The Misadventures of Ponified Friends

Chapter 21: The Gorgon in Chicken Feathers (The Staremaster)

(Blast's POV)

I think this was one of those days where everyone is busy doing their own thing. And with my internship finally beginning next week, I couldn't get any more burned out from my preparations.

So, I knew I just had to get me one of those teas that Twilight drinks when she's deep into her studies. It helps boost brain energy, alleviates fatigue, and, best of all, no caffeine! I wondered if Zecora still had some left, so I began to make my way towards her hut in the Everfree Forest.

I brought a book with me, and while I was taking quick notes from it as I walked, I find my self spinning, and I dropped down on the ground all dizzy. I shook out of it, and I saw Fluttershy flying towards me.

"Oh, my goodness. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "Where are you off to?"

"I'm bringing Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo back at my cottage to host their sleepover."

"Really?" I asked. I think she'll bite off more than she can chew taking care of those three, who were now playing around the plaza. "Are you sure you can handle it? Not being rude or anything."

"What, these sweet little angels?" Fluttershy said as the three fillies lined up with obedient smiles. I swear I saw angel rings on top of their heads. "They'll be no problem at all."

"All right then, I guess I'll see you around," I said.

"Where are you going, Star Blast?" Fluttershy asked.

"To the Everfree Forest. I'm getting some of Twilight's favorite tea from Zecora's."

"The Everfree Forest?" Fluttershy said in a frightened tone. "You'll be careful, won't you?"

"Of course. Has a life of its own, monsters lurking everywhere, nothing new."

"Oh! Can we come with you, Star Blast? Can we? Can we? Can we?" Sweetie Belle repeatedly asked, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo following her lead. They were extra energetic today for some reason.

"I don't think so, girls," I said. "It's not a place for little fillies like you. If you don't mind my asking, why are you having your sleepover at Fluttershy's instead of at your own homes?"

"I may have done something that Rarity had to fix…" Sweetie Belle said sheepishly.

"Rarity has a big order to fill, so I volunteered to take the girls over at my cottage," Fluttershy said. I don't know if the fillies are safe in there since her home is literally right next to the Everfree Forest. They were better off at Sweet Apple Acres, but I guess Fluttershy can handle it like she says.

"Sounds like a busy day for all of us, huh?" I said with an amused smile. "Why don't I join you on your walk all the way there? Zecora's hut is in the same direction anyway."

"Oh, I don't mind at all." She said as we began to walk. Not a moment after I split up to mind my task for the day.

After I got the tea leaves from Zecora, while I was on my way back to Ponyville, I noticed something suspicious move in one of the bushes. My instinct told me it was just another critter, and it turns out it was just a chicken. It probably got lost from a farm somewhere, so I just minded my own business and continued my walk back.

I wonder how Fluttershy's doing?

Okay, there's definitely something off with the tea.

I mean, it still tastes good, but it didn't feel like Twilight's brew at all. Did she have her own way of making this? I decided to ask her about it, and she tasted my tea.

"Yeah, I think you're missing the most crucial ingredient of all," she deducted.

"I did?" I asked innocently.

"It needs the hundred-day old yellowberry honey," She said. "But I think we're all out."

Where am I supposed to find that? It was getting pretty late in the afternoon, too. Most of the stalls in the market are closed, and those that are open don't even sell the honey.

"Great. Guess I just have to stick with coffee." I said in disappointment. I was really looking forward to that tea.

"I think Fluttershy still has a whole pantry of it," Twilight told me. "She actually gave us our jar. Maybe she can give us another one."

"Really?" I asked. Fluttershy does make tea a lot. "I'm gonna head out of the library. I really want to make that tea perfect, so I can study effectively."

"Uh… don't you think it's a bit late to be going out at this hour? She does live next to the Everfree forest. It could be dangerous," Twilight said.

"Sure, but Fluttershy has been living there for who knows how long. I think my chance of survival is pretty high." I said.

"Well, if that's what you wanna do, then be safe, all right?"

I nodded. "I'll head back as soon as I can so I can finish my book."

The sun was setting, creating this beautiful pinkish sky as soon as I arrived at Fluttershy's sanctuary. Even when the windows and the door were closed, I could hear the voices of the three fillies emanate from inside. The chatter began to grow louder that I didn't think was possible once I was in front of the door. Fluttershy has a split one, so when the top half opened, I could see the girls scrambling around the cottage while Fluttershy was in the middle of the room, seemingly trying to calm the girls down.

I knocked on the door frame and said, "Good evening, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy glanced back, "Oh, good evening, Star Blast."

"So, you sure there isn't a problem?" I pointed to the fillies, being hyper as ever.

"Nope, no problem at all." Fluttershy declared.

"Mind if I come in?"

"Oh, sure. Make yourself at home." She said. I wiped my hooves on the mat outside before entering her home. It was still the most decent and peaceful looking house that I have ever seen. "What brings you here?"

"Can I ask if you still have some the hundred-day old yellowberry honey? Our stock ran out at the library." I told her.

"I think I still have some, but… Wait for just a second," She turned around at the fillies that still hasn't tired out. "Okay, girls. What should we do?"

"I'm gonna have MY cutie mark first!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Uh, girls-?" Fluttershy called.

"Nuh, huh!" Sweetie Belle retorted.

"Should we-?" Fluttershy tried to interrupt.

"I AM!" Apple Bloom declared.

"Girls!" Fluttershy raised her voice slightly. "Okay, now settle-"

"I'm staying up all night!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

This is going to take a while, I thought. Wait, won't these three become my students once I start teaching at the schoolhouse? Don't tell me they're this active at school too?

"Should I help out?" I asked.

"They're just a bit excited." she reasoned. It didn't seem like a bit to me. "Okay, I know you're excited, but girls-" she stopped when she saw Apple Bloom standing in a wobbly chair. She quickly stopped the filly before she could possibly hurt herself, "Be careful in there."

I looked up and saw Sweetie Belle poking her head into a birdhouse. I used my magic to get her down and gave her a stern look, which she smiled apologetically as a reply.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Fluttershy said. "Play a game?"

"We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo announced.

"And we wanna crusade for our Cutie Marks!" Apple Bloom said.

"And, and, and we-! Uhm, yeah! What they said!" Sweetie Belle said, perching on top of my head. I didn't even notice her climbing on me.

"Uhm, I don't know… How about a nice, quiet, little tea party?" Fluttershy suggested. She was starting to sweat nervously. I wonder if this was the first time she had ever been a babysitter. Well, to her own pony kind.

"Or, we can go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!" said Scootaloo. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle expressed their agreement. "Yeah!"

The three started to run towards the door, and I quickly blocked the path from them. "No, no! That place is dangerous. Have you three seriously forgotten what I said to you earlier in the day?"

"But you and Fluttershy can go with us so we can catch those dangerous creatures," Sweetie Belle retorted. "We can be, uhm, creature catchers!"

"YAY! CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CREATURE CATCHERS!" I covered my ears from their bellowing. It dawned on me that this could become a daily routine for me starting next week. I should get used to this as soon as possible, even just for tonight.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom grabbed a basket and the carpet and dressed up like a monster with glowing eyes. "Aargh! I'm a dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! Aargh!"

"Halt, dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! I am Sweetie Belle, the creature catcher! And I am here to catch you!" she joined in the sudden role play.

"You can never catch me! I'm far too powerful and dangerous!" Scootaloo, from under the basket and carpet, said.

"You cannot run from me!" Sweetie Belle declared, and they began chasing each other around the living room. I guess this isn't too bad.

But Fluttershy thought otherwise, "Uhm, maybe that's not such a good idea. Why don't we do some nice coloring?"

"They're kids, Fluttershy. I think you should let them do what they want." I said.

"Are you sure? They're getting a little too close to the furniture."

"Relax. They're not that ignorant as to- oof!" I felt Sweetie Belle jump on my back suddenly that knocked the air out of me.

"Come back, dangerous creature! So I can catch you!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Never!" Scootaloo answered back as Sweetie Belle jumped from one corner to another, landing on the small table that made it unbalanced, wriggling in its place.

"Careful… Not to-!," she and I winced as the table finally went down and break into pieces. "-break anything…"

She gave me a frustrated look. Okay, I may have miscalculated the fillies' behavior.

"Sorry, Fluttershy," said Sweetie Belle sadly.

"Yeah, sorry, Fluttershy," Scootaloo added.

"I guess we aren't creature catchers," Apple Bloom said in the same tone as the other two.

"Girls, It's okay," I told them. "I know you three are excited to have a wonderful evening doing Cutie Mark Crusader things, but Fluttershy here is kind enough to let you three stay in her place. You don't want to cause trouble for her and get her worried, do you?"

They simply shook their heads guiltily.

"Now, I want you girls to behave and listen to her, understood?" They nodded. "Okay, so what do you wanna do, Fluttershy?"

"Oh! Um, I guess we could play a game," she said.

"A game?" Apple Bloom asked in excitement. She and the other two rushed over to the couch and was anticipating what Fluttershy's game is. While they were busy, I set aside the broken table. It looked old. No wonder it fell apart so quickly.

"The game is called, 'Shhh,'" Fluttershy said.

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, it's a game about who can be quiet the longest," she instructed. "Sound fun?"

The excitement on the crusaders' faces rapidly turned into a bored one. Still, Fluttershy continued to be enthusiastic.

"I'm the world champ, you know. I bet you can't beat me!" Fluttershy grinned before starting to hold her breath, and here I was watching awkwardly. Will I ever get the chance to borrow the honey? Or should I just ask permission and find it on my own?

It wasn't even a few seconds in when the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave up.

"I lose!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

And back again they were, doing random stuff in random places inside the cottage. At this point, I started to feel bad for Fluttershy. It's not easy looking over three kids, and I have zero doubt that she's trying her best.

"Okay, now what do we do?" Scootaloo asked the two.

I saw Apple Bloom climb inside the chimney. "I know! We can be Cutie Mark Crusader Coal Miners!"

"NO!" Fluttershy bellowed. The atmosphere around wholly changed, and I wasn't expecting that tone from her. It even stopped the Cutie Mark Crusaders from doing anything.

Fluttershy cleared her throat. "I mean, it's time for bed, don't you think?"

"Aww~." The fillies said in a reluctant voice.

"Come on, now, Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly-wuggly, widdle beds?"

"Snuggly-wuggly? But we have more crusading to do!" Apple Bloom said.

"We've got plans!" Scootaloo said.

"And capes!" Sweetie Belle added. She brought three capes with appears to be the logo of their group.

That didn't convince Fluttershy, though. She began escorting the girls upstairs. "Uh, okay, um, maybe the crusading can wait until morning? When it's light and not so…dark."

Halfway in the staircase, she turned back to face me. "Wait just a bit more, Star Blast. I have to make sure that the girls are asleep."

I nodded. "It's no problem. Take your time."

"Thank you," she said with a smile and then continuing to walk up the stairs.

It was getting pretty late in the night now that I couldn't hold back to yawn sleepily. After I get the honey, I wouldn't even have any more time to finish my book. It would mess up my sleeping schedule. I looked out the window, and the forest seemed like it was covered in mist that reminded me of that one movie. Guess a quiet place like this still has its cons.

I sat down the couch, and I let out another yawn. I might end up sleeping here if Fluttershy still hasn't taken care of the three. I could hear her upstairs, singing a melodic lullaby that goes, Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed.

My eyes began to flutter sleepily the longer I listened to the lullaby. I almost drifted if it wasn't for Sweetie Belle, who sang a bombastic version of the song that shook the entire house. I even have to hold on to the couch to keep me from falling.

The noise made the chickens outside restless. I looked out, and the chickens were running around in their pen panicking. I could see the shadows of three tiny creatures rounding up the birds.

"Girls!" I heard Fluttershy shout upstairs. A light opened up outside, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were right next to the chicken pen.

"Fluttershy! Your chickens are on the loose!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"I wonder what could have caused that?" Sweetie Belle questioned while everyone in the area knows it's her.

I went out of the cottage myself and asked the girls. "Crusaders! Why aren't you sleeping?"

"The chickens are in distress, but don't worry! The Cutie Mark Crusaders can handle this!" Scootaloo declared

"Cutie Mark Crusader Chicken Herders, yay!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she leads her friends to the chicken pen. I reached out to try to stop them, but it was already too late. How the heck can Rarity put up with her?

"Girls, I don't think that's such a good idea!" Fluttershy called as she flew out of the room and landed into the pen. "Come on, girls. The chickens are fine! Girls!"

The chickens were scrambling as the Crusaders were chasing them, and they looked like they were having a lot of fun. I tried to help Fluttershy take control of the situation, but the chickens flying into my face makes it more difficult.

Fluttershy called them again and again, and she had enough. "GIRLS!" the crusaders grew quiet, and the chickens just as well, looking at Fluttershy. She and one of the chickens resting on her head exchanged looks before she made a clucking noise, probably telling the bird to come down and group up with the others. She gently pushed the chickens near their coop, but they stopped listening to her.

"Come on now. In you go." Fluttershy persuaded. She waved her hoof towards the coop, but the chickens completely ignored her and started to pluck on the ground.

"I've never seen chickens do that before," I said randomly. "I mean, listening to someone and understanding them."

"Um… can you keep quiet about this?" Fluttershy asked me suddenly.

I tilted my head questioningly. "Keep quiet about what?"

Fluttershy sighed. She then walked towards the chickens and then did this intimidating, intense stare that gave me goosebumps even when I'm in her peripheral line of sight. The chickens were frozen in front of her stare, before slowly backing away into their coop.

"There's some good chickens," Fluttershy said, satisfied. She turned to face the crusaders who were still in awe from her stare. "Now, you three. Isn't it time to go to bed?"

"But-!" They tried retorting, but I'm not having it.

"No more buts, girls," I said. "Like Fluttershy said earlier, you'll have plenty of time crusading tomorrow morning, but for now, you need lots of sleep. You don't want Fluttershy to use her stare on you the same way she did to those chickens, right?" They shook their heads vigorously. "Okay, promise me you won't leave your bed?"

The crusaders exchanged looks at each other. "We promise." They said with a sigh.

"Great, now in you go," I held the small gate of the pen for the crusaders as I watch them enter the house, just to make sure that they won't run off to somewhere again. As Fluttershy walked by, she gave me a thankful nod and a smile. I gave her a smile of my own as we tucked in the girls for the night together once we were all inside the bedroom.

"So, no more crusading for tonight, alright?" Fluttershy asked one more time. The crusaders answered yes one by one. Fluttershy turned off the lamps, and we headed downstairs, knowing that the fillies are finally sleeping.

"I'm sorry it took so long, Star Blast," she said along the way. "I didn't know the girls were that energetic."

"That's okay. I get to know those three a lot, too, so I could take this time to learn exactly what I should do once I began teaching them."

"Oh, that's right!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "You're going to be a teacher now. You must be excited."

I shrugged. "I'm still a bit nervous, though. I never got to teach an actual class yet, so I'm afraid I could mess up."

Fluttershy put her hoof on my shoulder comfortingly. "I'm one hundred percent sure that you're gonna do a great job."

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Fluttershy. It really means a lot."

She pulled back, and then she headed towards the kitchen. "I'll go see if there's still some of my honey left. It'll be just a sec."

I waited a few more seconds, but I decided to go after her to see what she was doing. She was hovering over the floor to look at the kitchen cabinets on the upper side.

"Oh, dear," she said. "I think I'm all run out. Harry must've eaten it all in our last tea party."

I couldn't hold back the twitch in my eye. "Who's Harry?"

"My Grizzly Bear friend," she rubbed her head and looked at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I made you wait all this time for nothing."

I made a sigh, hiding the disappointment in it. "It's okay." This is what I get for randomly craving a beverage I don't usually drink.

Fluttershy yawned tiredly, and her eyes were droopy.

"You should definitely take a rest now, too," I told her. "I'll go lock the door on my way out."

"Wait, you're leaving? This late at night?" She asked.

"I told Twilight I'd be back quickly. They're probably worried knowing I went in the Everfree Forest."

"Is that so?" Fluttershy said. Why does she look disappointed? "I mean… you could stay over… just for the night."

I smiled at her concern. "Thank you, but…" I looked outside, and I swear I saw something along the shadows with glowing eyes surrounding the place. "…you know what? I don't mind staying over at all. I'm sure the others back home will understand."

She instantly perked up for some reason. "Should I bring you over a pillow and a blanket? I can set up a bed for you."

"No, no. the couch is fine." I sat down on the said couch. She sat next to me, as well. "So, how are you handling the girls so far?"

Fluttershy sighed. "I think I'm doing great, and it's also because you're helping me. Have you babysitted before?"

"I did. I used to look after Speedy's little sister years ago for extra allowances. And a few more times with my neighbours' kids. Once you get used to it, you'll realize that it's not so difficult."

"You're right, Star Blast. It really wasn't that hard," Fluttershy said. "All I have to do is to show them who's in charge. Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy. Good with animals, good with kids…"

Fluttershy had fallen asleep right then and there. I levitated a blanket over her and covered her gently. I remembered the feeling of tiredness from my first time of being a babysitter. Ezra, Speedy's sister, was way worse than the crusaders, and that is saying something. I couldn't even control her with the help of Lem, not until we began to bribe her with doing anything she wants us to do. Now that is a memory that I would rather not talk about.

Now where am I supposed to sleep, I thought.

It had been awfully quiet in the cottage now that the crusaders and Fluttershy are asleep. I should probably check on them, and I went up the stairs. Slowly, I opened the bedroom door and looked at the bed, and that was when I felt something was off.

The bodies on the bed lay motionless even when the blanket's covering them. No signs of breathing at all. I walked towards the bed and pulled the sheet, and I was met with three pillows instead of three fillies. I groaned as I rubbed my temple to ease my irritation. When will those three listen?!

I silently went down the stairs so that I wouldn't wake up Fluttershy, who remained sleeping on the couch. I don't want her to worry about this, so I'm going to go look for the crusaders myself. I went out of the cottage as quietly as I could, and I immediately searched for traces.

I returned to the chicken pen, and I noticed a tear in the chicken wires. Looks like one of Fluttershy's chickens have escaped, and I think the crusaders are probably trying to find it. I followed the chicken feet tracks, and soon after, tiny little hoof prints that lead to…

"Of course…" I said, looking at the grim Everfree Forest. Those girls have certainly bitten off more than they can chew with this crusade. If I were Fluttershy, I never would've offered to look after them. Why did she even offer to look after them? Probably another act of kindness from her, I bet.

I'm gonna give the crusaders one scolding of a lifetime, but for now, I need to find them fast before something terrible happens to them. I took a deep breath, and I ventured inside the forest.

I could certainly feel the scary atmosphere of this place now. I've been in this forest on numerous occasions, but not once did I go alone in the middle of the night. Every moment I would turn my head quickly to see something suspicious hiding from the trees or move from the bushes. I think I'm going to become paranoid the longer this goes.

Still, I won't let this stop me from searching. "Crusaders! Where are you!?"

A strong blow of wind put me out of my focus. I blocked my face with a hoof as leaves flew down and rode the cold breeze and blocked my vision. As I was walking, I heard a loud snap that startled me. I looked down and turns out it was just a twig.

"Okay, that could've been way worse…" I said to myself.

A sudden noise from one of the bushes caught me off guard that I yelped out. The bush was shaking intensely, and there was this ominous sound coming from it. I slowly walked towards it as I lit up my horn, ready to shoot at whatever it was hiding in there. It went on for a few more seconds before the source of the racket finally showed up.

It was one of Fluttershy's chickens.

I let out a sigh of relief, and I relaxed, the glow from my horn slowly fading.

"What are you doing here, little critter?" I said to the bird. "It's not safe for you to be out here."

I tried to grab the chicken, but it ran away, frightened.

"Come on! Don't make this hard for me!" I yelled before chasing after it. The chicken was so quick and small that I completely lost its tracks.

I ended up in an open area of the forest that was very familiar. I think this was the place where we encountered the manticore the first time we were here. I sure hoped that if it's still around, it's still friendly.

The light of the moon was being covered in clouds, making the place really dark. But, I could tell that there was somepony in this part of the forest with me. I wasn't sure at first, but as I inched closer to the pony, it was a figure of a mare. Now that I got a good look, the mane and her tail looked familiar.

"Twilight?" I realized. "What are you doing out here in the Everfree Forest?"

She was ignoring me. Heck, she wasn't even moving. The moment the clouds in the sky uncovered the moonlight, and what I saw froze me.

Twilight was turned into stone. A cold, lifeless statue. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was agape.

I immediately began to panic. What kind of monster could have done this? I examined her body while looking out for danger that may come out. I tried to move her, but she was completely heavy.

"What should I do?" I muttered. The danger that put Twilight in this state might still be on the loose, and the crusaders were still out there! "I'll be back, Twilight."

I took off and began calling the names of the fillies. It may get the attention of the monster, but I couldn't afford any more friends turning into stone. I need to save them as soon as possible.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

My ear caught the voices of Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, and it wasn't too far from where I am, thank goodness.

"Girls!" I yelled while I was dashing through branches and bushes. I finally made it to them.

"Star Blast?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Why are you dirty and covered in leaves?"

"Looking for three, disobedient fillies, that's why!" I yelled. The three flinched from my outburst. I couldn't help it. I was agitated. "Didn't we make it clear that you shouldn't be out here? Especially in the middle of the night?! You three even promised Fluttershy and me!"

They couldn't look me in the eye. I noticed that tears are welling up from them. I calmed my self up. "Girls, I'm sorry. I'm just worried that something bad might happen to you, but there's no time for apologies. I have to get you of here quick."

"But, we haven't found the chicken yet." Sweetie Belle told me.

I nodded it off. "There's no time. There's something else on the loose, and it's completely dangerous."

"Like-like a monster?" Apple Bloom asked.

"There's a possibility, but I'm not going to spend another minute finding that out. Let's go."

"Look!" Scootaloo exclaimed. She was pointing at something. "The chicken!"

I turned around to see the chicken that I lost earlier continued to run away. I left my eye on the crusaders for one second, and there they were chasing it.

"Girls, wait!"

They made clucking noises to call over the runaway chicken as it jumped into a bush. They halted once there was a deep, grumbling gurgle from somewhere.

"There it is!" Sweetie Belle called when the chicken's head showed up from the bush. But another chicken revealed itself. Compared to the other one, it was incredibly bigger, and its eyes were glowing red.

"Two chickens?" Scootaloo wondered.

"I thought only one escaped?" Apple Bloom said.

"Grab them both!" Sweetie Belle announced as they lunged on the first chicken.

I had an awful feeling about the other chicken. I reached out to the girls and shouted, "Get away from that bush!"

Apple Bloom tried grabbing the first chicken, but it hid back into the bush. She then moved to the mysterious chicken, but it disappeared the same way as the other. Then, it emerged in its full body. The head was part chicken, but its body was entire of scales, completely dragon-like.

I've read about this creature from one of my books. It was a Cockatrice!

The real chicken ran around, clucking loudly in circles. The Cockatrice landed next to it and then gave it a petrifying stare that quickly turned the chicken into stone.

I couldn't believe that I was actually trembling in fear because of some creature with a chicken for a head.

The crusaders screeched in terror as they ran far away from the Cockatrice as possible. They were passing through corners of trees and bushes that it was hard to keep track of them, but I managed. We ended up back in the place where I found Twilight's stoned body. This resulted in even more panic when they saw her.

"Girls! We have to stick together!" I instructed, but they were too freaked out to even listen to me. I heard a loud roar, and I gasped when the Cockatrice found us. I quickly took my line of sight away from it, covering my eyes. I heard flapping wings going its way towards me.

"Crusaders! Cover your eyes and hide behind me now!" I yelled. My eyes were still closed, so I wasn't sure that they did what I told them, but I could feel tiny hooves touching my back. The flapping was uncomfortably close that it was fanning me with the wind, so I was afraid that the Cockatrice was just right in front of my face.

I tried really hard not to peek, but curiosity got the better of me. I slowly opened my left eye to see if it was still there, but the Cockatrice was using its stare at me. I could feel my lower body going completely numb, and it's slowly spreading upwards. It was probably too late for me as I was completely paralyzed from the head down, and then my vision went completely dark. I only hoped that the girls got out in time.

"YOU!" I heard a voice. "HOW DARE YOU!"

I couldn't tell what was happening, but I could still hear the commotion around me. Did the petrification leave out my hearing?

"Just who do you think you are turning others into stone?" The voice said. Was that Fluttershy? "You should be ashamed of yourself! I have half a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man!"

The Cockatrice was squawking, and it sounded… scared?

"Now you go over there, and turn Elizabeak, and my friends, Twilight and Star Blast back to normal, and don't let me ever catch you doing this again! Do you understand me?" Fluttershy ordered.

I heard something flashing, and my sight came back. The Cockatrice was running away from us, and it was clucking like a startled chicken.

"Oh, Star Blast!" I feel the wind in my lungs knocked out when Fluttershy hugged me. "Thank goodness!"

"Fluttershy, you saved us," I said, returning the hug. "But how?"

"It's all thanks to Fluttershy's stare!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah! She's like the Queen of Stares! You're the Staremaster!" Scootaloo exclaimed happily, followed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Okay, now, let's not forget what you fillies did before this," I told them, their smiles slowly fading. "You snuck out behind our backs doing the one thing we told you not to do."

"We're sorry, Star Blast." Sweetie Belle said sadly.

"Yeah, we'll listen to you from now on." Apple Bloom said.

"We promise," Scootaloo added. How many times have I heard that this evening alone?

"Oh, you do, do you? You better, or I'll give you… the Stare!" Fluttershy warned playfully, earning laughter from the fillies.

Meanwhile, Twilight had fully regained consciousness as she walked towards us.

"Wha…What happened?" She asked groggily.

"You were turned into stone by a Cockatrice," I said.

"So, that's what it was." She rubbed the temple of her head. She was still dizzy. "All I remember is that there's a chicken from one of the bushes. I figured it's one of Fluttershy's critters, so I tried talking to it."

"Well, now we learned to not go near chickens in this place," I said, then I realized something. "Speaking of, what are you doing all the way out here?"

"I was gonna follow you to Fluttershy's to tell you that we still have the hundred-day old honey…"

I was left entirely silent. My eyes twitched. "Is that so?"

Twilight chuckled in embarrassment. "I may have brought a jar down back in the lab and forgot about it?"

I sighed. Well, I did have an experience of a lifetime tonight, so I got that going for me.

"Also, I was wondering what's taking you so long from coming home. I got worried that something bad happened to you all the way to Fluttershy's." Twilight told me.

"Well, I actually decided to stay in the cottage for the night. The Everfree Forest is dangerous." I said.

"Wait, wait, wait. You. And Fluttershy. In the same house. Together. Alone?" Twilight asked as if she just realized something.

"Oh no, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are having a sleepover in my place. I just offered Star Blast a place to rest." Fluttershy answered for me.

"Oh! Now that makes sense because I thought you two were-" Twilight paused.

"We what?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, nothing! Nothing!"

I and the fillies exchanged looks. What's that about? was probably the same thought we had in mind.

I turned to Fluttershy to expect the same reaction, but she was blushing up a storm. I think I know what Twilight was assuming, and it's making me feel awkward as heck.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Anyway, whose chicken is that?"

Twilight pointed to the chicken that was turned to stone earlier, still upside down and struggling to get out of the hole it made. Fluttershy gasped and immediately attended to Elizabeak.

I noticed that it was starting to get bright out. The purple, starry sky was slowly turning into a blue, morning horizon as the sun begins to rise.

"Why don't we head back and have some breakfast?" I suggested.

"Ooh! Can we have pancakes?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I want waffles!" Scootaloo added.

"I want both!" Apple Bloom announced.

I chuckled. I'm surprised they still have enough energy even after staying awake after all that has happened. Oh, the joys of youth.

Fluttershy, Twilight, and I were talking about the events that happened earlier while the Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing tag outside after eating their pancakes and waffles. Twilight borrowed a quill and a paper and continued to write down notes.

"-and that's when I brought you two back from stone," Fluttershy finished.

"This is going to be quite a letter to the Princess," Twilight said, "I seriously have no idea that you can handle those girls. You proved me wrong."

Fluttershy giggled. "I wouldn't go that far." She admitted.

"Oh? How so?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I assumed that I'll be just as good with kids just as well as I do with animals, and boy, was I wrong. I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I can chew." Fluttershy said. "Oh, and Star Blast helped take control most of the time, too. If it weren't for him, the girls wouldn't listen to anything I say."

"Don't give me credit, Fluttershy. You did all the work," I told her.

"I'm so sorry that I fell asleep, and you have to be the one to look for the girls alone. They were my responsibility."

I shrugged it off. "It's my fault, too. I should've been more alert. And if anyone's learned about biting off more than they can chew, it's Fluttershy and Rarity,"

"Speaking of, good morning, Rarity," Twilight said.

I glanced back, and Rarity was just arriving at the cottage.

"Good morning, Rarity," Fluttershy greeted. "Have you finished all those capes?"

"Just delivered them. I have to admit, if you haven't come along, I might not have," Rarity gave Fluttershy a thankful nuzzle. "Thanks again."

"We're just having breakfast. Would you like to stay for some tea?" I offered.

"I really must get back to the shop and clean up," Rarity said. She then turned to the fillies. "Girls! Get your things. Time to go. Uh, girls? Girls!"

The three of us watched Rarity try to control the crusaders, but they just continued playing and ignoring her. Rarity let out a groan out of frustration.

Fluttershy and I looked at each other, and we exchanged smiles. Guess someone has to take over for Rarity.

"Rarity, allow me," she said. She cleared her throat. "Girls?"

The crusaders immediately stopped and then lined up in front of us. Rarity looked stunned.

"Yes, Fluttershy?" Apple Bloom said.

"You called?" Scootaloo asked, kindly.

"Go and get your things. Rarity is here to see you home." Fluttershy told the fillies.

"Of course, Fluttershy. Right away," answered Sweetie Belle. They then zoomed past us and into the cottage to get their stuff.

Rarity was speechless. "How… How did you… How did you do that?"

Fluttershy looked back at Twilight and me and winked. We smiled at her.

"Guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals," Fluttershy told Rarity. The crusaders returned with their bags, and they headed back to Ponyville after saying goodbye to Fluttershy.

"Uh… speaking of which, I could use your help with Opal," Rarity said.

"Of course. How about later today?" Fluttershy asked. We suddenly heard a cat's screech from out of nowhere.

"How about now?" Rarity turned around, and her cat was clinging on the right side of her body, claws and all.

Me and Twilight marched over to get a closer look, and it looked painful. Twilight and Fluttershy found a reason to laugh about it, but I clearly don't. A cat's claw digging into your skin is one of the worst things ever.

"Sure, Rarity. Go inside the cottage, I'll just clean up here." Fluttershy instructed.

"Gladly," said Rarity, wincing in pain as Opal seems to have dug her claws deeper into her skin as she exclaimed in agony while entering the cottage.

"Thanks for breakfast, Fluttershy. Blast, and I will be going now." Twilight said.

"Glad to have you come over," Fluttershy said. "Thank you, Star Blast again for helping me foal-sit. I never would've gotten pass the night without your help."

"I seriously doubt it. You're more than capable, you know," I said . "But if you ever need help, just come visit the library. I'll be there."

"I will."

Twilight and I waved at Fluttershy farewell as she finally attended Rarity's cat problem.

"You must've had quite the night, huh, Blast?" Twilight said, starting a conversation along the way. "Taking care of the CMC, going out alone in the Everfree Forest, being turned to stone by a Cockatrice…"

"I'd rather have less of the last two. Helping to look after the Cutie Mark Crusaders' actually helpful experience once I get to intern in the schoolhouse." I said.

"Speaking of schoolhouse, I'll make sure to be there and watch you on your first day of teaching." She told me.

I chuckled, "What are you, my mom?"

"Just a caring friend."

I sighed. Might as well. "Looking forward to it, Twilight."

I mean, it's just her to be there to watch me. What's the worst that could happen?

Author's Note!

Me + a lotta free time + motivation = A chapter done in just three days.

I certainly surprised myself with this one. Goodness, I'm on fayah!

Currently binge-watching the entire MLP series (Even Equestria Girls and their digital series) and so far I'm back in the middle of season 2. Just sharing lmao.

Leave a favorite and a follow if you want to get updated with the story, leave a review while you're at it. Let me know if someone out there is still reading this XD

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! - Super Bright Brat