The Cortex, STAR Labs, 0030 hours.
It wasn't long before Lizzie was in Joan's arms as she carried the little girl into STAR Labs. Caitlin showed Joan and Tess to a nearby room where Lizzie and Baby Jessica could lay down while Henry and Nora, who were several steps behind, told Barry that they needed to check in on Joan and Lizzie. Caitlin didn't know what to tell Joan as she lay Lizzie down on the bed, the little girl's eyes were still closed as she continued to cry. Tess sat down on the adjacent bed while holding the baby with Jessie sitting next to her.
"Tess," whispered Joan as she sat down behind Lizzie and placed a hand on her arm while the little girl lay on her side, her back facing Caitlin, Jessie, and Tess, "you could leave Jessica with me. Could you… could you please explain what happened?"
"I have a feeling they'd like to know how Barry…." Caitlin said as she leaned in towards Joan. Caitlin wanted Joan to be the one to talk to the others, however, Joan disagreed.
"Tess knows everything," Joan said interrupting Caitlin as Tess nodded her head while handing over the quiet toddler to Joan. Baby Jessica laughed upon seeing Joan's face, who managed a sad smile at her since she felt there was no need to alarm the baby. Joan looked up at Caitlin, and then at Tess and Jessie while holding Jessica close to her. She explained that someone needed to stay with Lizzie. Tess nodded her head before getting off the bed, and then gently rubbing Joan's shoulder before trudging out of the room with Caitlin and Jessie behind her.
Joan looked down at baby Jessica once she was alone, and then heard the soft breathing of her daughter as she finally went off to sleep. Sitting alone in the room, Joan closed her eyes as the sheer weight of everything that happened just crashed down on her. She lowered her head and raised Baby Jessica up to her chest before her shoulders stated to tremble. With Joan's hair now covering her face, Joan began sobbing in silence as she tried not to make too much sound. Her lips were wordlessly moving while tears streamed down her face, and fell onto her arm as baby Jessica lay her head on Joan's shoulder.
"Honey?" said Nora as she strode into the room with Henry; both of them looking worried at the woman. Joan looked back up with trails of tears on her cheeks before she wiped them away as Henry stepped alongside her and placed his hand on her shoulder. At feeling the contact, Joan placed the side of her head on top of his hand while Nora was rubbing her arm. Joan looked up at Nora before shaking her head and crying softly with the older woman reaching around and hugging Joan. Nora had tears going down her face as well, so did Henry. The both of them lost two sons…. Barry and Jay; and they lost their other daughter in-law, their Iris, as well.
All of them had lost their entire world. Henry gently told Joan that the others were heading to the Cortex to talk about what happened, "and we're going to be here with you."
Joan nodded her head which lay on Nora's shoulder as the latter sat down next to her while Henry gently rubbed her back. He too was trying to stifle the tears away as he looked at the two children. To him, their lives life had been overturned. There was no way to go back to how it used to be. While he looked down at Joan and Lizzie, he knew in his heart hat this version of his son was madly in love with Iris. It was something saw with his own eyes when she and Barry held hands together tight.
For now though, Henry didn't want to think about Barry and Iris. He was more focused on Joan and Lizzie. And it wouldn't be too long before Henry was given baby Jessica to hold so that the crying Joan could lay down next to her sleeping daughter. Joan wrapped her arms around her daughter after laying down behind her, while Nora kissed the sides of both of their heads before whispering good night to the both of them.
She and Henry then sat on the other bed, the older woman carrying baby Jessica in her arms.
"Will everything be all right, Henry?" asked Nora softly while looking at her husband.
"Eventually," said Henry as he placed his hand on Nora's knee, and then looked over at Joan who lay down on her side with her back facing him, "eventually."
Central City Picture News, 1300 hours; a week later.
"What does one say to a woman who not only married the man that you love; but has had a child with him as well?"
As Iris walked out of the offices of Central City Picture News, she had yet to deal with that conundrum for the past week ever since Joan, Lizzie, Henry, Nora, Tess, baby Jessica, and Jessie travelled through time from an alternate timeline created by Barry.
At first, she was angry at Barry for being successful in changing the future, and then getting stuck in the past. She was furious after the meeting a week ago at STAR Labs, the day he returned from the past with Joana and Lizzie, that he tried to do something that could have had unforeseen consequences on them all.
As she stood on the sidewalk waiting for Barry to take them to the bus station to see off Lizzie and Joan, Iris recalled Sara, Stein, and Jax scolding him for what he did to the timeline; or rather what he would have done if Lizzie and Joan hadn't stopped him.
"This is the consequences of playing with time, Barry," whispered Sarah a week ago when the Legends, Tess, and Jessie were briefing Team Flash about the alternate time-line, "you have to live with the knowledge that your actions changed their lives through no fault of their own." Sara nodded at Tess and Jessie before mentioning Henry, Nora, Joan, and Lizzie, "the world they knew is gone. And you…."
"Miss Lance," Stein whispered as he lay a hand on a panting Sara's shoulder before she could say anything else. And all Barry could do was look down at the floor in the Cortex.
"I don't think there's anything else there is to say," said Sara shaking her head at Barry, "I'm going to said my goodbyes to Lizzie and her mother, and the others, before heading for the shuttle." Sara then walked past Barry while telling Stein and Jax that she'll be waiting for them outside. Barry watched her walk past before looking away with the full knowledge that she was right. He messed up big time. It was a few minutes later that Stein and Jax left as well, the both of them simply asking Barry to be careful since time travel had consequences.
"And time has a way of pushing back against any change to the natural order of things," said Stein gently before patting Barry's shoulder and then leaving.
"I should get some sleep," said Tess softly as she got off the bed, "Jessica's probably keeping Joan up. She hasn't slept yet and… and maybe she's bothering Nora and Henry."
"I'll go with you, mom," said Jessie as she held her hand. Wally was about to ask Jessie if she could stay up a little longer and talk, but thought the better of it. He watched Jessie tell Caitlin before leaving that she needed the scientist to test her blood for the nanites she had talked about earlier. She also added that she needed a vaccine of some kind that could be administered to meta-humans and other powered people in their Earth before the Dominators could make a move against them.
"I'll test the blood I already drew from you," Caitlin said, "give me two days to come up with something. Although, it would be easier if you and Mrs. Wells could help me."
"I just need some rest, Dr. Snow," said Tess.
"Of course," said Caitlin as she looked at the exhausted Tess who then walked away with Jessie's arm around her shoulders.
With the newcomers gone, only Team Flash was left as they tried to wrap their minds around what had just happened. Iris wiped her faced with both hands as she sat down next to Barry while Wally was leaning against the wall as he looked at the door which Jessie had just walked out of. Wally sighed at the thought that even Jessie's world had changed given that she was sent back five years into the past, Joe was standing with a far-away look in his eyes as he remembered the day he and his partner were called to the scene of Joan's murder.
"So," said Cisco as he sat at the main console with Caitlin. His voice shook everyone out of the thoughts running in their own heads, and looked up at him. He then leaned forward and shook his head, "that was really heavy."
"I feel sorry for Lizzie," said Caitlin with a frown, "I mean… to lose everything when you're so young and… I can't imagine that."
Barry didn't know what to say to that. The knowledge that Lizzie was his daughter was gnawing at him, but he also knew that he had no feelings for her. He was sorry that she, Joan, Tess and her baby lost their world… but he didn't have any feelings for any of them. Barry covered his mouth as he thought about his mother, father, and Jessie… to him, they were the ones he knew and had a connection with.
At least it would be easier for him to re-connect with them. And it would be easier for everyone to reconnect with them. He glanced over at Iris, and wondered what she was thinking about the fact that Joan and Lizzie were his wife and daughter respectively before looking away and thinking, 'no, they were your alternate's wife and daughter. Not yours. Besides, 'Jay' told you to live your life. And your life is with Iris.'
"Do you think that Tess would want to stay?" asked iris. Barry closed his eyes and breathed out in relief that she hadn't asked about Joan and Lizzie. Especially he didn't know what to say.
"Probably not," said Cisco as he glanced over at Barry. The Speedster noticed the look Cisco gave him before looking away and explained, "we've already told her that Dr. Wells was the Reverse-Flash and… well… I mean the other Barry already told her about Dr. Wells. And… I mean… I guess she wouldn't want to be associated with the man who murdered Barry's mother… I mean our Barry's mother. And I don't think she'll want to change her last name… and since Harry's alive in Earth Two, I'm guessing that she'd want to go to Earth Two."
"Having three Jessie's will be funny for Harry though," said Wally.
"Can't wait to see his face and…"
"What about Joan and Lizzie?" asked Cisco interrupting Barry.
"We should ask them tomorrow," whispered Iris as she held onto Barry's hand. She too was trying to bring her mind around that fact. Her anger at Barry was rapidly giving way to concern at how he was taking all of this, "and I think we need to talk to Henry and Nora the same question and…"
"I think mom and dad would be staying here," said Barry.
"I don't know, Bar," Joe said shaking his head, "all of them are from the alternate timeline, and… and yeah, you're still their son… but Joan and Lizzie are family too."
"And I'm not?" asked Barry leading to a sigh from Joe before he shook his head and told Barry that they were still his parents… and at the same time they weren't.
"They're from another time when they had two Barry's… a time line where…."
"I…" said Barry when he interrupted Joe. However, he stopped and looked at Cisco who slammed his hand onto the console in front of him. The sound made Caitlin slightly jump back before settling down as all heads turned to the young man.
"You changed time, Barry," said Cisco who was trying to keep his calm, but at the same time there were cracks in his voice that indicated he was angry, "or at least you tried to change time. You…"
"I already heard this from Sara, Cisco," whispered Barry rubbing the back of his head. He could feel the anger just coming off of Cisco who kept on talking.
"Yea," Cisco said nodding his head, "now you're hearing it from me. You tried to change all of our futures without our permission. Look, I can't imagine how you must have felt when Henry died…."
"Cisco," Caitlin gently said as Barry looked up at Cisco. However, Cisco continued before saying that everything he was saying was the truth.
"There are so many people in the world who get murdered, Barry," said Cisco as he looked at Barry, "all of them have to move on with their lives. Just because you have the power to travel back in time does not mean that you have the right to change the past… especially not when you know it's going to affect everyone."
"What would you say if your brother died, Cisco?" asked Barry softly.
"Barry," admonished Iris as she held onto Barry's hand.
"I'd probably ask you to change time," admitted Cisco, "and I'd trust you enough to say no. Because if you say no, then that means that I'll be forced to deal with his loss like everyone else who loses a family member. You could have changed all of our lives, Barry… actually, you did change all of our lives… and you would have if they didn't stop you. In the end, that change you caused ended a world. Yea, we're all back here at STAR Labs like it didn't happen... but the fact is that it did happen. History did change, and now we've got survivors here who'll have to deal with their loss. Barry, you got your mom and dad… but they lost everything."
Barry knew that Cisco was right. And while his anger subsided over the next few days, Cisco remained concerned for the survivors. As did Barry, and the rest of Team Flash.
Back in the present day, Iris looked to her left and right for Barry before she closed her eyes and sighed. It was true that she and Joan were like oil and water; they weren't mixing at all. Iris suspected that the reason was because it was hard for Joan seeing Barry with her; and so, Iris didn't know what to say or do. Iris knew in her heart that Barry was Joan's Jay if he changed the timeline like he wanted to… but the young woman kept on telling herself that this was her Barry. Eventually, two days after returning to the present day from the past, Joan, Lizzie, Tess, Jessica, and Jessie left Central City to stay in Henry's cabin for a few days while Henry and Nora stayed in Central City. They wanted to leave as well to have some time with family, but Barry asked the both of them to stay so that they could catch up – and it was Joan who had supported them staying.
It would be a few days later that Felicity, who was the first to discover the return of Henry and Nora, Tess and then baby Jessica. And then the next to find out would be Mayor Oliver Queen and a very surprised Thea. They were excited at the return of Barry's parents, and then listened in stunned silence after Barry explained how they returned. When it came to Joan and Lizzie's involvement however, Barry didn't tell Felicity, Oliver, and Thea who Joan and Lizzie really were. He just told them, with a brave façade even though his heart ached, that Joan and Lizzie were simply survivors who arrived along with Henry, Nora, and Tess. He also casually mentioned that Lizzie was the Flash in the other timeline… a fact that left Thea and Felicity surprised.
Barry told Iris after returning that Thea and Felicity wanted to meet the little girl, but Barry told them that it was better to just leave her alone. However, he told Iris that Oliver was suspicious, and took him aside later and asked for the truth.
But Barry kept up the façade and lied to Oliver in regards to who Lizzie and Joan really were. After returning, Barry continued to tell Iris that he didn't want to complicate matters so he asked Oliver that there was nothing important about Lizzie. Iris had looked into his eyes and knew in her heart that Barry was simply trying to protect Lizzie in his own way; and she dreaded the fallout from everyone when the truth was found out; at least if it was ever found out.
Iris remembered Barry calling Joan at Henry's cabin to tell her what he told Oliver, Thea, and Felicity. And Iris could only imagine Joan's heartbreak when she looked at the expression on Barry's face as he talked to Joan before he put the phone.
Back in the present day, Iris stood on the sidewalk outside CCPN waiting for Barry, and wondering what was taking him so long since they agreed to see off Joan and Lizzie at the bus station in ten minutes. She sighed and thought back to earlier last night when Joan, Lizzie, Tess, and Jessie returned from the cabin.
By then, Caitlin had come up with a way to remove the nanites out of Jessie's system and had already created a vaccine that would prevent the nanites from re-infecting her body. Soon after returning, Iris could sense the frost between her and Joan as they two of them tried avoiding each other… which was difficult as they were meeting in the West home. Eventually, Joan, Lizzie, Tess, Jessie who was holding Baby Jessica, Henry, and Nora got into a small room for a family meeting.
They were going to discuss the next step since their new identities were set up by Felicity earlier that day. Eventually, Tess decided to go to Earth Two with Jessie and Baby Jessica. She was going to try and make a new life with Harry and the alternate Jessie… but she promised Joan, Lizzie, Nora, and Henry that she'll visit them every week. Joan admitted to Tess and the others that it was difficult for her and Lizzie to stay in Central City where Barry was clearly in love with Iris. She interrupted Henry and Nora by saying that she could see it with her own two eyes, and she wasn't going to interfere. Joan then placed an arm around Lizzie's shoulder and said that they had to come to terms that Barry wasn't their Jay… and that it would be difficult to accomplish if they remained in Central City.
Iris checked her watch as she stood on the sidewalk while recalling last night Joan and the others telling Joe, Wally, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and herself their decision. While Joan didn't reveal the real reason for her and Lizzie leaving for Portland, Iris knew it had something to do with Barry. It would be after Jessie and Lizzie brought back their respective mothers to STAR Labs that Nora took Barry and Iris to one side and explained Joan's decision to leave.
"The both of you have your lives to live," said Nora in the kitchen with the two of them while Henry, Joe, and the others were in the living room, "Joan will explain to Lizzie that Barry's not Jay… I mean she's still a little girl who's been traumatised the most out of all of us. So, it'll take her a bit longer to understand the changes… but I know she understands that Barry and Jay aren't the same people."
"So, I… I mean…"
"Joan's not going to ask you to be in her life, or in Lizzie's life, Barry," said Nora gently as she held Barry's hand. "I honestly don't know what's the right thing to do in this situation... maybe it's better to just give them some time. Maybe when she's older, Lizzie would want to meet with you and have some sort of a relationship. For now, I think it's better to give them some time to themselves."
"And you. Mrs. Allen?" asked Iris while Barry walked around the kitchen island and held onto Nora's hand.
"Henry and I will stay here for a few months," said Nora looking at Barry. She knew that the young man was having a difficult time with everything that's been going on; he did change the past so that she could be saved after all. So after Nora and Henry discussed this with Joan and the others, the two of them decided to stay in Central City for a few months with Barry. "But in the end, we're planning to move to Portland as well. Joan already said she'll work at home using the fund that Ray set up for us, and Henry's been thinking about opening a new practice there as well."
Nora then placed a hand on Barry's cheek and said, "you've already grown up so much, Barry. Right now though, Lizzie needs me and Henry more than you need us."
"They are my family too, Barry," said Nora, "just like you are. Besides, you'll be able to visit us by plane or you can just run. Lizzie's my granddaughter, and Joan's my daughter-in-law,… and right now we need each other."
Back in the present day, Iris looked up from her watch as she recalled Jessie taking her mother and Baby Jessica to Earth Two while hearing a 'whoosh' sound in the distance. She then looked to her left as a red blur and lightning approached her. For a moment, everything was a blur before she found herself in a hallway looking at a door. She narrowed her eyes and looked confused at a smiling Barry who held up a key in between his thumb and forefinger.
"Barry?" asked Iris looking at the key, and then into his eyes, and back at the key again, "what are we… we were supposed to be in the bus station, and…"
"They're not my wife and daughter, Iris," said Barry as he placed the key into the palm of her left hand. He then closed the hand around the key, and held onto her right hand before saying, "but I do want a have a life with you. I…."
"Barry." Whispered Iris as she placed a hand on his cheek.
"Maybe I made a mistake going back in time," whispered Barry as he looked at Iris, "if I knew that changing time would mean I would have to lose my powers and settle for someone else then… then… I mean, maybe Cisco was right. I had you, him, Caitlin, Joe and Wally to help me get over my dad's death. I can't change what I did.. but right now, I have my parents back and… and I want the rest of my life to be with you."
"Barry," whispered Iris as she looked into his eyes, "Lizzie's still your daughter. What if she wants to get to know you after she become eighteen? Or what if she…"
"She's not mine, Iris," said Barry as he glanced away for just a moment, "she's Jay's… she's the other me's daughter. Not mine."
"Barry…" Iris didn't finish what she wanted to say as Barry leaned in to kiss her. A few second later, they parted. Iris then gave a soft smile before wrapping her arms behind Barry's neck. "Barry, I know that a part of you will regret…"
"I don't have any feelings for them," said Barry as he leaned in to kiss Iris again. His heart ached as he thought about Joan and Lizzie. But he kept on thinking to himself that he didn't love them. The same thing was repeating in his mind while, at the same time, thinking to himself that he loved Iris, and he was going to have a family with her. While kissing Iris, Barry reached into his pocket, took out another kay while pushing her against the door. He then unlocked, and opened the door, before closing it behind him.
Central City Bus Station, at the same time.
"We'll see you and Lizzie in six months, Joan" whispered Nora as she hugged her daughter-in-law tight while Henry was holding onto his grand-daughter in his arms. The line of passengers had already gathered behind them as they stood on one of the platforms while waiting for the bus to roll in.
"We'll be waiting," whispered Joan returning the hug as she held on to the woman tight.
"We've already found a nice place near your apartment," said Nora as she pulled back and looked into Joan's eyes with eyes red and puffy while she wiped a tear. Nora let go of Joan's hand before stepping aside for Henry to hug her as she hugged Lizzie while Caitlin, Cisco, and Joe stood by on one side.
Joan nodded her head before pulling back and wiping her eyes as the gathered line of people behind them started to walk into the awaiting bus. She and a silent Lizzie, who hadn't been able to sleep much for the past week, stood side by side while Henry reached down and hugged the little girl once again. Joan then said her goodbyes to Joe, Caitlin, and Cisco.
The younger man shook hands with Joan and Lizzie before saying that he wished they didn't have to leave. Lizzie looked up at her mother, and then at Cisco. She remembered the alternate version of the man she used to call 'Uncle Cisco', and the there was 'Uncle Joe' and 'Aunt Cait'; and immediately, she felt a little down that they were dead… in fact they never existed. And given the fact that Barry had been avoiding Lizzie and Joan – only being around them while celebrating the return of Nora, Henry, Tess, and Jessie… Lizzie knew that Barry wasn't her father.
"It's time we left," said Lizzie as she looked away from Cisco.
"You… you really don't have to leave, Joan," said Joe as he took a step back, "Barry's been…"
"It's hard on him," Joan said nodding her head as she held on tight to Lizzie, "and it's been hard on me and Lizzie. And with Tess and baby Jessica gone to Earth Two… well…"
"I can't imagine," said Joe shaking his head.
"We're here," said Henry as he picked up lizzie and hugged her, "we'll come join you soon." He then looked at Lizzie and asked her how she felt about that. And Henry grinned when Lizzie nodded her head before he put the little girl down and Caitlin crouched down while brushing a stray hair away.
"If you need anything," said Cisco as he stepped forward with his hands in his pockets while looking at Lizzie, "call me ok. New uniform, or… I mean, anything. Call me."
"I will," smiled Lizzie before he looked up at Joan and gave a small smile while Caitlin looked around her surroundings and wondered aloud why Barry and Iris were late. Lizzie then looked up at her mother while Joe took out his phone to dial their cell phones.
Joan shook her head saying that it was alright if Barry and Iris didn't come to see them off, "I haven't exactly been Miss Approachable since coming here, Joe," She then looked away from Joe and looked over at Lizzie who was talking to Caitlin and Cisco with a smile on her face. IN the meantime, Nora had her arms around Lizzie's chest while Henry was stroking the back of the little girl's head. As Joan glanced at the interaction between the two scientists, Joan heartily believed that maybe the little girl would one day see them as Uncle cisco and Aunt Cait once again. "I just want the best for her, and there's too many memories here. I want her in a new place where we can start a brand new life."
"I understand," said Joe as he lay a hand on Joan's shoulder, "it's great to know you're going to be fine."
While Joe and Joan were talking, Cisco asked Lizzie if she was going to use the same name as Barry's alter ego, "you know who I'm talking about." While he talked, Cisco made sure that they were far enough from the line of people before whispering, "the Flash? I mean, Barry's the Flash and having two would just…"
"Technically," said Nora as she went on one knee and placed her chin on Lizzie's shoulder from behind, "my Lizzie's been the Flash back in our timeline."
"Yea, I mean…" said Cisco as Lizzie giggled. He stopped talking while Caitlin smirked before asking Lizzie if she wanted to update her name. At this point, Cisco perked up and snapped his fingers, "I know; Kid Flash."
"No," said Lizzie, Henry, and Nora.
"Warp?" asked Lizzie, "Phaser? Saber? Lightning Bolt?"
"Too Star Trekky, Saber? No…. Bolt? No…." said Cisco before a frown appeared on his lips while Caitlin took out her phone, and tapped on the screen, "how about Girl Lightning, or…"
"No," said Henry as Lizzie giggled.
"Aurora," said Caitlin as she looked up from her phone to a smiling Lizzie.
"I can see it now," whispered Cisco as a smile appeared on Lizzie's face upon hearing the name Aurora, "a new blue uniform with a bit of gold and…"
"Here's a few suggestions," said Henry interrupting Cisco who looked up at him and narrowed his eyes while saying that he was on a roll in regards to her new suit. However, Henry ignored him with a smile plastered on his face and offered two names, "how about Hermes, or Mercury?"
"Or," said Caitlin as she looked up from the phone again, "how about this one… god of motion. Savitar?"
"I like Aurora," said Lizzie, "or maybe even Savitar. Mercury and Hermes? Sorry grampa, but no."
"It's okay," said Henry before he ruffled her hair just as they heard an engine behind them turn. Lizzie, Henry, Caitlin, Nora, and Cisco looked on as the bus heading for Portland was being driven towards them. Lizzie then took a deep breath, she was aware that everything had already begun to change, and then turned to Cisco who said that he'll have Jessie bring the new uniform to Lizzie when she comes to visit and train her next week. Lizzie nodded her head excitedly before turning to Joan who was talking to Joe, and called out for her.
"Mommy!" yelled Lizzie as a honking bus drove towards them. The line behind them started to get animated as the bus stopped, and the doors opened. Lizzie kissed Nora and Henry on their cheeks before rushing to Joan. The little girl grabbed Joan's hand while she hugged Joe, and then went on to hug both Henry and Nora.
"See you soon," whispered Joan in Nora's ear before she parted while holding onto Lizzie's hand. Joan then bent down and grabbed her bag before she and Lizzie turned, got up the stairs and walked over to their seats. The bus was nearly full as they took the last two spots and looked out the window while waving their hands at the group. A second later, the door closed, and then the bus started to move towards a new life for Lizzie and Joan. Joan sat back on her seat after Nora and the others were passed. Lizzie then lay her head on Joan's arm and grabbed her hand.
"I love you, mommy," whispered the little girl.
"Love you too, sweetheart," Joan whispered before kissing the top of Lizzie's head. It was ten minutes later that the bus went past the city limits, and to their new future in Portland.
The End.