Disclaimer: I do not own Thunderbirds Are Go.

AN: These are small drabbles and ideas that I get in an AU where Penelope and John are siblings...hopefully it's realistic. Enjoy!

Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward was no fool, even at the tender age of six. She understood things much better than children her age should, and learned things with astonishing speed. But there were still some things beyond the reach of her six-year-old mind. Such as why her older brother was speaking funny.

"Why are you speaking like that, John?" Penelope asked, blinking big blue eyes at him. Her brother had decided that he hadn't liked the name 'Johnathan', and had promptly shortened it to 'John', much to Great Aunt Sylvia's horror.

John laughed as he held her hand, leading her to the mansion's gardens. "Like what, Penelope?"

"Like that!" Penelope frowned. "You sound funny."

John just laughed again, turning his sister's attention to the flowers blooming around them. So Penelope decided to talk to their father.

That night, Lord Hugh Creighton-Ward was surprised when his six-year-old daughter ran into his room as if the hounds of Hell were chasing her. She was dressed in her nightgown, blonde hair flying out behind her.

"Father! Father!" She cried, rushing into his arms.

Lord Creighton-Ward easily lifted his petite daughter into his arms and onto his lap. "What is it, Penelope?"

"John has been speaking odd all day!" Penelope pouted, folding her arms and looking a perfect mixture of confused and irritated.

"Don't pout, love." Lord Creighton-Ward gave her a small smile. "What do you mean, 'speaking odd'?"

As if on cue, his eight-year-old son appeared in the doorway, green eyes glinting eerily in the firelight. "Good evening, father."

"See? He's doing it again!" Penelope pointed.

"Don't point, Penelope." Lord Creighton-Ward chided. "And Johnathan," he smiled at the scowl that appeared on John's face, "I mean, John, has not been speaking odd. He has been practicing his American accent."

Penelope wrinkled her nose delicately. "Americans speak like that?"

"That they do, Penelope." John grinned at her, opening his arms. Penelope immediately took the invitation, gracefully sliding down from her father's arms and running straight into her brother's. "That they do."