Back inside the Infirmary the white haired Akashiya face frowned up in displeasure and disgust about what Ulquiorra told her. Looking back on it all, it was nothing but a big confusing mess. The place he calls home is nothing but an endless desert filled with white sand and quartz trees dotting the landscape. But her main question was what did he mean by he was the only of his kind here. If so just where did he come from if that's the case it doesn't make any sense.
Those memories filled with monsters never seen before so grotesque just looking at makes one's skin crawl. Large holes in there chest and white masks and those horrendous shrieks. And to think he's one of them, a monster made out of countless human Souls fused together. I don't understand how is it possible I've never heard of these things before. Calling them monsters is an understatement they are nothing more than wild animals but he looks so normal when compared to those things.
I have to warn tsukune about Ulquiorra , and I might be able to convince him but my other half will be much harder. As she is too naive to understand the danger he poses to us. I don't Tsukune will be there two pull my Rosario off he ever does turn on us. Even if he can unseal me I honestly don't think I'd be able to win. Even now I'm convinced that he's holding back and not telling the whole truth. I can't let anything happen to my other self or the people she holds dear.
But what truly worrying was how similar or even stronger some of his powers were. Like comparing their regeneration as he was able to regrow his entire eye is a matter of seconds.
(End of inner mokas pov)
Making his way back to class after that irritating bell rang yet again. Ulquiorra thought back to what happened previously not sure if it was the right choice to tell her. She seems quite brash and hot headed, prone to overthinking things. Making a decision, the best thing to do is simply wait.
Arriving relatively early compared to anyone one else's even Ms. Nekonome had yet to arrive. Leaving him with a small amount of free time to do research from bite-size monster dictionary . Deciding it would be best to research just how strong a vampire is or can be incase things went awry. But what was found piqued his curiosity.
Yoke Conversion: The signature ability of the Vampire race is their ability to channel their unrivaled reserves of Yoke directly into their unique musculature, generating incredibly high levels of raw strength.
Regeneration Abilities: As a species highly specialized for combat, Vampires possess unrivaled regeneration abilities and incredible stamina. Their regeneration is in response to receiving damage can be almost reflexive if not automatic
Yoke Detection: Another signature vampire ability is the ability to not only sense an opponent's energy, but their intentions as well. This allows a Vampire to be able to sense their thoughts and movements without relying on sound, sight, vibrations, and even smell, effectively enabling the Vampire to almost 'foresee' their enemy's attack, and fight accordingly.
Interesting , this power reminds me of the arrancars pesquisa All which moderately skilled in using minus that brutish idiot Yammy. Thinking about how similar some of our powers are including regeneration and body strengthening. Curious at the limit a vampire could heal injuries and how fast could they do it. Another worrying entry where about the creatures known as ghouls born from Monster blood or an evil spirit possessing a dead body. As the information on them very scarce if not none existent. But class the final bell ringing signifying the start. As both a pink haired Akashiya and frowning Tsukune following behind.
zoning out for most of the class as most if it is basic monster math being one the quickest subject I've managed to learn. But breaking me out of my thoughts is Ms. Nekonome's voice" as everyone knows this academies main goal is to teach monsters how to fit into Human Society doing so will give us a clearer understanding of human society so all first years are to join a club of their choosing."
Following that tsukune had a shocked face not entirely sure how to feel about this.