It was a beautiful day in Central City; Leonard was already not a fan. He was walking with the rest of the Legends down a street. He and Rory were taking extra precaution not to be noticed. Rip had given them the day off in their own time and even elected to join them, after Ray wheedled him into it. So they were taking a walk through the town and relaxing. Or they were until they walked in front of the toyshop.

Sara stopped right in the middle of the walkway, hand going up to cover her opened, shocked mouth. Jax ended up walking right into the blonde assassin.

"Oh. My. God." Sara was still standing in front of the window as everyone looked to see what had caused her reaction. As they all looked she burst into a fit of giggles.

Leonard tried to push through to the front of the group, who had put up a small barrier between the street and the shop window. Almost like dominoes falling, the rest of the group started chuckling or outright laughing. Palmer had his hands on his knees belting out loud laughter. Sara was still giggling and looked close to falling over. Jax was patting Ray on the back while laughing himself. Rip just kept smiling like he already knew this, which he probably did. Kendra was smiling hugely, all blinding white teeth and absolute mirth. Professor Stein even looked amused in his own geezer way. Mick was the only one glancing at him and if Mick was trying to be delicate… this must be bad.

Leonard finally pushed his way to the front only for the weirdest sight he could remember. His face, a wall post-it opposite of the Flash, was staring back at him. It was an advertisement for the new action figures that were on display in the same window. A mini version of himself stared back from below, cold gun raised to kill. Ray was still howling with laughter, but much of the team was now looking at him for his reaction.

He paused a moment to gather his thoughts before turning around to face them. "Well… at least they got the hair right." The whole team burst into laughter, Mick included this time. Leonard gave his signature sardonic smile, it only dropping when Sara ran in to buy her very own Snart action figure. He turned quickly in an attempt to hide his blushing smirk. It did help that when Jax asked if she was going to sleep with it, that Sara couldn't hide her own blush.