Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Harry Potter Universe. Neither do I own certain facts that will be presented in this story. If anything seems familiar, it's probably because it's on Pottermore or HP Wiki. That's where I got all my information after all. I only own the plotline and love to play with the characters.
Sorry for the delay!
Chapter Seven
Later that night at Malfoy Manor
The sun had just set as Draco threw on his darkest robes. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, looking for any flaws. He knew that if he lingered any longer, the Dark Lord would see it as insubordination. Draco didn't want to find out what the consequences were so he made his way to the ballroom. When he arrived the doors were open and the room was filled with men and few women in black robes. He knew they were here to see him receive his mark. The Dark Lord hadn't appeared yet so he made his way towards Nott Senior.
"Draco", he nodded.
He nodded back at him. He turned to face the Dark Lord's chair, not wanting to see him when he came in. Another presence stood on his other side, their hand grabbing his shoulder. He turned to see his godfather, Severus Snape assessing him.
"You know that they're all here to watch you fail, correct". he drawled. Draco smirked at him.
"Anything to watch the last of the Malfoy line shame themselves." He knew that they wanted to see him squirm, to watch him scream. But he wouldn't. He wasn't weak like they all thought him to be. And with his newfound heritage, he knew that he could be invincible. No, that he would be. He'd learn to hone his powers in and anyone who crossed his path would suffer. He had his mother to protect, and his father when he came back.
Lincoln leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Whatever you do, do not scream. And if you can, keep eye contact throughout the ordeal. When everything is done tonight, Theo and I will remain until you recover." Draco nodded his thanks.
As everyone started to get loud, he felt the dark power coming towards the room. The temperature dropped, as it always did, and the Dark Lord stepped through. Draco was the first one on his knees, still facing away from the entrance. The rest of the room followed, the only sound was of robes as they brushed the ground. As the Dark Lord passed to his throne, he tapped Draco's shoulder. Draco stood, head held high, and his face blank. His heart started to race, but he wouldn't show his fear. He knelt as the Dark Lord sat down, waiting for the dramatic speech to begin. He didn't have to wait long.
"My dearest friends! You all may stand, except the young Draco."
Couldn't even add my title, could he, Draco thought.
"Tonight, we celebrate another addition! It's the start of another generation, a generation that will bring forth new blood, and more energy. It's a great honor, young Draco, to be the first one marked." Voldemort waited. The applause that followed was short. "With the children joining our forces, we will be unbeatable. We will be stronger, faster, and more ambitious! The Order will not be able to stop us, and then we will take the Ministry by force!" As Voldemort got louder, the crowd started to rampage. They were eager to seek blood. It made Draco sick. "We will make this world our own! Nothing will be stop us from getting everything we deserve! Nothing will ever stand in our way again!"
The Death Eaters started to jeer, motivated by their leader. Voldemort raised his hand, and it the silence was instantaneous. "Let us not linger. It is time for the children to step into their roles, and it is time for Mr. Malfoy to pave the way."
The Dark Lord motioned for Draco to look towards him, and grabbed his left arm. Draco's defenses went up, preventing the Dark Lord from seeing anything that he didn't want him to see. Draco's sleeve was rolled up, his wrist held tightly by Voldemort. As Draco peered into his eyes, he saw the darkness. The darkness he knew would swallow his being and soul if he didn't tread carefully. Then the ugliest words that Draco had ever heard spewed out of the Dark Lord's thin, nonexistent lips.
Draco grit his teeth as burning pain ran through him. It was nothing like what he felt when Granger forced her magic towards him. She was pleasant, warm, and inviting. This, though...this was agonizing. But Draco had his Aunt't guidance on his side. Keeping his shields around his mind up, he remembered the look on Granger's face the last time he saw her. He engulfed his being into the dreams he had been having of her. The way she smelt, the way she could feel, and the way her magic felt on his skin. He knew that it would be the only thing to get him through this hell he would have to live in. He knew that she... she would be his saving grace. His mate would be the reason he would survive. Draco met the Dark Lord's gaze head on, not moving or making any sound. He was strong, and he would prove everyone wrong about the Malfoy's.
When Draco had finally acknowledged Hermione as his mate, his body took in the pain he was feeling, working it into his magic. It was making him stronger for her. Because his Veela knew that they would need the power to keep her safe.
There was blood running down Draco's arm by the time the Mark was etched into his skin. The Dark Lord released his arm, a smirk on his face. "Impressive, Draco", he hissed to him. "Not even a twitch", he yelled to the crowd. "My, my, he has set the record. If we can expect this from the next generation, we are certainly in for an exciting new era."
Everyone was silent, shocked that a boy of 16-years-old had outshone them all. "Now, you may all go. And Greyback, bring in the girl."
Everyone except the inner circle left, Greyback's large form leaving only for a few minutes. Draco still seemed collected, but on the inside, he was afraid of this girl. He hadn't heard word of who his victim would be, and none of the others knew either. To hear that it was a girl, it made him afraid of who that girl might just be. He chanced a glance at his godfather, seeing him shake his head no. No one knew who she was. If it was her, he knew that he was destined to fail, and there was nothing he could do to save himself, his family, or her.
Greyback came back, and Draco couldn't help the sigh of relief he gave, even with the grave situation at hand. She was a girl with dark brown hair and eyes. There was nothing about her that seemed familiar, so he knew that this wasn't a classmate.
"Now, Draco, it is time that you showed your worth. Kill the girl and let us be done with it. We have a revel to celebrate in your honor."
Draco knew that he would have to do this. He knew that he had no choice, and couldn't take anything back. He looked at his Aunt, knowing that he had to do this for his mother. Bellatrix's face was blank, but her eyes gave him the encouragement he needed. They were clear tonight, not crazed. She would witness this sane, and be there for him and his mother sane as well. He turned the girl, watching Greyback throw her down. She was crying, speaking in a tongue he didn't understand. From what he gathered, she was a muggle. It made it easier in a way. He gathered onto his remaining strength, and said the words that would bring destruction upon him.
"Avada Kedavra!" He watched the light leave her dark eyes, and he felt something inside of him die with her.
"Well done, Draco", Voldemort whispered. "Your task is simple. You will find us a way into the castle...and you will put an end to the headmaster."
Draco looked at him. "You have until the end of your sixth year, and if you shall fail...well, your mother won't be the only one to suffer." With his warning, the Dark Lord swept from his throne and out to the revel. Draco looked at his Aunt and Godfather, and he knew that he had been given an impossible mission.
A/N: Yes, this is short and I do apologize. I've just recently started school again, so the chapters may be a bit shorter, but more frequent. If I know that I won't be posting for awhile, I'll try and give a long chapter or a heads up. But for now, this is all I've got.