Title: Arrested Love

Writer: DModifire

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the OC'S

Authors note: I have been trying to write this chapter forever, I hope you like it. R&R please

Tori is at her Fathers Office at the LAPD chief headquaters

Tori: Katie at the M.E. said the vict was druged, raped then chocked to death, Big Mans signture was on her shoulder

David: Yes Tori I do know, But that doesn't give me enough to have Jades case reopened.

Tori: Come on dad, you're the freaking police commissioner why can't you.

David: Because I have a protocal to follow, look sweety, I know you want to solve Jades case but-

Tori: I need to solve it dad, I need closer.

David: I know.

Later on that day Tori decides to make a call to a old friend

Beck: Oliver-

Tori: Beck it's Tori

Beck: Dectetive Vega, to what do i owe this pleasure?

Tori: Finally getting to the bottom of Jade's disapperance

Beck: what are you talking about Tori?

Tori: Meet me at at the spot and i'll tell you everything.

Later on that evening Tori and Beck meet at the parking lot of Hollywood Arts

Tori: Detective Oliver.

Beck: Dectective Vega.

Tori: This spot is where our lives first changed forever.

Beck: I remember it like yesterday.

Tori: When we both decided to drop our futures for Jade.

Beck: Where we both promised each other to find her and bring her home.

Tori: That's why I called you, I know you heard about the victim that was found three nights ago in the alley.

Beck: What about it.

Tori: She's not just any victim Beck, she was one of Big Man's girls.

Beck: How do you know.

Tori: Katie saw the BM tattoo on her right shoulder.

Beck: You cought this case?

Tori: You know it, So what do you say, you in?

Beck: First did you ask the commissinor?

Tori: You mean my dad, yeah I asked him.

Beck: What did he say.

Tori: Does it matter.

Beck: Second, let me ask my partner, but i'm sure he'll be up to it.

Authors Note: i hope you guys liked it, please review