Chapter One

*All rights go to Stephanie Meyers. I only own the plot, and any OC's. Enjoy, and please comment, fav, and review! I hope to become a better writer someday, and I can't do that on my own.

By the way, this story is a bit inappropriate for anybody under the age of 18. It contains sexual content and cursing. Just giving you guys the heads up.*

I've never been the one to receive so much attention. I was like my older sister, Bella's shadow, and I was fine with that. I enjoyed being invisible because it was what I was use to it. But no matter how hard I tried they refused to treat me like I was invisible, and it became pretty clear that there was nothing I could do to change their minds. I would just have to suck it up and deal with it.

I also wasn't the kind of girl who would just randomly hook up with guys, but Paul Lahote was the hottest guy I had ever laid eyes on. As soon as I saw him, I knew that I wanted all of him. With that there came consequences.

"Harder, Paul, harder," I begged as he continued to pound into me as fast as he could.

He began to kiss me along my collarbone, and slowly gave me what I wanted. He picked me up still thrusting into me deeply as he pressed me against the headboard of the hotel bed. Then he practically slammed into me.

I leaned my head back and moaned. He began to say my name. "Clara…Clara….Clara….."

I came over and over again quickly forgetting about the pain a half hour ago. I never thought that I would loose my virginity this way. As we both hit our climaxes for the last time, he bit me on my neck hard. I shrieked loving it.

He instantly pulled out of me his cum leaking out of his cock and onto the sheets. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" he growled angry at himself as he scanned my naked body making sure that I was okay.

"I'm fine," I blushed, "I just didn't expect it, but I liked it."

He looked down at his penis something catching his eye. Something red….oh no! I blushed harder. "You-you-" he brushed his fingers through his hair again. For the first time in his life bad boy Paul Lahote was speechless. He cleared his throat looking up at me with an expression of awe on his face. "You gave me-"

I nodded. He smiled at me looking honored. Then he tilted his head down and began to kiss me inbetween my boobies and down and down and down until he reached my pussy. He kissed my opening once.

"What are you-" I was cut off by his tongue. He began to lick me slowly going deeper and deeper and deeper…..I began to thrash around shrieking again. Then I tilted my back, back as I hit my climax. He put his mouth around my whole opening sucking down every last drop until I was dry.

I was breathing heavily by the time he placed me back down on the bed. He laid down next to me and pulled me to him until I was curled up with my head resting against his large chest with his head resting on top of mine. His legs were tangled with my own.

I grabbed his huge cock looking up at his. "I can…you know-if you want-"

He interrupted me kissing me roughly before pulling away. "No its ok," he said and then in a much more serious voice, "you gave me much more than I could ever-"

It was my turn to cut him off with a kiss. He moaned rolling on top of me. We did it two more times before we were exhausted. Checking the clock on the nightstand, I saw that it was eleven thirty.

My Dad thought that I was over at a friend's house. Bella was married now to Edward and was probably turning into a vampire right now.

I yawned as Paul picked me up off the bed, bridal style and walked us towards the bathroom. "What are you doing?" I giggled.

"You are going to be sore tomorrow, but a bath will help," he informed me. I didn't want to tell him that I already felt sore because I didn't regret any of it.

As he placed me into the large tub after making sure the water was warm enough, I began to think about tomorrow. Even though I had no other experiences with this sort of thing, I knew how these things ended. Tomorrow we would go back to our normal lives, and probably never see each other again if he doesn't kick me out after the bath.

I sighed trying to think about something else, anything else because I liked Paul. I didn't know if it was just because of the sex or the fact that he had treated me so nice while giving me a really good time, but I knew that I would think about him tomorrow and probably the next day after that until I meet my lifetime partner. It would be hard to forget Paul.

I sighed. "What's wrong?" Paul demanded as he dipped a wash rag I hadn't realized he had grabbed and put some soap on it.

"Nothing," I tried to smile, but as soon as I did for some reason it made me sadder. I began to tear up trying to cover it up with my hands. Paul instantly dropped the rag into the water and tried to pull my hands away from my face.

"Clara? Clara!" Paul raised his voice desperate and concerned. When it was pretty clear that he couldn't get me to look at him, he climbed into the bath tub sitting right in front of me.

"Come on," he pleaded trying to remove my hands from my face again, "look at me. Was it the sex? Are you hurting? I'm sorry…please just tell me what is wrong, so that I can fix it."

I pulled my hands away from my face still refusing to meet his eyes. "Clara?" he was hesitant.

I took a deep breath then exhaled. "I was just thinking about tomorrow, and how I will never see you again," I said and then began to cry.

He cursed suddenly angry. I knew that he would get mad. This was supposed to be a one night stand and here I was acting immature and letting my emotions get into the way.

I voiced what I was thinking out loud. "I'm just not ready for this," I sobbed. Immediately he was quiet. I was slightly relieved. Maybe he wasn't as angry anymore.

He grabbed my chin gently and tilted it up until I was looking at his handsome face.

He was going to tell me to leave. Then tomorrow he'll go back the same bar where we met and he'll hook up with someone older, much more mature. I began to cry again.

"Please stop crying, I can't stand to hear it," he sounded defeated, sad. I just had to ruin everything.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"No I'm sorry," he said his eyes locking onto mine. They were so intense. His sounded calm even though I knew that he was anything but. He was pissed. "When I brought you here tonight I did it because I thought that you wanted it. I never planned on pressuring you into it. I planned on loving you and pleasing every inch of your body."

"And you did and in return I ruined a good time," I said tears trailing down my cheeks.

"No you didn't ruin anything. I did," he insisted rubbing my tears away.

"What do you mean?" I was confused. Wasn't he suppose to be mad at me? Yelling for me to get out?

He placed his hands on both sides of my face, lovingly as he starred into the windows of soul. "As soon as my eyes laid on you Clarice Annabelle Swan, I knew that I had met my soulmate," he sincerely declared.

I blinked not believing any of it. I wasn't the kind of girl that guys fell for at first sight. I was Clara Swan cute, quiet with large blue eyes that bugged out because of my big blue framed glasses. I was the girl from the library. I was the girl you went to, to help you out with a project in science class or English.

I have never been called by my first name before. The way he saw me so elegant and beautiful…it was so refreshing. No better than that. More intense.

"I don't know what to say," I began before it dawned on me. "You aren't just saying that so that I'll sleep with you again?"

He shook his head at me. "And here I was thinking that I was treating you like the princess that you are. Clara I am not going to sleep with you until I get to know you. Until you trust me. Until you realize that I plan to wake up with you in my bed every morning. Until you realize that you are the only woman for me."

Is this the Paul that my friends worried about? The bad, arrogant boy? The player?

I didn't say anything as he grabbed the washcloth that had sunk to the bottom of the tub and hovered it over my body. "May I?" he asked. I nodded and put my finger on my bottom lip not understanding what I had just agreed to.

His eyes softened. "You can trust me you know. I am never going to do anything that you don't want to do."

Then he began to wash every single inch of my body. After that he started to talk to me asking me questions about myself before he realized that I was too tired to function. Then he dried both of us off with the same towel before picking me up and bringing me to the bed.

I fell asleep in Paul's arms that night.