Hi everyone! I know its been a while and I apologize for that, but I hope that the humor in this chapter makes up for it :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters in any way, shape, or form.

Chapter 3.

Number two: Pour a drink on someone of the opposite sex - 2 Points.

The issue was not that there wasn't anybody to pour it on -for Kami's sake they were at a party with literal dozens of men they could pour said drink on. No, the problem here lay in how to get away with it without arising suspicion and without getting in any sort of trouble for it, of course.

Which meant that whoever they did decide to pour drinks on, could not just be a random stranger -no they had to know the person, because otherwise Sakura had a feeling they would not get away with it so easily.

Out of pity towards Hinata and TenTen, Sakura had of course valiantly offered to go first, and as such had allowed her eyes to roam around the room, until they finally settled for one particular man. Sighing and muttering a quick "Have I ever told you I hate you, Pig?" Sakura stood, filling her cup with a random alcoholic beverage on their table. She turned to her female companions for a few seconds, a nervous smile on her face. "Wish me luck."

In response, all three girls gave Sakura either a thumbs up or a reassuring smile, and watched as Sakura sauntered off into the crowd of people, their eyes following her to her destination.

TenTen could have snorted as she eyed Sakura's victim. "Wait -she's can't serious."

Ino's eyes lit up with amusement and pride -yep, that was her forehead girl, going in for the kill. "Oh, she totally is." and with that last statement, the girls watched on in morbid curiosity as the scene before them unfolded.

'Alright Sakura, this is easy. You've been angry before.' Sakura gave herself a pep-talk, eyeing her victim -I mean her... no, yeah, her victim, cautiously.

She had waited cautiously until he had separated himself from the pack, to get himself a beverage it seemed, before she herself had left her group of gals to follow him casually.

As such, Sakura had conveniently bumped into him on his way back to his group of friends, Sakura turning with a look of wide-eyed shock, as if she hadn't seen him there. "Oh! Sasuke-kun! Gomen, I didn't see you there." she giggled out with a toothy grin.

Sasuke eyed the kunoichi precariously, his eyes spotting at first her tinted cheeks, and then the cup in her hand -which had alcohol, he could smell both from her breath and from the smell exuding from the cup. "Isn't it a little too early to be getting drunk, Sakura?" he instead asked with a clipped tone. Not that he genuinely cared all that much -she was just a hassle to deal with when drunk, and seeing as this was his home, he knew it would consequently be his responsibility to make sure she didn't bring his home tumbling down.

But in response, Sakura merely frowned. "I am not drunk, Sasuke-kun." she instead stated, clearly displeased. "I'm offended you think so little of me." she instead offered, her empty hand going to her hips.

Sasuke could have rolled his eyes -that's exactly what a not sober Sakura would say, but he would bite his tongue on the matter. "Let's get you home before you do something we'll all regret in the morning." as he spoke, he reached his hand out to latch onto her elbow, but Sakura clearly had other plans, nearly as quickly withdrawing from his grasp.

"What is that supposed to mean, Sasuke?" she instead inquired with narrowed eyes. "You think I can't handle myself?"

It was a trap, of course, because she knew Sasuke would not lie, and was too prideful to admit yes, he did in fact care if his teammate was completely inebriated, because he knew what equally inebriated men would want, and he did not have the patience nor the desire to swat off potential assailants from his teammate. "No, I don't." he instead stated without batting an eyelash.

"You know Sasuke, you can really be a jerk sometimes. Kami I don't even understand how I fell for you in the first place." As she stated this, she allowed her drink to be hurled forward -of course completely intentionally, huffing her chest, although internally dying of laughter, as Sasuke's face was suddenly assaulted with liquid, his eyes closing shut, lest he get alcohol in his eyes.

But afterwards, he simply stared at Sakura incredulously, as if in disbelief -Holy crap she had actually just thrown her drink at him without little to no thought! Without a moment's notice, Sakura turned on her heel and began stalking away, muttering something about "Wait til the girls hear this!"

But of course, he did not know of the double meaning behind her words, for as she turned on her heel she had the most pleased facial expression on her face, staring straight at Ino in a 'I so own you' sort of way.

Ino seemed impressed, giving her pink haired kunoichi a thumbs up, and then turning to the napkin before her to adjust Sakura's score accordingly. "Alright girls, who's up?" Ino turned expectantly towards Hinata and TenTen, who both looked hesitantly around them, as if looking for ways to complete this challenge with a feasible reasoning like Sakura's had.

It seemed like TenTen was the first to spot something she could make use of though, her eyes getting a bright glint in them, before she stood with a confident grin. "Alright, I'll go." And as she said this, Sakura once more returned to their table with a toothy grin.

"Don't ask me why, but there was something absolutely exhilarating about pouring a drink of Sasuke-kun."

Ino shrugged. "Probably because he deserves to have a drink poured on him." Ino snickered, but silenced herself if only to look at TenTen, who just as casually made her way over to the guys table, where Sasuke had just returned.

"Hey Sasuke-tem- what the hell happened to you." Naruto looked confused, staring up and down at Sasuke, who had the most displeased, irritated grimace on this face.

Sasuke glared. "Sakura happened."

But before Naruto could ask him to elaborate on this, their attentions were shifted elsewhere. "Alright, place your bets boys."

Sasuke groaned. "Seriously?"

Naruto frowned, as if offended that Sasuke was basically looking at them all like they were children, before he turned on his seat and shifted his attention to Chouji and Lee, both leaning forward on a table, elbows propped up.

"I put my money on Lee." Naruto stated confidently, knowing that between Lee's outrageous training exercises and his natural strength, that he should be able to defeat Chouji in an arm wrestling match with ease.

Shikamaru merely chuckled. "No way -I'm counting on you Chouji." he grunted on, sitting alongside Chouji, hands behind his head in a casual manner.

And it was around this time that suddenly another person, apart from the male Rookie 12 surrounding the table, that came into view, the female counterpart to Lee. "What's going on here?" she greeted with a small smile, until her eyes landed on Sasuke. "Actually, first off, what happened to you?"

Sasuke groaned, yet again. "Don't ask."

But Lee seemed delighted to have earned the attention of his female teammate, a bright grin on his features. "Chouji and I are about to compete in a most useful match of arm wrestling."

"Alright alright, enough talk, let's get this show on the road." Kiba grinned. "And I challenge the victor, of course." he added as an afterthought. Chouji and Lee nodded, staring at each other heatedly, before grabbing onto each other's hands, waiting for Kiba to give them the go-head to start. "On your marks, get set... go!"

Consequently, they began their match, and after several minutes of going back and worth, it finally seemed like Chouji was getting the upper hand.

TenTen nodded in understanding. "Come on Lee, I know you can do it!" TenTen cheered on her teammate, although internally she couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction, "-ohhey, look, Sakura's watching too."

And almost as if this alone had ignited the man's innermost fire (perhaps literally, because TenTen swore she saw a fire appear in his eyes), he suddenly shouted a war cry and began to regain his ground, scarying Chouji as he gripped the poor man's hand tightly.

Needless to say, within the next thirty seconds, Lee had successfully subdued Chouji in battle, and with another victory cry, stood proudly to look at Sakura's direction brazenly. "MY SWEET CHERRY BLOSSOM! DID YOU SEE MY AMAZING DISPLAY OF STRENGTH?! OH, HOW MY YOUTH DOTH SHINE TONIGHT!" And almost as if for added emphasis, which he clearly did not think through, he gripped onto the fabric at his chest -his very own green jumpsuit, and ripped it right in half, as if to further show off his mighty muscles to his one and only Sakura-

But in an instant TenTen had thrown her cup -of water, it seemed, right onto Lee's body, a small glare on her features. "Lee, must you always make such a scene? You need to cool down." she frowned, an agitated look on her face.

But Lee seemed not the least bit affected. "Oooh! Good idea TenTen! Now my muscles are glistening for Sakura's viewing pleasure!" he winked in appreciation, showing TenTen a thumbs up, but as he turned to once more face his cherry blossom, he found that she was not at all looking at his direction -in fact, her eyes seemed to be glued across the room, having a heated staring contest with her sensei.

With a defeated frown and a sigh, he crumpled down to his seat once more. "Why won't Sakura just notice me?"

Naruto sighed, nodding as he placed a comforting hand on Lee's shoulder. "I ask myself that all the time, Lee. This teme here is the only one who's ever been lucky enough to be the object of her affections, and he didn't even appreciate it."

"T-T-TenTen! I-I-Ino is c-calling you." suddenly another figure appeared, another woman, although she was not at all a stranger to any of them.

TenTen turned to stare at Hinata warily, noticing that she too had a cup in her hand -was this her attempt at trying to complete the dare? But she would not sabotage the kunoichi, and as such she played along coolly. "Ah. Arigatou, Hinata." she thanked the heiress with a small smile.

"N-N-N-No problem." her face was read, as it always was when around Naruto, although he simply believed her to always be in a perpetual feverish state. But as Hinata turned around to begin walking away, she had accidentally slipped on the water on the floor, courtesy of TenTen and Lee, and as such she went flying backward, her cup, most importantly leaving her hand and flying precariously to the side (although she herself had landed face first into TenTen's arms)-

-And straight into Sasuke's groin.




The silence stretched on for several seconds before the entirety of the group -Neji, Shikamaru, and even Shino, erupted in laughter.

"G-G-G-G-Gomen Sasuke!" Hinata shrieked uncharacteristically, her face even redder, for this had most definitely not been her intended target, and as she stood to bow profusely at the Uchiha, she could not help but notice even Ino and Sakura were bellowing with laughter from across the room. But at this, Ino also stood and began making her way towards the group of nin.

"My, my, it looks like you're having a fun time Sasuke." she snickered.

Sasuke turned to glare daggers at the blonde Yamanaka. "Shut it." he demanded, uncaring that this was heir to her clan -subsequently his equal.

"Yeah... no." Ino smiled in satisfaction.

With a fed up sigh and an exasperated run of his fingers through his wet hair, he turned around. "If you will all excuse me, I'm going to go change lest the other guests think I've soiled myself."

"Oh I think it's far too late for that, Sasuke." Ino snickered once more, indicating to Sasuke with a point of her finger to a group of women who were staring straight at Sasuke with an accusatory look and trying their best to subdue their laughter.

Sasuke grunted, defeated, but began to walk away nonetheless.

Ino laughed even louder. "Let us know if you need any help Sasuke -I know how when are with diapers." Oh my Kami taunting Sasuke was so priceless...! Evenso, she turned her attention to Chouji who was still sitting on his seat, trying his best to subdue his laughter. "Nee, Chouji, I have a little challenge of my own for you."

Chouji almost immediately stopped laughing, knowing that if Ino wanted something, it was usually no good, and as such he frowned in trepidation.

But Ino merely laughed, dismissing his concern with a wave of her hand. "Oh nothing ridiculous, I promise." And as she said this, she made apparent the bottle of soda in her hand, which none had paid attention to up until she had pushed in forward. "Chugging contest, of course."

"A chugging contest? Count me in!" Naruto shouted in glee -he could perhaps not eat as much as Chouji, but he could definitely gulp down a soda.

"Oh, it's so own Naruto."

Ino grinned, clearly pleased. "Good. I'll get another bottle of soda for you too then, Naruto." As such, she turned around and hurriedly went to grab another soda, returning within the next minute to see Chouji and Naruto staring at each other heatedly.

With a sweat-drop, TenTen had obliged Ino in helping her, as Naruto and Chouji situated themselves back to back on their seats, their heads facing directly upwards -and there Ino stood, her hand hovering directly over Chouji, and TenTen doing the same with Naruto, a bottle of soda in both of their hands.

"Ready... set... go!"

"Ino that was cheating and you know it." Sakura scowled, clearly dissatisfied with the way their round had ended -while she, TenTen, and Hinata had actually embarrassed themselves with committing to the dare, Ino had gotten herself off easy by making Chouji chug a bottle of soda, and it was entirely not fair.

Ino seemed not at all concerned, as she began to add points to her name, as well as Hinata's and TenTen's. "I technically poured it on him, Sakura. He simply caught it with his mouth."

"Yeah, by no mere coincidence." Sakura scowled.

"Hey." Ino turned to face Sakura with a frown. "It's not my fault you weren't thinking mart, Forehead. Come on, there is always more than one way around a challenge, I'm sure even you know that, Mrs. I'm-studying-for-the-ANBU-exams. If you couldn't even find a simple solution to this how do you ever hope to pass?" she taunted hautily.

Sakura's glare deepened once more, although, upon realizing it had no effect on the Pig, she turned to try to appeal to both Hinata and TenTen. "Come on, you can't seriously think that counts, right?" she frowned.

Hinata and TenTen hesitated. "I mean, Ino is technically right, Sakura. Just because we don't like it and we had to do it in a more challenging way, does not make it any less a right way of doing it." TenTen reasoned with a small shrug. "Plus, it's still early on in the game anyway. It's not like this'll mean much in the long run, right?" TenTen asked, staring at Ino.

"No, probably not; these are just two points."

Sakura sighed, clearly defeated. "Fine. Whatever." she hmmph'd defiantly. "Let's move on so Ino can cheat her way through the next round."

"Alright, alright, but before we do that, can we just please go back and talk about how Hinata soiled Sasuke's pants?" she whispered the last part, almost as if, for speaking it any louder, Sasuke would know and begin to attack her.

And of course, at the mention, Hinata once more grew red, but the other girls began to laugh hysterically once more. "Definitely the MVP for this round." TenTen admitted with a grin.

"Definitely the best thing I've witnessed all year long." Sakura affirmed vehemently.

Hinata giggled hesitantly. "T-Truth be told, I-I was aiming for Lee, hoping that he wouldn't care because he was already wet." as she spoke, she played with her fingers nervously. "But in between my pretending, I actually did genuinely slip, so..." her sentence trailed off.

Ino couldn't help but laugh. "Hinata you devious plotter." Nevertheless, this had concluded their second round, all were still even in points, and it was time to finally begin to take the lead. "Anyway, let's move on to the next number on the list."

The remaining three girls nodded in affirmation, scooting closer to Ino so that they could stare at the paper as she begin to read the next item out loud. "Number three. This one is worth two or three points, depending on which you do." Ino began to explain. "You could either: A, smack the butt cheek of a member of the opposite sex for two points, or B, squeeze it for three."




Ino chuckled, putting the piece of paper back on the table and looking at her three friends. "Alright, so who wants to go first?" even though she said this as nonchalantly as she could muster, all the girls could hear her laughter bubbling out of her.

"Ino, what the hell did you get us into?!"

End of Chapter

So, I hope you guys all enjoy this! I was not originally planning on having Sasuke be the unfortunate soul, but it seemed funnier this way. Let me know what you all thought? xD This chapter is a wee bit shorter than the other ones but I think I'm going to break these chapters up in segments based on one dare/item on the list per chapter instead of fitting two, just because it seems to flow better this way.

Any and all feedback is much appreciated!


P.S. Sorry for any typos, I typed this up really fast and just wanted to publish it so I didn't keep you guys waiting any longer =]