A/N: It is long, but it is very important so please read it.

It's terrible and I feel horrible about, but I have decided to discontinue this story because I no longer have the motivation to continue it. I loved Teen Wolf and was obsessed with Stiles for a while, especially after season 3B. But when season 5 aired...I just didn't enjoy it at all and that made me lose interest in the show. It upsets me because it was a good show and I feel like they should have made season 4 different enough in a way that it would have been the last. While I'm all for more of the things that I like, I very much dislike when shows are stretched out past what they should be just because networks want to make more money. Unfortunately for me, this seems to be the case for most of the shows that I have liked. It's also upsetting because I did really like this story and I had three more story ideas for Stiles, involving three different OCs, that I had planned to write, but now I doubt that they will ever happen.

I am really grateful for this fic though. It does mean a lot to me because I hadn't written any fanfiction for about three years or so before this. This was able to bring back my desire to write because I have been writing lots of fanfic since then—just not for Teen Wolf.

Lastly, I really hate when stories that I like are discontinued so I do feel very guilty for having to discontinue it, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot bring myself to write for this. I hate even more when these discontinued stories have no ending and leave me without closure. Thankfully, I had planned out the second half of the story long beforehand so at least you won't have to suffer through that. What I had planned out was fairly general, but I tried to add as much detail as I could. Pardon any plot holes. I hope that this will provide you some closure.

Once again, I am very sorry and I hope that you will be satisfied well enough with this.

Wednesday, February 9th, 2012

Classes began again on Monday, February 6th; it was the first day of the second semester. The pack begins to relax, seeing that the threat seems to be finally gone and hoping that no more supernatural occurrences will happen so that they can have a normal second half of their junior year (sophomore for Liam).

On that day, however, during the class in which Gabriella and Stiles and Scott are in, a bunch of spiders start swarming into the classroom from under the door and the vents and the outlets and pretty much every opening in the room. People scream and freak out and they all rush out of the room only to realize that it's an infestation throughout the school. The school is evacuated and closed for the rest of the week while it's fumigated.

Stiles points out how odd this entire situation is, but the Scott and the others don't want to question it too much and shrug it off to it being a random thing. Gabriella doesn't think so and readily takes Stiles' suspicion seriously. She can't help but let her eyes linger on Stiles while he's deep in thought, but then Malia moves next to him and glares over at Gabriella who meets it with a blank face. Malia pulls Stiles away from his thoughts with a kiss and Gabriella looks away, a burning pain growing in her chest.

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

The school is holding a Valentine's Day dance. Scott goes with Kira, Stiles goes with Malia, and Lydia and Gabriella decide to go together. While there, Gabriella decides to push away all her heartbreak and just let herself enjoy the night with her best friend. They dance and laugh.

Meanwhile, Stiles and Scott are standing to the side, Malia and Kira having gone to the bathroom together. Scott is staring off somewhere so Stiles follows his gaze to find Gabriella and Lydia together also standing to the side. As a new song starts, a boy comes up to Lydia and asks her to dance. Lydia looks back at Gabriella to ask her if it's okay and she just nods. Stiles continues to stare at Gabriella. Scott tells him to go to her if he's just going to keep staring. Stiles hesitates, but decides to do what Scott suggested.

He greets her, she replied and they stand in a tense silence for a bit before he asks her to dance. She hesitates to answer, but before she can finally give her answer, Stiles grabs her hand and pulls her over to the dance floor. It's a slow song that's playing so they can't help it when the moment starts to feel intimate. Stiles tries to begin a conversation with her as they dance, but it just pains her and upsets her because she was having such a good time and he just had to come and ruin it. Stiles brings up Malia in a comment that upsets Gabriella, which causes her to push his hands off of her and walk away from him. Stiles is left there confused.

Friday, February 17th, 2012

During lunch, Stiles brings up to the pack that over the past week there have been several incidents of people being attacked by rabid animals. Liam doesn't understand how that's strange making Stiles point out that these attacks never really happened before that. He then argues that there must be something supernatural going on, but Scott points out that Stiles is always saying that "two's a coincidence". Stiles argues that this is different and there's no need for three things to happen to see that something is definitely going on. While the conversation continues and eventually changes topics, Gabriella is lost in thought, knowing that there is truth to Stiles' assumption. She racks her brain through her knowledge of all the different types of supernatural creatures that she knows about, but can't remember anything that would fit into what has been happening.

[I never planned to write for season 5, even before it came out, but when it did, one of the things that I actually liked was Theo's character so I decided to add him in. He is a werewolf here and is not a bad guy!]

Later that night, while the pack hangs out somewhere (like a diner or something), a boy comes up to them who introduces himself as a childhood friend of Scott's, Theo. He joins in with the group and they all seem to take a liking to him except Stiles who can't help but be suspicious because of everything that's going on.

Monday, February 20th, 2012 – Friday, March 24th, 2012

Throughout the week, Theo starts hanging out with the pack and assimilating into it. Gabriella hits it off with him very well and the two start flirting with each other, progressively more and more. Gabriella is glad about their growing friendship because it helps take her mind off of Stiles. Stiles can't help but notice her flirting with him and starts to feel jealous, but tries his best to ignore the feeling.

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

There's a bus crash, very serious; several people died. (On a side note, Lydia ended up there, but that's irrelevant). Stiles points it out and brings up that "three's a pattern" since that was a reason why Scott didn't want to believe him before, but Scott says that he doesn't see a connection between the three incidents; they are nothing alike. Gabriella, like usual, agrees with Stiles' speculation and decides to speak up about it this time. She says that a connection is the fact that they were all random without seemingly any cause. She tells them that they should be wary because it's better to be safe than sorry. Scott agrees causing Stiles to respond with "Oh, you listen to her, but not me."

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

There's an explosion at a gas station. Also sensed by Lydia.

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

The pack hangs out at Lydia's house when they are caught off guard by a huge thunderstorm (it was odd because the weather forecast had said nothing but sunshine). They decide to stay the night since driving in that storm would not be a good idea. Then there's a power outage and Stiles voices that he's starting to think that this has something to do with the incidents that have been going on. Stiles looks out the window at a point only to see a figure outside with fiery, red eyes—different from the red of a werewolf alpha's eyes. He turns around and tells everyone, when he turns back around it's gone.

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Early that day, Malia breaks up with Stiles with the reason of being in love with someone else and that that person returned her feelings. Stiles is hurt, but not as much as he expected to be/felt that he should be. He asks her who and she tells him that it's Theo. This confuses Stiles because he thought that Theo liked Gabriella; that's what he had gathered by their constant flirting. He wonders if she knew about this yet and how she feels about it.

With Gabriella: Theo tells her that he needs to talk to her and pulls her aside. Unbeknownst to the others (except Lydia), the two have been having a sort of fling (making out and whatnot). He tells her that he can't do those things with her anymore because he's with someone else and will be dating them now. He says that it doesn't matter anyway since their relationship was purely sexual in nature. Still, Gabriella gets angry, though she holds it in. She asks him who the someone else is and she tells him that it's Malia. Her initial reaction is confusion because last she saw, Malia was still with Stiles. Then her secondary reaction is her anger being replaced with sadness. She leaves him without saying a word and goes to find Lydia.

Gabriella tells Lydia everything that happens and then has a breakdown because Theo ended things with her because of Malia, of all people. (Gabriella says stuff along the lines of: "But then why? Both of them. Both of them chose her over me. What does she have that I don't? What makes her so much better than me? Why am I not good enough?")

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Fires spontaneously start in several different locations all at the same time. The pack now fully agree that something supernatural is happening, but they don't know how to figure out what it is. They ask Gabriella for help since she's a hunter, but she doesn't know either. She says that there aren't any tracks to follow; there's not enough clues to go off of.

Supernatural stuff aside, Stiles doesn't find himself all that bothered by seeing Malia with Theo. Awkward? Yes, but jealous? No. Instead, he finds himself focused on Gabriella more than he was before and can't help but notice that she's become so quiet. He wonders how long that's been going on; if he just noticed now.

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

The pack has a huge prank war with each other. Gabriella finds herself laughing a lot and having the most fun that she's had in a long time. After a series of events, Stiles and Gabriella find themselves hiding from the others together and planning out a prank with each other to catch the others. Stiles is happy that the two are finally having a conversation and is glad to see her smiling and laughing so much again.

Thursday, April 5th, 2012 [Week of Spring Break]

A train randomly derails. Stiles and Scott go together to the location where it happened to investigate to see if they can find any sort of clues. While there, Stiles sees the figure with the fiery, red eyes again. This time the figure is clearer, though. It looks like a large, black dog. He points it out to Scott without pulling his eyes away this time. Scott sees it and can tell that it's not a werewolf. They decide to go to talk to Deaton.

After describing what the creature looks like, he tells them that it must be a Barguest—a creature that appears like a large, black dog with fiery red eyes and that causes disasters wherever it goes. They duo call a pack meeting to decide their next course of action.

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

The town has been quiet; no disasters have happened nor any sightings of the Barguest so the pack has failed to put their plan into action.

That aside, it's Easter and they had all planned to meet up. However, Malia, Theo, and Liam all end up having to cancel. Still, the remaining ones meet up to relax and paint Easter eggs and have fun. Something else happens here between Stiles and Gabriella (I never figured out what).

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

The pack attempt to catch the Barguest, but fail.

Saturday, April 20th, 2012

The pack has separated into pairs and are patrolling the town in hopes of finding the Barguest. Stiles and Gabriella go together in his jeep. They so end up running into the Barguest, but they end up getting into a car accident. Gabriella maneuvers herself in front of Stiles quick enough in a way that causes her to take more of the impact than him (she gets injured severely and only survives because she is supernatural). Stiles feels guilty and then later on expresses his gratitude for not just that, but for always protecting him.

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

They are hunting for the Barguest again and find it. Lydia senses that a death is going to happen, but she can't figure out who. She tells everyone to be extra careful.

They attempt to capture the Barguest and in the process, Gabriella gets bitten by it protecting Stiles. The Barguest is then able to get away from the pack. The pack gets worried, Stiles the most, when she won't stop bleeding. Gabriella tells them something that she knows about Barguests: that the wounds that they inflict can't heal. Stiles has never felt more guilty in his life and refuses to believe that that's true.

They take her to Deaton, only to hear the same thing from him. He also tells them that they can save her, but the only way is by killing the Barguest. And they'd have to do it before she bled to death. They immediately rush out to go find and catch it. Stiles and Lydia stay behind.

Lydia is devastated because she doesn't want to lose her best friend (again; since she lost Allison before). She feels bad because she had sensed it before and says that if she had been able to figure out who it was that was going to die then it could have been prevented. Gabriella tells her that it doesn't work that it's not her fault. Lydia leaves the room to give her some time with Stiles.

Stiles can't help but feel like this was all his fault because she got the wound protecting him. He gets upset with her and questions why she's always protecting him at the risk of her own life. Thinking that she is going to die, she decides to confess her feelings and tells him that it's because she loves him. Stiles is left speechless, jaw dropped, unsure of how to react. Gabriella sighs and tells him that she understands if he doesn't feel that way and that it doesn't matter anyway. She tells him that she doesn't regret saying it because she needed to make sure that he knew that before she died. Stiles tells her not to say things like that and that she's not going to die. He embraces her and then whispers to her that he thinks he loves her too. Gabriella is surprised. Then they kiss.

The pack ends up catching and killing the Barguest just in time to save Gabriella.

Saturday, May 11th, 2012

The day before was the last day of classes. Gabriella is heading off to the Calaveras in Mexico for the summer. She bids her farewells from everyone—Stiles, last. After their confession to each other, they only became closer, but they never started a relationship because she would be leaving soon. Gabriella tells her that she still loves him and that when she gets back they will see if they still feel the same about each other. And if they do, they will go from there.

The End.