon it was a hot plate for boiling water for tea or caf, a sandalwood box containing all of Obi-Wan's favorite teas, and a collection of cups and various serving items for guests. Opposite this was a holoscreen set into the wall along with two reed sitting mats. A comm was mounted next to the door and on the opposite a keyed security lock. Behind the white curtain was a large floor level bed with pearlescent grey coverlets. Their few belongings were stored in side tables next to it, and a 'fresher with a spacious tub and shower was directly to the right. Here, the circular walls gave way to glass; offering a panoramic view of the fountains and gardens. On the left was a wall comprised entirely of triangular inlets for storing personal possessions. Due to the war relieving them of everything but the clothes on their backs and their lightsabers...the only thing that had a place there was Anakin's wedding ring. It was in the central hub of the inlets, nestled on a thin strip of white lace fabric that-no matter how hard Obi-Wan pressed - he couldn't get the younger man to divulge its significance.

Upon entering their quarters, Anakin mumbled something about a bath and disappeared behind the midline gap in the white divider. Obi-Wan shrugged his cloak off and set about fixing a cup of tea. It was all a little bit strange, admittedly. They were settling into a domesticity that was foreign, but not unpleasant. Hunting about for a cup, the Jedi Master paused as a flash of contentment echoed through his psyche. Reaching out through the bond, he shivered slightly as the warmth of the bathwater against Anakin's skin rippled gently across his sensory receptors. An amused echo filtered back across the Bond, along with a not-so-subtle invitation to come join him. It was almost compulsory that he set his tea down and began to comply, but the thought of wasting a cup of his precious herbs had Obi-Wan firmly grasping the mug once more and stubbornly telling himself he mustn't be so reckless.

"So stubborn…"

He chuckled, somewhat exasperatedly, and took the time to finish his tea. By the time he'd washed his cup and cleared away what little dusting of cinnamon that was on the surface of their table, the Bond was vibrating with Anakin's impatience. Obi-Wan made a slow path to the 'fresher, making sure to place his boots just-so by the door and fold his socks into the hamper with infuriating ease. His tunics, pants, and undergarments received the same painstaking treatment, and a new set of clothes were lain neatly at the edge of the bed; on top of which he placed his lightsaber.

Their 'fresher was behind a set of dark wooden double doors with long silvery handles. The tub Anakin was currently lounging in was directly to front of the entrance in a wealth of silvery marble, rectangular and set into the floor. It was perhaps four and a half feet deep, quite generous when it came to Temple architectural standards, and the tap was a long vertical slit in the wall that acted as a recyclable water conduit; warmed by heating tubes under a panel to the left of the bath. The shower was sonic, fashioned solely for getting in and out in a perfunctory manner, so if either of them wanted to enjoy a hot wash, they had to use to tub.

Despite his earlier impatience, you'd have never known Anakin was chomping at the bit for 'company' upon entering the room. He lounged on the left side of the bath, one slender arm resting against the side; fingers spilling over the rim….pale, supple, and glimmering with just the slightest hint of moisture. His hair was damp, hanging like a curtain of flax about his face and trailing down to cling to his neck; longer now than it had been during the war. Skin the color of dusky ivory was flushed to a subtle orchid pink, bluish veins like delicate spiderwebs in a fine map of cardiovascular intricacy. Obi-Wan appreciated as he approached, watching as Anakin tipped his head back to bare his throat in what made to be a breathtaking gesture of submission. This was-of course-merely illusion of apathy to mask the immense strength that lay within. And so, as he sank into the water opposite his lover, Obi-Wan carefully acknowledged that he could wait…'till the tension humming across their Bond broke into the explosion of passion he knew that Anakin was barely reigning in.

He didn't have to wait long.

In one long fluid movement, the body across from him moved towards him; fingers grasping his waist as Anakin settled in his lap; one knee on either side as he lowered his head 'till their faces were but inches apart. It was here, abruptly, that the younger man stilled...soft breath washing over his lips as blue eyes stared into his; a mixture of carefully tethered heat and surprising patience. They remained so for a moment, paused in a single timespace for what seemed longer than it actually was. Obi-Wan was acutely aware of the lithe form above him, of the solid-muscled thighs that squeezed his waist...the firm grip on his shoulders. The tip of Anakin's need brushed against his chest...already aroused...already anticipatory...but somehow restrained. palms began a slow exploration; flat and warm across his collarbone; rubbing in wide arcs as they descended lower. Obi-Wan's breath hitched involuntarily as dextrous fingers grazed his chest, pausing to circle slowly before returning to his slow burn beginning between them was quickly building to a blaze; and he could do little but breath raggedly as Anakin stroked his hair...doing his best to remain still.

When they kissed, it was because Obi-Wan couldn't resist the beckon of his mouth anymore. Anakin had made no move to initiate, but his lips subtly darkened with arousal and there really wasn't anything Obi-Wan wanted more than to suck on them. A soft moan threaded its way between them, issuing from deep within as their tongues tangled. Giving in to what promised to be nothing but a rough, lust-ridden tumble, Obi-Wan kissed Anakin hard; rising slightly to chase his lips as he pulled away from the sudden onslaught only to return with equal passion. The hands that had ever-so-gently massaged his shoulder formed a near-punishing grip, squeezing flesh against flesh as the younger man bucked his hips. It was rare that they did this; lost themselves in nothing but instinct; in the passionate slide of form against form with no shadow of restraint. It wasn't exactly romantic, but there were times when neither could reconcile through temperance alone. Anakin had always been wildly passionate, and Qui-Gon had once deemed Obi-Wan too dangerous to train due to his perceived volatility. So it was through passion, acknowledging love but embracing desire that they fulfilled that the Bond and in their own bodies. Obi-Wan's lips left Anakin's to dip downwards, placing his tongue flat over a nipple before sucking gently, a flutter of amused affection running between them when his former padawan shivered. The sensation of metal on flesh had been slightly jarring at first. He reflected distractedly on this as Anakin's mechno hand-free of its leather restraints-curled bracingly over one of his biceps. The younger man was deeply self-conscious of it, something Obi-Wan had only realized when he noticed that Anakin rarely took his glove off; even while asleep. It was only out of necessity that he was privy to it now, as leather tended to shrink when exposed to excess moisture. The metal was temperate, heated like flesh and yet so unlike it...impossibly strong and breathtakingly intimate. Anakin never touched below the waist with it, and perhaps it was this that reassured him that some small part of his lover was humble, prone to acknowledge his flaws and incredibly sensitive. That wasn't to say that Obi-Wan hadn't known this before, but seeing the way Anakin touched with such reverent gentleness, eyelids flickering as he monitored the pressure sensors in case he was pressing too was sobering.


Adulent...really. That lilt of a husky voice, ragged with need and filling the space of the 'fresher. Obi-Wan whispered something nonsensical against the soft skin of Anakin's belly, mouthing against damp flesh as an ardent arch of back was his reward, his hands gripping virile sides. Anakin's organic hand rose to tangle in his hair, bringing him back up for a deep, searching kiss. The Bond was a steady heartbeat between them; heavy and shot through with coalesced a drumbeat in the soul. Obi-Wan shivered and jerked involuntarily as Anakin dipped his hips; forcing them closer to each the slide of skin against skin, the water around them lapping its cadence in sync to their movements. A long, lean finger traced the inside of his thigh, pausing to press against the surface with several digits; till the red blush of an imprint rose to surface...moving on. As a dextrous tongue laved his, Obi-Wan tilted his head and nipped teasingly, fingers fumbling over the edge of the tub to find the lubricant.

It wouldn't be long now.

Anakin's body was not subtle in its cues for more. He opened to lovemaking like a flower in the sun, cerulean eyes hot and heavy-lidded...mouth open in supplication as he twisted his hips. Passion and love melded together in an infinite line, bodies merged and breath mingled. Hours, minutes, wouldn't have mattered. And when each of them reached the apex of their ecstasy, he couldn't help but feel grateful that despite everything...despite the horrors they had been through, they were still together. Anakin's head lolled against his shoulder, mouth sucking mindlessly as his movements slowed and then finally stopped, both of them trembling. For a few moments, each was externally still..their minds entwined tightly as they conveyed their gratitude and affection without speaking. Then, Anakin lifted his head, that familiar mischievous smile playing about his lips.

"So much for getting clean" he murmured, lowering his head for a kiss.

"Oh, you're hopeless" Obi-Wan grumbled…

….But he tilted his chin up to capture his lips all the

Six Months Hence

"Pass me that wrench, would you?"

Obi-Wan blinked and looked up from his book to where Anakin was kneeling on the floor fiddling with some poor unsuspecting droid. He was-predictably-rather greasy-looking...something that Obi-Wan had permanently despaired of curing him of. You could take a mechanic out of a junk-shop, but you couldn't take the junk-shop out of the mechanic. Sighing resignedly, the older man set his padd to the side and wandered over to Anakin's toolkit.

"What's this one do?" he queried, finding the requested item and kneeling to join the younger man in front of the droid.

Anakin accepted the tool and sat back, chewing his lip.

"Haven't decided yet" he replied, running a hand through his hair and leaving dark stripes where oil met follicle. "Got any ideas?"

"As long as it doesn't teach the Younglings to sing filthy pub songs I'll be happy as a lark."

Anakin caught his eye and grinned, raising a sardonic brow.

"Awe, but you liked that one, I just know it. After you broke it in half with your lightsaber I caught you three halls down laughing your head off."

"Hysteria" Obi-Wan said promptly. "An old man like me can't take your antics."

"Oh, hmm. I think it was more to do with Padawan Wielum singing 'she doesn't bend over for any old thug, if she shucks off her skivvies, it'll be for a Dug!'"

"And that is why Luminara doesn't let you in the creche anymore" the older Jedi said dryly. "You're an utter menace. No Youngling should know the word 'skivvy.'

"Yea well now they all do."

"Ah, the privileges of knowing the Chosen One."

The buzzer to their quarters interrupted what was sure to become a very entertaining bantering session, and Anakin rose to answer it. Obi-Wan turned to glare suspiciously at the half-assembled droid, which beeped innocently. He was unprepared for the rush of exhilarated shock that rushed across the Bond, and very nearly knocked himself out on the coffee table hastening to get up. Anakin was standing by the open door, at the entrance of which was Bail Organa, looking appropriately pleased as punch. On each arm was a bright-eyed looking baby, staring at their father with incredible intensity. The man in question appeared to be at a loss for words, choosing instead to beam at each child in turn, his eyes suspiciously damp.

"You have no idea what kind of hoops I've had to jump through to get these little ones here" Bail commented, pushing past a gobsmacked Anakin to pace into the room. "I hope I'm not imposing."

"Of course not" Obi-Wan replied, stepping forward and smiling at Luke, who was eyeing him rather desperately. "It's good to see you Bail."

"Damin!" Luke yelped.

Both men blinked, stunned into silence. Still by the door, Anakin's quiet chuckle floated over to them.

"That's right" the young man said softly, leaving his position and coming to take Luke, whom Bail handed over reflexively. "Ur-Damin Obi-Wan.

Leia, seemingly positively enraged that Luke was the first to receive attention from their father, was the next to speak."


This time, it was Anakin who froze up, then subsequently looked like he might bawl.

"How is the reconstruction going?" Bail asked hastily, seeming to want to avoid any melodramatics.

"All approved" Obi-Wan replied, still keeping a careful eye on his former padawan, who looked about ready to explode with happiness. "It's been a ride...but it feels like we're finally getting there." He paused. "Anakin, why don't you take the twins into the bedroom and play with them while I catch up with Bail?"

The smile that he received in response was positively glowing, and when Anakin moved to pass him so he could take Leia, he leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"I love you."

Obi-Wan smiled and cupped his cheek.

"I love you too, dear one."

"Daa-min" Luke grumbled, stretching his hands out emphatically.

Anakin chuckled.

"Looks like he wants to stay with you" he commented, handing him over.

"Well, I'm flattered" Obi-Wan crooned, chuckling as his beard was promptly assaulted.

And as the love of his life disappeared into the bedroom with his daughter, he couldn't imagine being anywhere but here. The Galaxy was vast beyond measure, and the Universe beyond it even more so. There would be others to fill Sidious' shoes, rising to the promise of absolute power like a predator to flesh; but they were removed from that. It was here that his heart was, here that he'd found his purpose in life. Without a doubt...they belonged here, with the Force to bolster their path...and the glimmering lights of the city on an effervescent horizon...magnificent and tumbling onwards under an endless sky...

….under the four moons.